29 resultados para Dok


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The consumers are becoming more concerned about food quality, especially regarding how, when and where the foods are produced (Haglund et al., 1999; Kahl et al., 2004; Alföldi, et al., 2006). Therefore, during recent years there has been a growing interest in the methods for food quality assessment, especially in the picture-development methods as a complement to traditional chemical analysis of single compounds (Kahl et al., 2006). The biocrystallization as one of the picture-developing method is based on the crystallographic phenomenon that when crystallizing aqueous solutions of dihydrate CuCl2 with adding of organic solutions, originating, e.g., from crop samples, biocrystallograms are generated with reproducible crystal patterns (Kleber & Steinike-Hartung, 1959). Its output is a crystal pattern on glass plates from which different variables (numbers) can be calculated by using image analysis. However, there is a lack of a standardized evaluation method to quantify the morphological features of the biocrystallogram image. Therefore, the main sakes of this research are (1) to optimize an existing statistical model in order to describe all the effects that contribute to the experiment, (2) to investigate the effect of image parameters on the texture analysis of the biocrystallogram images, i.e., region of interest (ROI), color transformation and histogram matching on samples from the project 020E170/F financed by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection(BMELV).The samples are wheat and carrots from controlled field and farm trials, (3) to consider the strongest effect of texture parameter with the visual evaluation criteria that have been developed by a group of researcher (University of Kassel, Germany; Louis Bolk Institute (LBI), Netherlands and Biodynamic Research Association Denmark (BRAD), Denmark) in order to clarify how the relation of the texture parameter and visual characteristics on an image is. The refined statistical model was accomplished by using a lme model with repeated measurements via crossed effects, programmed in R (version 2.1.0). The validity of the F and P values is checked against the SAS program. While getting from the ANOVA the same F values, the P values are bigger in R because of the more conservative approach. The refined model is calculating more significant P values. The optimization of the image analysis is dealing with the following parameters: ROI(Region of Interest which is the area around the geometrical center), color transformation (calculation of the 1 dimensional gray level value out of the three dimensional color information of the scanned picture, which is necessary for the texture analysis), histogram matching (normalization of the histogram of the picture to enhance the contrast and to minimize the errors from lighting conditions). The samples were wheat from DOC trial with 4 field replicates for the years 2003 and 2005, “market samples”(organic and conventional neighbors with the same variety) for 2004 and 2005, carrot where the samples were obtained from the University of Kassel (2 varieties, 2 nitrogen treatments) for the years 2004, 2005, 2006 and “market samples” of carrot for the years 2004 and 2005. The criterion for the optimization was repeatability of the differentiation of the samples over the different harvest(years). For different samples different ROIs were found, which reflect the different pictures. The best color transformation that shows efficiently differentiation is relied on gray scale, i.e., equal color transformation. The second dimension of the color transformation only appeared in some years for the effect of color wavelength(hue) for carrot treated with different nitrate fertilizer levels. The best histogram matching is the Gaussian distribution. The approach was to find a connection between the variables from textural image analysis with the different visual criteria. The relation between the texture parameters and visual evaluation criteria was limited to the carrot samples, especially, as it could be well differentiated by the texture analysis. It was possible to connect groups of variables of the texture analysis with groups of criteria from the visual evaluation. These selected variables were able to differentiate the samples but not able to classify the samples according to the treatment. Contrarily, in case of visual criteria which describe the picture as a whole there is a classification in 80% of the sample cases possible. Herewith, it clearly can find the limits of the single variable approach of the image analysis (texture analysis).


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Eine Methode zur Differenzierung von Weizenproben (Triticum aestivum L.) mittels elektrochemischer Parameter wurde entwickelt und validiert. Die Methode wurde auf die wichtigsten Einfluss- und Verfahrensgrößen hin untersucht. Als eine Voraussetzung zur Validierung wurden alle Laborprozesse in normativen Dokumenten beschrieben. Dies ist zum ersten Mal überhaupt für die Methode in diesem Umfang durchgeführt worden. Mit der Methode wurden Messungen durchgeführt, um Weizenproben aus fünf verschiedenen Anbausystemen (DOK-Versuch) am Produkt zu differenzieren. Eine Anbauvariante konnte anhand der Messungen statistisch signifikant abgetrennt werden. Das Validierungsziel, alle Varianten des DOK-Versuches statistisch signifikant mit elektrochemischen Parametern zu trennen, wurde demnach noch nicht erreicht. Weiterhin wurde versucht, Möhren (Daucus carota L.), die sich hinsichtlich der gedüngten Stickstoffmenge unterschieden, elektrochemisch zu differenzieren. Mit der eingesetzten Methode konnte eine statistisch signifikante Trennung erfolgen.


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Kurzfassung: Der Markt für ökologische Lebensmittel wächst stark. Verbraucher kaufen Produkte aus ökologischem Landbau aus einer Vielzahl von Gründen. Ein Teil dieser Gründe lässt sich nicht auf die Produktqualität zurückführen, sondern beruht auf der Annahme, dass sich der Produktionsprozess des Ökologischen Landbaus hinsichtlich der Schonung von Umweltressourcen, der Nachhaltigkeit der Produktion und sozialen Komponenten vom konventionellen Anbau unterscheidet. Daneben spielt der Wunsch nach einer gesunden Ernährung eine Rolle. Ökologische Lebensmittel können als Vertrauensgüter verstanden werden. Lebensmittelskandale machten in den vergangenen Jahren auch vor ökologischen Lebens¬mitteln nicht Halt. Folgerichtig erschütterte dies das Vertrauen der Verbraucher in ökologische Produkte. Mit steigender Produktion könnte die Gefahr, das weitere solche Ereignisse auftreten, steigen. Daher besteht Bedarf für Methoden, die die ökologische Produktqualität im Sinne einer Authentizitätsprüfung prüfen. Eine solche Prüfung könnte sich auf die Analyse sekundärer Pflanzenstoffe stützen. Diese Gruppe von Pflanzeninhaltsstoffen spielt bei der Diskussion um die besondere Qualität ökologischer Pflanzenprodukte eine große Rolle. Postuliert wird, dass ökologisch angebaute Pflanzen mangels mineralischer Düngung und mangels Schädlingsbekämpfung mit synthetischen Pestiziden einem erhöhten Stress ausgesetzt sind. Dies soll sich in einem höheren Niveau der mit den Selbstverteidigungsmechanismen der Pflanze eng verbundenen sekundären Pflanzenstoffe ausdrücken. Wichtige Untergruppen der sekundären Pflanzenstoffe sind Carotinoide und Polyphenole. An Weizen (Triticum aestivum L. und Triticum durum L.) und Möhre (Daucus carota L.) als für den ökologischen Landbau wichtigen Produkten wurden Messungen der Carotinoid- und Polyphenolkonzentration mit dem Ziel durchgeführt, die potentielle Eignung dieser Pflanzenstoffe als Biomarker zur Authentizitätsprüfung ökologischer Produkte zu evaluieren. Dazu wurden Proben aus ökologischem und konventionellem Anbau (Paarvergleich) untersucht. Diese stammten aus Langzeit-Feldversuchen (Weizen aus dem DOK- und dem MASCOT-Versuch), Feldversuchen und von Betriebspaaren untersucht. Ein generell höheres Niveau sekundärer Pflanzenstoffe in Möhren bzw. Weizen aus ökologischem Anbau gegenüber Proben aus konventionellem Anbau wurde nicht gefunden. Die Carotinoide waren weder bei der Möhre noch beim Weizen zur Authentizitätsprüfung geeignet. Die Konzentration der Carotinoide wurde stark durch die nicht dem Anbau¬verfahren zuzuordnenden Faktoren Klima, Sorte und Standort beeinflusst. Die Luteinkonzentration war das einzige durch das Anbauverfahren systematisch beeinflusste Carotenoid bei Weizen und Möhre. Die Unterschiede der Luteinkonzentration waren aber im Paarvergleich von Proben (ökologischer versus konventioneller Anbau) nicht durchgängig signifikant. Die Eignung von Polyphenolen als potentielles Authentizitätskriterium wurde nur an Möhren geprüft. Im Paarvergleich unterschieden sich die Konzentrationen einzelner Polyphenole signifikant und konsistent über Probenjahre und Standorte, nicht jedoch über Sorten hinweg. Wie bei den Carotinoiden konnte auch hier ein starker Einfluss von Probenjahr, Standort und Sorte gezeigt werden. Trotz der Variation durch diese nicht dem Anbau zuzuordnenden Faktoren war eine korrekte Klassifizierung der Proben nach Anbauverfahren möglich. Dies wurde mittels Diskriminanzanalyse getestet. Die Polyphenole sind daher potentiell als Authentizitätskriterium geeignet.


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Collagen-related peptide (CRP) stimulates powerful activation of platelets through the glycoprotein VI (GPVI)-FcR gamma-chain complex. We have combined proteomics and traditional biochemistry approaches to study the proteome of CRP-activated platelets, focusing in detail on tyrosine phosphorylation. In two separate approaches, phosphotyrosine immunoprecipitations followed by 1-D-PAGE, and 2-DE, were used for protein separation. Proteins were identified by MS. By following these approaches, 96 proteins were found to undergo PTM in response to CRP in human platelets, including 11 novel platelet proteins such as Dok-1, SPIN90, osteoclast stimulating factor 1, and beta-Pix. Interestingly, the type I transmembrane protein G6f was found to be specifically phosphorylated on Tyr-281 in response to platelet activation by CRP, providing a docking site for the adapter Grb2. G6f tyrosine phoshporylation was also found to take place in response to collagen, although not in response to the G protein-coupled receptor agonists, thrombin and ADP. Further, we also demonstrate for the first time that Grb2 and its homolog Gads are tyrosine-phosphorylated in CRP-stimulated platelets. This study provides new insights into the mechanism of platelet activation through the GPVI collagen receptor, helping to build the basis for the development of new drug targets for thrombotic disease.


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The DOK1 gene is a putative tumour suppressor gene located on the human chromosome 2p13 which is frequently rearranged in leukaemia and other human tumours. We previously reported that the DOK1 gene can be mutated and its expression down-regulated in human malignancies. However, the mechanism underlying DOK1 silencing remains largely unknown. We show here that unscheduled silencing of DOK1 expression through aberrant hypermethylation is a frequent event in a variety of human malignancies. DOK1 was found to be silenced in nine head and neck cancer (HNC) cell lines studied and DOK1 CpG hypermethylation correlated with loss of gene expression in these cells. DOK1 expression could be restored via demethylating treatment using 5-aza-2'deoxycytidine. In addition, transduction of cancer cell lines with DOK1 impaired their proliferation, consistent with the critical role of epigenetic silencing of DOK1 in the development and maintenance of malignant cells. We further observed that DOK1 hypermethylation occurs frequently in a variety of primary human neoplasm including solid tumours (93% in HNC, 81% in lung cancer) and haematopoietic malignancy (64% in Burkitt's lymphoma). Control blood samples and exfoliated mouth epithelial cells from healthy individuals showed a low level of DOK1 methylation, suggesting that DOK1 hypermethylation is a tumour specific event. Finally, an inverse correlation was observed between the level of DOK1 gene methylation and its expression in tumour and adjacent non tumour tissues. Thus, hypermethylation of DOK1 is a potentially critical event in human carcinogenesis, and may be a potential cancer biomarker and an attractive target for epigenetic-based therapy.


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The awakening of national consciousness went hand in hand in Bohemia with an anxiety about national disappearance. In this context, the recourse to Pan-Slavism was for the Czechs a way to encourage themselves through the idea of belonging to a great Slavic world, while the Slavic Congress organized in Prague in 1848 was an attempt to realize this ideal. The Congress was a failure from the political point of view, but it did have some socio-cultural repercussions: notably, it served as a pretext for the advancement of women's issues in Bohemia. It is indeed in the wake of the Congress that Honorata z Wiśniowskich Zapová, a Polish women settled in Prague after her marriage to a Czech intellectual, founded, under the guise of collaboration between all Slavic women, the first women's association, as well as a (very short-lived) Czech-Polish institute, where Czech, as well as Polish girls, could get a quality education in their mother tongue. Honorata was undoubtedly the source of the polonophilia wind that seemed to blow over the Czech emancipation movement in the second half of the nineteenth century. In particular, Karolina Světlá showed in her Memoirs a great recognition for Honorata's efforts in matters of emancipation and education, and explicitly took up the challenge launched by the latter in founding another women's association and in inaugurating a school for underprivileged girls. But the tribute Světlá paid to Honorata is even more evident in her literary work, where Poland and the Polish woman (who often wears Honorata's features) play a significant role (see for example her short novel Sisters or her story A Few Days in the Life of a Prague Dandy). Světlá was probably the Czech feminist writer who, in her activities and in her work, relied most strongly on the Polish woman as a model for the Czech woman. However, she wasn't alone. In general, it was a characteristic of the Czech feminist movement of the second half of the nineteenth century to have recourse to the Polish woman and to Poland as a landmark for comparison and as a goal to be achieved.


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The mammalian Ste20 kinase Nck-interacting kinase (NIK) specifically activates the c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK) mitogen-activated protein kinase module. NIK also binds the SH3 domains of the SH2/SH3 adapter protein Nck. To determine whether Nck functions as an adapter to couple NIK to a receptor tyrosine kinase signaling pathway, we determined whether NIK is activated by Eph receptors (EphR). EphRs constitute the largest family of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTK), and members of this family play important roles in patterning of the nervous and vascular systems. In this report, we show that NIK kinase activity is specifically increased in cells stimulated by two EphRs, EphB1 and EphB2. EphB1 kinase activity and phosphorylation of a juxtamembrane tyrosine (Y594), conserved in all Eph receptors, are both critical for NIK activation by EphB1. Although pY594 in the EphB1R has previously been shown to bind the SH2 domain of Nck, we found that stimulation of EphB1 and EphB2 led predominantly to a complex between NIK/Nck, p62(dok), RasGAP, and an unidentified 145-kDa tyrosine-phosphorylated protein. Tyrosine-phosphorylated p62(dok) most probably binds directly to the SH2 domain of Nck and RasGAP and indirectly to NIK bound to the SH3 domain of Nck. We found that NIK activation is also critical for coupling EphB1R to biological responses that include the activation of integrins and JNK by EphB1. Taken together, these findings support a model in which the recruitment of the Ste20 kinase NIK to phosphotyrosine-containing proteins by Nck is an important proximal step in the signaling cascade downstream of EphRs.


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T.2 of a multivolume set of the author's works.


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Wydział Biologii: Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i Biotechnologii


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Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa


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Wydział Fizyki


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Artykuł ma na celu poszerzenie wiedzy czytelnika na temat preambuły. Jego wprowadzenie opiera się na etymologii słowa „preambuła”. Pozwala również zapoznać się z podstawowymi cechami i funkcjami preambuły. Kolejna część opisuje pochodzenie preambuły jako formy wstępu do aktu normatywnego. Przedstawia jej historię w odwołaniu do źródeł archaicznych oraz do pierwszych polskich aktów prawnych. W części trzeciej przedstawione są cechy wstępu na przykładzie polskich aktów normatywnych. Dokładnej analizie poddawane są poszczególne elementy preambuły. Część ta porusza również problematykę celu zamieszczania areng. Dalej opisywane są preambuły pojawiające się w zagranicznych aktach prawnych takich jak: Deklaracja Niepodległości Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki, Konstytucja USA, Deklaracja Praw Człowieka i Obywatela oraz Ustawa zasadnicza Republiki Federalnej Niemiec. Piąta część traktuje o sporze prawników, dotyczącym charakteru preambuły – jako części normatywnej lub deklaratoryjnej aktu normatywnego. Przytoczono argumenty obu stron oraz powołano się na opinie ekspertów, a także orzecznictwo Trybunału Konstytucyjnego. W zakończeniu artykułu podkreślona została istotna rola preambuły w aktach normatywnych. Wyjaśnione jest także dlaczego zrezygnowanie z tej formy wstępu jest niepożądane i jakie byłyby tego ewentualnie konsekwencje.