985 resultados para Dongpan section Guangxi South China


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Triplophysa lixianensis, a new nemacheiline loach species, is described from the Min Jiang of the upper Yangtze River drainage in Sichuan Province, South China. It can be separated from all other species of Triplophysa by having a unique combination of the following characters: posterior chamber of gas bladder greatly reduced or absent; caudal peduncle columnar with a roughly round cross- section at its beginning; anterior edge of lower jaw completely exposed or uncovered by lower lip; intestine short, forming a zigzag loop below stomach; dorsal- fin origin closer to caudal- fin base than to snout tip; pelvic fin inserted anterior to dorsal- fin origin; snout length 50.6 - 57.5 % of head length; eye diameter 12.3 15.4 % of head length; caudal peduncle length 25.1 - 27.1 % of standard length; anal fin with five branched rays; lower lip greatly furrowed with two thick lateral lobes; and body smooth or scaleless.


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A new genus and two new species are described from the Pearl River drainage in Guangxi Province, South China. Hongshuia, new genus, can be distinguished from all other Asian genera of the Labeonini by having a lower lip with its median lobe modified into a round, fleshy plate peripherally greatly protruded so as to form a ring-like fold that is posteromedially continuous with the mental region, and centrally sunken so as to form a round, flat, fleshy pad. This genus is distinct from all other Asian labeonine genera of the Garrina except for one newly described species of Parasinilabeo ( P. longibarbus), Pseudocrossocheilus, and Sinocrossocheilus, in the presence of well-developed maxillary barbels. Hongshuia differs from the above three genera in the lower lip morphology, and further from both Pseudocrossocheilus and Qianlabeo in the number of pharyngeal tooth rows and from Sinocrossocheilus in the colour pattern. Two new species, H. banmo and H. paoli, differ in the distribution density and degree of development of papillae on the rostral fold, depth of indentations on the distal edge of the rostral fold, presence or absence of papillae on the lower lip, size and shape of tubercles on the tip of the snout and anterior portion of the lachrymal, length, position and colour pattern of the dorsal fin, and snout length.


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Based on high-resolution 3D seismic data, we document the polygonal faults within the Miocene Meishan (sic) Formation and Huangliu (sic) Formation of the Qiongdongnan (sic) basin, northern South China Sea. Within the seismic section and time coherent slice, densely distributed extensional faults with small throw and polygonal shape were identified in map view. The orientation of the polygonal faults is almost isotropic, indicating a non-tectonic origin. The deformation is clearly layer-bounded, with horizontal extension of 11.2% to 16%, and 13.2% on average. The distribution of polygonal faults shows a negative correlation with that of gas chimneys. The development of polygonal faults may be triggered by over-pressure pore fluid which is restricted in the fine-grained sediments of bathyal facies when the sediments is compacted by the burden above. The polygonal faults developed to balance the volumetric contraction and restricted extension. The product of hydrocarbon in the Meishan Formation may have contributed to the development of the polygonal faults. In the study area, it was thought that the petroleum system of the Neogene post-rift sequence is disadvantageous because of poor migration pathway. However, the discovery of polygonal faults in the Miocene strata, which may play an important role on the fluid migration, may change this view. A new model of the petroleum system for the study area is proposed.


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A new genus, Meishanorhynchia, is proposed based on new material from the Lower Triassic of the Meishan section, South China. It is of a late Griesbachian age based on both associated biozones (ammonoids and
bivalves) and radiometric dates of the intercalated volcanic ash beds. Comparison with both Palaeozoic and Mesozoic-Cenozoic-related genera suggests that it may represent the first radiation of progenitor brachiopods in the aftermath of the end-Permian extinction. The lowest brachiopod horizon that contains the genus is estimated to be about 250.1±0.3 Ma. This implies that the initial stage of recovery of Brachiopoda in the Early Triassic was probably about 1.3±0.3 myr after the major pulse of the end-Permian mass extinction (dated as 251.4±0.3 Ma). This is in agreement with Hallam's expectancy that biotic recovery typically begins within one million years or so of major mass extinctions, in contrast to current views on the end-Permian extinction event which propose that the recovery of most if not all biotic groups in the Early Triassic was severely delayed and only began about five million years after the end-Permian extinction.


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Attenuatella mengi sp. nov. and ?Attenuatella sp. from the Talung Formation, southern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, South China, are described herein. This discovery represents the first report of Attenuatella from the late Changhsingian (latest Permian) in South China and provides evidence that Attenuatella expanded its range from high-latitude cold-water regions to palaeoequatorial warm water areas in the Late Permian. Attenuatella
species appear to have been pseudoplanktonic, judging from their hair-like spinose ornamentation, which could have contributed to the global palaeogeographical distribution of Attenuatella.


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A new genus of ophiuroid, Huangzhishania, is created based on new material from the Permian/Triassic boundary beds at the Huangzhishan section, South China. The age of the new genus is constrained as earliest Griesbachian by means of faunal correlation of the associated bivalves and stratigraphical correlation with the Mixed Fauna Beds of the neighbouring Meishan section. Taphonomic and palaeoecological evidence suggest that the collapse of the ophiuroid association was related to a catastrophic event, and Huangzhishania was rapidly buried in life position.


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The western Guizhou and eastern Yunnan area of southwest China commands a unique and significant position globally in the study of Permian–Triassic boundary (PTB) events as it contains well and continuously exposed PTB sections of marine, non-marine and marginal-marine origin in the same area. By using a range of high-resolution stratigraphic methods including biostratigraphy, eventostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy, not only are the non-marine PTB sections correlated with their marine counterparts in the study area with high-resolution, the non-marine PTB sections of the study area can also be aligned with the PTB Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) at Meishan in eastern China. Plant megafossils (“megaplants”) in the study area indicate a major loss in abundance and diversity across the PTB, and no coal beds and/or seams have been found in the non-marine Lower Triassic although they are very common in the non-marine Upper Permian. The megaplants, however, did not disappear consistently across the whole area, with some elements of the Late Permian Cathaysian Gigantopteris flora surviving the PTB mass extinction and locally even extending up to the Lower Triassic. Palynomorphs exhibit a similar temporal pattern characterized by a protracted stepwise decrease from fern-dominated spores in the Late Permian to pteridosperm and gymnosperm-dominated pollen in the Early Triassic, which was however punctuated by an accelerated loss in both abundance and diversity across the PTB. Contemporaneous with the PTB crisis in the study area was the peculiar prevalence and dominance of some fungi and/or algae species.

The temporal patterns of megaplants and palynomorphs across the PTB in the study area are consistent with the regional trends of plant changes in South China, which also show a long-term decrease in species diversity from the Late Permian Wuchiapingian through the Changhsingian to the earliest Triassic, with about 48% and 77% losses of species occurring respectively in the end-Wuchiapingian and end-Changhsingian. Such consistent patterns, at both local and regional scales, contradict the hypothesis of a regional isochronous extinction of vegetation across the PTB, and hence call into question the notion that the end-Permian mass extinction was a one-hit disaster. Instead, the data from the study area and South China appears more consistent with a scenario that invokes climate change as the main driver for the observed land vegetation changes across the PTB in South China.


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A new marine bivalve fauna from the continuous Upper Permian Longtan Formation to Lower Triassic Yelang Formation of the Zhongzai section in southwestern China is documented. Four bivalve assemblages spanning the Permian–Triassic boundary are recognized and regionally correlated in South China. The bivalve assemblages changed from elements dominated by Palaeozoic types to those dominated by Mesozoic types. Three new species, Claraia zhongzaiensis sp. nov., Claraia sp. nov. 1 and Claraia sp. nov. 2, are described.


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This research has been carried out in the Nha Trang Bay (Southern Vietnam, South China Sea) at a section from the estuary of the Cai River to the marine part of the bay, as well as in the area of coral reefs. River- and sea waters, suspended matter, and bottom sediments are studies. Data on dissolved organic carbon and total nitrogen in water are obtained. Organic carbon concentration is estimated in suspended matter; organic carbon and molecular and group compositions of n-alkanes are determined in bottom sediments. Molecular and group compositions of n-alkanes in bottom sediments of the landfill made it possible to identify three types of organic matter (OM): marine, mixed, and mainly of terrigenous origin. All these types of OM are closely related to specificity of sedimentation and hydrodynamics of waters in this area.


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Sites 1147 (18°50.11'N, 116°33.28'E; water depth = 3246 m) and 1148 (18°50.17'N, 116°33.94'E; water depth = 3294 m) are located on the lowermost continental slope off southern China near the continent/ocean crust boundary of the South China Sea Basin. Site 1147 is located upslope ~0.45 nmi west of Site 1148. Three advanced piston corer holes at Site 1147 and two extended core barrel holes at Site 1148 were cored and combined into a composite (spliced) stratigraphic section, which provided a relatively continuous profile for the lower Oligocene to Holocene (Wang, Prell, Blum, et al., 2000, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.184.2000; Jian, et al., 2001, doi:10.1007/BF02907088) for studying stratigraphy and paleoceanography. A total of 1047 planktonic foraminifers stable isotope measurements were performed on 975 samples covering the upper 409.58 meters composite depth (mcd) at ~42-cm intervals (Tables T1, T2), and a total of 1864 benthic foraminifers measurements were performed on 1650 samples in the upper 837.11 mcd at ~51-cm intervals (Tables T3, T4). We significantly improved the time resolution of the benthic stable isotope record in the upper 476.68 mcd by reducing the average sample spacing to ~29 cm. This translates into an average sampling resolution of ~16 k.y. for the Miocene sequence and ~8 k.y. for the Pliocene-Holocene interval, assuming a change in sedimentation rates from ~1.8 to ~3.5 cm/k.y., as suggested by shipboard stratigraphy. These data sets provide the basis for upcoming studies to establish an oxygen isotope stratigraphy and examine the Neogene evolution of deep and surface water signatures (temperature, salinity, and nutrients) in the South China Sea.


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Site 1146 (19°27.40'N, 116°16.37'E) was drilled in ~2092 m water depth in a rift basin on the continental slope of the South China Sea. A total of 607 m of sediment was cored in Hole 1146A, and a composite section from three holes extends down to 640 meters composite depth (mcd). Three stratigraphic sedimentary units were recognized at this site: late Pliocene to Pleistocene nannofossil clay (Unit I), middle Miocene to late Pliocene foraminifer and nannofossil clay mixed sediment (Unit II), and early to middle Miocene nannofossil clay (Unit III). This study reports the mineralogy from the late Miocene through early Pleistocene, 150-440 mcd.


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Lithobiostratigraphic data indicate that the double reflectors on the seismic profile through Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1148 represent two unconformities that coincide, respectively, with the lower/upper Oligocene boundary at ~488 mcd, and Oligocene-Miocene boundary at 460 mcd. Two other unconformities, at ~478 and 472 mcd, respectively, were also identified within the upper Oligocene section. Together they erased a sediment record of about 3 Ma from this locality in a period of very active seafloor spreading. The existence of 32.8 Ma marine sediment at the terminated depth (850 mcd) indicates that the initial breakup of the South China Sea (SCS) was probably during 34-33 Ma, close to the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. High sedimentation rates of 60-115 m/my from the much expanded, N350 m lower Oligocene section resulted from rifting and rapid subsidence between 33 and 29 Ma. The mid-Oligocene unconformity at ~28.5 Ma, which also occurred in many parts of the Indo-West Pacific region, was probably related to a significant uplift of the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau to the west and the initial collision between Indonesia and Australia in the south. A narrowed Indonesian seaway may have accounted for the late Oligocene warming and chalk deposition in the northern South China Sea including the Site 1148 locality. The unconformities and slumps near the Oligocene-Miocene boundary indicate a very unstable tectonic regime, probably corresponding to changes in the rotation of different land blocks and the seafloor spreading ridge from nearly E-W to NE-SW, as recognized earlier at magnetic Anomaly 7. This 25 Ma event also saw the first New Guinea terrane docking at the northern Australian craton. The low sedimentation rate of ~15 m/my in the early to middle Miocene may correspond to another period of rapid seafloor spreading and rapid widespread subsidence that effectively caused sediment source areas to retreat with a rapidly rising sea level. The isostatic nature of these late Oligocene unconformities and slumps with several major collision-uplift events indicate that the rapid changes in the early evolutionary history of the South China Sea were mainly responding to regional tectonic reconfiguration including the uplift-driven southeast extrusion of the Indochina subcontinent.


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Site 1143 is located at 9°21.72'N, 113°17.11'E, at a water depth of 2772 m within a basin on the southern continental margin of the South China Sea. Three holes were cored at the site and combined into a composite (spliced) stratigraphic section that documents complete recovery for the upper 190.85 meters composite depth, the interval of advanced piston coring (Wang, Prell, Blum, et al., 2000, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.184.2000; Wang et al., 2001, doi:10.1007/BF02907085). The early Pliocene to Holocene sediment sequence provided abundant and well-preserved calcareous microfossils and offered an excellent opportunity to establish foraminiferal stable isotope records. Here, we present benthic and planktonic d18O and d13C records that cover the last 5 m.y. These data sets will provide an important basis for upcoming studies to generate an orbitally tuned oxygen isotope stratigraphy and examine long- and short-term changes in deep and surface water mass signatures (temperature, salinity, and nutrients) with an average sample spacing of ~2.9 k.y. for the benthic and ~2.6 k.y. for the planktonic records.


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Triassic turbidites of the Nanpanjiang basin of south China represent the most expansive and voluminous siliciclastic turbidite accumulation in south China. The Nanpanjiang basin occurs at a critical junction between the southern margin of the south China plate and the Indochina, Siamo and Sibumasu plates to the south and southwest. The Triassic Yangtze carbonate shelf and isolated carbonated platforms in the basin have been extensively studied, but silicilastic turbidites in the basin have received relatively little attention. Deciphering the facies, paleocurrent indicators and provenance of the Triassic turbidites is important for several reasons: it promises to help resolve the timing of plate collisions along suture zones bordering the basin to the south and southwest, it will enable evaluation of which suture zones and Precambrian massifs were source areas, and it will allow an evaluation of the impact of the siliciclastic flux on carbonate platform evolution within the basin. Turbidites in the basin include the Early Triassic Shipao Formation and the Middle-Late Triassic Baifeng, Xinyuan, Lanmu Bianyang and Laishike formations. Each ranges upward of 700 m and the thickest is nearly 3 km. The turbidites contain very-fine sand in the northern part of the basin whereas the central and southern parts of the basin also commonly contain fine and rarely medium sand size. Coarser sand sizes occur where paleocurrents are from the south, and in this area some turbidites exhibit complete bouma sequences with graded A divisions. Successions contain numerous alternations between mud-rich and sand-rich intervals with thickness trends corresponding to proximal/ distal fan components. Spectacularly preserved sedimentary structures enable robust evaluation of turbidite systems and paleocurrent analyses. Analysis of paleocurrent measurements indicates two major directions of sediment fill. The northern part of the basin was sourced primarily by the Jiangnan massif in the northeast, and the central and southern parts of the basin were sourced primarily from suture zones and the Yunkai massif to the south and southeast respectively. Sandstones of the Lower Triassic Shipao Fm. have volcaniclastic composition including embayed quartz and glass shards. Middle Triassic sandstones are moderately mature, matrix-rich, lithic wackes. The average QFL ratio from all point count samples is 54.1/18.1/27.8% and the QmFLt ratio is 37.8/ 18.1/ 44.1%. Lithic fragments are dominantly claystone and siltstone clasts and metasedimentary clasts such as quartz mica tectonite. Volcanic lithics are rare. Most samples fall in the recycled orogen field of QmFLt plots, indicating a relatively quartz and lithic rich composition consistent with derivation from Precambrian massifs such as the Jiangnan, and Yunkai. A few samples from the southwest part of the basin fall into the dissected arc field, indicating a somewhat more lithic and feldspar-rich composition consistent with derivation from a suture zone Analysis of detrial zircon populations from 17 samples collected across the basin indicate: (1) Several samples contain zircons with concordant ages greater than 3000 Ma, (2) there are widespread peaks across the basin at 1800 Ma and 2500, (3) a widespread 900 Ma population, (3) a widespread population of zircons at 440 Ma, and (5) a larger population of younger zircons about 250 Ma in the southwestern part which is replaced to the north and northwest by a somewhat older population around 260-290 Ma. The 900 Ma provenance fits derivation from the Jiangnan Massif, the 2500, 1800, and 440 Ma provenance fits the Yunkai massif, and the 250 Ma is consistent with convergence and arc development in suture zones bordering the basin on the south or southwest. Early siliciclastic turbidite flux, proximal to source areas impacted carbonate platform evolution by infilling the basin, reducing accommodation space, stabilizing carbonate platform margins and promoting margin progradation. Late arrival, in areas far from source areas caused margin aggradation over a starved basin, development of high relief aggradational escarpments and unstable scalloped margins.