44 resultados para Drowsiness


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Aquesta tesi està centrada en l'estudi dels períodes de regressió i transició. A partir dels treballs de van de Rijt-Plooij & Plooij (1992) sobre els períodes de regressió, l'autor analitza les característiques comportamentals d'aquests períodes i la relació que tenen amb els períodes de transició. Els períodes de regressió s'entenen com uns moments del desenvolupament durant els quals els nens perden la homeostasi del seu organisme i manifesten una sèrie de conductes pertorbadores per a la mare. El matrimoni Plooij manté que els períodes de regressió són la manifestació de les reorganitzacions cerebrals que tenen lloc durant el període postnatal, i constitueixen la base de les noves habilitats que el nen va adquirint. Així, doncs, l'augment de l'atenció que la mare dispensa al nen durant els períodes de regressió esdevé una font estimular imprescindible en els processos d'educació i culturalització de l'infant. Per tant, els períodes de regressió estan íntimament relacionats amb els períodes durant els quals apareixen nous comportaments qualitativament diferents dels anteriors, que es manifesten de forma ràpida i sobtada, permetent una certa sistematització del procés evolutiu, per la qual cosa s'han denominat transicions. Van de Rijt-Plooij & Plooij, i també nosaltres, considerem que els períodes de regressió són índexs dels períodes de transició. Per aquesta raó també s'han denominar reprogressions. Tanmateix, els períodes de regressió es poden convertir en una font de conflictes que, en situació de risc, poden degenerar en maltractament infantil i, fins i tot, esdevenir el germen de possibles patogènies. Com veiem, els conceptes de període de regressió i transició es troben a l'encreuament entre la fisiologia, la psicologia i la psicopatologia del desenvolupament i, el seu estudi establiria un pont interdisciplinar que contribuiria a la construcció d'un model biopsicosocial del desenvolupament. Els objectius del nostre estudi varen ser comprovar si els períodes descrits per van de Rijt-Plooij i Plooij (1992) també els podem observar en un grup de nens de la població catalana sense problemes socio-econòmics o sanitaris aparents. Per altra banda, vàrem voler comprovar si els períodes de regressió tenen relació amb els períodes de transició. El disseny d'investigació correspon a un model longitudinal i transversal. Es varen seguir -mitjançant entrevistes, qüestionaris i observacions- vint diades mare-nen durant catorze mesos, repartides en quatre cohorts de cinc diades cada una d'elles. Partint d'uns criteris establerts a priori per a la categorització dels períodes de regressió i transició, vàrem estudiar la temporalitat d'ambdós tipus de períodes. També s'ha aprofundit sobre les característiques comportamentals i dinàmiques dels períodes de regressió. Respecte les dades, els percentatges màxims dels períodes de regressió del nostre grup d'estudi han aparegut a les setmanes: 5, 8, 12-13, 18, 26-27, 35, 43 i 52. La mitjana setmanal de cada període ha sigut de dues setmanes. Les nostres dades confirmen les obtingudes en la investigació de van de Rijt-Plooij & Plooij. Tanmateix, també hem trobat diferències (els períodes de regressió de l'estudi holandès són més llargs i coincideixen més) que ens suggereixen que la cultura podrien estar actuant en la forma de presentació del períodes de regressió. Pel que fa a la relació entre els períodes de regressió i l'emergència de nous comportaments (períodes de transició), els resultats mostren que les freqüències màximes dels períodes de regressió sempre es troben poques setmanes abans de les freqüències màximes dels períodes de transició. Per tant, és possible que els períodes de regressió siguin indicadors dels períodes de transició.


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PURPOSE: Thousands of children are living with advanced cancer; yet patient-reported outcomes (PROs) have rarely been used to describe their experiences. We aimed to describe symptom distress in 104 children age 2 years or older with advanced cancer enrolled onto the Pediatric Quality of Life and Evaluation of Symptoms Technology (PediQUEST) Study (multisite clinical trial evaluating an electronic PRO system).

METHODS: Symptom data were collected using age- and respondent-adapted versions of the PediQUEST Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale (PQ-MSAS) at most once per week. Clinical and treatment data were obtained from medical records. Individual symptom scores were dichotomized into high/low distress. Determinants of PQ-MSAS scores were explored using linear mixed-effects models.

RESULTS: During 9 months of follow-up, PQ-MSAS was administered 920 times: 459 times in teens (99% self-report), 249 times in children ages 7 to 12 years (96% child/parent report), and 212 times in those ages 2 to 6 years (parent reports). Common symptoms included pain (48%), fatigue (46%), drowsiness (39%), and irritability (37%); most scores indicated high distress. Among the 73 PQ-MSAS surveys administered in the last 12 weeks of life, pain was highly prevalent (62%; 58% with high distress). Being female, having a brain tumor, experiencing recent disease progression, and receiving moderate- or high-intensity cancer-directed therapy in the prior 10 days were associated with worse PQ-MSAS scores. In the final 12 weeks of life, receiving mild cancer-directed therapy was associated with improved psychological PQ-MSAS scores.

CONCLUSION: Children with advanced cancer experience high symptom distress. Strategies to promote intensive symptom management are indicated, especially with disease progression or administration of intensive treatments.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros farmacocinéticos da talidomida em pacientes com tumores sólidos refratários incluídos em estudo de fase II em nossa Instituição. Foram incluídos 14 pacientes, sendo 5 com diagnóstico de adenocarcinoma de reto, 4 com adenocarcinoma de cólon, 4 com melanoma e 1 com adenocarcinoma de pâncreas. Todos os pacientes foram previamente tratados, 14 com cirurgia, 11 com quimioterapia, 5 com radioterapia e 1 com imunoterapia. Os pacientes foram inicialmente tratados com talidomida 200 mg/dia, com um aumento de dose de 200mg a cada duas semanas, até atingir a dose máxima de 800 mg/dia. Treze pacientes atingiram o nível de 400mg/dia, 9 pacientes os níveis de 600mg/dia e apenas 5 pacientes atingiram 800mg/dia. A farmacocinética foi caracterizada em oito pacientes no nível de dose de 200 mg/dia. Todos os 14 pacientes incluídos foram avaliados quanto ao perfil de toxicidade e resposta antitumoral. A talidomida foi bem tolerada, sendo os principais efeitos colaterais a sonolência, a tontura, a xerostomia e a constipação. Não foram observadas respostas tumorais objetivas. Para avaliar os parâmetros farmacocinéticos da talidomida foram coletadas amostras de sangue imediatamente antes da administração da droga, 1h, 2h, 2,5h, 3h, 3,5h, 4h, 5h, 7h e 24h após a administração da primeira dose de talidomida de 200mg. A determinação das concentrações e parâmetros farmacocinéticos da talidomida nestas amostras foi realizada por cromatografia líquida de alta performance. A curva de decaimento das concentrações plasmáticas obedeceu a um modelo farmacocinético monocompartimental. A média dos principais parâmetros farmacocinéticos estudados foi: Cmax 1,48 ± 0,56μg/ml, Tmax 4,4± 0,5h, ASC 17,7±8,4μg x h/mL e t½ 6,5±3,0 hs. O autor pode concluir que os parâmetros farmacocinéticos da talidomida estudados nestes pacientes foram semelhantes àqueles descritos anteriormente em voluntários sadios, pacientes com HIV, hanseníase ou adenocarcinoma de próstata.


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Introduction: The aging process causes quantitative and qualitative changes in sleeping. Such changes affects more than half of the adults above 65 years old, that live in the community and 70% of the institutionalized, a great negative impact in their quality of life. One of the pathological displays of aging, that share some characteristics with sleeping disorders and predict similar results, is the Frailty Syndrome, that characterize the most weakened and vulnerable elderly. The way sleeping disorders play a role in the frailty pathogeneses remains uncertain. Objective: Evaluate the relation between the sleeping and the frailty syndrome on institutionalized elderly. Methodology: A transversal study was performed with 69 elderly in institutions in the city of João Pessoa PB. Were used the Pittsburgh Sleeping Quality Index and actigraphy to subjective and objective variables, respectively, and questionnaires and specific tests to frailty phenotype variant (Fried Frailty Criteria). In the statistic analysis were used the Pearson correlation test, Chi Square and One-way ANOVA test, with Tukey-Krammer posttest. Subsequently, a Simple Linear Regression model was built. On every statistical analysis were considered a confidence interval of 95% and a p < 0,05. Results: The sample was characterized by the prevalence of the frail (49,3%), women (62,3%), single (50,7%) and 77,52 (±7,82).The frail elderly obtained the worst sleeping quality 10,37 (±4,31) (f = 4,15, p = 0,02), when compared with the non-frail. The sleep latency influenced more the frailty (R2 = 0,13, β standard = 1,76, β = 0,41, p = 0,001). Weren t found differences between the standard resting-activity variable and the frailty phenotype categories. Conclusion: Sleeping alterations, including bad sleeping quality, prolonged sleep latency, low sleep efficiency and day drowsiness, influenced the frailty in institutionalized elderly


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A case admitted at the Small Animals Clinics Service, Veterinary Hospital, FMVZ - UNESP, in May, 1999 is described. A Brazilian Terrier dog, 3 years and 3 months old, weighing 1.7 kg was brought after 2 hours and a half from contact with a scorpion (Tityus bahiensis). The dog showed vocalization inserted with drowsiness. Physical examination showed slightly hyperemic mucous, pain, agressiveness, tachypnea, tachycardia, and discrete erythema on the right forelimb palmar face. An anesthetic block was performed around the stung area using 2% lidocaine hydrochloride without vasoconstrictor (10mL). The animal was asymptomatic, after 24 h treatment.


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Background and Objectives: - The effects of associating lipophilic opioids to local anesthetics in epidural anesthesia are not well defined. There are still questions and controversies about opioid doses to be used and their major effects in the epidural block. This study aimed at evaluating the epidural block effects in humans of the association of different fentanyl and sufentanil doses to bupivacaine with 1:200.000 epinephrine. Methods: - A double-blind randomized study was performed in 94 patients of both genders, physical status ASA I, aged between 18 and 60 years, submitted to lower abdomen, perineal or lower limb surgery. Patients without preanesthetic medication were epidurally injected with 100 mg (20 ml) 0.5% bupivacaine, 0.1 mg (0.1 ml) 1%o epinephrine plus a combination of the following drugs: BUPI Group (15 patients): 2 ml of 0.9% saline solution (SS); FENT50 Group (19 patients): 50 μg (1 ml) fentanyl + 1 ml SS; FENT100 Group (20 patients): 100 μg (2 ml) fentanyl; SUF30 Group (20 patients): 30 μg (0.6 ml) sufentanil + SS (1.4 ml); SUF100 Group (20 patients): 50 μg (1 ml) sufentanil + SS (1 ml). The following parameters were studied: onset of sensory block, analgesic block (onset time) in T12, T10 and T8, analgesic block duration in T10 and T12, motor block degree, consciousness degree, need for supplemental perioperative sedation and analgesia, hypotension, bradycardia and peri and post operative side-effects, analgesia duration, proportion of patients needing supplemental analgesia and evaluation of postoperative pain (pain analog visual scale). Results: Groups were demographically uniform. The addition of fentanyl or sufentanil did not alter major characteristics of perioperative epidural block and has not significantly increased postoperative analgesia duration as compared to the use of bupivacaine only. However, the addition of lipophilic opioids has increased the quality of perioperative anesthetic block, translated into a lesser need for supplemental analgesia (p < 0.02). The increased dose of fentanyl and especially of sufentanil has increased the incidence of perioperative drowsiness (p < 0.001) without significant increase in other side effects. Conclusions: In the conditions and doses used, the addition of lipophilic opioids to bupivacaine and the increased dose of lipophilic opioids have improved anesthetic block quality without changes in the epidural block characteristics or a significant increase in side effects, with the exception of drowsiness mainly caused by sufentanil. However, they were not able to provide a significant increase in postoperative analgesia duration.


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Objectives. To identify factors associated with death in visceral leishmaniasis (VL) cases. Patients and Methodology. We evaluated prognostic factors for death from VL in São Paulo state, Brazil, from 1999 to 2005. A prognostic study nested in a clinical cohort was carried out by data analysis of 376 medical files. A comparison between VL fatal cases and survivors was performed for clinical, laboratory, and biological features. Association between variables and death was assessed by univariate analysis, and the multiple logistic regression model was used to determine adjusted odds ratio for death, controlling confounding factors. Results. Data analysis identified 53 fatal cases out of 376 patients, between 1999 and 2005 in São Paulo state. Lethality was 14.1 (53/376), being higher in patients older than fifty years. The main causes of death were sepsis, bleeding, liver failure, and cardiotoxicity due to treatment. Variables significantly associated with death were severe anemia, bleeding, heart failure, jaundice, diarrhea, fever for more than sixty days, age older than fifty years, and antibiotic use. Conclusion. Educational health measures are needed for the general population and continuing education programs for health professionals working in the affected areas with the purpose of identifying and treating early cases, thus preventing the disease evolution towards death. © 2012 Geraldine Madalosso et al.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a toxicidade de Cestrum laevigatum para bubalinos e caracterizar o quadro clínico-patológico da intoxicação. Foram utilizados 4 bubalinos da raça Murrah, divididos em dois grupo. O Grupo 1 (búfalos 1 e 2) recebeu 20g/Kg de folhas dessecadas de Cestrum laevigatum, via oral; enquanto que o Grupo 2 (búfalos 3 e 4) recebeu 40g/Kg de peso vivo. O búfalo 1 (grupo 1), apresentou sinais clínicos discretos, caracterizados por diminuição dos movimentos ruminais e recuperou-se 60 horas após o início dos sinais clínicos. O búfalo 2 (grupo 1) não apresentou sinais clínicos. Os búfalos 3 e 4 (Grupo 2) apresentaram os primeiros sinais clínicos 26h 05min. e 37 h 22 min. após o fim da administração da planta, respectivamente. Os sinais clínicos da intoxicação foram apatia, anorexia, diminuição ou ausência dos movimentos ruminais, sialorreia, dificuldade respiratória, andar cambaleante, dismetria, excitação, agressividade, constipação, com fezes ressecadas contendo muco e sangue, gemidos, focinho seco, sonolência, decúbito lateral, movimentos de pedalagem e morte em 44h11min. (búfalo 3) e 60h 39min (búfalo 4) após a administração da planta. Na necropsia o búfalo 3 revelou superfície capsular e de corte do fígado de coloração marrom/laranja, leve edema da parede da vesícula biliar; endocardio do ventrículo esquerdo com equimoses extensas e endocardio do ventrículo direito com algumas petéquias; mucosas do abomaso levemente avermelhada; conteúdo do abomaso levemente ressequido; intestino grosso com pouco conteúdo levemente ressequido e envolto por muco. No búfalo 4 foi observado superfície capsular e de corte do fígado de coloração alaranjado, com nítido aspecto de noz moscada ; leve edema da parede da vesícula biliar; discreta esplenomegalia; mucosas do abomaso levemente avermelhada; intestino delgado com conteúdo catarral-mucoso; e meninges levemente congestas. Histologicamente, no fígado dos dois animais, observou-se acentuada necrose de coagulação dos hepatócitos nas zonas centro-lobulares e intermediária e vacuolização dos hepatócitos próximos às zonas de necrose.


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Stress relates to the broad and generalized body's responses to various environmental, physical and social situations. It is the force that drives the emotions and motives (desires), but is also the cause of the wear and tear of human existence. This study aims to investigate the stressors in administrative technical servers Univ. Estadual Paulista - UNESP, Bauru, as well as on companies providing service within the perimeter of the campus. Was used as a methodology, literature and field research, a questionnaire was applied in order to reach those goals. The profiles of employees who participated in the survey were: both sexes, adults, young people with different educational levels, varying levels of marital and socioeconomic status. The main stressors mentioned by the employees were: workload, dissatisfaction in the workplace, pressure boss or colleagues, as they bring consequences, fatigue or drowsiness, affecting the work environment and mostly family. Physical symptoms of stress are fatigue, difficulty relaxing and headache, and backache. And the psychological symptoms are verbalized concern, agitation, aggression, dissatisfaction, and forgetfulness and feeling of lack of time. It was concluded that these factors negatively affect the quality of life in the work of these employees, interfering with your work, family and socio-emotional life.


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Abstract Background Dizziness is a common complaint among older adults and has been linked to a wide range of health conditions, psychological and social characteristics in this population. However a profile of dizziness is still uncertain which hampers clinical decision-making. We therefore sought to explore the relationship between dizziness and a comprehensive range of demographic data, diseases, health and geriatric conditions, and geriatric syndromes in a representative sample of community-dwelling older people. Methods This is a cross-sectional, population-based study derived from FIBRA (Network for the Study of Frailty in Brazilian Elderly Adults), with 391 elderly adults, both men and women, aged 65 years and older. Elderly participants living at home in an urban area were enrolled through a process of random cluster sampling of census regions. The outcome variable was the self-report of dizziness in the last year. Several feelings of dizziness were investigated including vertigo, spinning, light or heavy headedness, floating, fuzziness, giddiness and instability. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to estimate the adjusted odds ratios and build the probability model for dizziness. Results The complaint of dizziness was reported by 45% of elderly adults, from which 71.6% were women (p=0.004). The multivariate regression analysis revealed that dizziness is associated with depressive symptoms (OR = 2.08; 95% CI 1.29–3.35), perceived fatigue (OR = 1.93; 95% CI 1.21-3.10), recurring falls (OR = 2.01; 95% CI 1.11-3.62) and excessive drowsiness (OR = 1.91; 95% CI 1.11–3.29). The discrimination of the final model was AUC = 0.673 (95% CI 0.619-0.727) (p< 0.001). Conclusions The prevalence of dizziness in community-dwelling elderly adults is substantial. It is associated with other common geriatric conditions usually neglected in elderly adults, such as fatigue and drowsiness, supporting its possible multifactorial manifestation. Our findings demonstrate the need to expand the design in future studies, aiming to estimate risk and identify possible causal relations.


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Yawning is a phylogenetically old behaviour that can be observed in most vertebrate species from foetal stages to old age. The origin and function of this conspicuous phenomenon have been subject to speculations for centuries. Here, we review the experimental evidence for each of these hypotheses. It is found that theories ascribing a physiological role to yawning (such as the respiratory, arousal, or thermoregulation hypotheses) lack evidence. Conversely, the notion that yawning has a communicative function involved in the transmission of drowsiness, boredom, or mild psychological stress receives increasing support from research in different fields. In humans and some other mammals, yawning is part of the action repertoire of advanced empathic and social skills.


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A modified uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) was carried out between January 1992 and December 2003 at the ENT Department of the Inselspital in Bern in 146 patients with habitual or complicated rhonchopathy. The operation consisted of a classical tonsillectomy or residual tonsil resection and additional shortening of the uvula. The natural mucosal fold between the uvula and the upper pole of the tonsils was carefully preserved. A wide opening to the rhinopharynx was created by asymmetric suturing of the glossopalantine and pharyngopalatine arches. A retrospective questionnaire with regard to rhonchopathy, phases of apnea, daytime drowsiness, obstruction of nasal breathing, long-term complications and patient satisfaction was used to evaluate the short-term and long-term effectiveness of the modified UPPP as well as the incidence of adverse side effects. Complete postoperative courses were evaluated in 116 patients. Surgical complications were restricted to one case with postoperative hemorrhage. A velum insufficiency or postoperative rhinopharyngeal stenosis did not occur. Eighty-three patients (72%) confirmed a persistent suppression or substantial improvement of the rhonchopathy. Disappearance or decrease of sleep apnea was confirmed in 12 (63%) out of 19 postoperative polysomnographic follow-up investigations. Long-term complications occurred in a total of 27 (23%) of 116 patients. They were confined to minor problems such as dryness of the mouth (n = 12), slight difficulty in swallowing (n = 7), discrete speech disturbances (n = 1), and slight pharyngeal dysesthesias (n = 7) with feeling of a lump in the throat and compulsive clearing of the throat. Eighty-five patients (73%) reported that they were satisfied with the postoperative result even several years after the operation. Looking back, 31 patients (27%) would no longer have the operation performed. The inadequate result of the rhonchopathy was specified as the reason by 21 patients. Ten patients had unpleasant memories of the operation because of intensive postoperative pain. Snoring and apneic phases are suppressed or improved by non-traumatic UPPP in the majority of patients. This effect persisted even years after the operation.


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BACKGROUND: Although yawning is a ubiquitous and phylogenetically old phenomenon, its origin and purpose remain unclear. The study aimed at testing the widely held hypothesis that yawning is triggered by drowsiness and brings about a reversal or suspension of the process of falling asleep. METHODS: Subjects complaining of excessive sleepiness were spontaneously yawning while trying to stay awake in a quiet and darkened room. Changes in their electroencephalogram (EEG) and heart rate variability (HRV) associated with yawning were compared to changes associated with isolated voluntary body movements. Special care was taken to remove eye blink- and movement-artefacts from the recorded signals. RESULTS: Yawns were preceded and followed by a significantly greater delta activity in EEG than movements (p< or =0.008). After yawning, alpha rhythms were attenuated, decelerated, and shifted towards central brain regions (p< or =0.01), whereas after movements, they were attenuated and accelerated (p<0.02). A significant transient increase of HRV occurred after the onset of yawning and movements, which was followed by a significant slow decrease peaking 17s after onset (p<0.0001). No difference in HRV changes was found between yawns and movements. CONCLUSIONS: Yawning occurred during periods with increased drowsiness and sleep pressure, but was not followed by a measurable increase of the arousal level of the brain. It was neither triggered nor followed by a specific autonomic activation. Our results therefore confirm that yawns occur due to sleepiness, but do not provide evidence for an arousing effect of yawning.