977 resultados para Direct Urca Process


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Post-soviet countries are in the process of transformation from a totalitarian order to a democratic one, a transformation which is impossible without a profound shift in people's way of thinking. The group set themselves the task of determining the essence of this shift. Using a multidisciplinary approach, they looked at concrete ways of overcoming the totalitarian mentality and forming that necessary for an open democratic society. They studied the contemporary conceptions of tolerance and critical thinking and looked for new foundations of criticism, especially in hermeneutics. They then sought to substantiate the complementary relation between tolerance and criticism in the democratic way of thinking and to prepare a a syllabus for teaching on the subject in Ukrainian higher education. In a philosophical exploration of tolerance they began with relgious tolerance as its first and most important form. Political and social interests often lay at the foundations of religious intolerance and this implicitly comprised the transition to religious tolerance when conditions changed. Early polytheism was more or less indifferent to dogmatic deviations but monotheism is intolerant of heresies. The damage wrought by the religious wars of the Reformations transformed tolerance into a value. They did not create religious tolerance but forced its recognition as a positive phenomenon. With the weakening of religious institutions in the modern era, the purely political nature of many conflicts became evident and this stimulated the extrapolation of tolerance into secular life. Each historical era has certain acts and operations which may be interpreted as tolerant and these can be classified as to whether or not they are based on the conscious following of the principle of tolerance. This criterion requires the separation of the phenomenon of tolerance from its concept and from tolerance as a value. Only the conjunction of a concept of tolerance with a recognition of its value can transform it into a principle dictating a norm of conscious behaviour. The analysis of the contemporary conception of tolerance focused on the diversity of the concept and concluded that the notions used cannot be combined in the framework of a single more or less simple classification, as the distinctions between them are stimulated by the complexity of the realty considered and the variety of its manifestations. Notions considered in relation to tolerance included pluralism, respect and particular-universal. The rationale of tolerance was also investigated and the group felt that any substantiation of the principle of tolerance must take into account human beings' desire for knowledge. Before respecting or being tolerant of another person different from myself, I should first know where the difference lies, so knowledge is a necessary condition of tolerance.The traditional division of truth into scientific (objective and unique) and religious, moral, political (subjective and so multiple) intensifies the problem of the relationship between truth and tolerance. Science was long seen as a field of "natural" intolerance whereas the validity of tolerance was accepted in other intellectual fields. As tolerance eemrges when there is difference and opposition, it is essentially linked with rivaly and there is a a growing recognition today that unlimited rivalry is neither able to direct the process of development nor to act as creative matter. Social and economic reality has led to rivalry being regulated by the state and a natural requirement of this is to associate tolerance with a special "purified" form of rivalry, an acceptance of the actiivity of different subjects and a specification of the norms of their competition. Tolerance and rivalry should therefore be subordinate to a degree of discipline and the group point out that discipline, including self-discipline, is a regulator of the balance between them. Two problematic aspects of tolerance were identified: why something traditionally supposed to have no positive content has become a human activity today, and whether tolerance has full-scale cultural significance. The resolution of these questions requires a revision of the phenomenon and conception of tolerance to clarify its immanent positive content. This involved an investigation of the contemporary concept of tolerance and of the epistemological foundations of a negative solution of tolerance in Greek thought. An original soution to the problem of the extrapolation of tolerance to scientific knowledge was proposed based on the Duhem-Quine theses and conceptiion of background knowledge. In this way tolerance as a principle of mutual relations between different scientific positions gains an essential epistemological rationale and so an important argument for its own universal status. The group then went on to consider the ontological foundations for a positive solution of this problem, beginning with the work of Poincare and Reichenbach. The next aspect considered was the conceptual foundations of critical thinking, looking at the ideas of Karl Popper and St. Augustine and at the problem of the demarcation line between reasonable criticism and apologetic reasoning. Dogmatic and critical thinking in a political context were also considered, before an investigation of critical thinking's foundations. As logic is essential to critical thinking, the state of this discipline in Ukrainian and Russian higher education was assessed, together with the limits of formal-logical grounds for criticism, the role of informal logical as a basis for critical thinking today, dialectical logic as a foundation for critical thinking and the universality of the contemporary demand for criticism. The search for new foundations of critical thinking covered deconstructivism and critical hermeneutics, including the problem of the author. The relationship between tolerance and criticism was traced from the ancient world, both eastern and Greek, through the transitional community of the Renaissance to the industrial community (Locke and Mill) and the evolution of this relationship today when these are viewed not as moral virtues but as ordinary norms. Tolerance and criticism were discussed as complementary manifestations of human freedom. If the completeness of freedom were accepted it would be impossible to avoid recognition of the natural and legal nature of these manifestations and the group argue that critical tolerance is able to avoid dismissing such negative phenomena as the degradation of taste and manner, pornography, etc. On the basis of their work, the group drew up the syllabus of a course in "Logic with Elements of Critical Thinking, and of a special course on the "Problem of Tolerance".


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Folding of lysozyme from hen egg white was investigated by using interrupted refolding experiments. This method makes use of a high energy barrier between the native state and transient folding intermediates, and, in contrast to conventional optical techniques, it enables one to specifically monitor the amount of native molecules during protein folding. The results show that under strongly native conditions lysozyme can refold on parallel pathways. The major part of the lysozyme molecules (86%) refold on a slow kinetic pathway with well-populated partially folded states. Additionally, 14% of the molecules fold faster. The rate constant of formation of native molecules on the fast pathway corresponds well to the rate constant expected for folding to occur by a two-state process without any detectable intermediates. The results suggest that formation of the native state for the major fraction of lysozyme molecules is retarded compared with the direct folding process. Partially structured intermediates that transiently populate seem to be kinetically trapped in a conformation that can only slowly reach the native structure.


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O trabalho apresentado foi realizado em duas etapas independentes e baseou-se no estudo de diferentes sistemas nanométricos para viabilizar a aplicação da ftalocianina de cloro alumínio (ClAlPc) na terapia fotodinâmica (TFD) para o tratamento do câncer de pele do tipo melanoma. O fármaco fotossensibilizante (FS) utilizado apresenta propriedades físico-químicas que lhe permitem exercer sua atividade fotodinâmica com excelência, sem a interferência do cromóforo endógeno melanina existente nas células melanocíticas. Para driblar sua elevada hidrofobicidade, ClAlPc foi encapsulada em sistemas nanométricos para administração em meio fisiológico. Inicialmente nanopartículas lipídicas sólidas (NLS) foram desenvolvidas por emulsificação direta, após um estudo de elaboração do diagrama de fases. O compritol foi o lipídio sólido escolhido para compor as NLS, com diferentes concentrações de ClAlPc. Todas as formulações desenvolvidas foram devidamente caracterizadas, com tamanho médio entre 100 e 200 nm, baixa polidispersão, potencial zeta adequadamente negativo (~|30| mV), drug loading de ClAlPc entre 76-94% (com pequena redução após 24 meses) e alta eficiência de encapsulação (E.E.). A morfologia arredondada das nanopartículas foi confirmada por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e de força atômica. A estabilidade das NLS foi de 24 meses. A avaliação da cristalinidade do lipídio revelou a integração da ClAlPc à matriz lipídica da NLS, presença de estruturas polimórficas e grau de cristalinidade adequado, sem alterações após 24 meses. Nos estudos de difusão in vitro, observou-se que ftalocianina encapsulada nas NLS acumulam-se preferencialmente na epiderme e derme do que no estrato córneo, sem traços de permeação do ativo. Foi confirmado o caráter biocompatível das NLS sobre fibroblastos NIH-3T3. A ftalocianina encapsulada nas NLS não foi tóxica na linhagem de melanoma B16-F10 na ausência de luz, porém, apresentou excelente efeito fototóxico (0,75 ?g mL-1 de ClAlPc nanoencapsulada e irradiação entre 0,5 e 2,0 J cm-2), com redução da viabilidade celular de 87%. O segundo sistema de veiculação estudado foram as vesículas cataniônicas (VesCat), que se formam espontaneamente em água com o tensoativo TriCat 12. A obtenção das vesículas contendo ClAlPc envolve uma etapa adicional, para remoção de solvente orgânico, que foi aprimorada, reduzindo o tempo de produção em 55%. As VesCat/ClAlPc obtidas mantiveram suas propriedades físico-químicas e morfologia arredondada (confirmada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura), drug loading de 47% e alta E.E. Os resultados comprovaram que a aplicação desses dois sistemas nanométricos é altamente eficiente para aplicação da TFD no tratamento do câncer de pele do tipo melanoma ou outras doenças cutâneas, apresentando características favoráveis para avanços nos estudos de fase clínica e pré-clínica.


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Electron beam-induced deposition (EBID) is a direct write process where an electron beam locally decomposes a precursor gas leaving behind non-volatile deposits. It is a fast and relatively in-expensive method designed to develop conductive (metal) or isolating (oxide) nanostructures. Unfortunately the EBID process results in deposition of metal nanostructures with relatively high resistivity because the gas precursors employed are hydrocarbon based. We have developed deposition protocols using novel gas-injector system (GIS) with a carbon free Pt precursor. Interconnect type structures were deposited on preformed metal architectures. The obtained structures were analysed by cross-sectional TEM and their electrical properties were analysed ex-situ using four point probe electrical tests. The results suggest that both the structural and electrical characteristics differ significantly from those of Pt interconnects deposited by conventional hydrocarbon based precursors, and show great promise for the development of low resistivity electrical contacts.


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Global niobium production is presently dominated by three operations, Araxá and Catalão (Brazil), and Niobec (Canada). Although Brazil accounts for over 90% of the world’s niobium production, a number of high grade niobium deposits exist worldwide. The advancement of these deposits depends largely on the development of operable beneficiation flowsheets. Pyrochlore, as the primary niobium mineral, is typically upgraded by flotation with amine collectors at acidic pH following a complicated flowsheet with significant losses of niobium. This research compares the typical two stage flotation flowsheet to a direct flotation process (i.e. elimination of gangue pre-flotation) with the objective of circuit simplification. In addition, the use of a chelating reagent (benzohydroxamic acid, BHA) was studied as an alternative collector for fine grained, highly disseminated pyrochlore. For the amine based reagent system, results showed that while comparable at the laboratory scale, when scaled up to the pilot level the direct flotation process suffered from circuit instability because of high quantities of dissolved calcium in the process water due to stream recirculation and fine calcite dissolution, which ultimately depressed pyrochlore. This scale up issue was not observed in pilot plant operation of the two stage flotation process as a portion of the highly reactive carbonate minerals was removed prior to acid addition. A statistical model was developed for batch flotation using BHA on carbonatite ore (0.25% Nb2O5) that could not be effectively upgraded using the conventional amine reagent scheme. Results showed that it was possible to produce a concentrate containing 1.54% Nb2O5 with 93% Nb recovery in ~15% of the original mass. Fundamental studies undertaken included FT-IR and XPS, which showed the adsorption of both the protonized amine and the neutral amine onto the surface of the pyrochlore (possibly at niobium sites as indicated by detected shifts in the Nb3d binding energy). The results suggest that the preferential flotation of pyrochlore over quartz with amines at low pH levels can be attributed to a difference in critical hemimicelle concentration (CHC) values for the two minerals. BHA was found to be absorbed on pyrochlore surfaces by a similar mechanism to alkyl hydroxamic acid. It is hoped that this work will assist in improving operability of existing pyrochlore flotation circuits and help promote the development of niobium deposits globally. Future studies should focus on investigation into specific gangue mineral depressants and inadvertent activation phenomenon related to BHA flotation of gangue minerals.


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A utilização do óleo de mamona como matéria-prima para produção de biodiesel mostra-se inviável na combustão interna do motor devido sua natureza química incomum que lhe confere especificações acima do permitido nas especificações técnicas da legislação nacional brasileira. Desta forma, a blenda com óleo de arroz refinado (OM:OA) qualifica o biodiesel atendendo a legislação nacional, além de corrigir a elevada acidez do óleo bruto de mamona prejudicial ao processo de transesterificação homogênea básica. No presente estudo realizou-se a produção de biodiesel etílico em escala piloto a partir de blendas de óleo bruto de mamona e óleo refinado de arroz em dois processos: o primeiro processo adotando a mistura direta dos dois óleos e o segundo processo pela esterificação antecipada do óleo bruto de mamona. Ambos os processos foram aplicados visando tanto definir os critérios de processo (acidez inicial) quanto o cumprimento das especificações técnicas (viscosidade e densidade). A produção em escala piloto (200 litros/batelada) foi realizada na Usina Demonstrativa para Produção de Biodiesel – BIOSUL (Edital FINEP, 2005) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG utilizando em ambos os processos transesterificação, com hidróxido de sódio, e esterificação com ácido sulfúrico. Os processos apresentaram resultados satisfatórios, sendo o processo de mistura direta (Processo A) o que obteve melhores rendimentos (94,04%, blenda 20:80) enquanto que o processo de pré- esterificação (Processo B) foi aquele que proporcionou a maior fração de óleo de mamona na blenda (80,36%, 33:67). Os resultados para o Processo A de glicerol livre, monoacilgliceróis, diacilgliceróis, triacilgliceróis e de glicerol total foram, respectivamente, de 1,322 %, 6,092 %, 1,000 %, 0,884 e 3,152%. Neste estudo foi comprovada a viabilidade do processamento, em batelada, de blendas dos óleos de mamona e arroz. O óleo de mamona bruto pode ser utilizado em até 30% produzindo biodiesel dentro da legislação, verificando-se assim a viabilidade do uso da mamona na produção de biocombustíveis.


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Microreactors have proven to be versatile tools for process intensification. Over recent decades, they have increasingly been used for product and process development in chemical industries. Enhanced heat and mass transfer in the reactors due to the extremely high surfacearea- to-volume ratio and interfacial area allow chemical processes to be operated at extreme conditions. Safety is improved by the small holdup volume of the reactors and effective control of pressure and temperature. Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful green oxidant that is used in a wide range of industries. Reduction and auto-oxidation of anthraquinones is currently the main process for hydrogen peroxide production. Direct synthesis is a green alternative and has potential for on-site production. However, there are two limitations: safety concerns because of the explosive gas mixture produced and low selectivity of the process. The aim of this thesis was to develop a process for direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide utilizing microreactor technology. Experimental and numerical approaches were applied for development of the microreactor. Development of a novel microreactor was commenced by studying the hydrodynamics and mass transfer in prototype microreactor plates. The prototypes were designed and fabricated with the assistance of CFD modeling to optimize the shape and size of the microstructure. Empirical correlations for the mass transfer coefficient were derived. The pressure drop in micro T-mixers was investigated experimentally and numerically. Correlations describing the friction factor for different flow regimes were developed and predicted values were in good agreement with experimental results. Experimental studies were conducted to develop a highly active and selective catalyst with a proper form for the microreactor. Pd catalysts supported on activated carbon cloths were prepared by different treatments during the catalyst preparation. A variety of characterization methods were used for catalyst investigation. The surface chemistry of the support and the oxidation state of the metallic phase in the catalyst play important roles in catalyst activity and selectivity for the direct synthesis. The direct synthesis of hydrogen peroxide was investigated in a bench-scale continuous process using the novel microreactor developed. The microreactor was fabricated based on the hydrodynamic and mass transfer studies and provided a high interfacial area and high mass transfer coefficient. The catalysts were prepared under optimum treatment conditions. The direct synthesis was conducted at various conditions. The thesis represents a step towards a commercially viable direct synthesis. The focus is on the two main challenges: mitigating the safety problem by utilization of microprocess technology and improving the selectivity by catalyst development.


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The Environmental Process and Simulation Center (EPSC) at Michigan Technological University started accommodating laboratories for an Environmental Engineering senior level class CEE 4509 Environmental Process and Simulation Laboratory since 2004. Even though the five units that exist in EPSC provide the students opportunities to have hands-on experiences with a wide range of water/wastewater treatment technologies, a key module was still missing for the student to experience a full cycle of treatment. This project fabricated a direct-filtration pilot system in EPSC and generated a laboratory manual for education purpose. Engineering applications such as clean bed head loss calculation, backwash flowrate determination, multimedia density calculation and run length prediction are included in the laboratory manual. The system was tested for one semester and modifications have been made both to the direct filtration unit and the laboratory manual. Future work is also proposed to further refine the module.