985 resultados para Drill cores.


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Greenland ice core data show that the last glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere was characterized by relatively short and rapid warming-cooling cycles. While the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the following Late Glacial are well documented in the Eastern Alps, continuous and well dated records of the time period preceding the LGM are only known from stalagmites. Although most of the sediment that filled the Alpine valleys prior to the LGM was eroded, thick successions have been locally preserved as terraces along the flanks of large longitudinal valleys. The Inn valley in Tyrol (Austria) offers the most striking examples of Pleistocene terraces in the Eastern Alps. A large number of drill cores provides the opportunity to study these sediments for the first time in great detail. Our study focuses on the river terrace of Unterangerberg near Wörgl, where LGM gravel and till were deposited on top of (glacio)lacustrine sediments. The cores comprise mostly silty material, ranging from organic-rich to organic-poor and dropstone-rich beds. A diamictic layer classified as basal till is present at the bottom of the lake sediments. Radiocarbon ages of plant macro remains from the lake sequences indicate deposition between ~40 and >50 cal. ka BP. Luminescence ages obtained from fine-grain polymineral (4-11 μm) samples suggest an age of the lake deposits between ~40 to 60 ka and are consistent with the radiocarbon dates. Sedimentological analyses indicate that sedimentation in these palaeolakes was driven by local processes, but also by climatically induced changes in nearby glacier activity. These observations strongly hint towards a significant ice advance in the Eastern Alps during the early last glacial and subsequent mild interstadial conditions, supporting a local coniferous forest vegetation.


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The Xaréu Oil Field, located in the center-southern portion of the Mundaú Sub-Basin (eastern portion of the Ceará Basin), is characterized by a main Iramework of NW-trending and NE-dipping faults. The faults in the Xaréu Oil Field, among which the Xaréu Fautt stands out, are arranged according to an extensional-listriclan, rooted on a detachment surface corresponding to the Mundaú Fault, the border fautt of Mundaú Sub-Basin. During the tectonic-structural evolution of the Xaréu Oil Field and the Mundaú Sub-Basin, the Mundaú Fault played a crucial role on the control of the geometry of both compartments. The main carbonatic unit in the Xaréu Oil Field, named the Trairí Member(Paracuru Formation of Late Aptian to Early Albian age), contains the largest oil volume in the field, concentrated in structurally-controlled accumulations. The Trairí Member is composed by a variety of carbonatic rocks (massive, bedded or laminated calcilutites, ostracodites, calcarenites and carbonatic rudites, all of them presenting variable degrees of dolomitization). The carbonatic rocks are interbedded into thick packages of black shales and marls, besides local beds of siliciclastic conglomerates, sandstones, siltnes and argillites. From the spatial association and the genetic relationships between the carbonatic and siliciclastic units, it is possible to group them in three lithofacies associations (Marginal Plain, Ramp and Lacustrine Interior) that, together, were developed in a lacustrine system associated to a marginal sabkha. Structural studies based on drill coresthat sample the Trairí Member in the Xaréu Oil Field allowed to characterize two generations of meso- to microscale structures: the D1 group presents a typical hydroplastic character, being characterized by intra/interstratal to oblique-bedding shear zones. The hydroplastic character related to these structures allowed to infer their development at an early-lithilication stage of the Trairí Member, leading to infer an Early Cretaceous age to them. The second group of structures identified in the drill cores, nominated D2 and ascribed to a Neogene age, presents a strictly brttle character, being typilied by normal faults and slickenfibers of re-crystallized clayminerals, ali olthem displaying variable orientations. Although the present faults in the Xaréu Oil Field (and, consequently, in the Mundaú Sub-Basin) were classically relerred as struetures of essentially normal displacement, the kinematics analysis of the meso-to microscaie D1 struetures in the drill cores led to deline oblique displacements (normal with a clockwise strike-slip component) to these faults, indicating a main tectonic transport to ENE. These oblique movements would be responsible for the installation of a transtensive context in the Mundaú Sub-Basin, as part of the transcurrent to translormant opening of the Atlantic Equatorial Margin. The balancing of four struetural cross-sections ofthe Xaréu Oil Field indicates that the Mundaú Fault was responsible for more than 50% of the total stretching (ß factor) registered during the Early Aptian. At the initial stages of the "rifting", during Early Aptianuntil the Holocene, the Mundaú Sub-Basin (and consequently the Xaréu Oil Fleld) accumulated a total stretching between 1.21 and 1.23; in other words, the crust in this segment of the Atlantic Equatorial Margin was subjeeted to an elongation of about 20%. From estimates of oblique displacements related to the faults, it ws possible to construct diagrams that allow the determination of stretching factors related to these displacements. Using these diagrams and assuming the sense 01 dominant teetonictransport towards ENE, it was possible to calculate the real stretching lactors related to the oblique movement 0 of the faults in the Mundaú Sub-Basin. which reached actual values between 1.28 and 1.42. ln addnion to the tectonic-structural studies in the Xaréu Oil Field, the interpretation of remote sensing products, coupled wnh characterization of terrain analogues in seleeted areas along the northern Ceará State (continental margins of the Ceará and Potiguar basins), provided addnional data and constraints about the teetonic-structural evolution of the oil lield. The work at the analogue sites was particularly effective in the recognition and mapping, in semidetail scale, several generations of struetures originated under a brittle regime. Ali the obtained information (from the Xaréu Oil Field, the remote sensor data and the terrain analogues) were jointly interpreted, culminating with the proposnion of an evolutionary model lor this segment of the Atlantic Equatorial Margin; this model that can be applied to the whole Margin, as well. This segmentof the Atlantic Equatorial Margin was delormedin an early E-W (when considered lhe present-day position of the South American Plate) transcurrent to transform regime with dextral kinematics, started Irom, at least, the Early Aptian, which left its record in several outcrops along the continental margin of the Ceará State and specilically in the Xaréu off Field. The continuous operation of the regime, through the Albian and later periods, led to the definitive separation between the South American and African plates, with the formation of oceanic lithosphere between the two continental blocks, due to the emplacement off spreading centers. This process involved the subsequent transition of the transcurrent to a translorm dextral regime, creating lhe Equatorial Atlantic Oceano With the separation between the South American and African plates already completed and the increasing separation between lhe continental masses, other tecton ic mechanisms began to act during the Cenozoic (even though the Cretaceous tectonic regime lasted until the Neogene), like an E-W compressive stress líeld (related to the spreading olthe oceanic floor along lhe M id-Atlantic Ridge and to the compression of the Andean Chain) effective Irom the Late Cretaceous, and a state of general extension olthe horizontal surface (due to the thermal uplift ofthe central portion of Borborema Province), effective during the Neogene. The overlap of these mechanisms during the Cenozoic led to the imprint of a complex tectonic framework, which apparently influenced the migration and entrapment 01 hydrocarbon in the Ceará Basin


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The Camorim Oilfield, discovered in 1970 in the shallow water domain of the Sergipe Sub-basin, produces hydrocarbons from the Carmópolis Member of the Muribeca Formation, the main reservoir interval, interpreted as siliciclastics deposited in an alluvial-fluvial-deltaic context during a late rifting phase of Neoaptian age, in the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin. The structural setting of the field defines different production blocks, being associated to the evolution of the Atalaia High during the rift stage and subsequent reactivations, encompassing NE-SW trending major normal faults and NWEW trending secondary faults. The complexity of this field is related to the strong facies variation due to the interaction between continental and coastal depositional environments, coupled with strata juxtaposition along fault blocks. This study aims to geologically characterize its reservoirs, to provide new insights to well drilling locations in order to increase the recovery factor of the field. Facies analysis based on drill cores and geophysical logs and the 3D interpretation of a seismic volume, provide a high resolution stratigraphic analysis approach to be applied in this geodynamic transitional context between the rift and drift evolutionary stages of the basin. The objective was to define spatial and time relations between production zones and the preferential directions of fluid flow, using isochore maps that represent the external geometry of the deposits and facies distribution maps to characterize the internal heterogeneities of these intervals, identified in a 4th order stratigraphic zoning. This work methodology, integrated in a 3D geological modelling process, will help to optimize well drilling and hydrocarbons production. This methodology may be applied in other reservoirs in tectonic and depositional contexts similar to the one observed at Camorim, for example, the oil fields in the Aracaju High, Sergipe Sub-basin, which together represent the largest volume of oil in place in onshore Brazilian basins


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The Curitiba Basin, Parana, lies parallel to the west side of the Serra do Mar range and is part of a continental rift near the Atlantic coast of southeastern Brazil. It bears unconsolidated and poorly consolidated sediments divided in two formations: the lower Guabirotuba Formation and the overlying Tinguis Formation, both developed over Precambrian basement. Field observations, water well drill cores, and interpretations of satellite images lead to the inference that regional tectonic processes were responsible for the origin of the Basin in the continental rift context and for morphotecatonic evolution through block tilting, dissection, and erosion. The structural framework of the sediments and the basement is characterized by NE-SW-trending normal faults (extensional tectonic D-1 event) reactivated by NE-SW-trending strike-slip and reverse oblique faults (younger transtensional tectonic D-2' to transpressional tectonic D-2, event). This tectonic event, which started in the Paleogene and controlled the basin geometry, began as a halfgraben and was later reactivated as a pull-apart basin. D-2 is a neotectonic event that controls the current morphostructures. The Basin is connected to the structural rearrangement of the South American platform, which underwent a generalized extensional or trantensional process and, in late Oligocene, changed to a compressional to transpressional regime. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O depósito mineral de Sapucaia, situado no município de Bonito, região nordeste do Estado do Pará, é parte de um conjunto de ocorrências de fosfatos de alumínio lateríticos localizados predominantemente ao longo da zona costeira dos estados do Pará e Maranhão. Estes depósitos foram alvos de estudo desde o início do século passado, quando as primeiras descrições de “bauxitas fosforosas” foram mencionadas na região NW do Maranhão. Nas últimas décadas, com o crescimento acentuado da demanda por produtos fertilizantes pelo mercado agrícola mundial, diversos projetos de exploração mineral foram iniciados ou tiveram seus recursos ampliados no território brasileiro, dentre estes destaca-se a viabilização econômica de depósitos de fosfatos aluminosos, como o de Sapucaia, que vem a ser o primeiro projeto econômico mineral de produção e comercialização de termofosfatos do Brasil. Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo caracterizar a geologia, a constituição mineralógica e a geoquímica do perfil laterítico alumino-fosfático do morro Sapucaia. A macrorregião abrange terrenos dominados em sua maioria por rochas pré-cambrianas a paleozóicas, localmente definidas pela Formação Pirabas, Formação Barreiras, Latossolos e sedimentos recentes. A morfologia do depósito é caracterizada por um discreto morrote alongado que apresenta suaves e contínuos declives em suas bordas, e que tornam raras as exposições naturais dos horizontes do perfil laterítico. Desta forma, a metodologia aplicada para a caracterização do depósito tomou como base o programa de pesquisa geológica executada pela Fosfatar Mineração, até então detentora dos respectivos direitos minerais, onde foram disponibilizadas duas trincheiras e amostras de 8 testemunhos de sondagem. A amostragem limitou-se à extensão litológica do perfil laterítico, com a seleção de 44 amostras em intervalos médios de 1m, e que foram submetidas a uma rota de preparação e análise em laboratório. Em consonância com as demais ocorrências da região do Gurupi, os fosfatos de Sapucaia constituem um horizonte individualizado, de geometria predominantemente tabular, denominado simplesmente de horizonte de fosfatos de alumínio ou crosta aluminofosfática, que varia texturalmente de maciça a cavernosa, porosa a microporosa, que para o topo grada para uma crosta ferroalumino fosfática, tipo pele-de-onça, compacta a cavernosa, composta por nódulos de hematita e/ou goethita cimentados por fosfatos de alumínio, com características similares aos do horizonte de fosfatos subjacente. A crosta aluminofosfática, para a base do perfil, grada para um espesso horizonte argiloso caulinítico com níveis arenosos, que repousa sobre sedimentos heterolíticos intemperizados de granulação fina, aspecto argiloso, por vezes sericítico, intercalados por horizontes arenosos, e que não possuem correlação aparente com as demais rochas aflorantes da geologia na região. Aproximadamente 40% da superfície do morro é encoberta por colúvio composto por fragmentos mineralizados da crosta e por sedimentos arenosos da Formação Barreiras. Na crosta, os fosfatos de alumínio estão representados predominantemente pelo subgrupo da crandallita: i) série crandallita-goyazita (média de 57,3%); ii) woodhouseíta-svanbergita (média de 15,8%); e pela iii) wardita-millisita (média de 5,1%). Associados aos fosfatos encontram-se hematita, goethita, quartzo, caulinita, muscovita e anatásio, com volumes que variam segundo o horizonte laterítico correspondente. Como os minerais pesados em nível acessório a raro estão zircão, estaurolita, turmalina, anatásio, andalusita e silimanita. O horizonte de fosfatos, bem como a crosta ferroalumínio-fosfática, mostra-se claramente rica em P2O5, além de Fe2O3, CaO, Na2O, SrO, SO3, Th, Ta e em terras-raras leves como La e Ce em relação ao horizonte saprolítico. Os teores de SiO2 são consideravelmente elevados, porém muito inferiores aqueles identificados no horizonte argiloso sotoposto. No perfil como um todo, observa-se uma correlação inversa entre SiO2 e Al2O3; entre Al2O3 e Fe2O3, e positiva entre SiO2 e Fe2O3, que ratificam a natureza laterítica do perfil. Diferente do que é esperado para lateritos bauxíticos, os teores de P2O5, CaO, Na2O, SrO e SO3 são fortemente elevados, concentrações consideradas típicas de depósitos de fosfatos de alumínio ricos em crandallita-goyazita e woodhouseítasvanbergita. A sucessão dos horizontes, sua composição mineralógica, e os padrões geoquímicos permitem correlacionar o presente depósito com os demais fosfatos de alumínio da região, mais especificamente Jandiá (Pará) e Trauíra (Maranhão), bem como outros situados além do território brasileiro, indicando portanto, que os fosfatos de alumínio de Sapucaia são produtos da gênese de um perfil laterítico maturo e completo, cuja rocha fonte pode estar relacionada a rochas mineralizadas em fósforo, tais como as observadas na Formação Pimenteiras, parcialmente aflorante na borda da Bacia do Parnaíba. Possivelmente, o atual corpo de minério integrou a paleocosta do mar de Pirabas, uma vez que furos de sondagem às proximidades do corpo deixaram claro a relação de contato lateral entre estas unidades.


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A Formação Itaituba de idade carbonífera representa a sedimentação carbonática de depósitos transgressivos do Grupo Tapajós da Bacia do Amazonas. A sucessão Itaituba é interpretada como depósitos de planície de maré mista, constituídos de calcários fossilíferos, dolomitos finos, arenitos finos a grossos e subordinadamente siltitos avermelhados, evaporitos e folhelhos negros. A análise de fácies e microfácies do testemunho de sondagem da região de Uruará, Estado do Pará, permitiu individualizar dezenove fácies agrupadas em cinco associações: planície de maré (AF1), canal de maré (AF2), laguna (AF3), barra bioclástica (AF4) e plataforma externa (AF5). AF1 é composta por arenito fino com rip-up clasts e gretas de contração, marga com grãos de quartzo e feldspato, dolomudstone laminado com grãos terrígenos e dolomito fino silicificado, com intercalação de argilito com grãos de quartzo disseminados, dolomitizado e localmente com sílica microcristalina. AF2 consiste em arenito médio a grosso com estratificação cruzada acanalada, recoberta por filmes pelíticos nos foresets, arenito muito fino a fino com acamamento wavy, siltito laminado com falhas sinsedimentares e acamamento convoluto. AF3 é constituída de siltito vermelho maciço, mudstone com fósseis, floatstone com braquiópodes e pirita disseminada e mudstone maciço com frequentes grãos de quartzo. AF4 e AF5 exibem abundantes bioclastos representados por espinhos e fragmentos de equinodermas, conchas, fragmentos e espinhos de braquiópodes, ostracodes, foraminíferos, algas vermelhas e conchas de bivalves. AF4 é formada por grainstone oolítico fossilífero e grainstone com terrígenos principalmente grãos de quartzo monocristalino e AF5 se compõe de wackestone fossilífero, wackestone com terrígenos e mudstone maciço com grãos de quartzo monocristalino. Subarcósios (AF1), arcósios (AF2) e arcósios líticos (AF2) são os tipos de arenitos da sucessão Itaituba e apresentam como principais constituintes grãos de quartzo monocristalino e policristalino, K-feldspato, plagioclásio, pirita, muscovita detrítica, fragmento de rocha pelítica, metamórfica e chert e raros bioclastos. O cimento é de calcita espática não ferrosa, óxido/hidróxido de ferro e sobrecrescimento de sílica. A porosidade é intergranular, móldica e às vezes alongada, sem permeabilidade perfazendo até 11% da rocha. Os processos diagenéticos dos arenitos são compactação física, sobrecrescimento de sílica, cimentação de calcita, formação de matriz diagenética, compactação química, substituição de grãos, autigênese de pirita, formação de óxido/hidróxido de ferro e alteração do plagioclásio. Os processos diagenéticos dos carbonatos são: micritização, neomorfismo, colomitização, fraturamento, compactação química, cimentação de calcita, dissolução secundária e autigênese de minerais. A sucessão da Formação Itaituba representa um sistema de laguna/planície de maré ligada a uma plataforma marinha carbonática. Planícies de maré desenvolveram-se nas margens das lagunas e eram periodicamente supridas por influxos de terrígenos finos (silte) que inibiam a precipitação carbonática. Barras bioclásticas eram cortadas por canais de maré (inlet) que conectavam a laguna com a plataforma rasa rica em organismos bentônicos.


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Tertiäre Vulkanite aus dem Eckfelder Maar, dem Hillscheider Diatrem und dem Hillscheid Basalt (Schlot) wurden petrologisch und geochemisch untersucht. Bis auf tonige Klasten aus dem Bohrkern des Eckfelder Maares handelt es sich bei allen weiteren Proben um undifferenzierte basische Vulkanite. Die tonigen Klasten aus dem Bohrkern müssen der ehemaligen Landoberfläche vor der Eruption des Eckfelder Maares zugerechnet werden, in dessen Krater sie während der Eruption hineingefallen sind. Bis auf die Proben des Hillscheid Basaltes sind die Proben alteriert. Die Alteration zeigt sich an der Bildung von Zeolithen und Calcitmineralisationen, die primär und sekundär gebildete Hohlräume aufgefüllt haben oder an einer vertonten Grundmasse der Proben, die daneben Mineraleinschlüsse (Spinell) und kantige Fremdgesteinsbruchstücke enthalten können. Bei den Proben mit vertonter Grundmasse handelt es sich um Palagonite, Umwandlungsprodukte aus Sideromelan (basaltischem Glas). Geochemische Analysen an Grundmassepräparaten der alterierten bis vertonten Proben zeigen, dass außer den immobilen Elementen Ti, Nb, Zr, Y alle weiteren Elemente teilweise bis vollständig abgereichert worden sind. Eine Ausnahme bildet Barium (Ba), welches z.T. in beträchtlichen Mengen in Zeolithen (Harmotom) angereichert wurde. Bei den Proben aus dem Eckfelder Maar kann die Alteration bis Vertonung der Proben alleine mit der Palagonitisierung und Verwitterung erklärt werden. Es gibt keine Hinweise auf Materialzufuhr und damit für sich anschließende hydrothermale Prozesse. Die Proben des Hillscheider Diatrem sind wesentlich geringer alteriert (glasige Grundmasse). Neuste Erkenntnisse aus einer Bohrung im Sommer 1999 im vermuteten Zentrum des Hillscheider Diatrems beschränken das Diatrem maximal auf einen kleineren Bereich im Nordosten der bisherigen Lokation. Bei der Bohrung stieß man nach 20 Meter auf Anstehendes. Im Hangschutt darüber fand man Blöcke des Hillscheid Basaltes. Eine geringere Größe der Lokation zusammen mit der geringen Alteration könnten auf deren Entstehung mit einer initialen Maarphase gefolgt von Schlackentätigkeit hinweisen. Die Schlacken könnten die ersten Ablagerungen vor Verwitterung geschützt haben. Allerdings gibt es keine Funde die eine Schlackentätigkeit belegen. Beim sogenannten 'Hillscheider Diatrem' könnte es sich aber auch um Hangschutt aus der Randbreccie des Hillscheider Basaltes handeln. Zusammen mit Bruchstücken aus dem Schlot des Hillscheid Basaltes wären die Palagonite des sogenannten 'Hillscheider Diatrem' erst in jüngster Zeit im Bereich einer Uferböschung zur Ablagerung gekommen. Dies würde allerdings das sogenannte 'Hillscheider Diatrem' in seiner Existenz in Frage stellen. Vergleiche der Proben des Hillscheid Basaltes mit basischen Hocheifelvulkaniten deuten auf kogenetische Beziehung aller Proben untereinander und ordnen die Proben des Hillscheid Basaltes geochemisch dem Hocheifelvulkanismus zu. REE- und weitere Spurenelementgehalte und auch deren Elementverhältnisse weisen für alle tertiären Eifelvulkanite gemeinsam auf Mantelschmelzen aus dem Bereich eines Granatperidotits mit niedrigen Aufschmelzgraden um ein Prozent hin. Vergleich der Elementverhältnisse hochinkompatibler Elemente im Bezug auf die Bildung mafischer Schmelzen mit primitivem Mantel deuten darauf hin, dass der Mantel im Bereich der Hocheifel verarmt ist an K, Rb, Sr und angereichert an Ba und eventuell an Nb. Ursachen für diese von typisch primären Mantelzusammensetzung abweichenden Verhältnisse könnten durch Mischungen von Mantelschmelzen mit lithosphärischem Mantel (K-Anomalie) und durch Anreicherungen mit fluiden Phasen (Ba-Anomalie) oder auch Schmelzen aus einem tieferliegenden Plume (Kelberger Hoch) verursacht worden sein. Englischer Zusammenfassung:


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The age of rocks found in drill cores, and consequently the depths to possible oil-bearing formations has in many localities been determined by micro-paleontologic studies during the past three decades. Of the different micro-fossils used in this work, foraminifera have been studied most, are the best described, and hence, by far the most helpful.


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Geological site characterisation programmes typically rely on drill cores for direct information on subsurface rocks. However, porosity, transport properties and porewater composition measured on drill cores can deviate from in-situ values due to two main artefacts caused by drilling and sample recovery: (1) mechanical disruption that increases porosity and (2) contamination of the porewater by drilling fluid. We investigated the effect and magnitude of these perturbations on large drill core samples (12–20 cm long, 5 cmdiameter) of high-grade, granitic gneisses obtained from 350 to 600 m depth in a borehole on Olkiluoto Island (SW Finland). The drilling fluid was traced with sodium–iodide. By combining out-diffusion experiments, gravimetry, UV-microscopy and iodide mass balance calculations, we successfully quantified the magnitudes of the artefacts: 2–6% increase in porosity relative to the bulk connected porosity and 0.9 to 8.9 vol.% contamination by drilling fluid. The spatial distribution of the drilling-induced perturbations was revealed by numerical simulations of 2D diffusion matched to the experimental data. This showed that the rims of the samples have a mechanically disrupted zone 0.04 to 0.22 cm wide, characterised by faster transport properties compared to the undisturbed centre (1.8 to 7.7 times higher pore diffusion coefficient). Chemical contamination was shown to affect an even wider zone in all samples, ranging from 0.15 to 0.60 cm, inwhich iodide enrichmentwas up to 180 mg/kgwater, compared to 0.5 mg/kgwater in the uncontaminated centre. For all samples in the present case study, it turned out that the magnitude of the artefacts caused by drilling and sample recovery is so small that no correction is required for their effects. Therefore, the standard laboratory measurements of porosity, transport properties and porewater composition can be taken as valid in-situ estimates. However, it is clear that the magnitudes strongly depend on site- and drilling-specific factors and therefore our results cannot be transferred simply to other locations. We recommend the approach presented in this study as a route to obtain reliable values in future drilling campaigns aimed at characterising in-situ bedrock properties.


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The flows and sills drilled at Sites 794 and 797 in the Yamato Basin of the Japan Sea are subalkalic, olivine, and/or plagioclase phyric basalts. Compositionally, the rocks can be divided into a depleted, low-K type and an enriched, relatively high-K type. In addition, two contrasting evolution trends are reflected in the rock compositions, which allow four different magmatic suites to be identified. It is suggested that the depleted or enriched nature of these suites represent primary characteristics, while the different evolution trends are related to fractionation processes in crustal magma chambers. A tholeiitic evolution trend, with increasing FeO and TiO2 and decreasing Al2O3, can be modelled by fractional crystallization of 40%-50% plagioclase, olivine, and augite. A mildly calc-alkalic evolution trend, with decreasing FeO, increasing Al2O3, and nearly constant TiO2, can be modelled by 8%-12% olivine fractionation. Mineralogical evidence suggests that these differences may be related to the effect of small amounts of water during crystallization of the calc-alkalic suites. The tholeiitic suites occur in the lower parts of the drill cores, while the calc-alkalic suites occur in the upper parts. This suggests a complex tectonic and magmatic evolution, perhaps reflecting a transition between calc-alkalic magmatism related to subduction zone activity and tholeiitic magmatism related to back-arc spreading. Furthermore, any magmatic model must be able to account for the range in parental magmas from depleted to enriched throughout the tectonic history of the Yamato Basin.


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The widespread occurrence of microbialites in the last deglacial reef frameworks (16-6 Ka BP) implies that the accurate study of their development patterns is of prime importance to unravel the evolution of reef architecture through time and to reconstruct the reef response to sea-level variations and environmental changes. The present study is based on the sedimentological and chronological analysis (14C AMS dating) of drill cores obtained during the IODP Expedition #310 "Tahiti Sea Level" on the successive terraces which typify the modern reef slopes from Tahiti. It provides a comprehensive data base to investigate the microbialite growth patterns (i.e. growth rates and habitats), to analyze their roles in reef frameworks and to reconstruct the evolution of the reef framework architecture during sea-level rise. The last deglacial reefs from Tahiti are composed of two distinctive biological communities: (1) the coralgal communities including seven assemblages characterized by various growth forms (branching, robust branching, massive, tabular and encrusting) that form the initial frameworks and (2) the microbial communities developed in the primary cavities of those frameworks, a few meters (1.5 to 6 m) below the living coral reef surface, where they heavily encrusted the coralgal assemblages to form microbialite crusts. The dating results demonstrate the occurrence of two distinctive generations of microbialites: the "reefal microbialites" which developed a few hundred years after coralgal communities in shallow-water environments, whereas the "slope microbialites" grew a few thousands of years later in significantly deeper water conditions after the demise of coralgal communities. The development of microbialites was controlled by the volume and the shape of the primary cavities of the initial reef frameworks determined by the morphology and the packing of coral colonies. The most widespread microbialite development occurred in frameworks dominated by branching, thin encrusting, tabular and robust branching coral colonies which built loose and open frameworks typified by a high porosity (> 50%). In contrast, their growth was minimal in compact coral frameworks formed by massive and thick encrusting corals where primary cavities yielded a low porosity (~ 30%) and could not host a significant microbialite expansion.


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Since studies on deep-sea cores were carried out in the early 1990s it has been known that ambient temperature may have a marked affect on apatite fission track annealing. Due to sluggish annealing kinetics, this effect cannot be quantified by laboratory annealing experiments. The unknown amount of low-temperature annealing remains one of the main uncertainties for extracting thermal histories from fission track data, particularly for samples which experienced slow cooling in shallow crustal levels. To further elucidate these uncertainties, we studied volcanogenic sediments from five deep-sea drill cores, that were exposed to maximum temperatures between ~10° and 70°C over geological time scales of ~15-120 Ma. Mean track lengths (MTL) and etch pit diameters (Dpar) of all samples were measured, and the chemical composition of each grain analyzed for age and track length measurements was determined by electron microprobe analysis. Thermal histories of the sampled sites were independently reconstructed, based on vitrinite reflectance measurements and/or 1D numerical modelling. These reconstructions were used to test the most widely used annealing models for their ability to predict low-temperature annealing. Our results show that long-term exposure to temperatures below the temperature range of the nominal apatite fission track partial annealing zone results in track shortening ranging between 4 and 11%. Both chlorine content and Dpar values explain the downhole annealing patterns equally well. Low chlorine apatite from one drill core revealed a systematic relation between Si-content and Dpar value. The question whether Si-substitution in apatite has direct and systematic effects on annealing properties however, cannot be addressed by our data. For samples, which remained at temperatures <30°C, and which are low in chlorine, the Laslett et al. [Laslett G., Green P., Duddy I. and Gleadow A. (1987) Thermal annealing of fission tracks in apatite. Chem. Geol. 65, 1-13] annealing model predicts MTL up to 0.6 µm longer than those actually measured, whereas for apatites with intermediate to high chlorine content, which experienced temperatures >30°C, the predictions of the Laslett et al. (1987) model agree with the measured MTL data within error levels. With few exceptions, predictions by the Ketcham et al. [Ketcham R., Donelick R. and Carlson W. (1999) Variability of apatite fission-track annealing kinetics. III: Extrapolation to geological time scales. Am. Mineral. 84/9, 1235-1255] annealing model are consistent with the measured data for samples which remained at temperatures below ~30°C. For samples which experienced maximum temperatures between ~30 and 70°C, and which are rich in chlorine, the Ketcham et al. (1999) model overestimates track annealing.


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We have studied the sedimentary and basaltic inputs of lithium to subduction zones. Various sediments from DSDP and ODP drill cores in front of the Mariana, South Sandwich, Banda, East Sunda and Lesser Antilles island arcs have been analysed and show highly variable Li contents and d7Li values. The sediment piles in front of the Mariana and South Sandwich arcs largely consist of pelagic sediments (clays and oozes). The pelagic clays have high Li contents (up to 57.3 ppm) and Li isotope compositions ranging from +1.3? to +4.1?. The oozes have lower Li contents (7.3-16 ppm) with d7Li values of the diatom oozes from the South Sandwich lower (+2.8? to +3.2?) than those of the radiolarian oozes from the Mariana arc (+8.1? to +14.5?). Mariana sediment also contains a significant portion of volcanogenic material, which is characterised by a moderate Li content (14 ppm) and a relatively heavy isotope composition (+6.4?). Sediments from the Banda and Lesser Antilles contain considerable amounts of continental detritus, and have high Li contents (up to 74.3 ppm) and low d7Li values (around 0?), caused by weathering of continental bedrock. East Sunda sediments largely consist of calcareous oozes. These carbonate sediments display intermediate to high Li contents (2.4-41.9 ppm) and highly variable d7Li values (-1.6? to +12.8?). Basaltic oceanic crust samples from worldwide DSDP and ODP drill cores are characterised by enrichment of Li compared to fresh MORB (6.6-33.1 vs. 3.6-7.5 ppm, respectively), and show a large range in Li isotope compositions (+1.7? to +11.8?). The elemental and isotopic enrichment of Li in altered basalts is due to the uptake of isotopically heavy seawater Li during weathering. However, old oceanic crust samples from Sites 417/418 exhibit lighter Li isotope compositions compared to young basaltic crust samples from Sites 332B and 504B. This lighter Li isotope signature in old crust is unexpected and further research is needed to explore this issue.


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Thirty-five samples from the drill core of the three Leg 163 sites (Sites 988, 989, and 990) off the southeast coast of Greenland were analyzed for 27 major, minor, and trace elements by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and for 25 trace elements, including 14 rare-earth elements (REEs), by an inductively coupled plasma source mass spectrometer (ICP/MS). Sr- and Nd-isotope data are reported for seven samples and oxygen-isotope data are reported for 19 plagioclase separates. In addition, a reconnaissance survey of the composition of the main mineral phases, plagioclase, pyroxene, and oxides was determined on an electron microprobe to provide the basic information required for petrogenetic modeling. Olivine pseudomorphs are present in many of the samples, but in no case was an olivine grain found that was fresh enough to give a reliable analysis. The chemical and isotopic data recorded here were determined to provide a comparison with the larger data sets acquired by the Edinburgh, Copenhagen, and Leicester laboratories from both Legs 152 and 163 drill cores. This will permit a detailed comparison of the North Atlantic flood basalt province as a whole with the better known Columbia River, Deccan, and Karoo continental flood basalt provinces, for which substantial chemical data sets are already available at Washington State University.


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Upper Quaternary calcareous nannofossils contained in drill cores taken in the heavily sedimented Middle Valley of the northern Juan de Fuca Ridge in the northeast Pacific Ocean (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 139) are investigated. The host sediments have been subjected at depth to high temperatures and hot hydrothermal fluids that have altered or destroyed in part or in toto the nannofossil assemblages, thereby raising at several sites the level of the first (deepest) stratigraphic occurrence of nannofossils or of the important Emiliania huxleyi datum. The degree of alteration of the nannofossil assemblages is dependent on the intensity of the hydrothermal activity, which is indicated by paleotemperatures derived independently from studies of color alteration of palynomorphs and by vitrinite reflectance (Mao et al., this volume). State of preservation and the downhole level at which assemblages have been destroyed correlate well with the inferred paleotemperature estimates. Destruction of the assemblages appears to be species selective and follows in general the dissolution rankings determined independently by others for Recent nannofossils of the Pacific basin. More systematic correlation of these phenomena is hampered, however, by the fact that nannofossil preservation is already quite variable at the time of deposition because of the predominance of turbidite activity in the study area.