1000 resultados para Digital radiology
The characterization of physical properties of digital imaging systems requires the determination and measurement of detectors’ physical performance. Those measures such as modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectra (NPS), and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) provide objective evaluations of digital detectors’ performance. To provide an MTF, NPS, and DQE calculation from raw-data images it is necessary to implement a method that is undertaken by two major steps: (1) image acquisition and (2) quantitative measure determination method. In this chapter a comprehensive description about a method to provide the measure of performance of digital radiography detectors is provided.
This chapter addresses technical issues concerning digital technologies. Radiological equipment and technique are briefly introduced together with a discussion about requirements and advantages of digital technologies. Digital technologies offer several advantages when compared to conventional analogical systems, or screen–film (SF) systems. While in clinical practice the practitioners should be aware of technical factors such as image acquisition, management of patient dose, and diagnostic image quality. Thus, digital technologies require an up-to-date scientific knowledge concerning their use in projection radiography. In this chapter, technical considerations concerning digital technologies are provided.
The assessment of patient dose has gained increased attention, still being an issue of concern that arises from the use of digital systems. The development of digital technology offers the possibility for a reduction of radiation dose around 50% without loss in image quality when compared to a conventional screen–film system. Digital systems give an equivalent or superior diagnostic performance and also several other advantages, but the risk of overexposure with no adverse effect on image quality could be present. This chapter refers to the management of patient dose and provides an explanation of dose-related concepts. In this chapter, exposure influence in dose and image representation and the effects of radiation exposure are also discussed.
This chapter provides a theoretical background about image quality in diagnostic radiology. Digital image representation and also image quality evaluation methods are here discussed. An overview of methods for quality evaluation of diagnostic imaging procedures is provided. Digital image representation and primary physical image quality parameters are also discussed, including objective image quality measurements and observer performance methods.
Once in a digital form, a radiographic image may be processed in several ways in order to turn the visualization an act of improved diagnostic value. Practitioners should be aware that, depending on each clinical context, digital image processing techniques are available to help to unveil visual information that is, in fact, carried by the bare digital radiograph and may be otherwise neglected. The range of visual enhancement procedures includes simple techniques that deal with the usual brightness and contrast manipulation up to much more elaborate multi-scale processing that provides customized control over the emphasis given to the relevant finer anatomical details. This chapter is intended to give the reader a practical understanding of image enhancement techniques that might be helpful to improve the visual quality of the digital radiographs and thus to contribute to a more reliable and assertive reporting.
Purpose: To assess image quality using PGMI (perfect, good, moderate, inadequate) scale in digital mammography examinations acquired in DR systems. Identify the main failures and propose corrective actions. Evaluate the most typical breast density. Methods and Materials: Clinical image quality criteria were evaluated considering mammograms acquired in 13 DR systems and classified according to PGMI scale using the criteria described in European Commission guidelines for radiographers. The breast density was assessed according to ACR recommendations. The data were collected on the acquisition system monitor to reproduce the daily practice of the radiographer. Results: The image quality criteria were evaluated in 3044 images. The criteria were fully achieved in 41% of the images that were classified as P (perfect), 31 % of the images were classified as M (moderate), 20% G (good) and 9% I (inadequate). The main cause of inadequate image quality was absence of all breast tissue in the image, skin folders in the pectoral muscle and in the infra-mammary angle. The higher number of failures occurred in MLO projections (809 out of 1022). The most represented (36%) breast type was type 2 (25-50% glandular tissue). Conclusion: Incorrect radiographic technique was frequently detected suggesting potential training needs and poor communication between the team members (radiographer and radiologists). Further correlations are necessary to identify the main causes for the failures, namely specific education and training in digital mammography and workload.
OBJECTIVE: Quality assurance (QA) in clinical trials is essential to ensure treatment is safely and effectively delivered. As QA requirements have increased in complexity in parallel with evolution of radiation therapy (RT) delivery, a need to facilitate digital data exchange emerged. Our objective is to present the platform developed for the integration and standardization of QART activities across all EORTC trials involving RT. METHODS: The following essential requirements were identified: secure and easy access without on-site software installation; integration within the existing EORTC clinical remote data capture system; and the ability to both customize the platform to specific studies and adapt to future needs. After retrospective testing within several clinical trials, the platform was introduced in phases to participating sites and QART study reviewers. RESULTS: The resulting QA platform, integrating RT analysis software installed at EORTC Headquarters, permits timely, secure, and fully digital central DICOM-RT based data review. Participating sites submit data through a standard secure upload webpage. Supplemental information is submitted in parallel through web-based forms. An internal quality check by the QART office verifies data consistency, formatting, and anonymization. QART reviewers have remote access through a terminal server. Reviewers evaluate submissions for protocol compliance through an online evaluation matrix. Comments are collected by the coordinating centre and institutions are informed of the results. CONCLUSIONS: This web-based central review platform facilitates rapid, extensive, and prospective QART review. This reduces the risk that trial outcomes are compromised through inadequate radiotherapy and facilitates correlation of results with clinical outcomes.
The goal of this work is to develop a method to objectively compare the performance of a digital and a screen-film mammography system in terms of image quality. The method takes into account the dynamic range of the image detector, the detection of high and low contrast structures, the visualisation of the images and the observer response. A test object, designed to represent a compressed breast, was constructed from various tissue equivalent materials ranging from purely adipose to purely glandular composition. Different areas within the test object permitted the evaluation of low and high contrast detection, spatial resolution and image noise. All the images (digital and conventional) were captured using a CCD camera to include the visualisation process in the image quality assessment. A mathematical model observer (non-prewhitening matched filter), that calculates the detectability of high and low contrast structures using spatial resolution, noise and contrast, was used to compare the two technologies. Our results show that for a given patient dose, the detection of high and low contrast structures is significantly better for the digital system than for the conventional screen-film system studied. The method of using a test object with a large tissue composition range combined with a camera to compare conventional and digital imaging modalities can be applied to other radiological imaging techniques. In particular it could be used to optimise the process of radiographic reading of soft copy images.
PURPOSE: To assess the technical feasibility of multi-detector row computed tomographic (CT) angiography in the assessment of peripheral arterial bypass grafts and to evaluate its accuracy and reliability in the detection of graft-related complications, including graft stenosis, aneurysmal changes, and arteriovenous fistulas. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four-channel multi-detector row CT angiography was performed in 65 consecutive patients with 85 peripheral arterial bypass grafts. Each bypass graft was divided into three segments (proximal anastomosis, course of the graft body, and distal anastomosis), resulting in 255 segments. Two readers evaluated all CT angiograms with regard to image quality and the presence of bypass graft-related abnormalities, including graft stenosis, aneurysmal changes, and arteriovenous fistulas. The results were compared with McNemar test with Bonferroni correction. CT attenuation values were recorded at five different locations from the inflow artery to the outflow artery of the bypass graft. These findings were compared with the findings at duplex ultrasonography (US) in 65 patients and the findings at conventional digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in 27. RESULTS: Image quality was rated as good or excellent in 250 (98%) and in 252 (99%) of 255 bypass segments, respectively. There was excellent agreement both between readers and between CT angiography and duplex US in the detection of graft stenosis, aneurysmal changes, and arteriovenous fistulas (kappa = 0.86-0.99). CT angiography and duplex US were compared with conventional DSA, and there was no statistically significant difference (P >.25) in sensitivity or specificity between CT angiography and duplex US for both readers for detection of hemodynamically significant bypass stenosis or occlusion, aneurysmal changes, or arteriovenous fistulas. Mean CT attenuation values ranged from 232 HU in the inflow artery to 281 HU in the outflow artery of the bypass graft. CONCLUSION: Multi-detector row CT angiography may be an accurate and reliable technique after duplex US in the assessment of peripheral arterial bypass grafts and detection of graft-related complications, including stenosis, aneurysmal changes, and arteriovenous fistulas.
Introducción: El desarrollo del archivo docente de imágenes diagnósticas, permite al Departamento de Imágenes compartir y difundir el conocimiento de la colección de casos e imágenes radiológicas reales con mayor rapidez y facilidad en el acceso a las mismas por parte de todo el personal de la Clínica Fundación Cardio-Infantil – Instituto de Cardiología, a través por portal web “e-cardio”, contribuyendo así en la formación académica del personal médico, técnico y administrativo. Metodología: Este trabajo no responde a ningún tipo de estudio epidemiológico, sino a una colección de imágenes y reseñas radiológicas de casos de patología torácica y cardiovascular, procedentes de pacientes de la Fundación Cardioinfantil – Instituto de Cardiología, con el fin de conformar un archivo digital docente. Resultados: Se recolectaron 1.148 radiografías impresas, previamente rotuladas según el Index for Radiological Diagnoses 4 edición y de archivos individuales 3.512 imágenes. Utilizando los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se realizó la selección de imágenes para continuar el procedimiento. Se descartaron 278 radiografías impresas por no tener rotulo, estar en mal estado general, o rotulación incorrecta. En el caso de los archivos digitales, se descartaron 1435 imágenes, utilizando el mismo procedimiento. Conclusión: Iniciar la conformación y montaje del primer archivo docente de la Clínica Fundación Cardioinfantil – Instituto de Cardiología. Motivar a los profesionales médicos de la Clínica Fundación Cardio Infantil, y especialmente a los residentes de Radiología, para que estén en un proceso de aprendizaje continúo, fortaleciendo su autoevaluación, y todo ello para beneficio final de los pacientes y de la misma Institución.
Introducción. Las imágenes obtenidas mediante rayos X, determinan una conducta clínica en ortopedia y son analizadas por parte del cirujano en el momento previo a realizar un acto quirúrgico. El planeamiento pre quirúrgico basado en radiografías de cadera, permite predecir el tamaño de los componentes protésicos a utilizar en un reemplazo de cadera. Con el advenimiento de las radiografías digitales, existe la falsa percepción de que estas tienen corregido el factor de magnificación. La corrección de dicho factor requiere un protocolo de calibración de imágenes, aún no implementado en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá (FSFB). Como consecuencia, las radiografías de cadera actualmente resultan magnificadas. Materiales y métodos. Fueron seleccionados 73 pacientes con reemplazo articular total de la cadera intervenidos en la FSFB. Para cada paciente, se estableció la dimensión de la cabeza protésica en la radiografía de cadera obtenida mediante el sistema de radiología digital (PACS-IMPAX) y su tamaño fue comparado con el de la cabeza femoral implantada. Resultados. La concordancia entre los dos observadores al medir la dimensión radiológica de los componentes protésicos fue excelente y el coeficiente de magnificación promedio de 1.2 (20%). Este será introducido al PACS-IMPAX para ajustar el tamaño definitivo de la radiografía. Conclusión. El ajuste del PACS-IMPAX permite obtener radiografías en las cuales se refleja con mayor precisión el tamaño de los segmentos anatómicos y de los componentes protésicos.
El desarrollo del archivo docente de imágenes diagnósticas, permite compartir y difundir el conocimiento de la colección de casos e imágenes radiológicas con rapidez y facilidad al personal de la Clínica Fundación Cardio-Infantil – Instituto de Cardiología, a través por portal web “e-cardio”, contribuyendo en la formación académica del personal médico, técnico y administrativo.
Introducción: La DSA es el método de elección para el seguimiento de pacientes con aneurismas intracraneales embolizados; esta se puede asociar a complicaciones incapacitantes o mortales. La MRA se ha propuesto como método alternativo por menor costo y menos morbi-mortalidad, aunque su desempeño diagnóstico permanece en discusión debido al desarrollo de nuevos protocolos, resonadores más potentes y nuevas aplicaciones de la DSA. Metodología: Exploramos la literatura hasta la actualidad y comparamos el desempeño diagnóstico de la MRA con la DSA para detectar flujo residual posterior a la embolización terapéutica de aneurismas intracraneales. Realizamos una revisión sistemática de la literatura y meta-análisis basados en 34 artículos detectados en la búsqueda que incluyó las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus, ScIELO y BVS. Resultados: La TOF-MRA demostró sensibilidad de 86.8% (84.3%-89.1%) y especificidad de 91.2% (89%-93.1%); la SROC para TOF-MRA demostró un AUC de 0.95. El desempeño de la CE-MRA demostró sensibilidad de 88.1% (84.6%-91.1%) y especificidad de 89.1% (85.7%-91.9%); la SROC presentó una AUC de 0.93. El análisis estratificado por potencia del resonador encontró que la TOF-MRA tiene mejor desempeño con el resonador de 3T, aunque no es estadísticamente significativo. La concordancia interobservador con TOF-MRA y CE-MRA fue moderada a muy buena. Discusión: El desempeño diagnóstico de la MRA en el seguimiento de aneurismas intracraneales embolizados demostró ser bueno, con sensibilidad mayor a 84%, siendo ligeramente mejor con TOF-MRA, sin lograr reemplazar la DSA. Sin embargo, los resultados deben ser evaluados con precaución por la heterogeneidad de los resultados de los estudios incluidos. (Abreviaturas: DSA: Angiografía por Sustracción Digital; MRA: Angiografía por Resonancia Magnética; TOF-MRA: Angiorresonancia por Tiempo de Vuelo; CE-MRA: Angiorresonancia contrastada).
Se conformó el primer archivo docente digital de patología específica del seno en la modalidad de mamografía a nivel nacional, el cuál permitirá el entrenamiento de radiólogos y residentes de radiología según el sistema de lectura BI-RADS, buscando la unificación de criterios y mejoría de las competencias en la interpretación de las imágenes con la finalidad de aumentar la detección temprana del carcinoma de seno
Objective: This paper presents a detailed study of fractal-based methods for texture characterization of mammographic mass lesions and architectural distortion. The purpose of this study is to explore the use of fractal and lacunarity analysis for the characterization and classification of both tumor lesions and normal breast parenchyma in mammography. Materials and methods: We conducted comparative evaluations of five popular fractal dimension estimation methods for the characterization of the texture of mass lesions and architectural distortion. We applied the concept of lacunarity to the description of the spatial distribution of the pixel intensities in mammographic images. These methods were tested with a set of 57 breast masses and 60 normal breast parenchyma (dataset1), and with another set of 19 architectural distortions and 41 normal breast parenchyma (dataset2). Support vector machines (SVM) were used as a pattern classification method for tumor classification. Results: Experimental results showed that the fractal dimension of region of interest (ROIs) depicting mass lesions and architectural distortion was statistically significantly lower than that of normal breast parenchyma for all five methods. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis showed that fractional Brownian motion (FBM) method generated the highest area under ROC curve (A z = 0.839 for dataset1, 0.828 for dataset2, respectively) among five methods for both datasets. Lacunarity analysis showed that the ROIs depicting mass lesions and architectural distortion had higher lacunarities than those of ROIs depicting normal breast parenchyma. The combination of FBM fractal dimension and lacunarity yielded the highest A z value (0.903 and 0.875, respectively) than those based on single feature alone for both given datasets. The application of the SVM improved the performance of the fractal-based features in differentiating tumor lesions from normal breast parenchyma by generating higher A z value. Conclusion: FBM texture model is the most appropriate model for characterizing mammographic images due to self-affinity assumption of the method being a better approximation. Lacunarity is an effective counterpart measure of the fractal dimension in texture feature extraction in mammographic images. The classification results obtained in this work suggest that the SVM is an effective method with great potential for classification in mammographic image analysis.