976 resultados para Distributed Network Protocol version 3 (DNP3)


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O crescimento dos serviços de banda-larga em redes de comunicações móveis tem provocado uma demanda por dados cada vez mais rápidos e de qualidade. A tecnologia de redes móveis chamada LTE (Long Term Evolution) ou quarta geração (4G) surgiu com o objetivo de atender esta demanda por acesso sem fio a serviços, como acesso à Internet, jogos online, VoIP e vídeo conferência. O LTE faz parte das especificações do 3GPP releases 8 e 9, operando numa rede totalmente IP, provendo taxas de transmissão superiores a 100 Mbps (DL), 50 Mbps (UL), baixa latência (10 ms) e compatibilidade com as versões anteriores de redes móveis, 2G (GSM/EDGE) e 3G (UMTS/HSPA). O protocolo TCP desenvolvido para operar em redes cabeadas, apresenta baixo desempenho sobre canais sem fio, como redes móveis celulares, devido principalmente às características de desvanecimento seletivo, sombreamento e às altas taxas de erros provenientes da interface aérea. Como todas as perdas são interpretadas como causadas por congestionamento, o desempenho do protocolo é ruim. O objetivo desta dissertação é avaliar o desempenho de vários tipos de protocolo TCP através de simulações, sob a influência de interferência nos canais entre o terminal móvel (UE User Equipment) e um servidor remoto. Para isto utilizou-se o software NS3 (Network Simulator versão 3) e os protocolos TCP Westwood Plus, New Reno, Reno e Tahoe. Os resultados obtidos nos testes mostram que o protocolo TCP Westwood Plus possui um desempenho melhor que os outros. Os protocolos TCP New Reno e Reno tiveram desempenho muito semelhante devido ao modelo de interferência utilizada ter uma distribuição uniforme e, com isso, a possibilidade de perdas de bits consecutivos é baixa em uma mesma janela de transmissão. O TCP Tahoe, como era de se esperar, apresentou o pior desempenho dentre todos, pois o mesmo não possui o mecanismo de fast recovery e sua janela de congestionamento volta sempre para um segmento após o timeout. Observou-se ainda que o atraso tem grande importância no desempenho dos protocolos TCP, mas até do que a largura de banda dos links de acesso e de backbone, uma vez que, no cenário testado, o gargalo estava presente na interface aérea. As simulações com erros na interface aérea, introduzido com o script de fading (desvanecimento) do NS3, mostraram que o modo RLC AM (com reconhecimento) tem um desempenho melhor para aplicações de transferência de arquivos em ambientes ruidosos do que o modo RLC UM sem reconhecimento.


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Formal correctness of complex multi-party network protocols can be difficult to verify. While models of specific fixed compositions of agents can be checked against design constraints, protocols which lend themselves to arbitrarily many compositions of agents-such as the chaining of proxies or the peering of routers-are more difficult to verify because they represent potentially infinite state spaces and may exhibit emergent behaviors which may not materialize under particular fixed compositions. We address this challenge by developing an algebraic approach that enables us to reduce arbitrary compositions of network agents into a behaviorally-equivalent (with respect to some correctness property) compact, canonical representation, which is amenable to mechanical verification. Our approach consists of an algebra and a set of property-preserving rewrite rules for the Canonical Homomorphic Abstraction of Infinite Network protocol compositions (CHAIN). Using CHAIN, an expression over our algebra (i.e., a set of configurations of network protocol agents) can be reduced to another behaviorally-equivalent expression (i.e., a smaller set of configurations). Repeated applications of such rewrite rules produces a canonical expression which can be checked mechanically. We demonstrate our approach by characterizing deadlock-prone configurations of HTTP agents, as well as establishing useful properties of an overlay protocol for scheduling MPEG frames, and of a protocol for Web intra-cache consistency.


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Formal tools like finite-state model checkers have proven useful in verifying the correctness of systems of bounded size and for hardening single system components against arbitrary inputs. However, conventional applications of these techniques are not well suited to characterizing emergent behaviors of large compositions of processes. In this paper, we present a methodology by which arbitrarily large compositions of components can, if sufficient conditions are proven concerning properties of small compositions, be modeled and completely verified by performing formal verifications upon only a finite set of compositions. The sufficient conditions take the form of reductions, which are claims that particular sequences of components will be causally indistinguishable from other shorter sequences of components. We show how this methodology can be applied to a variety of network protocol applications, including two features of the HTTP protocol, a simple active networking applet, and a proposed web cache consistency algorithm. We also doing discuss its applicability to framing protocol design goals and to representing systems which employ non-model-checking verification methodologies. Finally, we briefly discuss how we hope to broaden this methodology to more general topological compositions of network applications.


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This paper discusses a study on postlingual cochlear implantees and the effectiveness of the CST in evaluating enhancement of speech recognition abilities.


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Regional Climate Model version 3 (RegCM3) simulations of 17 summers (1988-2004) over part of South America south of 5 degrees S were evaluated to identify model systematic errors. Model results were compared to different rainfall data sets (Climate Research Unit (CRU), Climate Prediction Center (CPC), Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP), and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis), including the five summers mean (1998-2002) precipitation diurnal cycle observed by the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)-Precipitation Radar (PR). In spite of regional differences, the RegCM3 simulates the main observed aspects of summer climatology associated with the precipitation (northwest-southeast band of South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ)) and air temperature (warmer air in the central part of the continent and colder in eastern Brazil and the Andes Mountains). At a regional scale, the main RegCM3 failures are the underestimation of the precipitation in the northern branch of the SACZ and some unrealistic intense precipitation around the Andes Mountains. However, the RegCM3 seasonal precipitation is closer to the fine-scale analyses (CPC, CRU, and TRMM-PR) than is the NCEP reanalysis, which presents an incorrect north-south orientation of SACZ and an overestimation of its intensity. The precipitation diurnal cycle observed by TRMM-PR shows pronounced contrasts between Tropics and Extratropics and land and ocean, where most of these features are simulated by RegCM3. The major similarities between the simulation and observation, especially the diurnal cycle phase, are found over the continental tropical and subtropical SACZ regions, which present afternoon maximum (1500-1800 UTC) and morning minimum (0900-1200 UTC). More specifically, over the core of SACZ, the phase and amplitude of the simulated precipitation diurnal cycle are very close to the TRMM-PR observations. Although there are amplitude differences, the RegCM3 simulates the observed nighttime rainfall in the eastern Andes Mountains, over the Atlantic Ocean, and also over northern Argentina. The main simulation deficiencies are found in the Atlantic Ocean and near the Andes Mountains. Over the Atlantic Ocean the convective scheme is not triggered; thus the rainfall arises from the grid-scale scheme and therefore differs from the TRMM-PR. Near the Andes, intense (nighttime and daytime) simulated precipitation could be a response of an incorrect circulation and topographic uplift. Finally, it is important to note that unlike most reported bias of global models, RegCM3 does not trigger the moist convection just after sunrise over the southern part of the Amazon.


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"This textbook covers both theoretical and practical aspects of distributed computing. It describes the client-server model for developing distributed network systems, the communication paradigms used in a distributed network system, and the principles of reliability and security in the design of distributed network systems." "This book is suitable for self-study or for use in classes. Most parts of the book have been used by the authors in their teaching of various topics including distributed systems, computer networks, and distributed database systems. This book can also serve as an invaluable guide for computing professionals in their work for the design and implementation of distributed network systems."


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Includes bibliography


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Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desnsenvolvimento Tecnologico (CNPq)


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Aggregates were historically a low cost commodity but with communities and governmental agencies reducing the amount of mining the cost is increasing dramatically. An awareness needs to be brought to communities that aggregate production is necessary for ensuring the existing infrastructure in today’s world. This can be accomplished using proven technologies in other areas and applying them to show how viable reclamation is feasible. A proposed mine reclamation, Douglas Township quarry (DTQ), in Dakota Township, MN was evaluated using Visual Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP) model. The HELP is commonly employed for estimating the water budget of a landfill, however, it was applied to determine the water budget of the DTQ following mining. Using an environmental impact statement as the case study, modeling predictions indicated the DTQ will adequately drain the water being put into the system. The height of the groundwater table will rise slightly due to the mining excavations but no ponding will occur. The application of HELP model determined the water budget of the DTQ and can be used as a viable option for mining companies to demonstrate how land can be reclaimed following mining operations.


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The climate of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11, the interglacial roughly 400,000 years ago, is investigated for four time slices, 416, 410, 400, and 394 ka. The overall picture is that MIS 11 was a relatively warm interglacial in comparison to preindustrial, with Northern Hemisphere (NH) summer temperatures early in MIS 11 (416-410 ka) warmer than preindustrial, though winters were cooler. Later in MIS 11, especially around 400 ka, conditions were cooler in the NH summer, mainly in the high latitudes. Climate changes simulated by the models were mainly driven by insolation changes, with the exception of two local feedbacks that amplify climate changes. Here, the NH high latitudes, where reductions in sea ice cover lead to a winter warming early in MIS 11, as well as the tropics, where monsoon changes lead to stronger climate variations than one would expect on the basis of latitudinal mean insolation change alone, are especially prominent. The results support a northward expansion of trees at the expense of grasses in the high northern latitudes early during MIS 11, especially in northern Asia and North America.