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Unlike in general recommendation scenarios where a user has only a single role, users in trust rating network, e.g. Epinions, are associated with two different roles simultaneously: as a truster and as a trustee. With different roles, users can show distinct preferences for rating items, which the previous approaches do not involve. Moreover, based on explicit single links between two users, existing methods can not capture the implicit correlation between two users who are similar but not socially connected. In this paper, we propose to learn dual role preferences (truster/trustee-specific preferences) for trust-aware recommendation by modeling explicit interactions (e.g., rating and trust) and implicit interactions. In particular, local links structure of trust network are exploited as two regularization terms to capture the implicit user correlation, in terms of truster/trustee-specific preferences. Using a real-world and open dataset, we conduct a comprehensive experimental study to investigate the performance of the proposed model, RoRec. The results show that RoRec outperforms other trust-aware recommendation approaches, in terms of prediction accuracy. Copyright 2014 ACM.


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The 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)(1A) receptor system plays a prominent role in a variety of physiological functions and behavior and regulation of this responsiveness of the receptor system has been implicated in the central regulation of water intake and urinary excretion. The lateral septal area (LSA) exhibits a high density of 5-HT1A receptors, as well as a subpopulation of oxytocin (OT) receptors. Here we report the effects of pMPPF (a selective 5-HT1A antagonist), d(CH2)(5)[Tyr(Me)(2)Thr(4), Orn(5), Tyr(NH2)(9)]-vasotocin (an OT antagonist), and that 5-HT1A receptor system is regulated as a consequence of activation of the Na+ channel by veratridine. Cannulae were implanted into the LSA of rats to enable the introduction of the drugs. Injections of 8-OH-DPAT (a 5-HT1A agonist) blocked water intake and increased urinary excretion, while pMPPF or the OT antagonist injected bilaterally before 8-OH-DPAT blocked its inhibitory effect on water intake and its diuretic effect. In contrast, increases in extracellular sodium levels induced by the sodium channel modulator, veratridine, enhanced 5-HT1A responsiveness for water intake and reduced the diuretic effects induced by 8-OH-DPAT. These trials demonstrated that the responsiveness of the 5-HT1A receptor system in the LSA can be enhanced or depressed as a consequence of an induced rise in extracellular sodium. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Electrolyte lesion and ibotenic acid lesion of the lateral preoptic area (LPO) of the rat were used to study the participation of this area in drinking behavior. Drinking was induced by cellular dehydration, hypovolemia, hypotension, and water deprivation. The animals with electrolytic lesion of the LPO showed a significant reduction in water intake in response to cellular dehydration, hypotension, and deprivation. The animals with ibotenic acid lesion of the LPO increased the water consumption produced by subcutaneous (SC) injection of hypertonic saline. The amount of water intake after SC injection of polyethyleneglycol (PEG) or isoprenaline was similar in control and ibotenic acid-lesioned animals. The rats with ibotenic acid lesion of the LPO drank significantly more water than control animals. Fibers of passage may also influence the drinking response, and the LPO may have osmosensitive receptors that facilitate water intake in connection with other areas of the central nervous system (CNS) that are implicated in drinking behavior.


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Noradrenaline (NOR) is a neurotransmitter presenl in the central nervous system which is related to the control of ingestive behavior of food and fluids. We describe here the relationship between NOR and intake of water and NaCl solution, fluids that are essential for a normal body fluid electrolytic balance. Central NOR has an inhibitory effect on fluid intake, but it either induces or not alterations in food intake. Several ways of inducing water intake, such as water deprivation, meal-associated water intake, administration of angiotensinergic, cholinergic or beta-adrenergic agonists, or administration of hyperosmotic solutions, are inhibited by alpha-adrenergic agonists. Need-induced sodium intake by sodium-depleted animals is also inhibited by alpha-adrenergic agonists. NOR can also facilitate fluid intake. Water intake is elicited by NOR and the integrity of central noradrenergic systems is necessary for a normal expression of water or salt intake in dehydrated animals. The angiotensinergic component of either behavior apparently depends on a central noradrenergic system. NOR probably facililates fluid intake by acting on postsynaptic receptors, but we do not know how it inhibits fluid infake. The inhibitory and facilitatory effects of NOR on ingestive behavior suggest a dual role for this neurotransmitter in the control of hydromineral fluid intake.


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The effects of clonidine on sodium and potassium excretions were examined after previous administration of prazosin (an α 1-adrenergic receptor antagonist) and yohimbine (an α 2-adrenergic receptor antagonist) into the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus of conscious rats. Clonidine injected into the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus induced inhibitory and facilitatory effects on the urinary sodium and potassium excretions. The results suggest that facilitatory effects of clonidine on natriuresis and kaliuresis are mediated through activation of α 1-adrenoceptors and that inhibitory effects require α(2A)-adrenoceptors.


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BACKGROUND The immune contexture predicts prognosis in human colorectal cancer (CRC). Whereas tumour-infiltrating CD8+ T cells and myeloid CD16+ myeloperoxidase (MPO)+ cells are associated with favourable clinical outcome, interleukin (IL)-17-producing cells have been reported to correlate with severe prognosis. However, their phenotypes and functions continue to be debated. OBJECTIVE To investigate clinical relevance, phenotypes and functional features of CRC-infiltrating, IL-17-producing cells. METHODS IL-17 staining was performed by immunohistochemistry on a tissue microarray including 1148 CRCs. Phenotypes of IL-17-producing cells were evaluated by flow cytometry on cell suspensions obtained by enzymatic digestion of clinical specimens. Functions of CRC-isolated, IL-17-producing cells were assessed by in vitro and in vivo experiments. RESULTS IL-17+ infiltrates were not themselves predictive of an unfavourable clinical outcome, but correlated with infiltration by CD8+ T cells and CD16+ MPO+ neutrophils. Ex vivo analysis showed that tumour-infiltrating IL-17+ cells mostly consist of CD4+ T helper 17 (Th17) cells with multifaceted properties. Indeed, owing to IL-17 secretion, CRC-derived Th17 triggered the release of protumorigenic factors by tumour and tumour-associated stroma. However, on the other hand, they favoured recruitment of beneficial neutrophils through IL-8 secretion and, most importantly, they drove highly cytotoxic CCR5+CCR6+CD8+ T cells into tumour tissue, through CCL5 and CCL20 release. Consistent with these findings, the presence of intraepithelial, but not of stromal Th17 cells, positively correlated with improved survival. CONCLUSIONS Our study shows the dual role played by tumour-infiltrating Th17 in CRC, thus advising caution when developing new IL-17/Th17 targeted treatments.


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In vitro engineered tissues which recapitulate functional and morphological properties of bone marrow and bone tissue will be desirable to study bone regeneration under fully controlled conditions. Among the key players in the initial phase of bone regeneration are mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and endothelial cells (ECs) that are in close contact in many tissues. Additionally, the generation of tissue constructs for in vivo transplantations has included the use of ECs since insufficient vascularization is one of the bottlenecks in (bone) tissue engineering. Here, 3D cocultures of human bone marrow derived MSCs (hBM-MSCs) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) in synthetic biomimetic poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG)-based matrices are directed toward vascularized bone mimicking tissue constructs. In this environment, bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) or fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) promotes the formation of vascular networks. However, while osteogenic differentiation is achieved with BMP-2, the treatment with FGF-2 suppressed osteogenic differentiation. Thus, this study shows that cocultures of hBM-MSCs and HUVECs in biological inert PEG matrices can be directed toward bone and bone marrow-like 3D tissue constructs.


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Skin cancer is the most prevalent form of neoplasia, with over one million newcases diagnosed this year. UV radiation is a ubiquitous environmental agent that induces skin cancer. In addition to its carcinogenic effect, UV radiation also suppresses cell-mediated immune responses. This immune suppression is not only observed at the site of irradiation, but UV radiation also induces systemic immune suppression. Since UV radiation has a limited ability to penetrate the skin, the question of the mechanism of this systemic immune suppression arises. A number of studies have suggested that UV radiation induce systemic effects through the production of immunoregulatory cytokines, such as IL-4 and IL-10. These cytokines affect the immune response by altering systemic antigen presentation, specifically by suppressing the activation of Th1 cells while allowing the activation of Th2 cells. Because IL-12 is an important regulator of Th1 cell activation, we tested the hypothesis that administration of IL-12 could overcome UV-induced immune suppression. ^ The studies presented here are divided into dime specific aims. In the first specific aim, the ability of IL-12 to overcome UV-induced immune suppression was examined. IL-12 could overcome UV-induced immune suppression as well as prevent the generation of and neutralize the activity of preformed suppressor cells induced by UV radiation. In the second specific aim, the mechanism by which IL-12 overcomes UV-induced immune suppression was examined. IL-12 overcame UV-induced immune suppression by blocking the production of immunoregulatory cytokines such as IL-4, IL-10 and TNF-α. In the third specific aim, the effect of UV radiation on antigen presentation was investigated. UV radiation was found to decrease the production of biologically active IL-12. In addition, UV also increased the production of IL-12p40 homodimer, an antagonist of IL-12p70 heterodimer. This result suggests that IL-12 may have a dual role in the immune suppression induced by, UV radiation. On one hand the biologically active IL-12p70 heterodimer blocks UV-induced immune suppression. In contrast, IL-12p40 homodimer may mediate the suppressive effect of UV radiation. This paradox indicates that IL-12 may have a greater regulatory role in the immune response than was previously suspected. ^


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Background: [NiFe] hydrogenases are enzymes that catalyze the oxidation of hydrogen into protons and electrons, to use H2 as energy source, or the production of hydrogen through proton reduction, as an escape valve for the excess of reduction equivalents in anaerobic metabolism. Biosynthesis of [NiFe] hydrogenases is a complex process that occurs in the cytoplasm, where a number of auxiliary proteins are required to synthesize and insert the metal cofactors into the enzyme structural units. The endosymbiotic bacterium Rhizobium leguminosarum requires the products of eighteen genes (hupSLCDEFGHIJKhypABFCDEX) to synthesize an active hydrogenase. hupF and hupK genes are found only in hydrogenase clusters from bacteria expressing hydrogenase in the presence of oxygen. Results: HupF is a HypC paralogue with a similar predicted structure, except for the C-terminal domain present only in HupF. Deletion of hupF results in the inability to process the hydrogenase large subunit HupL, and also in reduced stability of this subunit when cells are exposed to high oxygen tensions. A ?hupF mutant was fully complemented for hydrogenase activity by a C-terminal deletion derivative under symbiotic, ultra low-oxygen tensions, but only partial complementation was observed in free living cells under higher oxygen tensions (1% or 3%). Co-purification experiments using StrepTag-labelled HupF derivatives and mass spectrometry analysis indicate the existence of a major complex involving HupL and HupF, and a less abundant HupF-HupK complex. Conclusions: The results indicate that HupF has a dual role during hydrogenase biosynthesis: it is required for hydrogenase large subunit processing and it also acts as a chaperone to stabilize HupL when hydrogenase is synthesized in the presence of oxygen.


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The transcription factors nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) and activator protein 1 (AP-1) coordinately regulate cytokine gene expression in activated T-cells by binding to closely juxtaposed sites in cytokine promoters. The structural basis for cooperative binding of NFAT and AP-1 to these sites, and indeed for the cooperative binding of transcription factors to composite regulatory elements in general, is not well understood. Mutagenesis studies have identified a segment of AP-1, which lies at the junction of its DNA-binding and dimerization domains (basic region and leucine zipper, respectively), as being essential for protein–protein interactions with NFAT in the ternary NFAT/AP-1/DNA complex. In a model of the ternary complex, the segment of NFAT nearest AP-1 is the Rel insert region (RIR), a feature that is notable for its hypervariability in size and in sequence amongst members of the Rel transcription factor family. Here we have used mutational analysis to study the role of the NFAT RIR in binding to DNA and AP-1. Parallel yeast one-hybrid screening assays in combination with alanine-scanning mutagenesis led to the identification of four amino acid residues in the RIR of NFAT2 (also known as NFATC1 or NFATc) that are essential for cooperativity with AP-1 (Ile-544, Glu-545, Thr-551, and Ile-553), and three residues that are involved in interactions with DNA (Lys-538, Arg-540, and Asn-541). These results were confirmed and extended through in vitro binding assays. We thus conclude that the NFAT RIR plays an essential dual role in DNA recognition and cooperative binding to AP-1 family transcription factors.


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Clathrin-coated vesicles (CCV) mediate protein sorting and vesicular trafficking from the plasma membrane and the trans-Golgi network. Before delivery of the vesicle contents to the target organelles, the coat components, clathrin and adaptor protein complexes (APs), must be released. Previous work has established that hsc70/the uncoating ATPase mediates clathrin release in vitro without the release of APs. AP release has not been reconstituted in vitro, and nothing is known about the requirements for this reaction. We report a novel quantitative assay for the ATP- and cytosol- dependent release of APs from CCV. As expected, hsc70 is not sufficient for AP release; however, immunodepletion and reconstitution experiments establish that it is necessary. Interestingly, complete clathrin release is not a prerequisite for AP release, suggesting that hsc70 plays a dual role in recycling the constituents of the clathrin coat. This assay provides a functional basis for identification of the additional cytosolic factor(s) required for AP release.


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The Drosophila homolog of the retinoid X receptor, ultraspiracle (USP), heterodimerizes with the ecdysone receptor (EcR) to form a functional complex that mediates the effects of the steroid molting hormone ecdysone by activating and repressing expression of ecdysone response genes. As with other retinoid X receptor heterodimers, EcR/USP affects gene transcription in a ligand-modulated manner. We used in vivo, cell culture, and biochemical approaches to analyze the functions of two usp alleles, usp3 and usp4, which encode stable proteins with defective DNA-binding domains. We observed that USP is able to activate as well as repress the Z1 isoform of the ecdysone-responsive broad complex (BrC-Z1). Activation of BrC-Z1 as well as EcR, itself an ecdysone response gene, can be mediated by both the USP3 and USP4 mutant proteins. USP3 and USP4 also activate an ecdysone-responsive element, hsp27EcRE, in cultured cells. These results differ from the protein null allele, usp2, which is unable to mediate activation [Schubiger, M. & Truman, J. W. (2000) Development 127, 1151–1159]. BrC-Z1 repression is compromised in all three usp alleles, suggesting that repression involves the association of USP with DNA. Our results distinguish two mechanisms by which USP modulates the properties of EcR: one that involves the USP DNA-binding domain and one that can be achieved solely through the ligand-binding domain. These newly revealed properties of USP might implicate similar properties for retinoid X receptor.