964 resultados para Digital Arts


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This report describes the Year Two/Campaign Two processes, and articulates findings from the major project components designed to address the challenges noted above (see Figure 1). Three major components comprise the Safe and Well Online project: 1) A participatory design (PD) process involving young people and sector partners (UWS) for; 2) campaign development (Zuni & Digital Arts Network); and 3) a cohort study (University of South Australia) to evaluate campaign effectiveness and attitude and behaviour change. Each sub-study comprehensively considered the ethical requirements of conducting online research with minors. The theoretical and methodological framework for measuring campaign engagement and efficacy (Sub-studies 3, 4 and 5) drew on the Model of Goal Directed Behaviour (MGB) (Perugini & Bagozzi 2001) and Nudge Theory (Thaler & Sunstein, 2008). This report extends the findings and conclusions of the Year One Pilot Study ‘‘Keep it Tame’’ (Spears et.al, 2015), and details the development and evaluation of the second of four Safe and Well Online Campaigns—‘‘Appreciate A Mate’: Helping others feel good about themselves’.


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Ten Percent Terror brings together leading creatives from the fields of contemporary theatre, contemporary dance, music theatre, circus and digital arts in the first collaboration of its kind. Commissioned by Brisbane Powerhouse, with support from the Anzac Centenary Arts and Culture Fund and in partnership with Dancenorth and Company 2, this is an inter-disciplinary work that combines theatrical narrative with eloquent physicality, through circus and dance, to express certain truths of the soldiers' experience. This production will be a circus-narrative that uses the form and language of circus to express the key themes of risk, panic and brotherhood. Ten Percent Terror is intended to be a work of scale, yet also intimacy: of stillness and panic, inertia and chaos. Project partners, Dancenorth and Company 2, share the vision to use contemporary artistic disciplines to connect younger and modern audiences to the ANZAC legacy, perhaps offering a connection for those audiences that they may not find through more traditional art forms. The development process has included a community research project in Townsville, conducted by Shane Pike, which explored contemporary Australians’ stories through interviews with serving military personnel and the local community, as well as collecting photographic documentation and other artefacts from around Townsville. This was followed by an archival research project in Brisbane, where Pike reviewed letters, photographs and personal accounts of soldiers from WW1. The results of these projects will be used by the creative team to inform the development of Ten Percent Terror. Given Townsville’s reputation as Australia’s ‘garrison’ city, the project partners plan to deliver the world premiere performance of Ten Percent Terror in Townsville in late 2015. It is intended that Ten Percent Terror will receive its Brisbane premiere in November 2015 at Brisbane Powerhouse, as part of a four-performance season. This expert panel included discussion of the project and its place in analysing key aspects of Australia's wartime history.


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SFC FOLLOW-ON VOUCHER The project was undertaken as a SFC Follow-on Voucher (£40K) alongside a student project with BDes (Hons) Design & Digital Arts (D&DA).James Blake (Centre for Media & Culture) brought together students and staff to develop digital content, including films, for a transmedia project and the induction video on the coaches to Ratho. Malcolm Innes, Ian Lambert, Andrew O’Dowd, and Euan Winton (Centre for Design Practice & Research) developed the Old Earth Museum (both physical and virtual), and transmedia designer and research student Beata Zemanek oversaw the transmedia strategy and making of the Gatekeeper film, supported by D&DA students and graduates.


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Developed and performed in collaboration with Tom Davis (Bournemouth University), the work explores notions of presence and absence, technologically mediated communication and audience perception through the staging of ambiguous but repeatable performative interactions taking place on a co-located but distributed musical instrument. Public performances and installations include: CCRMA, Stanford University (2012); NIME conference, University of Michigan (2012); SARC, Queen's University Belfast (2013); INTIME symposium, Coventry University (2013); RE-NEW digital arts festival, Copenhagen (2013).


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Soluções de realidade virtual e aumentada têm vindo a ser utilizadas no segmento de ensino explorando diferentes modalidades de interação de forma a proporcionar ao aluno acesso efetivo de informação em situações de experiências imersivas em tempo real. Na internet podemos encontrar variadíssimas aplicações educacionais, que nos ajudam a todos, desde as crianças em idade escolar até a profissionais de todas as áreas, proporcionando o estudo mais interativo, divertido e mais envolvente. Neste artigo, onde assumimos que o contexto de ensino é propício para a experimentação de novos modelos de ensino/aprendizagem, apresentamos uma aplicação educacional na área da geometria com o objetivo de potencializar a transferência de conhecimento, salientando as características dimensionais dos sólidos.


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A presente dissertação de doutoramento propõe-se a analisar criticamente a noção de obra de arte participativa, traduzida pela designação de obra “faça-você- -mesmo”, que apela à participação ativa e ao agenciamento do público que se tornam parte integrante do processo criativo engendrado pela obra. A nossa reflexão sobre a obra “faça-você-mesmo” insere-se no contexto da “cultura da participação” e da expansão dos media sociais e tem como principal objeto de estudo a obra participativa nas artes digitais. Esta tese postula uma análise das práticas participativas nas artes digitais à luz de uma genealogia artística e crítica que atravessa o século XX e é marcada pela experimentação com a ativação do público e a abertura da obra, traduzindo-se numa instabilização de limites entre arte, quotidiano e sociedade. A nossa abordagem metodológica enraíza-se numa tradição de pensamento crítico e interdisciplinar próprio das humanidades sendo que recorremos à articulação entre teoria crítica e análise de casos concretos. Assim, de modo a compreender a experiência do público com a obra participativa, elaborámos um conjunto de conceitos que nos permitem conceber uma estética da participação nas artes digitais. Paralelamente, de forma a conhecermos o universo temático das práticas participativas nas artes digitais, criámos uma proposta de três linhas temáticas no âmbito das quais analisámos múltiplas obras concretas, colocando-as em relação com os seus contextos sociais, culturais e políticos. As obras “faça-você-mesmo”, descritas nesta dissertação, tendem a situar-se numa posição intermédia entre os dois extremos das práticas artísticas autónomas “auto- -reflexivas” e dos projetos artísticos comunitários, que visam facilitar discussões e sugerir soluções para problemas concretos. Algumas das obras participativas discutidas neste estudo possuem caraterísticas em comum com a atitude “faça-você-mesmo” preconizada por determinadas formas de ativismo político, nomeadamente, a organização não-hierárquica, a autonomia e a participação direta dos voluntários. Ao convocar a participação do público, a obra “faça-você-mesmo” constitui-se como um projeto dialógico de experimentação criativa que se pode articular com uma dimensão política. Porém, este estudo salienta que a obra de arte participativa deve ser vista à luz de uma tensão entre disrupção e incorporação, liberdade e controlo que carateriza a dinâmica das redes digitais e do capitalismo contemporâneo. A presente dissertação propõe de modo fundamentado três linhas de investigação futura. Primeiramente, a exploração do campo das práticas curatoriais e museológicas em ambientes participativos. Seguidamente, a análise do modo como o campo da arte contemporânea e a condição do artista vão evoluir sob a influência do acesso generalizado aos meios de produção e distribuição artística nomeadamente através da World Wide Web. Por fim, o estudo dos novos regimes de interação e expressividade das imagens nas redes digitais.


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Ce mémoire s'inscrit dans le domaine de la vision par ordinateur. Elle s'intéresse à la calibration de systèmes de caméras stéréoscopiques, à la mise en correspondance caméra-projecteur, à la reconstruction 3D, à l'alignement photométrique de projecteurs, au maillage de nuages de points, ainsi qu'au paramétrage de surfaces. Réalisé dans le cadre du projet LightTwist du laboratoire Vision3D, elle vise à permettre la projection sur grandes surfaces arbitraires à l'aide de plusieurs projecteurs. Ce genre de projection est souvent utilisé en arts technologiques, en théâtre et en projection architecturale. Dans ce mémoire, on procède au calibrage des caméras, suivi d'une reconstruction 3D par morceaux basée sur une méthode active de mise en correspondance, la lumière non structurée. Après un alignement et un maillage automatisés, on dispose d'un modèle 3D complet de la surface de projection. Ce mémoire introduit ensuite une nouvelle approche pour le paramétrage de modèles 3D basée sur le calcul efficace de distances géodésiques sur des maillages. L'usager n'a qu'à délimiter manuellement le contour de la zone de projection sur le modèle. Le paramétrage final est calculé en utilisant les distances obtenues pour chaque point du modèle. Jusqu'à maintenant, les méthodes existante ne permettaient pas de paramétrer des modèles ayant plus d'un million de points.


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"This exhibition investigates whether there are places and activities that people consider" "more private, and more authentic than others. It also seeks to discover how people actually talk about their ‘authentic’ selves without recourse to academic theorization or speculation."


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This paper is a case study that describes the design and delivery of national PhD lectures with 40 PhD candidates in Digital Arts and Humanities in Ireland simultaneously to four remote locations, in Trinity College Dublin, in University College Cork, in NUI Maynooth and NUI Galway. Blended learning approaches were utilized to augment traditional teaching practices combining: face-to-face engagement, video-conferencing to multiple sites, social media lecture delivery support – a live blog and micro blogging, shared, open student web presence online. Techniques for creating an effective, active learning environment were discerned via a range of learning options offered to students through student surveys after semester one. Students rejected the traditional lecture format, even through the novel delivery method via video link to a number of national academic institutions was employed. Students also rejected the use of a moderated forum as a means of creating engagement across the various institutions involved. Students preferred a mix of approaches for this online national engagement. The paper discusses successful methods used to promote interactive teaching and learning. These included Peer to peer learning, Workshop style delivery, Social media. The lecture became a national, synchronous workshop. The paper describes how allowing students to have a voice in the virtual classroom they become animated and engaged in an open culture of shared experience and scholarship, create networks beyond their institutions, and across disciplinary boundaries. We offer an analysis of our experiences to assist other educators in their course design, with a particular emphasis on social media engagement.


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This thesis explores the impact international trade and commercial agreements had on the economic and industrial development of Cork during the first industrial revolution. From the Act of Union onwards Cork moved from a region where trade became increasingly reliant on Britain at the expense of trade that had been cultivated over the eighteenth century with the Americas and Europe. The legislative underpinnings of Cork’s trade is the focus of this research and how this changed after the Act of Union. It begins by examining the transatlantic trade of Cork city and the issues faced in the West Indies trade due to the growth of the United States. It will also consider the impact of the Napoleonic Wars on Cork’s trade with both the Americas and continental Europe. The conclusion of the Napoleonic Wars saw the United Kingdom negotiate treaties and agreements that would have a direct impact upon Cork’s merchants. This thesis will address the degree to which the mercantile community in Cork were able to influence policy that directly impacted upon their trade networks. It will then examine the trade between Cork and the United Kingdom and assess the impact of the Union on the ability of Cork’s merchants to affect political change. The operation of the Committee of Merchants in Cork is detailed and their responses to the changing nature of international trade. The thesis finishes by examining the underdevelopment of Cork’s transportation networks. This work will place Cork’s international trade in both its national and international context and argues that Cork’s mercantile community were overly reliant on protectionist legislation to further Cork’s trade as opposed to investment in industrial development. Volumetric data on the trade of Cork city has been transcribed and made available in a relational database to support the arguments made in this thesis and to facilitate future research on this subject. This database is accessible at http://modernirishvenice.com/.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-07


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