992 resultados para Distance convex simple graphs


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ANTECEDENTES: El embarazo en adolescentes es un problema de salud pública que va en aumento e implica riesgos, consecuencias y miedos que se enfrentan en el periodo de gestación, los cuales se exponen por cambios físicos y falta de información en las adolescentes. OBJETIVO: Identificar los miedos relacionados con el proceso de embarazo y parto en adolescentes entre 12 y 19 años del Subcentro de Salud Ricaurte. Cuenca, 2015. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Comprende un estudio cuantitativo descriptivo, constituido por 122 adolescentes embarazadas seleccionadas en el Subcentro de Salud a través de la aplicación de encuestas y entrevistas, previo consentimiento de las adolescentes involucradas y de sus padres. Los datos fueron procesados y analizados a través de los programas SPSS, Microsoft Excel, los resultados se presentan en gráficos y tablas simples con sus respectivos análisis. RESULTADOS: El 10% de adolescentes embarazas que asisten al subcentro de salud de Ricaurte a ser atendidas están entre los 12 a 14 años, el 40 % entre los 15 y 17 años, y el 50% se encuentran con edad superior a los 18 años, el 74,08% tienen miedo a sufrir un aborto. CONCLUSIONES: La adolescencia es un conjunto de cambios fisiológicos, sociales y emocionales; dependiendo de la edad de la adolescente y del tiempo que ha transcurrido entre su desarrollo y el embarazo puede haber más o menos complicaciones. A través de las encuestas pudimos determinar que las adolescentes presentan miedos durante el embarazo y el parto.


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Although correspondence analysis is now widely available in statistical software packages and applied in a variety of contexts, notably the social and environmental sciences, there are still some misconceptions about this method as well as unresolved issues which remain controversial to this day. In this paper we hope to settle these matters, namely (i) the way CA measures variance in a two-way table and how to compare variances between tables of different sizes, (ii) the influence, or rather lack of influence, of outliers in the usual CA maps, (iii) the scaling issue and the biplot interpretation of maps,(iv) whether or not to rotate a solution, and (v) statistical significance of results.


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A graph G is strongly distance-balanced if for every edge uv of G and every i 0 the number of vertices x with d.x; u/ D d.x; v/ 1 D i equals the number of vertices y with d.y; v/ D d.y; u/ 1 D i. It is proved that the strong product of graphs is strongly distance-balanced if and only if both factors are strongly distance-balanced. It is also proved that connected components of the direct product of two bipartite graphs are strongly distancebalanced if and only if both factors are strongly distance-balanced. Additionally, a new characterization of distance-balanced graphs and an algorithm of time complexity O.mn/ for their recognition, wheremis the number of edges and n the number of vertices of the graph in question, are given


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The distance DG(v) of a vertex v in an undirected graph G is the sum of the distances between v and all other vertices of G. The set of vertices in G with maximum (minimum) distance is the antimedian (median) set of a graph G. It is proved that for arbitrary graphs G and J and a positive integer r 2, there exists a connected graph H such that G is the antimedian and J the median subgraphs of H, respectively, and that dH(G, J) = r. When both G and J are connected, G and J can in addition be made convex subgraphs of H.


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Given a graph G and a set X ⊆ V(G), the relative Wiener index of X in G is defined as WX (G) = {u,v}∈X 2  dG(u, v) . The graphs G (of even order) in which for every partition V(G) = V1 +V2 of the vertex set V(G) such that |V1| = |V2| we haveWV1 (G) = WV2 (G) are called equal opportunity graphs. In this note we prove that a graph G of even order is an equal opportunity graph if and only if it is a distance-balanced graph. The latter graphs are known by several characteristic properties, for instance, they are precisely the graphs G in which all vertices u ∈ V(G) have the same total distance DG(u) = v∈V(G) dG(u, v). Some related problems are posed along the way, and the so-called Wiener game is introduced.


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In this report, we survey results on distance magic graphs and some closely related graphs. A distance magic labeling of a graph G with magic constant k is a bijection l from the vertex set to {1, 2, . . . , n}, such that for every vertex x Σ l(y) = k,y∈NG(x) where NG(x) is the set of vertices of G adjacent to x. If the graph G has a distance magic labeling we say that G is a distance magic graph. In Chapter 1, we explore the background of distance magic graphs by introducing examples of magic squares, magic graphs, and distance magic graphs. In Chapter 2, we begin by examining some basic results on distance magic graphs. We next look at results on different graph structures including regular graphs, multipartite graphs, graph products, join graphs, and splitting graphs. We conclude with other perspectives on distance magic graphs including embedding theorems, the matrix representation of distance magic graphs, lifted magic rectangles, and distance magic constants. In Chapter 3, we study graph labelings that retain the same labels as distance magic labelings, but alter the definition in some other way. These labelings include balanced distance magic labelings, closed distance magic labelings, D-distance magic labelings, and distance antimagic labelings. In Chapter 4, we examine results on neighborhood magic labelings, group distance magic labelings, and group distance antimagic labelings. These graph labelings change the label set, but are otherwise similar to distance magic graphs. In Chapter 5, we examine some applications of distance magic and distance antimagic labeling to the fair scheduling of tournaments. In Chapter 6, we conclude with some open problems.


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A planar k-restricted structure is a simple graph whose blocks are planar and each has at most k vertices. Planar k-restricted structures are used by approximation algorithms for Maximum Weight Planar Subgraph, which motivates this work. The planar k-restricted ratio is the infimum, over simple planar graphs H, of the ratio of the number of edges in a maximum k-restricted structure subgraph of H to the number edges of H. We prove that, as k tends to infinity, the planar k-restricted ratio tends to 1/2. The same result holds for the weighted version. Our results are based on analyzing the analogous ratios for outerplanar and weighted outerplanar graphs. Here both ratios tend to 1 as k goes to infinity, and we provide good estimates of the rates of convergence, showing that they differ in the weighted from the unweighted case.


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The trade spectrum of a simple graph G is defined to be the set of all t for which it is possible to assemble together t copies of G into a simple graph H, and then disassemble H into t entirely different copies of G. Trade spectra of graphs have applications to intersection problems, and defining sets, of G-designs. In this investigation, we give several constructions, both for specific families of graphs, and for graphs in general.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of increased physical activity and cessation of smoking on the natural history of early peripheral arterial disease, We conducted a randomised controlled trial in Perth, Western Australia, involving 882 men with early peripheral arterial disease identified via population-based screening using the Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire and the ankle:brachial index. Members of the control group (n = 441) received usual care from their general practitioner while members of the intervention group (n = 441) were allocated to a stop smoking and keep walking regime - a combined community-based intervention of cessation of smoking (where applicable) and increased physical activity. Postal follow-up occurred at two and 12 months post-entry into the trial. The main outcome of interest was maximum walking distance. There were no statistically significant differences in the characteristics of the intervention and usual care groups at recruitment. Follow-up information at two and 12 months was available for 85% and 84% of participants, respectively. At 12 months, more men allocated to the intervention group had improved their maximum walking distance (23% vs 15%; chi(2) = 9.74, df = 2, p = 0.008). In addition, more men in the intervention group reported walking more than three times per week for recreation (34% vs 25%, p = 0.01). Although not statistically significant, more men in the intervention group who were smokers when enrolled in the trial had stopped smoking (12% vs 8%, p = 0.43). It is concluded that referral of older patients with intermittent claudication to established physiotherapy programs in the community can increase levels of physical activity and reduce disability related to peripheral arterial disease. A combination of simple and safe interventions that are readily available in the community through physiotherapists and general practitioners has the potential to improve early peripheral arterial disease.


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New Zealand is generally thought to have been physically isolated from the rest of the world for over 60 million years. But physical isolation may not mean biotic isolation, at least on the time scale of millions of years. Are New Zealand's present complement of plants the direct descendants of what originally rafted from Gondwana? Or has there been total extinction of this initial flora with replacement through long-distance dispersal (a complete biotic turnover)? These are two possible extremes which have come under recent discussion. Can the fossil record be used to decide the relative importance of the two endpoints, or is it simply too incomplete and too dependent on factors of chance? This paper suggests two approaches to the problem-the use of statistics to apply levels of confidence to first appearances in the fossil record and the analysis of trends based on the entire palynorecord. Statistics can suggest that the first appearance of a taxon was after New Zealand broke away from Gondwana-as long as the first appearance in the record was not due to an increase in biomass from an initially rare state. Two observations can be drawn from the overall palynorecord that are independent of changes in biomass: (1) The first appearance of palynotaxa common to both Australia and New Zealand is decidedly non-random. Most taxa occur first in Australia. This suggests a bias in air or water transport from west to east. (2) The percentage of endemic palynospecies in New Zealand shows no simple correlation with the time New Zealand drifted into isolation. The conifer macrorecord also hints at complete turnover since the Cretaceous.


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Esta tese descreve o desenvolvimento do hardware e do software de um sistema com a capacidade de reconhecer o número de passos que uma pessoa efectua durante uma actividade física. O sistema consiste num acelerómetro controlado por um microcontrolador, que comunica com um dispositivo móvel através de Bluetooth. De modo a realizar o sistema foi necessário analisar uma vasta bibliografia, para conhecer o estado da arte desta tecnologia, entender o princípio de funcionamento do protocolo Bluetooth e os conceitos biomecânicos por detrás da marcha humana. A proposta deste trabalho apresentava como elemento diferenciador do estado da arte o uso de um acelerómetro em conjunto com sensores de pressão. Com a conjugação destes sensores pretendia-se aumentar a precisão de um equipamento que normalmente não é reconhecido por essa característica. Contudo, a indisponibilidade dos sensores de pressão levou a que o sistema só fosse constituído pelo acelerómetro. Embora, o sistema foi projectado considerando que os sensores de pressão serão incluídos num futuro desenvolvimento. Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos dois algoritmos para detectar os passos que uma pessoa executa, com pé onde é colocado o sensor, quando caminha ou corre. Num dos testes realizados o algoritmo da “aceleração composta” detectou 84% dos passos, enquanto o algoritmo da “aceleração simples”detectou 99%. A plataforma para a interface gráfica pretendia-se que fosse um telemóvel, contudo não foi possível obter um telemóvel que suporta-se o perfil SPP (Serial Port Profile), necessário para a comunicação com o módulo Bluetooth usado. A solução passou por usar como plataforma um computador portátil com Bluetooth, para o qual foi desenvolvido a aplicação “Pedómetro ISEP” em Visual Basic. O “Pedómetro ISEP” apresenta várias funcionalidades, entre elas destaca-se o cálculo da distância percorrida, da velocidade, e das calorias consumidas, bem como, o registo desses valores em tabelas e da possibilidade de desenhar os gráficos representativos do progresso do utilizador.


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Specific properties emerge from the structure of large networks, such as that of worldwide air traffic, including a highly hierarchical node structure and multi-level small world sub-groups that strongly influence future dynamics. We have developed clustering methods to understand the form of these structures, to identify structural properties, and to evaluate the effects of these properties. Graph clustering methods are often constructed from different components: a metric, a clustering index, and a modularity measure to assess the quality of a clustering method. To understand the impact of each of these components on the clustering method, we explore and compare different combinations. These different combinations are used to compare multilevel clustering methods to delineate the effects of geographical distance, hubs, network densities, and bridges on worldwide air passenger traffic. The ultimate goal of this methodological research is to demonstrate evidence of combined effects in the development of an air traffic network. In fact, the network can be divided into different levels of âeurooecohesionâeuro, which can be qualified and measured by comparative studies (Newman, 2002; Guimera et al., 2005; Sales-Pardo et al., 2007).