936 resultados para Dry powder inhaler
This study investigated optimizing the formulation parameters for encapsulation of a model mucinolytic enzyme, a-chymotrypsin (a-CH), within a novel polymer; poly(ethylene glycol)-co-poly(glycerol adipate-co-?-pentadecalactone), PEG-co-(PGA-co-PDL) which were then applied to the formulation of DNase I. a-CH or DNase I loaded microparticles were prepared via spray drying from double emulsion (w(1)/o/w(2)) utilizing chloroform (CHF) as the organic solvent, l-leucine as a dispersibility enhancer and an internal aqueous phase (w(1)) containing PEG4500 or Pluronic(®) F-68 (PLF68). a-CH released from microparticles was investigated for bioactivity using the azocasein assay and the mucinolytic activity was assessed utilizing the degradation of mucin suspension assay. The chemical structure of PEG-co-(PGA-co-PDL) was characterized by (1)H NMR and FT-IR with both analyses confirming PEG incorporated into the polymer backbone, and any unreacted units removed. Optimum formulation a-CH-CHF/PLF68, 1% produced the highest bioactivity, enzyme encapsulation (20.08±3.91%), loading (22.31±4.34µg/mg), FPF (fine particle fraction) (37.63±0.97%); FPD (fine particle dose) (179.88±9.43µg), MMAD (mass median aerodynamic diameter) (2.95±1.61µm), and the mucinolytic activity was equal to the native non-encapsulated enzyme up to 5h. DNase I-CHF/PLF68, 1% resulted in enzyme encapsulation (17.44±3.11%), loading (19.31±3.27µg/mg) and activity (81.9±2.7%). The results indicate PEG-co-(PGA-co-PDL) can be considered as a potential biodegradable polymer carrier for dry powder inhalation of macromolecules for treatment of local pulmonary diseases.
Spray-drying is an effective process for preparing micron-dimensioned particles for pulmonary delivery. Previously, we have demonstrated enhanced dispersibility and fine particle fraction of spray-dried nonviral gene delivery formulations using amino acids or absorption enhancers as dispersibility-enhancing excipients. In this study, we investigate the use of the cationic polymer chitosan as a readily available and biocompatible dispersibility enhancer. Lactose-lipid:polycation:pDNA (LPD) powders were prepared by spray-drying and post-mixed with chitosan or spray-dried chitosan. In addition, the water-soluble chitosan derivative, trimethyl chitosan, was added to the lactose-LPD formulation before spray-drying. Spray-dried chitosan particles, displaying an irregular surface morphology and diameter of less than 2 mu m, readily adsorbed to lactose-LPD particles following mixing. In contrast with the smooth spherical surface of lactose-LPD particles, spray-dried trimethyl chitosan-lactose-LPD particles demonstrated increased surface roughness and a unimodal particle size distribution (mean diameter 3.4 mu m), compared with the multimodal distribution for unmodified lactose-LPD powders (mean diameter 23.7 mu m). The emitted dose and in vitro deposition of chitosan-modified powders was significantly greater than that of unmodified powders. Moreover, the inclusion of chitosan mediated an enhanced level of reporter gene expression. In summary, chitosan enhances the dispersibility and in vitro pulmonary deposition performance of spray-dried powders.
Introduction: Production of functionalised particles using dry powder coating is a one-step, environmentally friendly process that paves the way for the development of particles with targeted properties and diverse functionalities. Areas covered: Applying the first principles in physical science for powders, fine guest particles can be homogeneously dispersed over the surface of larger host particles to develop functionalised particles. Multiple functionalities can be modified including: flowability, dispersibility, fluidisation, homogeneity, content uniformity and dissolution profile. The current publication seeks to understand the fundamental underpinning principles and science governing dry coating process, evaluate key technologies developed to produce functionalised particles along with outlining their advantages, limitations and applications and discusses in detail the resultant functionalities and their applications. Expert opinion: Dry particle coating is a promising solvent-free manufacturing technology to produce particles with targeted functionalities. Progress within this area requires the development of continuous processing devices that can overcome challenges encountered with current technologies such as heat generation and particle attrition. Growth within this field requires extensive research to further understand the impact of process design and material properties on resultant functionalities.
The effect of microwave pre-treatment on the levels of total phenolic compounds, flavonoids, proanthocyanidins and individual major compounds as well as the total antioxidant activity of the dried lemon pomace was investigated. The results showed that microwave pre-treatment significantly affected all the examined parameters. The total phenolic content, total flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, as well as the total antioxidant activity significantly increased as the microwave radiation time and power increased (e.g., 2.5 folds for phenolics, 1.4 folds for flavonoids and 5.5 folds for proanthocyanidins), however irradiation more than 480 W for 5 min resulted in the decrease of these parameters. These findings indicate that microwave irradiation time and power may enhance higher levels of the phenolic compounds as well as the antioxidant capacity of the dried lemon pomace powder. However, higher and longer irradiation may lead to a degradation of phenolic compounds and lower the antioxidant capacity of the dried lemon pomace.
Background and objective: Asthma is one of the most frequent chronic diseases affecting children and adolescents. Good compliance is indispensable for effective treatment since a suboptimal use of inhalation devices can result in decreased therapeutic efficacy and increased morbidity. The objective of this work was to evaluate the inhalation technique of paediatric patients visiting a specialized consultation clinic of a university hospital. Design: Observational prospective study during a 3-month period. Setting Specialized consultation clinic of a university hospital. Main outcome measures: This study involved 40 outpatient infants, children and adolescents visiting alone or with their parent(s). Patients' data (age, sex, weight, diagnostic, reason for consulting, previous consultations) and their medicines were compiled using an ad hoc form. Filmed sequences of the inhalation procedure used by each child were reviewed independently by members of an interdisciplinary team consisting in a physician, a pharmacist, a nurse and a physiotherapist. A score of 1 was assigned to each correct step in the procedure, and a score of 0 to an incorrect step. A perfect procedure implied 12 correct steps. Results: Thirty patients were treated with a metered-dose inhaler and an inhalation chamber (Babyhaler or AeroChamber Plus); ten other patients were treated with a dry powder inhaler (Diskus or Turbuhaler). The agreement between the members of the interdisciplinary team was considered satisfactory. Nine patients (22.5%) reached an average score lower than 7, 18 patients (45%) a score between 7 and 10 and 13 (32.5%) a score equal to or better than 10. No patient reached the maximum score of 12. Users of the metered-dose inhalers (average score = 9.2) showed a better technique than users of the dry powder inhalers (average score = 7.4). Disappointingly, the score was not improved during a second consultation or following regular consultations. Conclusions: Video recording is a simple method to evaluate the degree of mastery of an inhalation procedure in paediatric patients. The method allows a convenient and efficient identification of suboptimal procedure steps by the hospital staff, and opens the way to patient-specific teaching. In two-thirds of juvenile patients, their inhalation technique was suboptimal despite initial training. This study shows conclusively that the inhalation technique in paediatric patients must be monitored during each examination, and teaching measures taken to improve it when necessary.
Zur bronchialen Deposition von Arzneimitteln stehen im Wesentlichen drei Inhalationssysteme zur Verfügung: (1) Dosier-Aerosole (pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler, pMDI), (2) Trockenpulver-Inhalatoren (Dry Powder Inhaler, DPI) und (3) Druckluftvernebler zur Feuchtinhalation. Der Erfolg einer Inhalationstherapie hängt neben anderen Faktoren (s.u.) wesentlich vom Depositionsverhalten des als Aerosol inhalierten Medikamentes ab. Wie viel wirksame Substanz lagert sich an welchen Stellen der Atemwege ab und welche Dosis erreicht letztlich die kleinen Atemwege? Einflussfaktoren sind hier vor allem die Partikelgröße und die Inhalationstechnik. So verlangen beispielsweise DPI’s einen respiratorischen Spitzenfluss (PIF) von mindestens 30 l/min, wohingegen bei der Verwendung von pMDI’s ein gleich bleibender PIF von 40 bis 90 l/min erwünscht ist. Die für das jeweilige Inhalationssystem optimale Atemtechnik muss also vom Patienten erlernt werden. Mit den eigenen Arbeiten soll das Verständnis inhalativer Vorgänge sowie die bronchiale Deposition von inhalativen Medikamenten bei pädiatrischen Patienten verbessert werden. Aus der Vielzahl der Inhalatoren wählten wir für unsere Versuche fünf Systeme aus, deren unterschied-liche Anforderungen an den Patienten repräsentativ überprüft wurden: (1) DPI mit mittlerem Widerstand: Diskus®, (2) DPI mit hohem Widerstand: Turbohaler®, (3) pMDI: Autohaler®, (4) pMDI für Säuglinge: Budiair® mit verschiedenen Vorsatzkammern (Babyhaler®, AeroChamber® Plus small und medium) und (5) nachfüllbarer DPI mit niedrigem Widerstand: MAGhaler®. Für unsere Studien unverzichtbar war außerdem ein Testsystem, mit dem die Fähigkeit der Patienten überprüft und verbessert werden kann, einen bestimmten Inhalator effektiv zu benutzen, d.h. das gewünschte Atemmanöver durchzuführen und damit eine optimale Medikamenten-Deposition zu erreichen. Erste Untersuchungen ergaben, dass die kommerziell auf dem Markt verfügbaren Testsysteme suboptimal sind, weil sie sich nur auf die Messung des PIF’s konzentrieren und andere für die Deposition wichtige Parameter (Beschleunigung, Inhaltionsdauer etc.) außer Acht lassen. Wir entwickelten daher den Inhalation-Manager, der die Dokumentation des gesamten Atemmanövers ermöglicht. Es handelt sich dabei um ein computerbasiertes Mess- und Kontrollsystem, das unmittelbar nach der Inhalation ein optisches feedback des gesamten Manövers inklusive des generierten Partikelspektrums liefert. Die daraus weiterentwickelte Schulungssoftware ermöglicht die individuelle Schulung verschiedener Inhalationsmanöver auch mit neuen Inhalatoren. Patient und Arzt erhalten eine optische Rückmeldung, die den Erfolg oder Misserfolg der Inhalation erkennen lässt. Erste Schulungen mit dem neuen System von pädiatrischen Patienten mit Asthma bronchiale verliefen positiv: der Anteil der optimalen Inhalationsmanöver und damit auch der Therapieerfolg stiegen an. Allerdings zeigte sich auch, dass verschiedene Systeme nicht gleichzeitig geschult werden sollten. Generelle Schwierigkeiten bereitet die Inhalationstherapie von Kindern bis etwa zum 4. Geburtstag, da diese meist gar kein Inhalationsmanöver erlernen können. Die Medikamente müssen somit durch den Ruheatemfluss ins Bronchialsystem transportiert werden, wobei Dosieraerosole mit Vorsatzkammern (Spacer) oder Vernebler mit Masken zum Einsatz kommen sollten. Bei der Inhalation mit Spacer war bislang unklar, wie viel Prozent der Nominaldosis letztlich in die Lunge gelangen und therapeutisch wirksam werden. Unsere in-vitro Studien mit einem Dosieraerosol und verschiedenen Spacern zeigten, dass nach fünf Atemzügen maximal 20% der Nominaldosis das Gerät bzw. den Spacer verlassen. Nach nur einem Atemzug und bei Verwendung bestimmter Spacer (großes Totraumvolumen) beträgt dieser Wert sogar nur 5%. Dieses Ergebnis belegt, dass man vom Säuglings- bis zum Erwachsenenalter nahezu die gleiche Nominaldosis verabreichen kann, da durch unterschiedliche Inhalationsmanöver und –systeme die wirksame Dosis extrakorporal auf die altersentsprechende Dosis reduziert wird. Ein besonderes Problem ergibt sich schließlich bei der Feuchtinhalation mit Druckluftverneblern. Hier darf die Kompatibilität von unterschiedlichen Inhalationslösungen nicht außer Acht gelassen werden. So gaben in unserer Mukoviszidose-Ambulanz viele Betroffene an, aus Zeitgründen unterschiedliche Inhalationslösungen bei der Feuchtinhalation zu mischen. Physikalisch-chemische Inkompatibilitäten können dann die Wirksamkeit der Therapie beeinträchtigen und auch zu unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen führen. In einer interdisziplinären Arbeitsgruppe mit Chemikern und Pharmazeuten untersuchten wir daher die Mischbarkeit von häufig genutzten Inhalationslösungen (Salbutamol, Ipratropium, Cromoglicinsäure, Budenosid, Tobramycin und Dornase Alpha) und stellten die Ergebnisse (mögliche Inhaltionskombinationen) tabellarisch zusammen.
Die Untersuchung der Adhäsionskräfte mit Colloid Probe Technik, einer Weiterentwicklung der Rasterkraftmikroskopie (Atomic Force Microscopy=AFM), an erzeugten Carrier- und Wirkstoffkristallen bei Laborbedingungen und unter Einfluss der Luftfeuchte zeigte, dass die Adhäsion von Tiotropiumbromid Monohydrat an Mannitol deutlich höher ist als an Lactose Monohydrat. Die Kohäsionskräfte des Wirkstoffes sind stärker als die Adhäsionskräfte an Carriermaterialien. Auf dieser Grundlage wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass eine Mischung mit Mannitol als Carrier eine kleinere Feinpartikeldosis liefert als eine Mischung mit Lactose. Diese Theorie wurde an interaktiven Pulvermischungen unter Variation von verschiedenen Einflussfaktoren überprüft. Die binare und ternäre Lactose-basierte Mischung lieferte unabhängig vom Kapselmaterial (Gelatine- und Polyethylenkapsel) eine höhere Feinpartikeldosis als die entsprechenden Mannitol-basierten Formulierungen. Die ternäre Komponente bewirkte nur bei Mannitol-basierten Mischungen eine Verbesserung der Feinpartikeldosis. Die detaillierte Untersuchung der aerodynamischen Verteilung ternärer Mischungen zeigte, dass das Kapselmaterial nur unter dem Einfluss der Luftfeuchte und Permeabilität der Blisterverpackung die interpartikulären Wechselwirkungen beeinflusst. Mischungen mit Mannitol als Carrier lieferten unabhängig vom Kapselmaterial, von Luftfeuchte/Lagerungsbedingungen und Permeabilität der Blisterverpackung eine kleinere Feinpartikeldosis als Mischungen mit Lactose als Carrier. Die Carrierart, die Permeabilität der Blisterverpackung und die Luftfeuchte wurden als Haupteinflussfaktoren auf die aerodynamischen Eigenschaften identifiziert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass AFM einen wertvollen Beitrag zum Verständnis der interpartikulären Wechselwirkungen leistet und aufgrund prädiktiver Eigenschaften hilfreich in der Entwicklung inhalativer Darreichungs-formen sein kann.
In dieser Arbeit wird das Konzept eines aktiven Pulverinhalators entwickelt. Im Gegensatz zu einem passiven Pulverinhalator ist bei solch einem Gerät die Abgabe und Dispergierung der Arzneistoffformulierung nicht von einem Inhalationsmanöver abhängig, welches von Patient zu Patient variiert. Solch ein System würde folglich die Zuverlässigkeit und Effizienz der inhalativen Therapie verbessern. Mögliche Anwendungen für einen aktiven Pulverinhalator wären vor allem Indikationen, die die Abgabe hoher Dosen erfordern, wie z.B. in der Therapie mit Antibiotika.rnIn einem Designprozess, der alle aus Kundenwünschen ermittelten Konstruktionsanforderungen sammelt und verschiedene Lösungsansätze vergleicht, wird ein mit Treibgas betriebener atemzugsausgelöster, Mehrfach-Dosis Pulverinhalator als aussichtsreichstes Konzept ermittelt. Dieses Konzept wird in Form von eigens konstruierten Labor-Test-Rigs entwickelt und vor allem hinsichtlich Höhe der Dosierung, Dosiergenauigkeit, und Flussratenabhängigkeit evaluiert. In der Spitze können über 16 mg lungengängiger Dosis erreicht werden, bei im Vergleich zu dem eingesetzten passiven Inhalator mindestens nur halb so großer Streuung. Bei niedrigen Flussraten können immer noch bis zu 80 % der erzielten inhalierbaren Dosis von hohen Flussraten erreicht werden und damit die Ergebnisse des passiven Inhalators deutlich übertreffen.rnTeil der Aufgabe war es, dieses treibgasbetriebene Labor-Test-Rig so zu entwickeln, dass es implementierbar in einen atemzugsausgelösten Mehrfachdosis-Pulverinhalator ist. Dieser treibgasbetriebene, atemzugsausgelöste Mehrfachdosis-Pulverinhalator würde die Kundenwünsche und Konstruktionsanforderungen in sehr hohen Maße erfüllen, so dass hier die Möglichkeit besteht einen Inhalator mit sehr hohem Grad an Patienten-Compliance zu verwirklichen. Durch die Verwendung und Neukombination bereits etablierter Technologien und einen akzeptablen Stückkostenpreis besteht die Möglichkeit den Inhalator tatsächlich zu realisieren und zu vermarkten.
Dry powders for inhalation were prepared by spray drying a 30% v/v aqueous ethanol formulation containing beclometasone dipropionate (BDP), lactose, leucine and chitosan (low, medium or high molecular weight (MW), or combinations thereof). Following physical characterisation of the powders, the aerosolisation and dissolution properties of the powders were investigated using Multi-Stage Liquid Impinger and USP II dissolution apparatus, respectively. The powders were highly dispersible, with emitted doses in excess of 90% of loaded powder aerosolised from a Spinhaler dry powder inhaler. The fine particle fraction (FPF) was observed to decrease, whereas the time for 100% drug release increased, with increasing chitosan MW. For example, the low MW formulation exhibited an FPF of 64% and a 100% dissolution time of 2 h, whereas the high MW formulation demonstrated an FPF of 54% and a dissolution time of 12 h. These powders would be anticipated to deposit predominately in the lower regions of the lung following inhalation, and then undergo delayed rather than instantaneous drug release, offering the potential to reduce dosing frequency and improve patient compliance. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Pulmonary gene therapy requires aerosolisation of the gene vectors to the target region of the lower respiratory tract. Pulmonary absorption enhancers have been shown to improve the penetration of pharmaceutically active ingredients in the airway. In this study, we investigate whether certain absorption enhancers may also enhance the aerosolisation properties of spray-dried powders containing non-viral gene vectors. Methods: Spray-drying was used to prepare potentially respirable trehalose-based dry powders containing lipid-polycation-pDNA (LPD) vectors and absorption enhancers. Powder morphology and particle size were characterised using scanning electron microscopy and laser diffraction, respectively, with gel electrophoresis used to assess the structural integrity of the pDNA. The biological functionality of the powders was quantified using in vitro cell (A549) transfection. Aerosolisation from a Spinhaler® dry powder inhaler into a multistage liquid impinger (MSLI) was used to assess the in vitro dispersibility and deposition of the powders. Results: Spray-dried powder containing dimethyl-β-cyclodextrin (DMC) demonstrated substantially altered particle morphology and an optimal particle size distribution for pulmonary delivery. The inclusion of DMC did not adversely affect the structural integrity of the LPD complex and the powder displayed significantly greater transfection efficiency as compared to unmodified powder. All absorption enhancers proffered enhanced powder deposition characteristics, with the DMC-modified powder facilitating high deposition in the lower stages of the MSLI. Conclusions: Incorporation of absorption enhancers into non-viral gene therapy formulations prior to spray-drying can significantly enhance the aerosolisation properties of the resultant powder and increase biological functionality at the site of deposition in an in vitro model. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The use of antimicrobial peptides and proteins as potential therapeutic agents in the management of multi-drug resistant infections is considered an attractive concept especially since such compounds should theoretically have low immunogenicity, high bioavailability with negligible toxicity. In this study we investigated the potential of developing a dry powder inhaler formulation of lactoferrin (a multifunctional iron binding protein). To achieve this, the protein was spray dried from a water only feedstock with suitably adjusted spray drying parameters. The particle size, degree of crystallinity, moisture content and yield of the spray dried powders along with the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) against Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO1, were assessed. Dry powder inhaler formulations were prepared, and in vitro assessment studies using the multistage impinger were carried out to assess the aerosolisation performance of the formulations. Data obtained indicate that spray dried lactoferrin retains activity against biofilms and may be successfully employed in the treatment of chronic airway infections.
The use of sodium carboxymethylcellulose (NaCMC) as a spray-drying excipient in the preparation of inhalable formulations of proteins was investigated, using alkaline phosphatase as a model functional protein. Two spray-dried powders were investigated: a control powder comprising 100% (w/w) alkaline phosphatase and a test powder comprising 67% (w/w) NaCMC and 33% (w/w) alkaline phosphatase. Following physicochemical characterisation, the powders were prepared as both dry powder inhaler (DPI) and pressurised metered dose inhaler (pMDI) formulations. The aerosolisation performance of the formulations was assessed using a Multi-Stage Liquid Impinger, both immediately after preparation and over a 16-week storage period. Formulating the control powder as a DPI resulted in a poor fine particle fraction (FPF: 10%), whereas the FPF of the NaCMC-modified DPI formulation was significantly greater (47%). When the powders were formulated as pMDI systems, the control and NaCMC-modified powders demonstrated FPFs of 52% and 55%, respectively. Following storage, reduced FPF was observed for all formulations except the NaCMC-modified pMDI system; the performance of this formulation following storage was statistically equivalent to that immediately following preparation. Co-spray-drying proteins and peptides with NaCMC may therefore offer an alternative method for the preparation of stable and respirable pMDI formulations for pulmonary delivery. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.
The work presented in this thesis was developed in collaboration with a Portuguese company, BeyonDevices, devoted to pharmaceutical packaging, medical technology and device industry. Specifically, the composition impact and surface modification of two polymeric medical devices from the company were studied: inhalers and vaginal applicators. The polyethylene-based vaginal applicator was modified using supercritical fluid technology to acquire self-cleaning properties and prevent the transport of bacteria and yeasts to vaginal flora. For that, in-situ polymerization of 2-substituted oxazolines was performed within the polyethylene matrix using supercritical carbon dioxide. The cationic ring-opening polymerization process was followed by end-capping with N,N-dimethyldodecylamine. Furthermore, for the same propose, the polyethylene matrix was impregnated with lavender oil in supercritical medium. The obtained materials were characterized physical and morphologically and the antimicrobial activity against bacteria and yeasts was accessed. Materials modified using 2-substituted oxazolines showed an effective killing ability for all the tested microorganisms, while the materials modified with lavender oil did not show antimicrobial activity. Only materials modified with oligo(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) maintain the activity during the long term stability. Furthermore, the cytotoxicity of the materials was tested, confirming their biocompatibilty. Regarding the inhaler, its surface was modified in order to improve powder flowability and consequently, to reduce powder retention in the inhaler´s nozzle. New dry powder inhalers (DPIs), with different needle’s diameters, were evaluated in terms of internal resistance and uniformity of the emitted dose. It was observed that they present a mean resistance of 0.06 cmH2O0.5/(L/min) and the maximum emitted dose obtained was 68.9% for the inhaler with higher needle´s diameter (2 mm). Thus, this inhaler was used as a test and modified by the coating with a commonly-used force control agent, magnesium stearate, dried with supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) and the uniformity of delivered dose tests were repeated. The modified inhaler showed an increase in emitted dose from 68.9% to 71.3% for lactose and from 30.0% to 33.7% for Foradil.
RESUMO: O presente estudo, enquadra-se, no domínio do exercício profissional dos enfermeiros e na formação em serviço destes profissionais e teve por objectivo avaliar, num grupo de enfermeiros de um serviço de medicina, o impacto de uma intervenção educativa na melhoria dos procedimentos a executar na prática da terapêutica inalatória. A amostra do estudo (amostra por conveniência) foi constituída por oito enfermeiros do serviço de medicina do Hospital Curry Cabral (idades compreendidas entre os 24 a 43 anos de idade), sem anterior formação específica na área da terapêutica inalatória, mas com experiencia profissional prévia com doentes respiratórios. O estudo decorreu em dois momentos de avaliação: avaliação 0 (antes da intervenção educativa) e avaliação 1 (após a intervenção educativa). Entre estes dois momentos, foi ministrada, a todos os enfermeiros, uma acção de formação sobre terapêutica inalatória, com componente teórico-prática. Antes e depois da intervenção educativa foram aplicados dois instrumentos: para avaliação dos conhecimentos teóricos, construi-se e aplicou-se, um questionário de auto-avaliação de conhecimentos sobre terapêutica inalatória ao grupo dos enfermeiros, e para avaliação dos conhecimentos práticos e execução de procedimentos, uma grelha de observação da demonstração da técnica de inalação com três dispositivos inalatórios: MDI, MDI com câmara expansora ACE e DPI turbohaler®. Os resultados do estudo mostraram que o grupo dos enfermeiros da nossa amostra detinha já alguns conhecimentos de carácter teórico, de âmbito geral, sobre a terapêutica inalatória, mas conhecimentos pouco sólidos, nomeadamente no que concerne aos fármacos utilizados por via inalatória. Verificou-se, ainda, um deficiente domínio de conteúdos de carácter mais específico e prático sobre terapêutica inalatória, por exemplo a importância de determinados procedimentos - agitação do inalador, tempo de pausa entre cada inalação, cuidados de manutenção da câmara expansora, higienização da cavidade bucal após a inalação dos corticosteróides. Quanto à observação da técnica de inalação, o grupo dos enfermeiros revelou algumas lacunas, quer relativamente à técnica de inalação com MDI, quer do MDI com câmara expansora, observando-se a execução de passos incorrectos e mesmo omissão de passos por parte dos enfermeiros, antes da intervenção educativa.Não nos foi possível realizar a observação da técnica de inalação com dispositivo de pó seco turbohaler®, dado que nenhum dos enfermeiros da nossa amostra se sentiu capaz de manusear de forma correcta este dispositivo, antes e após a formação. Em termos globais, achamos que a formação dada sobre terapêutica inalatória, mostrou melhorar os conhecimentos teóricos e práticos dos enfermeiros neste âmbito. Esta melhoria ficou claramente demonstrada no aumento do número de respostas correctas dadas pelos enfermeiros no questionário efectuado, após a formação. Do mesmo modo, após a formação, registou-se uma melhoria considerável dos conhecimentos específicos e práticos, no que concerne à importância de determinados procedimentos na prática da terapêutica inalatória - agitação do inalador, tempo de pausa entre cada inalação, cuidados de manutenção da câmara expansora, higienização da cavidade bucal após a inalação dos corticosteróides - observando-se, um maior número de respostas correctas assinaladas no questionário. Em contrapartida, os conhecimentos sobre fármacos administrados por via inalatória, ficaram um pouco aquém das expectativas, pois o número de respostas correctas dadas pelos enfermeiros após a formação não foi significativo. Poderemos mesmo dizer que, a acção de formação com maior grau de especificidade sobre fármacos não se revelou eficaz e gerou até alguma ―confusão‖ neste grupo de enfermeiros, parecendo que os conhecimentos anteriores sobre fármacos por via inalatória não estariam consolidados antes da formação. De igual modo, após a formação, registou-se no grupo dos enfermeiros do estudo uma melhoria na performance da técnica de inalação com o MDI e MDI com a câmara expansora. Os enfermeiros do estudo, não só corrigiram os passos ou itens de avaliação da técnica inalatória, anteriormente executados incorrectamente, mas também, mostraram um melhor conhecimento dos passos ou itens de avaliação da técnica de inalação, com menor número de passos ou itens de avaliação omissos, após a formação. Em contrapartida, a acção de formação, no que diz respeito ao dispositivo de pó seco turbohaler®, não cumpriu o seu objectivo, dado que nenhum dos enfermeiros da amostra foi capaz de demonstrar a técnica de inalação com este dispositivo, antes e após a formação. Poderemos dizer que, não sendo um dispositivo da sua prática clínica, os enfermeiros não sentiram necessidade de adquirir estes conhecimentos. Em síntese, podemos concluir que na sua globalidade, a formação dada (com informação actualizada sobre as orientações mais adequadas neste domínio) e o treino formal dos enfermeiros neste âmbito, foi bastante proveitoso, uma vez que, mostrou melhorar os conhecimentos teóricos e práticos na prática da terapêutica inalatória do grupo de enfermeiros doserviço de medicina. Realça-se, no entanto, a importância de uma formação adequada, sentida como útil pelos enfermeiros, faseada, ligada à prática dos profissionais e alternando com momentos de exercício profissional. Os conhecimentos e os procedimentos dos enfermeiros deverão ainda ser monitorizados e avaliados ao longo do tempo, para a detecção de eventuais desvios que a rotina pode introduzir e para levantamento de novas necessidades de formação.-------------------ABSTRACT: This study fits in the domain of in-service training of professional nurses. It was aimed to assess the impact of an educational intervention and the consequent improvement of the practice of inhalation therapy in a group of nurses from a medical service The study sample (convenience sample) was consituted by eight nurses from the medical service, Hospital Curry Cabral (aged 24-43 years) without previous special training in the field of inhalation therapy, but with prior experience with patients with respiratory diseases. The study ran in two moments of evaluation: evaluation 0 (before the educational intervention) and evaluation 1 (post-intervention). Between these two moments, a training program about therapeutic inhalation was administered to all nurses, with a double component of theory and practice. Before and after the educational intervention two evaluation tools were applied: for the assessment of theoretical knowledge, the nurses had to fill a self-assessment questionnaire and in order to evaluate their knowledge related to procedural skills as well as their performance, they were observed (and their behaviour recorded on a check-list) during a demonstration of three inhalation techniques with devices: metered dose inhaler, metered dose inhaler with a spacer device ACE® and device turbohaler® The study results showed that the group of nurses in our sample had already some knowledge of theoretical nature (general scope of the inhalation therapy) but little solid knowledge, particularly in regard to drugs used in inhalation. In fact, a relatively weaker knowledge was registerd in what concerns specific and practical knowledge about inhalation therapy, for example, the importance of certain procedures - shaking the inhaler, pause between each inhalation, maintenance care of spacer device, mouth cavity hygiene after inhalation of corticosteroids. As for the observation of the inhaler technique, it was found that the group of nurses had a poor inhalation technique, in what concerns inhalation technique with MDI or MDI with spacer device, with a performance with several incorrect steps, or even omission of steps by nurses before the educational intervention. Finally, as the observation technique of the dry powder device turbohaler ®, we were unable to analyze the observation concerning this device, since none of the nurses in our sample, wast able to handlle it correctly, before and after training.In general terms, we found that the training given on inhalation therapy had a positive impact either in the theorical or the pratical knowledge on inhalation therapy (higher number of correct answers after training). Similarly, after training, there was the considerable improvement of specific and practical skills, namely the importance of certain procedures in the practice of inhalation therapy - shaking the inhaler, pause time between each inhalation, maintenance care of spacer device, sanitizing the buccal cavity after inhalation of corticosteroids. In contrast, knowledge about drugs administered by inhalation, were slightly below expectations, showing a lower number of correct answers given by the nurses after training. The training seemed to be a factor of "confusion" for this group of nurses, whose prior knowledge in this domais was not probably very solid to begin with. After training, the group of nurses in the study improved the performance of inhalation technique with MDI and MDI with spacer device. They not only correcty performed the steps or itens for the assessment of inhalation technique, previously performed incorrectly, but also showed a better understanding of the steps or itens for assessing the inhalation technique, with fewer steps missing (after training). In contrast, training with regard to the device turbohaler ® dry powder, was also below expectations, given that none of the nurses in the sample was able to demonstrate inhaler technique with this device before and after training. This was probably due to the fact that, the nurses did not feel the need to acquire this knowledge and the related practice. In summary, we can say that, overall, the training (with updated information on the appropriate policies in this field) showed an improvement in knowledge and performance in the practice of inhalation therapy. It is however crucial to underline the importance of in-service adequate training programmes, perceived as useful by the nurses, developped in different phases, linked to the nurses’ practice and combining with professional practices. The nurses’ knowledge and skills should also be further monitorized and evaluated in order to detect deviations introduced by the rotinization of procedures and to identify new training needs.
The potato tuberworm Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) is an important agricultural pest that causes significant economic losses to potato growers worldwide. The addition of an effective method of biological control for the potato tuberworm is greatly needed, and is currently unavailable in Brazil. The granulosis virus (Baculoviridae) is a promising biological control agent to protect post-harvest potatoes and in storage from the potato tuberworm. However, the control measure must be economically feasible. Liquid suspensions of a granulosis virus applied alone or in mixture with two commercial neem oil-based products (DalNeem (TM) and NeemAzal (TM)), and a dry powder formulation of viral granules were evaluated for control of potato tuberworm larvae by treating potato tubers under laboratory conditions. High larval mortality (86.7%) was achieved when DalNeem and virus were applied together at 4 mg of azadirachtin/L and 10(4) occlusion bodies (OBs)/mL, respectively. This combination resulted in a parts per thousand yen50% efficacy in relation to their counterparts alone. Conversely, NeemAzal did not enhance virus effectiveness against larvae of the potato tuberworm. The talc-based virus formulation was used for dusting seed tubers at different concentrations and resulted in 100% larval mortality at 5 x 10(8) OBs/g. Formulated and unformulated virus provided 50% mortality at 166 OBs/g and at 5.0 x 10(5) OBs/mL, respectively. As a result, talc-based virus formulation had a better control efficiency on potato tuberworm than the aqueous virus suspension. The granulosis virus combined with DalNeem at low rates or formulated with talc powder is a viable option to control the potato tuberworm under storage conditions.