990 resultados para Dual-beam Survey


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A dual beam excitation-depletion pulse technique is proposed for photobleaching reduced fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). Excitation pulse promote the molecules to the excited singlet state (S-1), a fraction of that population goes to energetically favorable metastable triplet state (T-1) due to strong intersystem crossing. The depletion pulse followed by excitation pulse instantaneously depletes the triplet states thereby recycling the bleached molecules back to the ground state (S-0). FCS study on diffusing Fluorescein and Rh6G molecules show more than 95% reduction in triplet state population and the associated photobleaching. (c) 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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The paper proposes a non-destructive method for simultaneous measurement of in-plane and out-of-plane displacements and strains undergone by a deformed specimen from a single moire fringe pattern obtained on the specimen in a dual beam digital holographic interferometry setup. The moire fringe pattern encodes multiple interference phases which carry the information on multidimensional deformation. The interference field is segmented in each column and is modeled as multicomponent quadratic/cubic frequency-modulated signal in each segment. Subsequently, the product form of modified cubic phase function is used for accurate estimation of phase parameters. The estimated phase parameters are further utilized for direct estimation of the unwrapped interference phases and phase derivatives. The simulation and experimental results are provided to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.


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WE have designed a dual-beam magneto-optical (MO) storage system to test the dynamic storage properties of MO disks. The characteristics of this dual-beam system are demonstrated. Magnetic field modulated direct overwrite, which is a promising technique for highspeed MO storage, is realized on TbFeCo MO disks with this dual-beam MO system. The effect of light intensity, magnetic field intensity, and linear velocity of the disk and the modulating frequency variation on carrier-to-noise ratio is investigated. (C) 1997 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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To investigate the effect of radiation damage on the stability and the compressive stress of cubic boron nitride (c-BN) thin films, c-BN films with various crystalline qualities prepared by dual beam ion assisted deposition were irradiated at room temperature with 300 keV Ar+ ions over a large fluence range up to 2 x 10(16) cm(-2). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) data were taken before and after each irradiation step. The results show that the c-BN films with high crystallinity are significantly more resistant against medium-energy bombardment than those of lower crystalline quality. However, even for pure c-BN films without any sp(2)-bonded BN, there is a mechanism present, which causes the transformation from pure c-BN to h-BN or to an amorphous BN phase. Additional high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) results support the conclusion from the FTIR data. For c-BN films with thickness smaller than the projected range of the bombarding Ar ions, complete stress relaxation was found for ion fluences approaching 4 x 10(15) cm(-2). This relaxation is accompanied, however, by a significant increase of the width of c-BN FTIR TO-line. This observation points to a build-up of disorder and/or a decreasing average grain size due to the bombardment. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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One-dimensional semiconductor nanowires are considered to be promising materials for future nanoelectronic applications. However, before these nanowires can be integrated into such applications, a thorough understanding of their growth behaviour is necessary. In particular, methods that allow the control over nanowire growth are deemed especially important as it is these methods that will enable the control of nanowire dimensions such as length and diameter (high aspect ratios). The production of nanowires with high-aspect ratios is vital in order to take advantage of the unique properties experienced at the nanoscale, thus allowing us to maximise their use in devices. Additionally, the development of low-resistivity interconnects is desirable in order to connect such nanowires in multi-nanowire components. Consequently, this thesis aims to discuss the synthesis and characterisation of germanium (Ge) nanowires and platinum (Pt) interconnects. Particular emphasis is placed on manipulating the nanowire growth kinetics to produce high aspect ratio structures. The discussion of Pt interconnects focuses on the development of low-resistivity devices and the electrical and structural analysis of those devices. Chapter 1 reviews the most critical aspects of Ge nanowire growth which must be understood before they can be integrated into future nanodevices. These features include the synthetic methods employed to grow Ge nanowires, the kinetic and thermodynamic aspects of their growth and nanowire morphology control. Chapter 2 outlines the experimental methods used to synthesise and characterise Ge nanowires as well as the methods used to fabricate and analyse Pt interconnects. Chapter 3 discusses the control of Ge nanowire growth kinetics via the manipulation of the supersaturation of Ge in the Au/Ge binary alloy system. This is accomplished through the use of bi-layer films, which pre-form Au/Ge alloy catalysts before the introduction of the Ge precursor. The growth from these catalysts is then compared with Ge nanowire growth from standard elemental Au seeds. Nanowires grown from pre-formed Au/Ge alloy seeds demonstrate longer lengths and higher growth rates than those grown from standard Au seeds. In-situ TEM heating on the Au/Ge bi-layer films is used to support the growth characteristics observed. Chapter 4 extends the work of chapter 3 by utilising Au/Ag/Ge tri-layer films to enhance the growth rates and lengths of Ge nanowires. These nanowires are grown from Au/Ag/Ge ternary alloy catalysts. Once again, the supersaturation is influenced, only this time it is through the simultaneous manipulation of both the solute concentration and equilibrium concentration of Ge in the Au/Ag/Ge ternary alloy system. The introduction of Ag to the Au/Ge binary alloy lowers the equilibrium concentration, thus increasing the nanowire growth rate and length. Nanowires with uniform diameters were obtained via synthesis from AuxAg1-x alloy nanoparticles. Manifestation of the Gibbs-Thomson effect, resulting from the dependence of the mean nanowire length as a function of diameter, was observed for all of the nanowires grown from the AuxAg1-x nanoparticles. Finally, in-situ TEM heating was used to support the nanowire growth characteristics. Chapter 5 details the fabrication and characterisation of Pt interconnects deposited by electron beam induced deposition of two different precursors. The fabrication is conducted inside a dual beam FIB. The electrical and structural characteristics of interconnects deposited from a standard organometallic precursor and a novel carbon-free precursor are compared. The electrical performance of the carbon-free interconnects is shown to be superior to that of the organometallic devices and this is correlated to the structural composition of both interconnects via in-situ TEM heating and HAADF-STEM analysis. Annealing of the interconnects is carried out under two different atmospheres in order to reduce the electrical resistivity even further. Finally, chapter 6 presents some important conclusions and summarises each of the previous chapters.


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Recent searches by unbiased, wide-field surveys have uncovered a group of extremely luminous optical transients. The initial discoveries of SN 2005ap by the Texas Supernova Search and SCP-06F6 in a deep Hubble pencil beam survey were followed by the Palomar Transient Factory confirmation of host redshifts for other similar transients. The transients share the common properties of high optical luminosities (peak magnitudes similar to -21 to -23), blue colors, and a lack of H or He spectral features. The physical mechanism that produces the luminosity is uncertain, with suggestions ranging from jet-driven explosion to pulsational pair instability. Here, we report the most detailed photometric and spectral coverage of an ultra-bright transient (SN 2010gx) detected in the Pan-STARRS 1 sky survey. In common with other transients in this family, early-time spectra show a blue continuum and prominent broad absorption lines of O II. However, about 25 days after discovery, the spectra developed type Ic supernova features, showing the characteristic broad Fe II and Si II absorption lines. Detailed, post-maximum follow-up may show that all SN 2005ap and SCP-06F6 type transients are linked to supernovae Ic. This poses problems in understanding the physics of the explosions: there is no indication from late-time photometry that the luminosity is powered by Ni-56, the broad light curves suggest very large ejected masses, and the slow spectral evolution is quite different from typical Ic timescales. The nature of the progenitor stars and the origin of the luminosity are intriguing and open questions.


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A 10 GHz Fourier Rotman lens enabled dynamic directional modulation (DM) transmitter is experimentally evaluated. Bit error rate (BER) performance is obtained via real-time data transmission. It is shown that Fourier Rotman DM functionality enhances system security performance in terms of narrower decodable low BER region and higher BER values associated with BER sidelobes especially under high signal to noise ratio (SNR) scenarios. This enhancement is achieved by controlled corruption of constellation diagrams in IQ space by orthogonal injection of interference. Furthermore, the paper gives the first report of a functional dual-beam DM transmitter, which has the capability of simultaneously projecting two independent data streams into two different spatial directions while simultaneously scrambling the information signals along all other directions.


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A 94 GHz waveguide Rotman lens is described which can be used to implement an amplitude comparison monopulse RADAR. In transmit mode, adjacent dual beam ports are excited with equal amplitude and phase to form a sum radiation pattern, and in receive mode, the outputs of the beam port pairs are combined using magic tees to provide a sum and a difference signal which can be used to calculate an angular error estimate for target acquisition and tracking. This approach provides an amplitude comparison monopulse system which can be scanned in azimuth and which has a low component count, with no requirement for phase shift circuitry in the array feed lines, making it suitable for mm-wave frequencies. A 12 input (beam ports), 12 output (array ports) lens is designed using CST Microwave Studio, and the predicted results are presented.


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Dual beam mode-matched thermal lens method has been employed to measure the heat diffusion in nanofluid of silver with various volumes of rhodamine 6G, both dispersed in water. The important observation is an indication of temperature dependent diffusivity and that the overall heat diffusion is slower in the chemically prepared Ag sol compared to that of water. The experimental results can be explained assuming that Brownian motion is the main mechanism of heat transfer under the present experimental conditions. Light induced aggregation of the nanoparticles can also result in an anomalous diffusion behavior.


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Thermal diffusivity measurements are carried out in certain organic liquids using the pulsed dual beam thermal lens technique. The 532 nm pulses from a frequency doubled Q-switched Nd:YAG laser are used as the heating source and an intensity stabilized He-Ne laser serves as the probe beam. Experimental determination of the characteristic time constant of the transient thermal lens signal is verified theoretically. Measured thermal diffusivity values are in excellent agreement with literature values.


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Dual-beam transient thermal lens studies were carried out in aqueous solutions of rhodamine 6G using 532 nm pulses from a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser. The analysis of the observed data showed that the thermal lens method can effectively be utilized to study the nonlinear absorption and aggregation which are taking place in a dye medium.


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A sensitive method based on the principle of photothermal phenomena to realize optical logic gates is presented. A dual beam thermal lens method using low power cw lasers in a dye-doped polymer can be very effectively used as an alternate technique to perform the logical function such as NAND, AND and OR.


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The wavelength dependence of thermal lens signal from organic dyes are studied using dual beam thermal lens technique. It is found that the profile of thermal lens spectrum widely differ from the conventional absorption spectrum in the case of rhodamine B unlike in the case of crystal violet. This is explained on the basis of varying contribution of nonradiative relaxations from the excited vibronic levels.


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Thermal lens signals in solutions of rhodamine B laser dye in methanol are measured using the dual beam pump-probe technique. The nature of variations of signal strength with concentration is found to be different for 514 and 488 nm Ar + laser excitations. However, both the pump wavelengths produce an oscillatory type variation of thermal lens signal amplitude with the concentration of the dye solution. Probable reasons for this peculiar behaviour (which is absent in the case of fluorescent intensity) are mentioned.


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The wavelength dependence of thermal lens signal from organic dyes are studied using dual beam thermal lens technique. It is found that the profile of thermal lens spectrum widely differ from the conventional absorption spectrum in the case of rhodamine B unlike in the case of crystal violet. This is explained on the basis of varying contribution of nonradiative relaxations from the excited vibronic levels.