997 resultados para Dynamics of structures


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Finite element frame analysis programs targeted for design office application necessitate algorithms which can deliver reliable numerical convergence in a practical timeframe with comparable degrees of accuracy, and a highly desirable attribute is the use of a single element per member to reduce computational storage, as well as data preparation and the interpretation of the results. To this end, a higher-order finite element method including geometric non-linearity is addressed in the paper for the analysis of elastic frames for which a single element is used to model each member. The geometric non-linearity in the structure is handled using an updated Lagrangian formulation, which takes the effects of the large translations and rotations that occur at the joints into consideration by accumulating their nodal coordinates. Rigid body movements are eliminated from the local member load-displacement relationship for which the total secant stiffness is formulated for evaluating the large member deformations of an element. The influences of the axial force on the member stiffness and the changes in the member chord length are taken into account using a modified bowing function which is formulated in the total secant stiffness relationship, for which the coupling of the axial strain and flexural bowing is included.


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RNase S is a complex consisting of two proteolytic fragments of RNase A: the S peptide (residues 1-20) and S protein (residues 21-124). RNase S and RNase A have very similar X-ray structures and enzymatic activities. previous experiments have shown increased rates of hydrogen exchange and greater sensitivity to tryptic cleavage for RNase S relative to RNase A. It has therefore been asserted that the RNase S complex is considerably more dynamically flexible than RNase A. In the present study we examine the differences in the dynamics of RNaseS and RNase A computationally, by MD simulations, and experimentally, using trypsin cleavage as a probe of dynamics. The fluctuations around the average solution structure during the simulation were analyzed by measuring the RMS deviation in coordinates. No significant differences between RNase S and RNase A dynamics were observed in the simulations. We were able to account for the apparent discrepancy between simulation and experiment by a simple model, According to this model, the experimentally observed differences in dynamics can be quantitatively explained by the small amounts of free S peptide and S protein that are present in equilibrium with the RNase S complex. Thus, folded RNase A and the RNase S complex have identical dynamic behavior, despite the presence of a break in polypeptide chain between residues 20 and 21 in the latter molecule. This is in contrast to what has been widely believed for over 30 years about this important fragment complementation system.


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The role of invariant water molecules in the activity of plant cysteine protease is ubiquitous in nature. On analysing the 11 different Protein DataBank (PDB) structures of plant thiol proteases, the two invariant water molecules W I and W2 (W220 and W222 in the template 1PPN structure) were observed to form H-bonds with the Ob atom of Asn 175. Extensive energy minimization and molecular dynamics simulation studies up to 2 ns on all the PDB and solvated structures clearly revealed the involvement of the H-bonding association of the two water molecules in fixing the orientation of the asparagine residue of the catalytic triad. From this study, it is suggested that H-bonding of the water molecule at the W1 invariant site better stabilizes the Asn residue at the active site of the catalytic triad.


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The emphasis on collegiality and collaboration in the literature on teachers' work and school reform has tended to underplay the significance of teacher autonomy. This thesis explores the dynamics of teachers' understandings and experiences of individual teacher autonomy (as contrasted with collective autonomy) in an independent school in Queensland which promoted itself as a 'teachers' school' with a strong commitment to individual teacher autonomy. The research was a case study which drew on methodological signposts from critical, feminist and traditional ethnography. Intensive fieldwork in the school over five months incorporated the ethnographic techniques of observation, interviews and document analysis. Teachers at Thornton College understood their experience of individual autonomy at three interrelated levels--in terms of their work in the classroom, their working life in the school, and their voice in the decision-making processes of the school. They felt that they experienced a great deal of individual autonomy at each of these three levels. These understandings and experiences of autonomy were encumbered or enabled by a range of internal and external stakeholder groups. There were also a number of structural influences (community perceptions, market forces, school size, time and bureaucracy) emerging from the economic, social and political structures in Australian society which influenced the experience of autonomy by teachers. The experience of individual teacher autonomy was constantly shifting, but there were some emergent patterns. Consensus on educational goals and vision, and strong expressions of trust and respect between teachers and stakeholders in the school, characterised the contexts in which teachers felt they experienced high levels of autonomy in their work. The demand for accountability and desire for relatedness motivated stakeholders and structural forces to influence teacher autonomy. Some significant gaps emerged between the rhetoric of a commitment to individual teacher autonomy and decision-making practices in the school, that gave ultimate power to the co-principals. Despite the rhetoric and promotion of non-hierarchical structures and collaborative decision-making processes, many teachers perceived that their experience of individual autonomy remained subject to the exercise of 'partial democracy' by school leaders.


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Intracellular membrane alterations are hallmarks of positive-sense RNA (+RNA) virus replication. Strong evidence indicates that within these exotic compartments, viral replicase proteins engage in RNA genome replication and transcription. To date, fundamental questions such as the origin of altered membranes, mechanisms of membrane deformation and topological distribution and function of viral components, are still waiting for comprehensive answers. This study addressed some of the above mentioned questions for the membrane alterations induced during Semliki Forest virus (SFV) infection of mammalian cells. With the aid of electron and fluorescence microscopy coupled with radioactive labelling and immuno-cytochemistry techniques, our group and others showed that few hours after infection the four non structural proteins (nsP1-4) and newly synthesized RNAs of SFV colocalized in close proximity of small membrane invaginations, designated as spherules . These 50-70 nm structures were mainly detected in the perinuclear area, at the limiting membrane of modified endosomes and lysosomes, named CPV-I (cytopathic vacuoles type I). More rarely, spherules were also found at the plasma membrane (PM). In the first part of this study I present the first three-dimensional reconstruction of the CPV-I and the spherules, obtained by electron tomography after chemical or cryo-fixation. Different approaches for imaging these macromolecular assemblies to obtain better structure preservation and higher resolution are presented as unpublished data. This study provides insights into spherule organization and distribution of viral components. The results of this and other experiments presented in this thesis will challenge currently accepted models for virus replication complex formation and function. In a revisitation of our previous models, the second part of this work provides the first complete description of the biogenesis of the CPV-I. The results demonstrate that these virus-induced vacuoles, where hundreds of spherules accumulate at late stages during infection, represent the final phase of a journey initiated at the PM, which apparently serves as a platform for spherule formation. From the PM spherules were internalized by an endocytic event that required the activity of the class I PI3K, caveolin-1, cellular cholesterol and functional actin-myosin network. The resulting neutral endocytic carrier vesicle delivered the spherules to the membrane of pre-existing acidic endosomes via multiple fusion events. Microtubule based transport supported the vectorial transfer of these intermediates to the pericentriolar area where further fusions generated the CPV-I. A signal for spherule internalization was identified in one of the replicase proteins, nsP3. Infections of cells with viruses harbouring a deletion in a highly phosphorylated region of nsP3 did not result in the formation of CPV-Is. Instead, thousands of spherules remained at the PM throughout the infection cycle. Finally, the role of the replicase protein nsP2 during viral RNA replication and transcription was investigated. Three enzymatic activities, protease, NTPase and RNA-triphosphatase were studied with the aid of temperature sensitive mutants in vitro and, when possible, in vivo. The results highlighted the interplay of the different nsP2 functions during different steps of RNA replication and sub-genomic promoter regulation, and suggest that the protein could have different activities when participating in the replication complex or as a free enzyme.


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Homodimeric protein tryptophanyl tRNA synthetase (TrpRS) has a Rossmann fold domain and belongs to the 1c subclass of aminoacyl tRNA synthetases. This enzyme performs the function of acylating the cognate tRNA. This process involves a number of molecules (2 protein subunits, 2 tRNAs and 2 activated Trps) and thus it is difficult to follow the complex steps in this process. Structures of human TrpRS complexed with certain ligands are available. Based on structural and biochemical data, mechanism of activation of Trp has been speculated. However, no structure has yet been solved in the presence of both the tRNA(Trp) and the activated Trp (TrpAMP). In this study, we have modeled the structure of human TrpRS bound to the activated ligand and the cognate tRNA. In addition, we have performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on these models as well as other complexes to capture the dynamical process of ligand induced conformational changes. We have analyzed both the local and global changes in the protein conformation from the protein structure network (PSN) of MD snapshots, by a method which was recently developed in our laboratory in the context of the functionally monomeric protein, methionyl tRNA synthetase. From these investigations, we obtain important information such as the ligand induced correlation between different residues of this protein, asymmetric binding of the ligands to the two subunits of the protein as seen in the crystal structure analysis, and the path of communication between the anticodon region and the aminoacylation site. Here we are able to elucidate the role of dimer interface at a level of detail, which has not been captured so far.


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Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy provides us with many means to study biological macromolecules in solution. Proteins in particular are the most intriguing targets for NMR studies. Protein functions are usually ascribed to specific three-dimensional structures but more recently tails, long loops and non-structural polypeptides have also been shown to be biologically active. Examples include prions, -synuclein, amylin and the NEF HIV-protein. However, conformational preferences in coil-like molecules are difficult to study by traditional methods. Residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) have opened up new opportunities; however their analysis is not trivial. Here we show how to interpret RDCs from these weakly structured molecules. The most notable residual dipolar couplings arise from steric obstruction effects. In dilute liquid crystalline media as well as in anisotropic gels polypeptides encounter nematogens. The shape of a polypeptide conformation limits the encounter with the nematogen. The most elongated conformations may come closest whereas the most compact remain furthest away. As a result there is slightly more room in the solution for the extended than for the compact conformations. This conformation-dependent concentration effect leads to a bias in the measured data. The measured values are not arithmetic averages but essentially weighted averages over conformations. The overall effect can be calculated for random flight chains and simulated for more realistic molecular models. Earlier there was an implicit thought that weakly structured or non-structural molecules would not yield to any observable residual dipolar couplings. However, in the pioneering study by Shortle and Ackerman RDCs were clearly observed. We repeated the study for urea-denatured protein at high temperature and also observed indisputably RDCs. This was very convincing to us but we could not possibly accept the proposed reason for the non-zero RDCs, namely that there would be some residual structure left in the protein that to our understanding was fully denatured. We proceeded to gain understanding via simulations and elementary experiments. In measurements we used simple homopolymers with only two labelled residues and we simulated the data to learn more about the origin of RDCs. We realized that RDCs depend on the position of the residue as well as on the length of the polypeptide. Investigations resulted in a theoretical model for RDCs from coil-like molecules. Later we extended the studies by molecular dynamics. Somewhat surprisingly the effects are small for non-structured molecules whereas the bias may be large for a small compact protein. All in all the work gave clear and unambiguous results on how to interpret RDCs as structural and dynamic parameters of weakly structured proteins.


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Inosine 5' monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH II) is a key enzyme involved in the de novo biosynthesis pathway of purine nucleotides and is also considered to be an excellent target for cancer inhibitor design. The conserve R 322 residue (in human) is thought to play some role in the recognition of inhibitor and cofactor through the catalytic D 364 and N 303. The 15 ns simulation and the water dynamics of the three different PDB structures (1B3O, 1NF7, and 1NFB) of human IMPDH by CHARMM force field have clearly indicated the involvement of three conserved water molecules (W-L, W-M, and W-C) in the recognition of catalytic residues (R 322, D 364, and N 303) to inhibitor and cofactor. Both the guanidine nitrogen atoms (NH1 and NH 2) of the R 322 have anchored the di- and mono-nucleotide (cofactor and inhibitor) binding domains via the conserved W-C and W-L water molecules. Another conserved water molecule W-M seems to bridge the two domains including the R 322 and also the W-C and W-L through seven centers H-bonding coordination. The conserved water molecular triad (W-C - W-M - W-L) in the protein complex may thought to play some important role in the recognition of inhibitor and cofactor to the protein through R 322 residue.


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This study analyses personal relationships linking research to sociological theory on the questions of the social bond and on the self as social. From the viewpoint of disruptive life events and experiences, such as loss, divorce and illness, it aims at understanding how selves are bound to their significant others as those specific people ‘close or otherwise important’ to them. Who form the configurations of significant others? How do different bonds respond in disruptions and how do relational processes unfold? How is the embeddedness of selves manifested in the processes of bonding, on the one hand, and in the relational formation of the self, on the other? The bonds are analyzed from an anti-categorical viewpoint based on personal citations of significance as opposed to given relationship categories, such as ‘family’ or ‘friendship’ – the two kinds of relationships that in fact are most frequently significant. The study draws from analysis of the personal narratives of 37 Finnish women and men (in all 80 interviews) and their entire configurations of those specific people who they cite as ‘close or otherwise important’. The analysis stresses the subjective experiences, while also investigating the actualized relational processes and configurations of all personal relationships with certain relationship histories embedded in micro-level structures. The research is based on four empirical sub-studies of personal relationships and a summary discussing the questions of the self and social bond. Discussion draws from G. H. Mead, C. Cooley, N. Elias, T. Scheff, G. Simmel and the contributors of ‘relational sociology’. Sub-studies analyse bonds to others from the viewpoint of biographical disruption and re-configuration of significant others, estranged family bonds, peer support and the formation of the most intimate relationships into exclusive and inclusive configurations. All analyses examine the dialectics of the social and the personal, asking how different structuring mechanisms and personal experiences and negotiations together contribute to the unfolding of the bonds. The summary elaborates personal relationships as social bonds embedded in wider webs of interdependent people and social settings that are laden with cultural expectations. Regarding the question of the relational self, the study proposes both bonding and individuality as significant. They are seen as interdependent phases of the relationality of the self. Bonding anchors the self to its significant relationships, in which individuality is manifested, for example, in contrasting and differentiating dynamics, but also in active attempts to connect with others. Individuality is not a fixed quality of the self, but a fluid and interdependent phase of the relational self. More specifically, it appears in three formats in the flux of relational processes: as a sense of unique self (via cultivation of subjective experiences), as agency and as (a search for) relative autonomy. The study includes an epilogue addressing the ambivalence between the social expectation of individuality in society and the bonded reality of selves.


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A comparative study of the switching properties of pure and √-irradiated TGSe crystals has been carried out to see the effect of irradiation on the structure and dynamics of domains. The switching behaviour of √-irradiated TGSe has been found to be qualitatively similar to that of unirradiated crystal and this has been interpreted in terms of structural inhibition caused by the formation of radiolysis products as well as the difference between the domain structures of the unirradiated and irradiated samples. Confirmation of this has been obtained by studying the domain patterns using the etch method.


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Molecular dynamics investigation of benzene in one-dimensional channel systems A1PO(4)-5, VPI-5, and carbon nanotube is reported. The results suggest that, in all the three host systems, the plane of benzene is almost perpendicular to the channel axis when the molecule is near the center of the channel and the plane of benzene is parallel to the channel axis when the molecule is near the wall of the channel. The density distribution of benzene as a function of channel length, z and the radial distance, r, from the channel axis is also different in the three host structures. Anisotropy in translational diffusion coefficient, calculated in body-fixed frame of benzene, suggests that benzene prefers to move with its plane parallel to the direction of motion in A1PO(4)-5 and VPI-5 whereas in carbon nanotube the motion occurs predominantly with the plane of the benzene perpendicular to the direction of motion.;Anisotropy associated with the rotational motion is seen to alter significantly in confinement as compared to liquid benzene. In A1PO(4)-5, the rotational anisotropy is reversed as compared to liquid benzene thereby suggesting that anisotropy arising out of molecular geometry can be reduced. Reorientational correlation times for C-6 and C-2 axes Of benzene are reported. Apart from the inertial decay of reorientational correlation function due to free, rotation, two other distinct regimes of decay are observed in narrower channels (AIPO(4)-5 and carbon nanotube): (i) an initial fast decay (0.5-2 ps) and (ii) a slower decay (>2 ps) of reorientational correlation function where C-6 decays slower than C-2 Similar to what is observed in liquid benzene. In the initial fast decay, it is seen that the decay for C-6 is faster than C-2 which is in contrast to what is observed in liquid benzene or for benzene confined in VPI-5.


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A comparative study of the switching properties of pure and √-irradiated TGSe crystals has been carried out to see the effect of irradiation on the structure and dynamics of domains. The switching behaviour of √-irradiated TGSe has been found to be qualitatively similar to that of unirradiated crystal and this has been interpreted in terms of structural inhibition caused by the formation of radiolysis products as well as the difference between the domain structures of the unirradiated and irradiated samples. Confirmation of this has been obtained by studying the domain patterns using the etch method.


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The unique features of a macromolecule and water as a solvent make the issue of solvation unconventional, with questions about the static versus dynamic nature of hydration and the, physics of orientational and translational diffusion at the boundary. For proteins, the hydration shell that covers the surface is critical to the stability of its structure and function. Dynamically speaking, the residence time of water at the surface is a signature of its mobility and binding. With femtosecond time resolution it is possible to unravel the shortest residence times which are key for the description of the hydration layer, static or dynamic. In this article we review these issues guided by experimental studies, from this laboratory, of polar hydration dynamics at the surfaces of two proteins (Subtilisin Carlsberg (SC) and Monellin). The natural probe tryptophan amino acid was used for the interrogation of the dynamics, and for direct comparison we also studied the behavior in bulk water - a complete hydration in 1 ps. We develop a theoretical description of solvation and relate the theory to the experimental observations. In this - theoretical approach, we consider the dynamical equilibrium in the hydration shell, defining the rate processes for breaking and making the transient hydrogen bonds, and the effective friction in the layer which is defined by the translational and orientational motions of water molecules. The relationship between the residence time of water molecules and the observed slow component in solvation dynamics is a direct one. For the two proteins studied, we observed a "bimodal decay" for the hydration correlation function, with two primary relaxation times: ultrafast, typically 1 ps or less, and longer, typically 15-40 ps, and both are related to the residence time at the protein surface, depending on the binding energies. We end by making extensions to studies of the denatured state of the protein, random coils, and the biomimetic micelles, and conclude with our thoughts on the relevance of the dynamics of native structures to their functions.


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p-Benzoquinone and its halogen substituted derivatives are known to have differing reactivities in the triplet excited state. While bromanil catalyzes the reduction of octaethylporphyrin most efficiently among the halogenated p-benzoquinones, the reaction does not take place in presence of the unsubstituted p-benzoquinone (T. Nakano and Y. Mori, Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 67, 2627 (1994)). Understanding of such differences requires a detailed knowledge of the triplet state structures, normal mode compositions and excited state dynamics. In this paper, we apply a recently presented scheme (M. Puranik, S. Umapathy, J. G. Snijders, and J. Chandrasekhar, J. Chem, Phys., 115, 6106 (2001)) that combines parameters from experiment and computation in a wave packet dynamics simulation to the triplet states of p-benzoquinone and bromanil. The absorption and resonance Raman spectra of both the molecules have been simulated. The normal mode compositions and mode specific excited state displacements have been presented and compared. Time-dependent evolution of the absorption and Raman overlaps for all the observed modes has been discussed in detail. In p-benzoquinone, the initial dynamics is along the C=C stretching and C-H bending modes whereas in bromanil nearly equal displacements are observed along all the stretching coordinates.


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The aim of this paper is to investigate the steady state response of beams under the action of random support motions. The study is of relevance in the context of earthquake response of extended land based structures such as pipelines and long span bridges, and, secondary systems such as piping networks in nuclear power plant installations. The following complicating features are accounted for in the response analysis: (a) differential support motions: this is characterized in terms of cross power spectral density functions associated with distinct support motions, (b) nonlinear support conditions, and (c) stochastically inhomogeneous stiffness and mass variations of the beam structure; questions on non-Gaussian models for these variations are considered. The method of stochastic finite elements is combined with equivalent linearization technique and Monte Carlo simulations to obtain response moments.