869 resultados para Divergência genética


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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The objective was to evaluate the genetic diversity of cultivars in sugar cane for resistance to D. saccharalis. The experiment was carried out in the laboratory in completely randomized design with 11 treatments (one control and 10 treatments) in ten replications. The replications were made from artificial diets (food and refood) made with dry steam crushed from sugar cane cultivars stems, except for one of them considered standard diet. The cultivars used were: RB867515, RB855453, RB855536, CTC 15, CTC 9, SP80-1842, SP79-1011, SP89-1115, SP81-3250 and SP87-365. In the evaluation biological characteristics of the insect considered were: larval development (days), larval viability (%), pupal development (days), pupal weight (g), pupal viability (%), period of hatched larvae to adults emergence (days), total viability (%) and adults longevity without food (days). The generalized Mahalanobis distance (D-2) for the cluster analysis by the method of average linkage between groups (UPGMA) and Tocher's method optimization was determined. Four and five groups were formed, respectively, by the method of average linkage between groups (UPGMA) and Tocher's method optimization. We concluded that the cultivar CTC 15 standed out as highly susceptible to D. saccharalis, while the cultivar SP87-365 behaved as moderately resistant by antibiosis to D. saccharalis.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the genetics divergence of bean genotypes in relation to the oviposition, feeding and development of Zabrotes subfasciatus, determining the degrees of resistance to the weevil. The genotypes used were: IAC Carioca-Tybata, IAC Fortaleza, IAPAR 81, IAC Carioca-Ete, IAC Galante, IAC Harmonia, IAC Una, IAC Diplomata, BRS Supremo and RAZ 49. Tests were performed in laboratory under controlled humidity, temperature and photophase conditions. In free choice test, 10 g of bean genotypes seeds were distributed in circular openings placed equidistant from each other in aluminum trays, where 70 couples were released. The attractiveness was evaluated 24 hours and seven days after the experiment started, and then the number of eggs was evaluated. In non choice test, 10 g of seeds were used where seven couples of Z. subfasciatus, 24 hours-old, were released, remaining seven days, and after the adults retreat, the total number of eggs, viable and unviable eggs, the number and percentage of emerged adults, weight, longevity and period from egg to adult of males and females, sex ratio, dry mass and dry mass consumed by insect were evaluated. In the genotype IAC Harmonia was observed the lower oviposition; RAZ 49 was the most non preference-type resistant for feeding and/or antibiosis-type resistant; BRS Supremo, IAC Carioca-Ete and IAPAR 81 are no preference for feeding and/or antibiosis-type moderate resistant; IAC Galante is susceptible and the other genotypes are highly susceptible to Z. subfasciatus.


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Entre os diferentes ambientes da Mata Atlântica as áreas de maior altitude são o hábitat de algumas espécies de anfíbios anuros. Tais espécies devem ser investigadas, pois ambientes montanhosos e acidentados podem propiciar barreiras à dispersão de diversos anuros, podendo fazer com que cada população passe por processos independentes de evolução, podendo levar à especiação. Ischnocnema holti é um exemplo de espécie que encontra-se em áreas de altitude da Mata Atlântica. Trabalhos anteriores revelam que há divergência genética entre amostras de diferentes localidades em que tal espécie habita, onde muitas vezes existe uma confusão de identificação com I. lactea. Este estudo utilizou marcadores moleculares para estimar a divergência genética entre as populações atribuídas à espécie em estudo nas diferentes áreas de altitude em que esta se encontra, buscando-se contribuir à compreensão de como barreiras geográficas por altitude poderiam interferir nos padrões de diversidade desta região, além de esclarecer o conflito de identificação. Dentro do complexo de espécies I. lactea/holti observou-se sete clados genéticos que podem ser novas espécies. Os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho sugerem que os espécimes incluídos no clado II correspondem à espécie Ischnocnema holti e sua distribuição restringe-se à parte alta da Serra do Itatiaia, no município de Itamonte, estado de Minas Gerais. Já os exemplares dos clados I, III, IV, V, VI e VII provavelmente não correspondem à espécie I. holti, fazendo-se necessária uma maior amostragem para estabelecer em definitivo as relações e os limites específicos neste complexo de espécies. Para melhor entendimento deste complexo é necessária uma revisão taxonômica, sendo indispensáveis estudos com base em aspectos morfológicos, bioacústicos, ecológicos e genéticos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar três métodos para determinação do número de grupos em estudos com aplicação de métodos hierárquicos de agrupamentos, baseando-se em dados obtidos a partir da caracterização de acessos de Capsicum, de modo a identificar aquele com maior poder de discriminação. Os métodos de Mojena, de Tocher e o método RMSSTD foram aplicados com a finalidade de determinar o número ideal de grupos formados na fase final do procedimento de agrupamento com o método UPGMA. Foram analisados 49 acessos da espécie Capsicum chinense do Banco de Germoplasma de Hortaliças da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, em relação a dez características morfológicas com o intuito de identificar e agrupar os acessos mais similares, tornando possível a seleção de genótipos superiores, ou seja, com as características comerciais de interesse. Os resultados mostraram que o método RMSSTD permitiu concluir sobre a existência de sete grupos, evidenciando um maior poder de discriminação para este método, em relação ao método de otimização de Tocher e ao método de Mojena, que formaram respectivamente, quatro e três grupos.


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The peaches and nectarines are highly appreciated by consumer, but it is climacteric fruits, with availability in the market in small time. It is necessary to invest to obtain genotypes with fruit quality and small perishability or that it presente less physiological disorders after storage. The aims of this work were i) to evaluate the genetic divergence among 40 peach and nectarine trees genotypes based on postharvest quality and select posible parents; ii) to evaluate the susceptibility to chilling injury in peaches and nectarines after cold storage; iii) to evaluate divergence of peaches and nectarines on the basis in the susceptibility for chiling injury and select superior genotypes; iv) evaluate the correlations between quality and susceptibility to chilling injury of peaches and nectarines v) select parents with the combination of lower susceptibility to chilling injury and higher quality fruit. The study was carried out in EEAD-CSIC, Zaragoza - Spain, during the production cycle 2013/2014. A total of 40 peaches and nectarines genotypes from germplasm collection were evaluated. The quality characteristics as flesh firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, rippining index and flesh color parameters were evaluated. The fruits were submitted to cold storage at 0 °C and 5 °C, with 95% average relative humidity. The evaluations were after 14 and 28 days, it being observed the presence of symptoms, such as wooliness through mealiness, flesh grainy, leatheriness and flesh color changes, through browning, bleeding and off flavor. As a selection parameter was adopted 20% of genotypes that had a higher frequency of superiority for quality characteristics, susceptibility to chilling injury and the combining of both. For quality characteristic presented greater divergence the ‘Queen Giant’, ‘Sudanel Blanco’ and ‘Borracho de Jarque’. Based on the quality the eight genotypes were selected, ‘Andross’, ‘San Jaime’, ‘San Lorenzo’, ‘Borracho de Jarque’, ‘Sudanell 1’, ‘Carson’, ‘Baby Gold 6’ and ‘Stanford’. All genotypes studied exhibited susceptibility to one or more symptoms caused by cold storage during 28 days, independent of temperature. For 14 days, the ‘Baby Gold 6’, ‘Flavortop’ and ‘Queen Giant’ genotypes did not show any physiological disorder caused by cold. In general, the temperature of 0 °C favored fruit postharvest conservation, it have a lower incidence and severity of symptoms caused by cold storage. The storage for 14 days contributed for the lower incidence of damage in the genotypes fruits studied. For 14 days, with both temperatures, it was observed divergence for ‘Queen Giant’, ‘Sudanell Blanco’, ‘Baby Gold 6’ ‘GF3’, ‘Baby Gold 8’, ‘Campiel’ and ‘Campiel Rojo’ genotypes. For 28 days, in the 5 °C condition, ‘Queen Giant’, ‘Big Top’, ‘Flavortop’ and ‘Redhaven’ genotypes were divergents. Based on susceptibility to chilling injury at 0 °C, the eight genotypes were selected, it being these, ‘Queen Giant’, ‘Keimoes’, ‘Flavortop’, ‘Big Top’, 'Redhaven', 'Sudanell 3', 'Bonet I' and ‘Carson’. The quality parameters as rippining index, soluble solids, firmness and titratable acidity presented correlation among them. These, also it had correlation with woolines and bowning, what it indicate that fruits with more ripening can have this symptoms more easily. The browning, mealiness, flesh grainy and off flavor variables were correlationed with the time period and temperartures, what it confirm that these symptoms are the main disorders caused by cold storage. The quality characteristics together susceptibility to chilling injury allowed selected ‘Baby Gold 6’, ‘Sarell’, ‘Keimoes’, ‘GF3’ ‘San Jaime’, ‘Big Top’, ‘Sudanell 1’, ‘Carson’, ‘Baby Gold 8’, and ‘San Lorenzo’ genotypes.


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To design strategies for the conservation and use of genetic resources of tree species such as jaboticaba tree, it is essential to make the characterization. In southwestern Paraná region, there are several forest fragments containing native jaboticaba tree (Plinia cauliflora), whose materials have broad potential for commercial orchards or breeding programs. As is the potential genetic diversity of a population to produce different genotypes, it would be able to start in such a characterization one of these fragments. The aim was to characterize fruits of jaboticaba tree (P. caulifora) of forest fragment kept in Clevelândia - PR for the presence of phenotypic variability, seeking to identify those superiors named for future selection as farming or male parent, as well as estimate genetic divergence between them, as a complementary tool for this purpose. Also, verify the regeneration and spatial distribution of the species. For the study was defined portion of a hectare (10.000 m²), with all individuals identified, mapped, with local coordinate system, and measured height and diameter. Fruits were characterized by sensory and biochemical characteristics in two years, 70 genotypes at 2013 and 56 at 2014, and of these 33 genotypes in both years. As a pre-selection criteria was adopted the choice of 20% of the genotypes that showed the highest frequency of superiority in the evaluated characteristics of the fruit. Genetic divergence among 33 genotypes per year was analyzed. The distribution pattern and spatial association was evaluated by Ripley's K function. It was classified for the first time the following ontogenetic stages of jaboticaba tree, by plant height, seedling (from 0.01 to 0.99 m), juvenile (1.0 to 4.99 m), immature (> 5.0 m, non-reproductive), adult (reproductive). It was also have been describe for the first time the naturally occurring juxtaposed seedlings, indicating polyembryony. The number of regenerating identified in the population (seedlings: n = 2163; juveniles: n = 330; immature: n = 59) was much larger than the number of adults (n = 132). The species showed reverse J-shaped size structure standard, with high concentration of regenerating. The regeneration distribution occurs in aggregate pattern and there is seedling-adult dependence, due seed dispersal and seedling emergence closest to mothers. The jaboticaba tree regeneration is sufficient to maintain the species for long term in this population, which should serve as reference to regeneration success for other studies of this important fruiting species from Ombrofile Mixed Forests. Has been pre-selected the jaboticaba trees 7, 42, 43, 47, 54, 91, 97, 104, 105, 118, 134, 153, 154, 157, 163, 169, 177, 186, 212, J7-01 and J7- 02, and 16 and 194 the ones that can now be selected by the superior characteristics of both cycles. It was recommended to carry out hybridization between genotypes 79 and 119, and 96 to 148. The quality of fruit analyzed showed potential for use as a dual purpose serving both in natura market or processing.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronomia, 2016.


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Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estimar a divergência genética entre progênies de Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis, por meio de caracteres quantitativos. O experimento foi instalado em delineamento látice 10 x 10, triplo, com 100 tratamentos (96 progênies oriundas de polinização aberta de um pomar clonal da espécie e quatro testemunhas). Foram avaliados os caracteres: diâmetro a 1,30 m do solo, altura total de planta, volume cilíndrico, produção de resina total e resina por área de painel. Utilizou-se a distância generalizada de Mahalanobis (D2) e o método de otimização de Tocher. A maior distância genética observada entre as progênies foi de 100% (D2 = 65,51) e a menor foi de 0,09% (D2 = 0,15). O caractere volume foi o que mais contribuiu para a divergência genética entre os grupos avaliados. O agrupamento a partir do método de otimização de Tocher possibilitou a separação das progênies em quatro grupos, com concentração de 96,9% das progênies em um único grupo. Para que estas progênies possam ser incluídas em programas de melhoramento genético para produção de resina e madeira, cruzamentos controlados deverão ser priorizados entre indivíduos mais produtivos, que apresentaram maior divergência genética.


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RESUMO: Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar a divergência genética e as características físicas e químicas de frutos de duas populações do maracujazeiro azedo na região Norte do Espírito Santo, como as progênies de meio-irmãos de acesso local de um plantio comercial (genótipos: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9 e 10) e do híbrido BRS Ouro Vermelho (genótipos: 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19 e 20). A divergência genética foi avaliada por procedimentos multivariados como a distância generalizada de Mahalanobis (D2) e pelos métodos de agrupamento de otimização de Tocher e UPGMA. Encontrou-se divergência genética entre as populações estudadas promovendo a formação de grupos diferentes entre o método de Tocher e do UPGMA. As características, referentes ao tamanho do fruto, diâmetro polar e equatorial, foram as que mais contribuíram na diversidade genética dos genótipos. Nas populações estudadas de maracujazeiro azedo há grande variabilidade genética quanto às características avaliadas, o que possibilita selecionar plantas com elevado potencial para fins de melhoramento genético. O híbrido BRS Ouro Vermelho apresenta boa adaptação às condições locais. ABSTRACT: The aim of the present work was to evaluate genetic divergence and physical and chemical characteristics in fruit of two populations of sour passion fruit in the northern region of the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil, these being half-sibling progenies from local accessions of a commercial crop (genotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10) and the hybrid BRS Ouro Vermelho (genotypes: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20). Genetic divergence was evaluated using such multivariate procedures as the generalised Mahalanobis distance (D2) and the Tocher optimisation and UPGMA clustering methods. Genetic divergence was found between the populations under study, promoting the formation of different groups between the Tocher and UPGMA methods. As characteristics for fruit size, the polar and equatorial diameters had the most impact on the genetic diversity of the genotypes. In the populations of sour passion fruit being studied, great genetic variability is seen in the evaluated characteristics, making it possible to select plants of high potential for breeding purposes. The BRS Ouro Vermelho hybrid is well adapted to the local conditions.