982 resultados para Doctor Angélico


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The growth in demand and expenditure currently being experienced in the Australian health sector is also accompanied by a rise in dysfunctional customer behaviour, such as verbal abuse and physical violence, perpetrated against health service providers. While service failure and poor recovery are known to trigger consumer misbehaviour, this study investigates whether lower than expected perceived service quality generates cognitive and emotional appraisals that trigger two common forms of misbehaviour: refusal to participate and verbal abuse. Data were collected using a 2 × 2 between-subjects experiment administered via online written survey and analysed using path modelling. The findings indicate that perceptions of service encounter quality have an indirect effect on whether consumers refuse to participate in the service and/or verbally abuse the service provider through the mediating effect of anger.


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Background Pharmacist prescribing has been introduced in several countries and is a possible future role for pharmacy in Australia. Objective To assess whether patient satisfaction with the pharmacist as a prescriber, and patient experiences in two settings of collaborative doctor-pharmacist prescribing may be barriers to implementation of pharmacist prescribing. Design Surveys containing closed questions, and Likert scale responses, were completed in both settings to investigate patient satisfaction after each consultation. A further survey investigating attitudes towards pharmacist prescribing, after multiple consultations, was completed in the sexual health clinic. Setting and Participants A surgical pre-admission clinic (PAC) in a tertiary hospital and an outpatient sexual health clinic at a university hospital. Two hundred patients scheduled for elective surgery, and 17 patients diagnosed with HIV infection, respectively, recruited to the pharmacist prescribing arm of two collaborative doctor-pharmacist prescribing studies. Results Consultation satisfaction response rates in PAC and the sexual health clinic were 182/200 (91%) and 29/34 (85%), respectively. In the sexual health clinic, the attitudes towards pharmacist prescribing survey response rate were 14/17 (82%). Consultation satisfaction was high in both studies, most patients (98% and 97%, respectively) agreed they were satisfied with the consultation. In the sexual health clinic, all patients (14/14) agreed that they trusted the pharmacist’s ability to prescribe, care was as good as usual care, and they would recommend seeing a pharmacist prescriber to friends. Discussion and Conclusion Most of the patients had a high satisfaction with pharmacist prescriber consultations, and a positive outlook on the collaborative model of care in the sexual health clinic.


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Postwar version of F 38323


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Background Many different guidelines recommend people with foot complications, or those at risk, should attend multiple health professionals for foot care each year. However, few studies have investigated the characteristics of those attending health professionals for foot care and if those characteristics match those requiring foot care as per guideline recommendations. The aim of this paper was to determine the associated characteristics of people who attended a health professional for foot care in the year prior to their hospitalisation. Methods Eligible participants were all adults admitted overnight, for any reason, into five diverse hospitals on one day; excluding maternity, mental health and cognitively impaired patients. Participants underwent a foot examination to clinically diagnose different foot complications; including wounds, infections, deformity, peripheral arterial disease and peripheral neuropathy. They were also surveyed on social determinant, medical history, self-care, foot complication history, and, past health professional attendance for foot care in the year prior to hospitalisation. Results Overall, 733 participants consented; mean(±SD) age 62(±19) years, 408 (55.8%) male, 172 (23.5%) diabetes. Two hundred and fifty-six (34.9% (95% CI) (31.6-38.4)) participants had attended a health professional for foot care; including attending podiatrists 180 (24.5%), GPs 93 (24.6%), and surgeons 36 (4.9%). In backwards stepwise multivariate analyses attending any health professional for foot care was independently associated (OR (95% CI)) with diabetes (3.0 (2.1-4.5)), arthritis (1.8 (1.3-2.6)), mobility impairment (2.0 (1.4-2.9)) and previous foot ulcer (5.4 (2.9-10.0)). Attending a podiatrist was independently associated with female gender (2.6 (1.7-3.9)), increasing years of age (1.06 (1.04-1.08), diabetes (5.0 (3.2-7.9)), arthritis (2.0 (1.3-3.0)), hypertension (1.7 (1.1-2.6) and previous foot ulcer (4.5 (2.4-8.1). While attending a GP was independently associated with having a foot ulcer (10.4 (5.6-19.2). Conclusions Promisingly these findings indicate that people with a diagnosis of diabetes and arthritis are more likely to attend health professionals for foot care. However, it also appears those with active foot complications, or significant risk factors, may not be more likely to receive the multi-disciplinary foot care recommended by guidelines. More concerted efforts are required to ensure all people with foot complications are receiving recommended foot care.


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Dado el carácter de esta sección dedicada a la recuperación de testimonios y documentos que hacen al patrimonio material e intangible de nuestro pasado, reproducimos en las próximas páginas un manuscrito de uno de los más destacados profesionales de la medicina de Rosario. El Dr. Elías Luque se desempeñó como médico clínico en nuestra ciudad durante la primera mitad del siglo pasado. Su labor profesional puede ser apreciada en instituciones médicas como el Policlínico San José del Círculo de Obreros o La Popular, institución de socorros para enfermos que se encontraron bajo su dirección, entre otras entidades sanitarias rosarinas...


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Esta sección dedicada a la recuperación de testimonios pretende ofrecer, en este número de la revista Res Gesta datos inéditos del canónigo Américo Tonda, sacerdote, historiador y autor de obras fundamentales para la Historiografía Eclesiástica Argentina. Y constituirse en un sentido y justo homenaje


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Francisco de Sá de Miranda nasceu provavelmente em Coimbra, em 1481e morreu em 1558. A posição de Sá de Miranda na poesia portuguesa é revolucionária, pelas novas formas que introduziu e pelos valores morais que defendeu. A ele são devidas as seguintes inovações: comédia em prosa, metro decassílabo, novas estruturas estróficas, novos subgêneros líricos. Quanto às intenções pedagógico-moralizantes há que assinalar, como fez Mourão Ferreira "a defesa dos valores castiços, a condenação dos novos tempos, a pregação de um regresso à natureza e a salvaguarda da liberdade moral". Sobre ele D. Carolina Michaelis já havia dito: "sem Miranda não tínhamos um Bernardes: sem Miranda não havia Ferreira; sem Miranda não florescia um Camões". Trata-se essa obra da segunda edição, póstuma como a primeira, de 1595. Durante muito tempo, a segunda edição foi subestimada, mas dela disse D. Carolina Michaelis de Vasconcelos: "é mais rica do que a outra, tem, além disso, a biografia de D. Gonçalo Coutinho, que é um subsídio precioso, e apresenta uma redação mais corrente, mais limada, uma fraseologia mais inteligível em várias partes, um sentido mais verossímil das passagens dificultosas". Acrescenta, ainda que "o lugar da impressão não se indica, mas é Lisboa". Das duas primeiras edições, disse Inocêncio: "qualquer delas é tida em conta de rara". Entretanto, esta edição tem sobre a primeira a vantagem de incluir uma biografia do autor atribuída por Barbosa Machado a D. Gonçalo Coutinho.


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Félix de Lúcio Espinosa y Maio, escritor e historiador espanhol, nasceu em Zaragoza, em 1646, e morreu em Palermo, Itália, em 1691. Doutorou-se em Direito na Universidade de Nápoles, foi Secretário do Conselho de Sua Majestade e Secretário de Estado e Guerra, no reino da Sicília. Cronista do reino de Aragão, das Índias e de Castela e Leão. Distinguiu-se por seu talento e sua cultura. ‘Epistolas varias...’ traz composições poéticas em forma de cartas, descrevendo entre outras coisas: ‘Del origem de las estatuas’, ‘De los sepulcros antigos’, ‘Del origem de las monedas’, ‘De la causa dei terremoto’, ‘Descripcion de la fiesta de toros de Madrid’, ‘De la velocidad dei tiempo’, ‘Consolatoria en la muerte’, ‘De la pintura, y alguns inventores’, ‘La paz y la union’, ‘Sobre eI origen de la poesia en varias naciones’


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