990 resultados para Dor Física
The speeches about the body in interface with the technology, that fulfill the contemporary discussions, have been a stage of innumerable ethical, epistemological, aesthetic and ontological reflections. These happened bodies of the biotechnological scene also invade the dance, making several possible dialogues, making old concepts instable, opening way to revealing explorations and bringing with it implications and reflections. In this context, this research has as objective to discuss relations between body and technology in the dance; to understand the aesthetic configurations of the monster in the dance as possibility to question the body; to establish relations between the monstrous body in the dance and the conceptions of body in the Physical Education. We believe to be able to contribute for the reflection in the field of the Physical Education, since the work visualizes to extend the field of the discussions on aesthetic body and, as well as evidencing dialogues between different areas of the knowledge, as the Art and the Physical Education. From the point of view of the method, the work follows orientation of the Phenomenology for an aesthetic image appreciation of the videos in the choreographies In'perfeito and Violência of Cena 11, Dance Group that has marked new aesthetic configurations in the brazilian dance. Thus, we took for us the reflections on the "significant scenes" proposed by Bicudo (2000), to appreciate the dance of Cena 11. We emphasize that, after the identification of the Significant Scenes, it was necessary to approach these scenes from close senses, from which we detach the appearance, the space and the gesture. We evidence that, the bodies revealed by the group Cena 11, show an aesthetic that it interlaces the beauty, the ugly and the grotesque. An aesthetic of the unharmony, capable to transgress the oppositions, dialoguing with multiple antagonisms and that it amplifies the apollonian aesthetic linear rules, so predominant in the history of the dance and the Physical Education. We identify some indicatives that take us to the problematizations on an affective and anarchic body, when questioning the tyranny of the perfect corporality; the naturalization of the pain; the closed gesture in a finished and unique grammar; the standardization of feminine and masculine roles and the negation of the feeling. From these indicatives, we discuss the aesthetic of the deformed bodies of Cena 11, approaching it of the conceptions of body in the Physical Education, sometimes criticizing the rationalists and naturalistic views, sometimes dialoguing with more recent perspectives studied by researchers of this area of knowledge, which point to a reflection on the body under the optics of the sensible
A dor inguinal crônica pós-herniorrafia é uma situação preocupante, pois aproximadamente 10% dos pacientes submetidos à hernioplastia inguinal apresenta os sintomas, que com frequência limita a capacidade física. A etiopatogênese está relacionada a uma periostite do púbis (dor somática) e mais frequentemente à lesão nervosa (dor neuropática). É importante distinguir clinicamente entre os dois tipos de dor, pois o tratamento pode ser diferente. O médico deve estabelecer uma rotina diagnóstica e de tratamento, sendo que a maior parte dos pacientes necessitarão de terapêutica cirúrgica. A prevenção desta condição é de grande importância e pode levar a uma menor incidência da síndrome. Algumas medidas são fundamentais, como evitar pontos ou clipes no periósteo do púbis, usar criteriosamente as próteses e identificar os nervos da região inguinal. Esta última medida é certamente a mais importante na prevenção da dor crônica e implica em conhecimento profundo da anatomia e o uso de uma técnica aprimorada.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade de vida e sua associação com a atividade física nos diferentes contextos da vida diária de pacientes com osteoartrite (OA) encaminhados pelas unidades básicas de saúde para um serviço universitário. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, série de casos, em que a atividade física foi avaliada pelo International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) e a qualidade de vida foi avaliada pelos questionários Medical Outcomes Study 36 Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Index (WOMAC) e Australian/Canadian Osteoarthritis Hand Index (AUSCAN). Para verificação da intensidade da dor, utilizou-se também a Escala Visual Analógica (EVA). RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 100 pacientes (92 mulheres e oito homens), com média de idade de 59,9 ± 9,4 anos. As articulações mais comprometidas foram joelhos e mãos. Dez pacientes tinham comprometimento de uma única articulação, 69 de duas, oito de três e 13 de quatro. O IPAQ demonstrou que 70 pacientes eram ativos ou muito ativos e 30 eram insuficientemente ativos ou sedentários. A atividade física associou-se positivamente aos domínios do SF-36, que avaliam a saúde física (capacidade funcional, aspectos físicos, dor, estado geral da saúde). Houve associação entre atividade física e qualidade de vida quando avaliada pelo WOMAC, e quanto mais intensa a dor, pior a qualidade de vida. CONCLUSÃO: Nessa população, a maioria dos pacientes apresenta piora dos aspectos físicos da qualidade de vida, mas mantém as atividades físicas cotidianas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Introduction: Among others things, ageing results in neuromuscular decrease. The physical activity practice may to influence positively the ageing process. Objective: To evaluate the flexibility and the level of pain on the sedentary and physically active elderly. Method: Forty-two elderly participated of this study, both male and female, (twenty-two physically active and twenty sedentary), over sixty years old and functionally capable to perform the evaluations suggested. They were submitted to tests of decrease in anterior flexion of the trunk, Stibor and Shoeber to evaluate the flexibility and then they signalized the level of pain on the analogic visual scale. The data obtained on the valuations has been analyzed utilizing the non-parametric statistic test Mann-Whitney, considering the level of significance of 5% (p<0,05), in order to compare the performance among the groups. Results: It has not been observed significant di- fferences among the groups referring to the tests Stibor and analogic visual scale. On Shoeber and FAT tests has been observed significant differences (p<0,05) among the groups, with a better performance to the active group. Conclusion: The physical activity practicing interfere on the mobility and on the flexibility of the elderly body segment.
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Pain is a subjective condition and, thus, difficult to measure. The best tools to assess pain are the pain evaluation questionnaires, which provide either diagnostic, pain evolution or pain intensity information. To provide information which could help differentiate between nociceptive pain and neuropathic pain is one of the most important functions of these questionnaires. The questionnaires can measure pain intensity, quality of life, or sleep quality. Quality of life and sleep are two really important characteristics to assess the pain impact on patients' life. Pain intensity assessing questionnaires combine physical evaluations with questions, providing information either from the patient sensations or clinical assessment of pain manifestations as well as the underlying biological mechanisms (such as hyperalgesia or allodynia). For example, the Pain Detect questionnaire has two parts: the patient form (intuitive, with pictures and easy understandable) and the physician form. Thus, in this questionnaire, subjective information is provided by the patient and the objective one is provided by the physician. Other pain intensity questionnaires are NPSI, DN4, LANSS or StEP. Quality of life questionnaires are versatile (can be used in different pathologies). These questionnaires include functional self-evaluation questions, and other ones associated to physical and mental health. Two of such quality of life questionnaires are SF-36 and NHP. Sleep evaluation questionnaires include quantitative features such as the number of sleep interruptions, sleep latency or sleep duration as well as qualitative characteristics such as rest sensation, mood and dreams. One of the most used sleep evaluation questionnaires is PSQI, which includes patient questions and bed-partner questions, providing information from two points of view.
Several methods are used towards delayed onset muscle soreness appraisal. This study's goal was to investigate, amongst three commonly adopted methods, which one would be the most effective (the one that shows higher values) in the quantification of this phenomenon. 10 male subjects, of age 22.8 ± 3.1 years old, weight 80 ± 12.4 kg, height 174 ± 0.07 cm, without recent experience with strength training (lower limbs) and/or running took place in this study. All subjects carried out a muscle damage induction protocol, which consisted of 30 minute downhill running (-16% or -9.09º) at 80% speed compared to their maximum oxygen consumption. Muscle damage determinants such as isometric peak torque, knee joint range of motion and circumference of the medial portion of the thight were measured before, during, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours after downhill running. The subjective pain perception was measured simultaneously with the other determinants through three different tests: sitting on and getting up of a chair; climbing and descending from a 45cm step; and self thigh palpation. After going through all subjective pain perception tests, the subjects filled out a visual analog scale with their perception of pain. Muscle damage changes over time were compared through variance analysis (ANOVA) one way for repeated measures. Subjective pain perception values obtained in all three different tests were compared through two way ANOVAs for repeated numbers. The significance level adopted in this study was z ≤ 0.05. The results showed that the step test was the on which better evaluated the delayed onset muscle soreness. No significant differences were found through the ADM and CIR recovery markers. Downhil running determined reduced of PTI (~22.4%). Significant links between pain were obtained for both subjective pain perception tests starting at 24 and 48 hours, where the highest registered average happened in the step test after 48h, with high...
Introduction: Due to the high incidence of low back pain without apparent cause, different approaches to evaluate the lumbar instability has been proposed, such as surface electromyography to determine pre-activation and the ability of lumbar stabilization through functional physical assessment. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the early activation of the primary stabilizing muscles in subjects without low back pain, with different physical abilities function (CFF). Method: Study participants were 20 subjects with 19.8 ± 1.4 years, 55.7 ± 8.8 kilos, 1.66 ± 0.08 m, of both sexes. The subjects underwent six Tests Physical Function (TFF) and the Test of Fast Moving Flexion Arm (TMRFB) to capture the electromyographic activity of the lumbar multifidus muscles (LM) and internal oblique - lower fibers (HI). Were assigned weights for each functional test and the result of the physical capacity of the final functional subject ranged from 0 to 100%. In the analysis of TMRB was considered the onset time of activation between the ML and HI. Results: Regarding TFF 2 (10%) subjects were considered to have normal physical capacity, 6 (30%) with good physical ability and 12 (60%) with regular physical capacity or poor. As for TMRFB average values of initiation of muscle activation in 75% of subjects were within the limits to characterize the condition of pre-muscle activation. Conclusion:The results obtained in the TFF were low compared with the CFF of asymptomatic subjects evaluated. This fact does not mean that the condition of stabilization of the subject is appropriate. However, the results obtained in the electromyographic examination to suggest that 25% of asymptomatic subjects tested did not have a proper condition of lumbar stabilization.
Objetivo: O presente estudo buscou um indicador de classificação de presença de dor lombar baseado no tempo de resistência isométrica e em variáveis eletromiográficas. Material e Métodos: Para tanto participaram do presente estudo 40 voluntários do gênero masculino, os quais foram divididos em dois grupos de 20 voluntários, a saber: grupo sem dor lombar e grupo com dor lombar. Para a captação dos sinais eletromiográficos foram utilizados eletrodos de superfície descartáveis passivos de contato bipolar de Ag/AgCl conectados a um pré-amplificador de ganho de 20 vezes. A distância intereletrodos foi fixa em 20mm. Os eletrodos foram dispostos bilateralmente sobre os músculos longuíssimo do tórax, iliocostal lombar e multífido lombar. Foi utilizado um módulo de aquisição de sinais biológicos de 8 canais no qual foram conectados os eletrodos. Para a aquisição dos sinais foi utilizado um software específico (Aqdados 7-Lynx®) com a freqüência de amostragem calibrada em 2000 Hz. Com os equipamentos preparados e os eletrodos conectados os voluntários realizaram o teste de Sorensen, o qual consiste em sustentar o peso do tronco, em posição horizontal, até a exaustão voluntária. Para a análise dos sinais eletromiográficos foram utilizadas rotinas específicas em ambiente MatLab (MathWorks®). Neste software foi obtida a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos selecionados durante o teste de contração isométrica até a exaustão para a determinação dos valores de root means quare (RMS) em pacotes de 1s a cada 0.5s (overlap). De cada espectro foram determinados os valores de frequência mediana (FM) e frequência média (Fmed) do sinal. Com a RMS, FM e Fmed foram obtidos também os valores de Razão ML/LT, Razão ML/IL e Razão IL/LT para cada variável. Com isto, os valores de RMS, FM e Fmed, juntamente com os valores de Razão ML/LT, Razão ML/IL e Razão IL/LT de cada variável, foram associados com o tempo...