878 resultados para Diversidade no ambiente de trabalho


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar o impacto da privatização no ambiente de trabalho, relações interpessoais e perfil profissional dos empregados da Embratel. Para tanto, estudou-se a trajetória da empresa no contexto de estatal, a transição e processo de consolidação como empresa privada de um segmento altamente competitivo. O pnmelro capítulo apresenta a história das comunicações no Brasil, as implicações político-econômicas, o surgimento e desenvolvimento da Embratel. O segundo capítulo estuda cultura organizacional e sua importância na viabilização da gestão de recursos humanos. O terceiro capítulo analisa as formações grupais e as relações interpessoais no ambiente de trabalho. O quarto capítulo investiga as novas políticas de recursos humanos e os elementos que constituem o perfil profissional demandado pelo mercado. O capítulo cinco estuda clima organizacional e interfaces com a motivação e satisfação no trabalho. O sexto capítulo analisa a gestão de recursos humanos na Embratel ao longo de sua existência como estatal e a partir da privatização. O sétimo capítulo apresenta e analisa a pesquisa de clima organizacional realizada na empresa em 2000. Dentre os principais aspectos estudados verifica-se: a Embratel iniciou seu processo de modernização antes da privatização e essa veio acelerar e apresentar novos rumos para a empresa. Sua gestão era até então prejudicada pelo excesso de normas e atendimento a interesses políticos, o que lhe conferia pouca agilidade. A relação do empregado com a empresa se modificou. A nova visão e as modernas políticas de recursos humanos hoje oferecem suporte para a efetivação das mudanças desejadas e necessárias, mas também exige alto grau de adaptabilidade de todos.


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Esta dissertação discute os efeitos da competição sobre os sentidos que envolvem as políticas afirmativas em prol da igualdade de oportunidades e tratamento entre mulheres e homens no mundo do trabalho formal. Para tanto, toma como objeto de pesquisa o Programa Pró-Equidade de Gênero e Raça, buscando revelar as ideias e ações que estruturam e movem sua intencionalidade na Secretaria de Políticas para as Mulheres (SPM) do governo federal – instituição responsável pela política. A fonte prioritária das análises aqui produzidas são as narrativas de atrizes-chave que participaram da concepção e da implementação do Programa. Utiliza-se a Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD) como metodologia e o contexto epistêmico de “ações afirmativas” e de “gestão diversidade” para localizar os campos discursivos das narrativas acessadas. A compreensão de sentidos é fundamentada com base em aportes teóricos afeitos ao campo de estudos organizacionais com vistas a revelar a materialidade ideológica por trás dos discursos. Com base no trabalho de Thoenig (2007) analisou-se de que forma a interdependência entre diferentes campos organizacionais internos e externos à SPM mobiliza a construção do padrão que fundamenta o Programa Pró-Equidade de Gênero e Raça. Complementarmente, utilizando as contribuições de Crozier (1967) foram evidenciadas as “zonas de incerteza pertinentes” que pairam sobre o Programa em torno de decisões tomadas pelas gestoras da SPM. O estudo sugere que o Programa Pró-Equidade de Gênero e Raça – tido como solução destacada pela SPM para dialogar com o setor formal a respeito da importância de promover a igualdade de oportunidades e tratamento no mundo do trabalho – agencia o sentido inverso daquilo que se propõe a mobilizar no longo prazo. Entre as razões para isso estão a dificuldade do Programa para incorporar o seu público-alvo prioritário (as grandes corporações) e a sua contribuição para o fortalecimento do discurso de setores contrários à ideologia das políticas de ação afirmativa de gênero e raça no mundo do trabalho.


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Descriptive exploratory study, prospective with quantitative approach, performed on the Medical Regulation Central of SAMU/Natal, aiming to identify the level of professional satisfaction of the members of the nursing team working at SAMU/Natal; and verify the degree of importance attributed by the professionals to each of the components Professional Satisfaction: autonomy, interaction, professional status , work requirements, organizational rules and remuneration. The population was of 60 professionals, with data collected from january to february 2005. We used an instrument translated and validated by Lino (1999) to the portuguese language, the Professional Satisfaction Rate (PSR). The results demonstrate that there was a slight predominance of the female gender (54,9%); aged between 36 and 45 years old (60,8%); married (58,8%), 82,4% with children, 30,8% aged between 05 and 09. Regarding formation, we observed that 78,4% were nursing technicians and 21,6% nurses, formed for 11 to 15 years (17,5%). From the 11 nurses, 09 (81,8%) informed they have specialization, 29,4% of the team has been working for 11 to 15 years on the urgency area, 58.8% works for more than 02 years on SAMU, 72,6% of the team members have fixed work schedules. There was homogeneity on the work shifts: 41,2% on the day shift and 53% on the night shift. Regarding the reason to be working on SAMU, 64% chose to work in the service, and among these 76,3% predominantly perform direct care to the patients, 96,1% like and are satisfied to work in the service. Regarding the remuneration, 90,9% informed they receive 05 to 10 minimum wages; 70% of the technicians informed they receive -2 to 05 minumum wages, 50,1% informed they receive no additional benefit. The analysis of PSR through Cronbach s Alpha Coeficient resulted on the value of 0,94 and through Kendall s Tau Coeficient on 0,87, demonstrating to be a trustworthy instrument to measure the level of professional satisfaction of the SAMU nursing team, in our environment. As for the level of importance attributed to the components of professional satisfaction, we indentified that the nursing team considered the Autonomy component as the most important, followed by the component Remuneration, Interaction, Work Requirements, Work Requirements, Organizational Rules and Professional Status . Regarding the current level of professional satisfaction, we identified they were most satisfied with the Professional Status , Autonomy, Interaction, Remuneration, Work Requirements and Organizational Rules. The real professional satisfaction level, calculated through statistics, however, tells these professionals are more satisfied with Autonomy, Remuneration, Interaction, Work Requirements, professional Status and Organizational Rules. The PSR in our work was of 8,6, indicating the SAMU Natal nursing team has little satisfaction on their work environment


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The current study strives to address the interpersonal relationships of the nursing team from the perspective of the communicative action, by contributing to the health work process. It aims to analyze the interpersonal relationships of the nursing team in its work environment. This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection wal held from interviews, guided by a script with open questions. The study was conducted at a state hospital in the city of Natal/RN/Brazil. The research subjects were the workers of the nursing team, including nurses, nursing technicians and nursing assistants, totaling 16 subjects. The capture of information was performed in April 2012. The project was approved by the Ethics Research Committee, under CEP/UFRN protocol n. º 262/11 and Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Consideration n. º 0289.0.051.000-11. The analysis was performed from the categories that emerged from the research through a dialogue with the authors studied in the theoretical framework of the Theory of communicative action , by Jürgen Habermas, as well as The changing in the world of work, by Ricardo Antunes, and Characterization of the team , by Marina Peduzzi. The outocomes point out that the interpersonal relationship of the nursing team is very troubled, with no interaction among the individuals involved in this process, among themselves and with other health professionals. We have developed a particular concept about team, which is comprised of three essential elements: multiplicity of individuals, common objective and heterogeneity. In the studied environment, it was realized the existence of grouping teams. The interpersonal relationship of the nursing can be a facilitator or an obstacle in the workplace in such a way that causes positive or negative consequences, both to the health workers, and to the sicks. In this context, the interviewees have intensified their viewpoints with regard to the weaknesses that permeate the nursing relationship, by pointing them more frequently than the strengths. The work conditions have signaled a failing situation, which is evidenced by the constant improvisation process before the lack of human and material resources, low wages, deficit in recognizing the nursing worker, and physical and emotional wear, by creating a professional exhaustion. The devaluation of the worker also became a strong factor for this study, because it was characterized a reason of job dissatisfaction, due to the lack of valuation policies, which should be prepared by the institution or, even, they are unknown by the worker itself. The worker participation in the design of these policies has emerged as a relevant factor. The poor work conditions lead the worker to a process of professional demotivation and dissatisfaction, by causing the feeling of devaluation within its work environment. Hence, it was found in this research that the lack of communication leads to situations of inadequate interpersonal relationships, which are creators of an unsuitable environment for the performance of the nursing team


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Currently, it stress it comes negative affecting the life of the people. In this direction, the present dissertação had as purpose to investigate the factors stressor in the environment of teaching work in a private university. For its concretion, bibliographical studies had been carried through, applied questionnaires, which were elaborated in elapsing of this dissertação, and comment of the environment of work of the professors. From the analysis of Spearman, of studies and comments 7 groups of variable had been analyzed, of which three of them if had shown excellent in the sprouting of stress it negative, namely: Environment of Work, characterization of the teaching activity and organization of the time/institucional aspects. From the displayed one, it is observed that the factors most excellent, that influence in the sprouting of stress it negative in the professors are: the imperfections of communication, the wage and the instability how much to horary the load definition attributed to these professionals


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Wich the big transformations at the world of labor, thus as the appearing of the negatives psicologicals consequencies? Publications in books and articles about the health of the workers have been seen in the last 40 years, pointing at the increase of occupational ills, increase of the absenteeism, reach the redation between the labor and the family. With the appearing of the neoliberal sistem, changed all the net of relations, thus as the temporary labor contract, the flexibility at the work timetable, and others, that privilege the capitalism, in detriment of the worker health. It was given emphasis to the banking worker, in time that the banks and the banking agencies were one of the departaments that more suffered the impact of the productive restructuring at the last years. 200 bank clerks shared the search, in that 41,9% was female and 58,1% was male, 60,9% presenting a civil state married, following of 28,4% of single. The participants answered the following instruments: Scale of Positives and Negative Kindness, General Health Questionaire GHQ 12, Scale of Organization, Conditions and Labor Relations, Scale of Desire (own authorship), Scale about economic situation and a social-demographic record car. With the objective of trying the instruments of measure, it was checking the psychometric parameter of the search scales. We could verify that it has been more positive than negative ones for the mental health, but it was found some kind of depression and unsatisfied with their lives in some pieces of the sample. We can finally say that the work place has an impact at the mental health of the bank clerks. So, some interventions actions to promote the worker health could be essential


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Esta dissertação trata da Monetização dos Riscos no Meio Ambiente do Trabalho – fenômeno que autoriza a compensação financeira para o trabalhador em razão de sua exposição a riscos existentes no local de trabalho –, sob a ótica do Liberalismo Igualitário de John Rawls e Ronald Dworkin. O primeiro capítulo analisa e compara as teorias liberais igualitárias apresentadas por John Rawls e Ronald e Dworkin com a teoria da Análise Econômica do Direito de Richard Posner. O segundo capítulo demonstra quais são as práticas do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro com relação à monetização dos riscos. O terceiro capítulo realiza uma análise normativa e principiológica para responder se há necessidade de reformular tais práticas, analisando, ainda, quais são os óbices à efetivação da proteção aos trabalhadores.


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB