997 resultados para Dirichlet process


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Understanding human activities is an important research topic, most noticeably in assisted-living and healthcare monitoring environments. Beyond simple forms of activity (e.g., an RFID event of entering a building), learning latent activities that are more semantically interpretable, such as sitting at a desk, meeting with people, or gathering with friends, remains a challenging problem. Supervised learning has been the typical modeling choice in the past. However, this requires labeled training data, is unable to predict never-seen-before activity, and fails to adapt to the continuing growth of data over time. In this chapter, we explore the use of a Bayesian nonparametric method, in particular the hierarchical Dirichlet process, to infer latent activities from sensor data acquired in a pervasive setting. Our framework is unsupervised, requires no labeled data, and is able to discover new activities as data grows. We present experiments on extracting movement and interaction activities from sociometric badge signals and show how to use them for detecting of subcommunities. Using the popular Reality Mining dataset, we further demonstrate the extraction of colocation activities and use them to automatically infer the structure of social subgroups. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The Dirichlet process mixture model (DPMM) is a ubiquitous, flexible Bayesian nonparametric statistical model. However, full probabilistic inference in this model is analytically intractable, so that computationally intensive techniques such as Gibbs sampling are required. As a result, DPMM-based methods, which have considerable potential, are restricted to applications in which computational resources and time for inference is plentiful. For example, they would not be practical for digital signal processing on embedded hardware, where computational resources are at a serious premium. Here, we develop a simplified yet statistically rigorous approximate maximum a-posteriori (MAP) inference algorithm for DPMMs. This algorithm is as simple as DP-means clustering, solves the MAP problem as well as Gibbs sampling, while requiring only a fraction of the computational effort. (For freely available code that implements the MAP-DP algorithm for Gaussian mixtures see http://www.maxlittle.net/.) Unlike related small variance asymptotics (SVA), our method is non-degenerate and so inherits the “rich get richer” property of the Dirichlet process. It also retains a non-degenerate closed-form likelihood which enables out-of-sample calculations and the use of standard tools such as cross-validation. We illustrate the benefits of our algorithm on a range of examples and contrast it to variational, SVA and sampling approaches from both a computational complexity perspective as well as in terms of clustering performance. We demonstrate the wide applicabiity of our approach by presenting an approximate MAP inference method for the infinite hidden Markov model whose performance contrasts favorably with a recently proposed hybrid SVA approach. Similarly, we show how our algorithm can applied to a semiparametric mixed-effects regression model where the random effects distribution is modelled using an infinite mixture model, as used in longitudinal progression modelling in population health science. Finally, we propose directions for future research on approximate MAP inference in Bayesian nonparametrics.


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Mixture models are a flexible tool for unsupervised clustering that have found popularity in a vast array of research areas. In studies of medicine, the use of mixtures holds the potential to greatly enhance our understanding of patient responses through the identification of clinically meaningful clusters that, given the complexity of many data sources, may otherwise by intangible. Furthermore, when developed in the Bayesian framework, mixture models provide a natural means for capturing and propagating uncertainty in different aspects of a clustering solution, arguably resulting in richer analyses of the population under study. This thesis aims to investigate the use of Bayesian mixture models in analysing varied and detailed sources of patient information collected in the study of complex disease. The first aim of this thesis is to showcase the flexibility of mixture models in modelling markedly different types of data. In particular, we examine three common variants on the mixture model, namely, finite mixtures, Dirichlet Process mixtures and hidden Markov models. Beyond the development and application of these models to different sources of data, this thesis also focuses on modelling different aspects relating to uncertainty in clustering. Examples of clustering uncertainty considered are uncertainty in a patient’s true cluster membership and accounting for uncertainty in the true number of clusters present. Finally, this thesis aims to address and propose solutions to the task of comparing clustering solutions, whether this be comparing patients or observations assigned to different subgroups or comparing clustering solutions over multiple datasets. To address these aims, we consider a case study in Parkinson’s disease (PD), a complex and commonly diagnosed neurodegenerative disorder. In particular, two commonly collected sources of patient information are considered. The first source of data are on symptoms associated with PD, recorded using the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) and constitutes the first half of this thesis. The second half of this thesis is dedicated to the analysis of microelectrode recordings collected during Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), a popular palliative treatment for advanced PD. Analysis of this second source of data centers on the problems of unsupervised detection and sorting of action potentials or "spikes" in recordings of multiple cell activity, providing valuable information on real time neural activity in the brain.


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Place identification refers to the process of analyzing sensor data in order to detect places, i.e., spatial areas that are linked with activities and associated with meanings. Place information can be used, e.g., to provide awareness cues in applications that support social interactions, to provide personalized and location-sensitive information to the user, and to support mobile user studies by providing cues about the situations the study participant has encountered. Regularities in human movement patterns make it possible to detect personally meaningful places by analyzing location traces of a user. This thesis focuses on providing system level support for place identification, as well as on algorithmic issues related to the place identification process. The move from location to place requires interactions between location sensing technologies (e.g., GPS or GSM positioning), algorithms that identify places from location data and applications and services that utilize place information. These interactions can be facilitated using a mobile platform, i.e., an application or framework that runs on a mobile phone. For the purposes of this thesis, mobile platforms automate data capture and processing and provide means for disseminating data to applications and other system components. The first contribution of the thesis is BeTelGeuse, a freely available, open source mobile platform that supports multiple runtime environments. The actual place identification process can be understood as a data analysis task where the goal is to analyze (location) measurements and to identify areas that are meaningful to the user. The second contribution of the thesis is the Dirichlet Process Clustering (DPCluster) algorithm, a novel place identification algorithm. The performance of the DPCluster algorithm is evaluated using twelve different datasets that have been collected by different users, at different locations and over different periods of time. As part of the evaluation we compare the DPCluster algorithm against other state-of-the-art place identification algorithms. The results indicate that the DPCluster algorithm provides improved generalization performance against spatial and temporal variations in location measurements.


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MOTIVATION: We present a method for directly inferring transcriptional modules (TMs) by integrating gene expression and transcription factor binding (ChIP-chip) data. Our model extends a hierarchical Dirichlet process mixture model to allow data fusion on a gene-by-gene basis. This encodes the intuition that co-expression and co-regulation are not necessarily equivalent and hence we do not expect all genes to group similarly in both datasets. In particular, it allows us to identify the subset of genes that share the same structure of transcriptional modules in both datasets. RESULTS: We find that by working on a gene-by-gene basis, our model is able to extract clusters with greater functional coherence than existing methods. By combining gene expression and transcription factor binding (ChIP-chip) data in this way, we are better able to determine the groups of genes that are most likely to represent underlying TMs. AVAILABILITY: If interested in the code for the work presented in this article, please contact the authors. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.


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In this paper, we present two classes of Bayesian approaches to the two-sample problem. Our first class of methods extends the Bayesian t-test to include all parametric models in the exponential family and their conjugate priors. Our second class of methods uses Dirichlet process mixtures (DPM) of such conjugate-exponential distributions as flexible nonparametric priors over the unknown distributions.


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A pivotal problem in Bayesian nonparametrics is the construction of prior distributions on the space M(V) of probability measures on a given domain V. In principle, such distributions on the infinite-dimensional space M(V) can be constructed from their finite-dimensional marginals---the most prominent example being the construction of the Dirichlet process from finite-dimensional Dirichlet distributions. This approach is both intuitive and applicable to the construction of arbitrary distributions on M(V), but also hamstrung by a number of technical difficulties. We show how these difficulties can be resolved if the domain V is a Polish topological space, and give a representation theorem directly applicable to the construction of any probability distribution on M(V) whose first moment measure is well-defined. The proof draws on a projective limit theorem of Bochner, and on properties of set functions on Polish spaces to establish countable additivity of the resulting random probabilities.


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The mixtures of factor analyzers (MFA) model allows data to be modeled as a mixture of Gaussians with a reduced parametrization. We present the formulation of a nonparametric form of the MFA model, the Dirichlet process MFA (DPMFA). The proposed model can be used for density estimation or clustering of high dimensiona data. We utilize the DPMFA for clustering the action potentials of different neurons from extracellular recordings, a problem known as spike sorting. DPMFA model is compared to Dirichlet process mixtures of Gaussians model (DPGMM) which has a higher computational complexity. We show that DPMFA has similar modeling performance in lower dimensions when compared to DPGMM, and is able to work in higher dimensions. ©2009 IEEE.


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Semi-supervised clustering is the task of clustering data points into clusters where only a fraction of the points are labelled. The true number of clusters in the data is often unknown and most models require this parameter as an input. Dirichlet process mixture models are appealing as they can infer the number of clusters from the data. However, these models do not deal with high dimensional data well and can encounter difficulties in inference. We present a novel nonparameteric Bayesian kernel based method to cluster data points without the need to prespecify the number of clusters or to model complicated densities from which data points are assumed to be generated from. The key insight is to use determinants of submatrices of a kernel matrix as a measure of how close together a set of points are. We explore some theoretical properties of the model and derive a natural Gibbs based algorithm with MCMC hyperparameter learning. The model is implemented on a variety of synthetic and real world data sets.


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Copyright 2014 by the author(s). We present a nonparametric prior over reversible Markov chains. We use completely random measures, specifically gamma processes, to construct a countably infinite graph with weighted edges. By enforcing symmetry to make the edges undirected we define a prior over random walks on graphs that results in a reversible Markov chain. The resulting prior over infinite transition matrices is closely related to the hierarchical Dirichlet process but enforces reversibility. A reinforcement scheme has recently been proposed with similar properties, but the de Finetti measure is not well characterised. We take the alternative approach of explicitly constructing the mixing measure, which allows more straightforward and efficient inference at the cost of no longer having a closed form predictive distribution. We use our process to construct a reversible infinite HMM which we apply to two real datasets, one from epigenomics and one ion channel recording.


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A tree-based dictionary learning model is developed for joint analysis of imagery and associated text. The dictionary learning may be applied directly to the imagery from patches, or to general feature vectors extracted from patches or superpixels (using any existing method for image feature extraction). Each image is associated with a path through the tree (from root to a leaf), and each of the multiple patches in a given image is associated with one node in that path. Nodes near the tree root are shared between multiple paths, representing image characteristics that are common among different types of images. Moving toward the leaves, nodes become specialized, representing details in image classes. If available, words (text) are also jointly modeled, with a path-dependent probability over words. The tree structure is inferred via a nested Dirichlet process, and a retrospective stick-breaking sampler is used to infer the tree depth and width.


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Il a été démontré que l’hétérotachie, variation du taux de substitutions au cours du temps et entre les sites, est un phénomène fréquent au sein de données réelles. Échouer à modéliser l’hétérotachie peut potentiellement causer des artéfacts phylogénétiques. Actuellement, plusieurs modèles traitent l’hétérotachie : le modèle à mélange des longueurs de branche (MLB) ainsi que diverses formes du modèle covarion. Dans ce projet, notre but est de trouver un modèle qui prenne efficacement en compte les signaux hétérotaches présents dans les données, et ainsi améliorer l’inférence phylogénétique. Pour parvenir à nos fins, deux études ont été réalisées. Dans la première, nous comparons le modèle MLB avec le modèle covarion et le modèle homogène grâce aux test AIC et BIC, ainsi que par validation croisée. A partir de nos résultats, nous pouvons conclure que le modèle MLB n’est pas nécessaire pour les sites dont les longueurs de branche diffèrent sur l’ensemble de l’arbre, car, dans les données réelles, le signaux hétérotaches qui interfèrent avec l’inférence phylogénétique sont généralement concentrés dans une zone limitée de l’arbre. Dans la seconde étude, nous relaxons l’hypothèse que le modèle covarion est homogène entre les sites, et développons un modèle à mélanges basé sur un processus de Dirichlet. Afin d’évaluer différents modèles hétérogènes, nous définissons plusieurs tests de non-conformité par échantillonnage postérieur prédictif pour étudier divers aspects de l’évolution moléculaire à partir de cartographies stochastiques. Ces tests montrent que le modèle à mélanges covarion utilisé avec une loi gamma est capable de refléter adéquatement les variations de substitutions tant à l’intérieur d’un site qu’entre les sites. Notre recherche permet de décrire de façon détaillée l’hétérotachie dans des données réelles et donne des pistes à suivre pour de futurs modèles hétérotaches. Les tests de non conformité par échantillonnage postérieur prédictif fournissent des outils de diagnostic pour évaluer les modèles en détails. De plus, nos deux études révèlent la non spécificité des modèles hétérogènes et, en conséquence, la présence d’interactions entre différents modèles hétérogènes. Nos études suggèrent fortement que les données contiennent différents caractères hétérogènes qui devraient être pris en compte simultanément dans les analyses phylogénétiques.


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This work presents a Bayesian semiparametric approach for dealing with regression models where the covariate is measured with error. Given that (1) the error normality assumption is very restrictive, and (2) assuming a specific elliptical distribution for errors (Student-t for example), may be somewhat presumptuous; there is need for more flexible methods, in terms of assuming only symmetry of errors (admitting unknown kurtosis). In this sense, the main advantage of this extended Bayesian approach is the possibility of considering generalizations of the elliptical family of models by using Dirichlet process priors in dependent and independent situations. Conditional posterior distributions are implemented, allowing the use of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), to generate the posterior distributions. An interesting result shown is that the Dirichlet process prior is not updated in the case of the dependent elliptical model. Furthermore, an analysis of a real data set is reported to illustrate the usefulness of our approach, in dealing with outliers. Finally, semiparametric proposed models and parametric normal model are compared, graphically with the posterior distribution density of the coefficients. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this article, we introduce a semi-parametric Bayesian approach based on Dirichlet process priors for the discrete calibration problem in binomial regression models. An interesting topic is the dosimetry problem related to the dose-response model. A hierarchical formulation is provided so that a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach is developed. The methodology is applied to simulated and real data.


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We propose a novel framework for large-scale scene understanding in static camera surveillance. Our techniques combine fast rank-1 constrained robust PCA to compute the foreground, with non-parametric Bayesian models for inference. Clusters are extracted in foreground patterns using a joint multinomial+Gaussian Dirichlet process model (DPM). Since the multinomial distribution is normalized, the Gaussian mixture distinguishes between similar spatial patterns but different activity levels (eg. car vs bike). We propose a modification of the decayed MCMC technique for incremental inference, providing the ability to discover theoretically unlimited patterns in unbounded video streams. A promising by-product of our framework is online, abnormal activity detection. A benchmark video and two surveillance videos, with the longest being 140 hours long are used in our experiments. The patterns discovered are as informative as existing scene understanding algorithms. However, unlike existing work, we achieve near real-time execution and encouraging performance in abnormal activity detection.