989 resultados para EAST-AFRICAN
Samenausbreitung und Regeneration von Bäumen sind wichtig für den langfristigen Bestand von Baum- und Frugivorengemeinschaften in tropischen Regenwäldern. Zunehmende Rohdung und Degradation gefährden den Ablauf dieser mutualistischen Prozesse in diesem Ökosystem. Um den Einfluss von kleinräumiger menschlicher Störung auf die Frugivorengemeinschaft und die zentralen Ökosystemprozesse Samenausbreitung und Regeneration zu erforschen, habe ich 1) die Frugivorengemeinschaft und die Samenausbreitungsrate von Celtis durandii (Ulmaceae) und 2) den Zusammenhang zwischen Baumarten mit fleischigen Früchten, Frugivoren und der Etablierung von Keimlingen dieser Baumarten in unterschiedlich stark gestörten Flächen dreier ostafrikanischer tropischer Regenwälder untersucht. Insgesamt konnte ich 40 frugivore Vogel- und Primatenarten in den drei untersuchten Waldgebieten nachweisen. Auf gering gestörten Flächen wurden mehr Frugivore als auf stark gestörten Flächen aufgenommen. Auch die Beobachtungen an C. durandii ergaben mehr frugivore Besucher in Bäumen auf gering gestörten als auf stark gestörten Flächen. Dies führte zu einer marginal signifikant höheren Samenausbreitungsrate auf den gering gestörten Flächen. Diese Ergebnisse waren auf regionaler Ebene in allen drei untersuchten Wäldern konsistent. Dies zeigt, dass kleinräumige Störung einen umfassenderen negativen Einfluss auf Frugivore und ihre Funktion als Samenausbreiter hat als zuvor angenommen. Bei der Vegetationserfassung nahm ich 131 verschiedene Baumarten mit fleischigen Früchten in den drei Regenwäldern auf. Kleinräumige menschliche Störung erhöhte den Artenreichtum dieser Baumarten marginal signifikant, hatte jedoch keinen direkten Einfluss auf die Frugivorendichte und den Artenreichtum von Keimlingen dieser Baumarten. Der Artenreichtum von Baumarten mit fleischigen Früchten zeigte einen marginal signifikant positiven Einfluss auf die Frugivorendichte, allerdings nicht auf die Keimlinge. Allerdings führte die Dichte der Frugivoren zu signifikant erhöhtem Artenreichtum der Keimlinge. Folglich scheint kleinräumige Störung die Keimlingsetablierung indirekt durch erhöhten Baumartenreichtum und erhöhte Frugivorendichte zu beeinflussen. Die Frugivorendichte hatte einen größeren Einfluss auf die Waldregeneration als kleinräumige Störung und Baumartenreichtum. Demnach scheint kleinräumige menschliche Störung sowohl positive als auch negative Effekte auf Samenausbreitung und Regeneration zu haben. Somit sind weitere Studien notwendig, die den Einfluss von kleinräumiger menschlicher Störung auf Mutualismen tropischer Regenwälder aufklären.
The history of Lake Kivu is strongly linked to the activity of the Virunga volcanoes. Subaerial and subaquatic volcanoes, in addition to lake-level changes, shape the subaquatic morphologic and structural features in Lake Kivu's Main Basin. Previous studies revealed that volcanic eruptions blocked the former outlet of the lake to the north in the late Pleistocene, leading to a substantial rise in the lake level and subsequently the present- day thermohaline stratification. Additional studies have speculated that volcanic and seismic activities threaten to trigger a catastrophic release of the large amount of gases dissolved in the lake. The current study presents a bathymetric mapping and seismic profiling survey that covers the volcanically active area of the Main Basin at a resolution that is unprecedented for Lake Kivu. New geomorphologic features identified on the lake floor can accurately describe related lake-floor processes for the first time. The late Pleistocene lowstand is observed at 425 m depth, and volcanic cones, tuff rings, and lava flows observed above this level indicate both subaerial and subaquatic volcanic activities during the Holocene. The geomorphologic analysis yields new implications on the geologic processes that have shaped Lake Kivu's basin, and the presence of young volcanic features can be linked to the possibility of a lake overturn.
African cichlid fishes have undergone outbursts of explosive speciation in several lakes, accompanied by rapid radiations in coloration and ecology. Little is known about the evolutionary forces that triggered these events but a hypothesis, published by Wallace Dominey in 1984, has figured prominently. It states that the evolution of colour patterns is driven by sexual selection and that these colour patterns are important in interspecific mate choice, a combination which holds the potential for rapid speciation. Here we present phylogenetic analyses that describe major events in colour evolution and test predictions yielded by Dominey's hypothesis. We assembled information on stripe patterns and the presence or absence of nuptial coloration from more than 700 cichlid species representing more than 90 taxa for which molecular phylogenetic hypotheses were available. We show that sexual selection is most likely the selection force that made male nuptial coloration arise and evolve quickly. In contrast, stripe patterns, though phylogenetically not conserved either, are constrained ecologically. The evolution of vertical bar patterns is associated with structurally complex habitats, such as rocky substrates or vegetation. The evolution of a horizontal stripe is associated with a piscivorous feeding mode. Horizontal stripes are also associated with shoaling behaviour. Strength of sexual selection, measured in terms of the mating system (weak in monogamous, strong in promiscuous species), has no detectable effects on stripe pattern evolution. In promiscuous species the frequency of difference between sister species in nuptial hue is higher than in pair bonding and harem forming species, but the frequency of difference in stripe pattern is lower. We argue that differences between the two components of coloration in their exposure to natural selection explain their very different evolutionary behaviour. Finally, we suggest that habitat-mediated selection upon chromomotor flexibility, a special form of phenotypic plasticity found in the river-dwelling outgroups of the lake-dwelling cichlids, explains the rapid and recurrent ecology-associated radiation of stripe patterns in lake environments, a new hypothesis that yields experimentally testable predictions.
by Charles New, of the late Livingstone search and relief expedition
Chemical analyses have been carried out on 40 samples from the sediment surface and 210 samples from cores that were taken from the edge of the African continental block at the Arabian Sea (coasts of Somalia and Kenya, from Cape Guardafui to Mombasa) on the occasion of the Indian Ocean Expedition of the German research vessel "Meteor" during the years 1964/65. The carbonate content shows its maximum on the northern part of the continental shelf of Africa, where fossil reef debris furnish the detritic portion of carbonate. In the southern part of the continental shelf of Africa the portion of carbonate is low, as it is heavily diluted by the non-carbonatic detritus. It is also in the deep-sea that a lower carbonate content is encountered below the calcite compensation depth. Trace elements in the carbonates: On the shelf and in its vicinity Sr and Mg are enriched. The enrichment has been brought about by the portion of reef debris, as this latter contains aragonite (enrichment of Sr) as well as high-magnesium calcite. The greatest part of the slope contains carbonates that are poor in trace elements and mainly made up of foraminifera (and of coccoliths). Below the carbonate compensation depth another enrichment of Mg takes place in the carbonates, which is probably due to a selective dissolution of calcite in comparison to dolomite. The iron and manganese contents of the carbonates are high (iron higher in coast proximity, manganese higher in the depth), but not genuine, as they come about in the course of the extraction of the carbonates as a result of the dissolution of authigenic Mn-Fe-minerals. Non-carbonatic portion of the sediments: In coast proximity an enrichment of quartz comes about. Within the quartz-rich zone it is the elements V, Cr, Fe, Ti, and B that have been enriched in the non-carbonatic components. This enrichment must be attributed to an elevated content of heavy minerals. In the case of Ti and Fe the preliminary enrichment brought about by processes of lateritisation on the continent plays a certain role. Toward the deep-sea an enrichment of the elements Mn Ni, Cu, and Zn takes place; these enrichments must be explained by authigenic Mn-Fe-minerals. Within the Mn-rich zone a belt running parallel to the coast stands out that shows an increased Mn-enrichment. However, this increase in enrichment does not apply to the elements Ni, Cu, and Zn. It is probable that this latter increased enrichment comes about as a result of the migration of manganese to the sediment surface. (Within the sediments there prevail reductive conditions, in the presence of which Mn is capable of migration, whereas at the sediment surface its precipitation comes about under oxidizing conditions). The quantity of organic matter mainly is dependent on grain size and on the rate of sedimentation. On the shelf an impoverishment of organic matter is to be encountered, as the sediments are coarse-grained. In the depth the impoverishment must be explained on the strength of a small rate of sedimentation. Between those two ranges organic substance is enriched. P and N show an enrichment in comparison to Corg with this applying all the more the smaller the absolute quantity of Corg is. In this particular case one has to do with an enrichment coming about during the diagenetic processes of organic matter. A comparison with the sediments from the Indian and Pakistani continental border in Arabian Sea shows as follows: on the African continental border the coarse detrital material has been transported farther out to deep-sea, which has something to do with the greater inclination of the surface of sedimentation. Carbonate is found in greater abundance on the African side. Its chemical composition is influenced by reef-debris which is missing by Indian-Pakistani side. The content of organic matter is lower on the African side. Contrary to that, the enrichments of N and P compared to organic matter are of an equal order of magnitude on both sides of the Arabian Sea.
Recent sediments off East Africa coast show 5 fades, parallel the coast: biogene carbonate sand, olivgrey mud, foraminiferal sand, globigerine ooze, and deep sea clay. These sediments decrease progressively in grain size, carbonate content and shell debris away from the coast. They differ in the primary and biogenetic structures, degree of bioturbation, lebensspuren and content of fecal pellets.