983 resultados para Direct production
Includes bibliography
An inclusive search is presented for new heavy particle pairs produced in √s=7 TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHC using 4.7±0.1 fb -1 of integrated luminosity. The selected events are analyzed in the 2D razor space of MR, an event-by-event indicator of the heavy particle mass scale, and R, a dimensionless variable related to the missing transverse energy. The third-generation sector is probed using the event heavy-flavor content. The search is sensitive to generic supersymmetry models with minimal assumptions about the superpartner decay chains. No excess is observed in the number of events beyond that predicted by the standard model. Exclusion limits are derived in the CMSSM framework as well as for simplified models. Within the CMSSM parameter space considered, gluino masses up to 800 GeV and squark masses up to 1.35 TeV are excluded at 95% confidence level depending on the model parameters. The direct production of pairs of top or bottom squarks is excluded for masses as high as 400 GeV. © 2013 CERN.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Photovoltaic (PV) conversion is the direct production of electrical energy from sun without involving the emission of polluting substances. In order to be competitive with other energy sources, cost of the PV technology must be reduced ensuring adequate conversion efficiencies. These goals have motivated the interest of researchers in investigating advanced designs of crystalline silicon solar (c-Si) cells. Since lowering the cost of PV devices involves the reduction of the volume of semiconductor, an effective light trapping strategy aimed at increasing the photon absorption is required. Modeling of solar cells by electro-optical numerical simulation is helpful to predict the performance of future generations devices exhibiting advanced light-trapping schemes and to provide new and more specific guidelines to industry. The approaches to optical simulation commonly adopted for c-Si solar cells may lead to inaccurate results in case of thin film and nano-stuctured solar cells. On the other hand, rigorous solvers of Maxwell equations are really cpu- and memory-intensive. Recently, in optical simulation of solar cells, the RCWA method has gained relevance, providing a good trade-off between accuracy and computational resources requirement. This thesis is a contribution to the numerical simulation of advanced silicon solar cells by means of a state-of-the-art numerical 2-D/3-D device simulator, that has been successfully applied to the simulation of selective emitter and the rear point contact solar cells, for which the multi-dimensionality of the transport model is required in order to properly account for all physical competing mechanisms. In the second part of the thesis, the optical problems is discussed. Two novel and computationally efficient RCWA implementations for 2-D simulation domains as well as a third RCWA for 3-D structures based on an eigenvalues calculation approach have been presented. The proposed simulators have been validated in terms of accuracy, numerical convergence, computation time and correctness of results.
Am Mainzer Mikrotron können Lambda-Hyperkerne in (e,e'K^+)-Reaktionen erzeugt werden. Durch den Nachweis des erzeugten Kaons im KAOS-Spektrometer lassen sich Reaktionen markieren, bei denen ein Hyperon erzeugt wurde. Die Spektroskopie geladener Pionen, die aus schwachen Zweikörperzerfällen leichter Hyperkerne stammen, erlaubt es die Bindungsenergie des Hyperons im Kern mit hoher Präzision zu bestimmen. Neben der direkten Produktion von Hyperkernen ist auch die Erzeugung durch die Fragmentierung eines hoch angeregten Kontinuumszustands möglich. Dadurch können unterschiedliche Hyperkerne in einem Experiment untersucht werden. Für die Spektroskopie der Zerfallspionen stehen hochauflösende Magnetspektrometer zur Verfügung. Um die Grundzustandsmasse der Hyperkerne aus dem Pionimpuls zu berechnen, ist es erforderlich, dass das Hyperfragment vor dem Zerfall im Target abgebremst wird. Basierend auf dem bekannten Wirkungsquerschnitt der elementaren Kaon-Photoproduktion wurde eine Berechnung der zu erwartenden Ereignisrate vorgenommen. Es wurde eine Monte-Carlo-Simulation entwickelt, die den Fragmentierungsprozess und das Abbremsen der Hyperfragmente im Target beinhaltet. Diese nutzt ein statistisches Aufbruchsmodell zur Beschreibung der Fragmentierung. Dieser Ansatz ermöglicht für Wasserstoff-4-Lambda-Hyperkerne eine Vorhersage der zu erwartenden Zählrate an Zerfallspionen. In einem Pilotexperiment im Jahr 2011 wurde erstmalig an MAMI der Nachweis von Hadronen mit dem KAOS-Spektrometer unter einem Streuwinkel von 0° demonstriert, und koinzident dazu Pionen nachgewiesen. Es zeigte sich, dass bedingt durch die hohen Untergrundraten von Positronen in KAOS eine eindeutige Identifizierung von Hyperkernen in dieser Konfiguration nicht möglich war. Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen wurde das KAOS-Spektrometer so modifiziert, dass es als dedizierter Kaonenmarkierer fungierte. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein Absorber aus Blei im Spektrometer montiert, in dem Positronen durch Schauerbildung abgestoppt werden. Die Auswirkung eines solchen Absorbers wurde in einem Strahltest untersucht. Eine Simulation basierend auf Geant4 wurde entwickelt mittels derer der Aufbau von Absorber und Detektoren optimiert wurde, und die Vorhersagen über die Auswirkung auf die Datenqualität ermöglichte. Zusätzlich wurden mit der Simulation individuelle Rückrechnungsmatrizen für Kaonen, Pionen und Protonen erzeugt, die die Wechselwirkung der Teilchen mit der Bleiwand beinhalteten, und somit eine Korrektur der Auswirkungen ermöglichen. Mit dem verbesserten Aufbau wurde 2012 eine Produktionsstrahlzeit durchgeführt, wobei erfolgreich Kaonen unter 0° Streuwinkel koninzident mit Pionen aus schwachen Zerfällen detektiert werden konnten. Dabei konnte im Impulsspektrum der Zerfallspionen eine Überhöhung mit einer Signifikanz, die einem p-Wert von 2,5 x 10^-4 entspricht, festgestellt werden. Diese Ereignisse können aufgrund ihres Impulses, den Zerfällen von Wasserstoff-4-Lambda-Hyperkernen zugeordnet werden, wobei die Anzahl detektierter Pionen konsistent mit der berechneten Ausbeute ist.
A search for the direct production of charginos and neutralinos in final states with three electrons or muons and missing transverse momentum is presented. The analysis is based on 4.7 fb(-1) of root s = 7 TeV proton-proton collision data delivered by the Large Hadron Collider and recorded with the ATLAS detector. Observations are consistent with Standard Model expectations in three signal regions that are either depleted or enriched in Z-boson decays. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set in R-parity conserving phenomenological minimal supersymmetric models and in simplified models, significantly extending previous results.
Results of a search for supersymmetry via direct production of third-generation squarks are reported, using 20.3 fb −1 of proton-proton collision data at √s =8 TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC in 2012. Two different analysis strategies based on monojetlike and c -tagged event selections are carried out to optimize the sensitivity for direct top squark-pair production in the decay channel to a charm quark and the lightest neutralino (t 1 →c+χ ˜ 0 1 ) across the top squark–neutralino mass parameter space. No excess above the Standard Model background expectation is observed. The results are interpreted in the context of direct pair production of top squarks and presented in terms of exclusion limits in the m ˜t 1, m ˜ X0 1 ) parameter space. A top squark of mass up to about 240 GeV is excluded at 95% confidence level for arbitrary neutralino masses, within the kinematic boundaries. Top squark masses up to 270 GeV are excluded for a neutralino mass of 200 GeV. In a scenario where the top squark and the lightest neutralino are nearly degenerate in mass, top squark masses up to 260 GeV are excluded. The results from the monojetlike analysis are also interpreted in terms of compressed scenarios for top squark-pair production in the decay channel t ˜ 1 →b+ff ′ +χ ˜ 0 1 and sbottom pair production with b ˜ 1 →b+χ ˜ 0 1 , leading to a similar exclusion for nearly mass-degenerate third-generation squarks and the lightest neutralino. The results in this paper significantly extend previous results at colliders.
La expansión capitalista en el agro bonaerense durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX fue asociada a la "fiebre del lanar". En este trabajo nos hemos propuesto analizar las estrategias económicas de los propietarios de tierras, en términos de las formas de combinación de renta y ganancia (producción directa o cesión en arriendo), y, al mismo tiempo, lograr un mejor conocimiento de la estructura social agraria propia de la ganadería en la época del lanar, distinguiendo el peso numérico y la significación productiva de los diferentes productores rurales, según el lugar que ocupaban en la organización social del trabajo, el tamaño de los stocks ovinos y vacunos, y las orientaciones productivas que desarrollaban. El hallazgo de una fuente estadística inusual nos ha permitido precisar el análisis de estas cuestiones, al menos para un partido de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Saladillo) hacia 1870, al promediar el período de la expansión ovina.
La expansión capitalista en el agro bonaerense durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX fue asociada a la "fiebre del lanar". En este trabajo nos hemos propuesto analizar las estrategias económicas de los propietarios de tierras, en términos de las formas de combinación de renta y ganancia (producción directa o cesión en arriendo), y, al mismo tiempo, lograr un mejor conocimiento de la estructura social agraria propia de la ganadería en la época del lanar, distinguiendo el peso numérico y la significación productiva de los diferentes productores rurales, según el lugar que ocupaban en la organización social del trabajo, el tamaño de los stocks ovinos y vacunos, y las orientaciones productivas que desarrollaban. El hallazgo de una fuente estadística inusual nos ha permitido precisar el análisis de estas cuestiones, al menos para un partido de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Saladillo) hacia 1870, al promediar el período de la expansión ovina.
La expansión capitalista en el agro bonaerense durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX fue asociada a la "fiebre del lanar". En este trabajo nos hemos propuesto analizar las estrategias económicas de los propietarios de tierras, en términos de las formas de combinación de renta y ganancia (producción directa o cesión en arriendo), y, al mismo tiempo, lograr un mejor conocimiento de la estructura social agraria propia de la ganadería en la época del lanar, distinguiendo el peso numérico y la significación productiva de los diferentes productores rurales, según el lugar que ocupaban en la organización social del trabajo, el tamaño de los stocks ovinos y vacunos, y las orientaciones productivas que desarrollaban. El hallazgo de una fuente estadística inusual nos ha permitido precisar el análisis de estas cuestiones, al menos para un partido de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Saladillo) hacia 1870, al promediar el período de la expansión ovina.
Crystal structure of 2,5-diketo-d-gluconic acid reductase A complexed with NADPH at 2.1-Å resolution
The three-dimensional structure of Corynebacterium 2,5-diketo-d-gluconic acid reductase A (2,5-DKGR A; EC 1.1.1.-), in complex with cofactor NADPH, has been solved by using x-ray crystallographic data to 2.1-Å resolution. This enzyme catalyzes stereospecific reduction of 2,5-diketo-d-gluconate (2,5-DKG) to 2-keto-l-gulonate. Thus the three-dimensional structure has now been solved for a prokaryotic example of the aldo–keto reductase superfamily. The details of the binding of the NADPH cofactor help to explain why 2,5-DKGR exhibits lower binding affinity for cofactor than the related human aldose reductase does. Furthermore, changes in the local loop structure near the cofactor suggest that 2,5-DKGR will not exhibit the biphasic cofactor binding characteristics observed in aldose reductase. Although the crystal structure does not include substrate, the two ordered water molecules present within the substrate-binding pocket are postulated to provide positional landmarks for the substrate 5-keto and 4-hydroxyl groups. The structural basis for several previously described active-site mutants of 2,5-DKGR A is also proposed. Recent research efforts have described a novel approach to the synthesis of l-ascorbate (vitamin C) by using a genetically engineered microorganism that is capable of synthesizing 2,5-DKG from glucose and subsequently is transformed with the gene for 2,5-DKGR. These modifications create a microorganism capable of direct production of 2-keto-l-gulonate from d-glucose, and the gulonate can subsequently be converted into vitamin C. In economic terms, vitamin C is the single most important specialty chemical manufactured in the world. Understanding the structural determinants of specificity, catalysis, and stability for 2,5-DKGR A is of substantial commercial interest.
Yeast phosphatidylinositol-transfer protein (Sec14p) is essential for Golgi secretory function and cell viability. This requirement of Sec14p is relieved by genetic inactivation of the cytidine diphosphate-choline pathway for phosphatidycholine (PtdCho) biosynthesis. Standard phenotypic analyses indicate that inactivation of the phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn) pathway for PtdCho biosynthesis, however, does not rescue the growth and secretory defects associated with Sec14p deficiency. We now report inhibition of choline uptake from the media reveals an efficient “bypass Sec14p” phenotype associated with PtdEtn-methylation pathway defects. We further show that the bypass Sec14p phenotype associated with PtdEtn-methylation pathway defects resembles other bypass Sec14p mutations in its dependence on phospholipase D activity. Finally, we find that increased dosage of enzymes that catalyze phospholipase D-independent turnover of PtdCho, via mechanisms that do not result in a direct production of phosphatidic acid or diacylglycerol, effect a partial rescue of sec14-1ts-associated growth defects. Taken together, these data support the idea that PtdCho is intrinsically toxic to yeast Golgi secretory function.
We analyze a recent proposal for spontaneous mirror symmetry breaking based on the coupling of first-order enantioselective autocatalysis and direct production of the enantiomers that invokes a critical role for intrinsic reaction noise. For isolated systems, the racemic state is the unique stable outcome for both stochastic and deterministic dynamics when the system is in compliance with the constraints dictated by the thermodynamics of chemical reaction processes. In open systems, the racemic outcome also results for both stochastic and deterministic dynamics when driving the auto-catalysis unidirectionally by external reagents. Nonracemic states can result in the latter only if the reverse reactions are strictly zero: these are kinetically controlled outcomes for small populations and volumes, and can be simulated by stochastic dynamics. However, the stability of the thermodynamic limit proves that the racemic outcome is the unique stable state for strictly irreversible externally driven autocatalysis. These findings contradict the suggestion that the inhibition requirement of the Frank autocatalytic model for the emergence of homochirality may be relaxed in a noise-induced mechanism.
The extreme sensitivity of the mass of the Higgs boson to quantum corrections from high mass states, makes it 'unnaturally' light in the standard model. This 'hierarchy problem' can be solved by symmetries, which predict new particles related, by the symmetry, to standard model fields. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) can potentially discover these new particles, thereby finding the solution to the hierarchy problem. However, the dynamics of the Higgs boson is also sensitive to this new physics. We show that in many scenarios the Higgs can be a complementary and powerful probe of the hierarchy problem at the LHC and future colliders. If the top quark partners carry the color charge of the strong nuclear force, the production of Higgs pairs is affected. This effect is tightly correlated with single Higgs production, implying that only modest enhancements in di-Higgs production occur when the top partners are heavy. However, if the top partners are light, we show that di-Higgs production is a useful complementary probe to single Higgs production. We verify this result in the context of a simplified supersymmetric model. If the top partners do not carry color charge, their direct production is greatly reduced. Nevertheless, we show that such scenarios can be revealed through Higgs dynamics. We find that many color neutral frameworks leave observable traces in Higgs couplings, which, in some cases, may be the only way to probe these theories at the LHC. Some realizations of the color neutral framework also lead to exotic decays of the Higgs with displaced vertices. We show that these decays are so striking that the projected sensitivity for these searches, at hadron colliders, is comparable to that of searches for colored top partners. Taken together, these three case studies show the efficacy of the Higgs as a probe of naturalness.
The production of e(+)e(-) pairs for m(e+e-) < 0.3 GeV/c(2) and 1< p(T) < 5 GeV/c is measured in p + p and Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. An enhanced yield above hadronic sources is observed. Treating the excess as photon internal conversions, the invariant yield of direct photons is deduced. In central Au + Au collisions, the excess of the direct photon yield over p + p is exponential in transverse momentum, with an inverse slope T = 221 +/- 19(stat) +/- 19(syst) MeV. Hydrodynamical models with initial temperatures ranging from T(init) similar to 300-600 MeV at times of similar to 0.6-0.15 fm/c after the collision are in qualitative agreement with the data. Lattice QCD predicts a phase transition to quark gluon plasma at similar to 170 MeV.