44 resultados para Dielectrophoresis


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Nanoparticles are fascinating where physical and optical properties are related to size. Highly controllable synthesis methods and nanoparticle assembly are essential [6] for highly innovative technological applications. Among nanoparticles, nonhomogeneous core-shell nanoparticles (CSnp) have new properties that arise when varying the relative dimensions of the core and the shell. This CSnp structure enables various optical resonances, and engineered energy barriers, in addition to the high charge to surface ratio. Assembly of homogeneous nanoparticles into functional structures has become ubiquitous in biosensors (i.e. optical labeling) [7, 8], nanocoatings [9-13], and electrical circuits [14, 15]. Limited nonhomogenous nanoparticle assembly has only been explored. Many conventional nanoparticle assembly methods exist, but this work explores dielectrophoresis (DEP) as a new method. DEP is particle polarization via non-uniform electric fields while suspended in conductive fluids. Most prior DEP efforts involve microscale particles. Prior work on core-shell nanoparticle assemblies and separately, nanoparticle characterizations with dielectrophoresis and electrorotation [2-5], did not systematically explore particle size, dielectric properties (permittivity and electrical conductivity), shell thickness, particle concentration, medium conductivity, and frequency. This work is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to systematically examine these dielectrophoretic properties for core-shell nanoparticles. Further, we conduct a parametric fitting to traditional core-shell models. These biocompatible core-shell nanoparticles were studied to fill a knowledge gap in the DEP field. Experimental results (chapter 5) first examine medium conductivity, size and shell material dependencies of dielectrophoretic behaviors of spherical CSnp into 2D and 3D particle-assemblies. Chitosan (amino sugar) and poly-L-lysine (amino acid, PLL) CSnp shell materials were custom synthesized around a hollow (gas) core by utilizing a phospholipid micelle around a volatile fluid templating for the shell material; this approach proves to be novel and distinct from conventional core-shell models wherein a conductive core is coated with an insulative shell. Experiments were conducted within a 100 nl chamber housing 100 um wide Ti/Au quadrapole electrodes spaced 25 um apart. Frequencies from 100kHz to 80MHz at fixed local field of 5Vpp were tested with 10-5 and 10-3 S/m medium conductivities for 25 seconds. Dielectrophoretic responses of ~220 and 340(or ~400) nm chitosan or PLL CSnp were compiled as a function of medium conductivity, size and shell material.


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Dielectrophoresis—the tendency of a material of high dielectric permittivity to migrate in an electrical field gradient to a region of maximum field strength—provides an ideal motive force for manipulating small volumes of biological analytes in microfluidic microsystems. The work described in this thesis was based on the hypothesis that dielectrophoresis could be exploited to provide high-resolution cell separations in microsystems as well as a means for the electrically-controllable manipulation of solid supports for molecular analysis. To this end, a dielectrophoretic/gravitational field-flow-fractionation (DEP/G-FFF) system was developed and the separation performance evaluated using various types and sizes of polystyrene microspheres as model particles. It was shown that separation of the polystyrene beads was based on the differences in their effective dielectrophoretic properties. The ability of an improved DEP/G-FFF system to separate genetically identical, but phenotypically dissimilar cell types was demonstrated using mixtures of 6m2 mutant rat kidney cells grown under transforming and non-transforming culture conditions. Additionally, a panel of engineered dielectric microspheres was designed with specific, predetermined dielectrophoretic properties such that their dielectrophoretic behaviors would be controllable and predictable. The fabrication method involved the use of gold-coated polystyrene microsphere cores coated with a self-assembled monolayer of alkanethiol and, optionally, a self-assembled monolayer of phospholipid to form a thin-insulating-shell-over-conductive-interior structure. The successful development of the DEP/G-FFF separation system and the dielectrically engineered microspheres provides proof-of-principle demonstrations of enabling dielectrophoresis-based microsystem technology that should provide powerful new methods for the manipulation, separation and identification of analytes in many diverse fields. ^


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Type 1 diabetes affects over 108,000 children, and this number is steadily increasing. Current insulin therapies help manage the disease but are not a cure. Over a child’s lifetime they can develop kidney disease, blindness, cardiovascular disease and many other issues due to the complications of type 1 diabetes. This autoimmune disease destroys beta cells located in the pancreas, which are used to regulate glucose levels in the body. Because there is no cure and many children are affected by the disease there is a need for alternative therapeutic options that can lead to a cure. Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) are an important cell source for stem cell therapeutics due to their differentiation capacity, self-renewal, and trophic activity. hMSCs are readily available in the bone marrow, and act as an internal repair system within the body, and they have been shown to differentiate into insulin producing cells. However, after isolation hMSCs are a heterogeneous cell population, which requires secondary processing. To resolve the heterogeneity issue hMSCs are separated using fluorescent- and magnetic-activate cell sorting with antigen labeling. These techniques are efficient but reduce cell viability after separation due to the cell labeling. Therefore, to make hMSCs more readily available for type 1 diabetes therapeutics, they should be separated without diminishing there functional capabilities. Dielectrophoresis is an alternative separation technique that has the capability to separated hMSCs. This dissertation uses dielectrophoresis to characterize the dielectric properties of hMSCs. The goal is to use hMSCs dielectric signature as a separation criteria rather than the antigen labeling implemented with FACS and MACS. DEP has been used to characterize other cell systems, and is a viable separation technique for hMSCs.


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This work examined a new method of detecting small water filled cracks in underground insulation ('water trees') using data from commecially available non-destructive testing equipment. A testing facility was constructed and a computer simulation of the insulation designed in order to test the proposed ageing factor - the degree of non-linearity. This was a large industry-backed project involving an ARC linkage grant, Ergon Energy and the University of Queensland, as well as the Queensland University of Technology.


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Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) is usually considered as a dielectric material and the PDMS microchannel wall can be treated as an electrically insulated boundary in an applied electric field. However, in certain layouts of microfluidic networks, electrical leakage through the PDMS microfluidic channel walls may not be negligible, which must be carefully considered in the microfluidic circuit design. In this paper, we report on the experimental characterization of the electrical leakage current through PDMS microfluidic channel walls of different configurations. Our numerical and experimental studies indicate that for tens of microns thick PDMS channel walls, electrical leakage through the PDMS wall could significantly alter the electrical field in the main channel. We further show that we can use the electrical leakage through the PDMS microfluidic channel wall to control the electrolyte flow inside the microfluidic channel and manipulate the particle motion inside the microfluidic channel. More specifically, we can trap individual particles at different locations inside the microfluidic channel by balancing the electroosmotic flow and the electrophoretic migration of the particle.


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Recent studies show that carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can be used as temperature sensors, and offer great opportunities towards extreme miniaturization, high sensitivity, low power consumption, and rapid response. Previous CNT based temperature sensors are fabricated by either dielectrophoresis or piece-wise alignment of read-out electronics around randomly dispersed CNTs. We introduce a new deterministic and parallel microsensor fabrication method based on the self-assembly of CNTs into three-dimensional microbridges. We fabricated prototype microbridge sensors on patterned electrodes, and found their sensitivity to be better than -0.1 %/K at temperatures between 300K and 420K. This performance is comparable to previously published CNT based temperature sensors. Importantly, however, our research shows how unique sensor architectures can be made by self-assembly, which can be achieved using batch processing rather than piecewise assembly. ©2010 IEEE.


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碳纳米管(Carbon nanotube,CNT)由于独特的纳米结构以及优异的物理、化学特性,在纳米器件领域具有广阔的应用前景。有效的CNT的操控与装配方法对于其在上述领域的研究应用是至关重要的。为此,本文在分析非均匀电场条件下CNT所受介电泳(Dielectrophoresis,DEP)力模型的基础上,构建了基于DEP力的CNT装配实验系统。本文进行了多壁碳纳米管(MWNTs)的装配实验;并测试了MWCNTs束的电特性。


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自碳纳米管(Carbon nanotube,CNT)被发明以来,研究者就对CNT所表现出来的优异的物理、化学以及电学特性产生了浓厚的兴趣。近年来,CNT基纳米器件的研究取得了重要进展。特别是利用半导体性CNT制造的碳纳米管场效应晶体管(Carbon nanotube field effect transistor,CNT-FET),在化学传感器以及生物传感器等领域表现出了巨大的应用潜力。为此,本文首先介绍了目前CNT-FET制造方法的研究现状。对基于介电泳(Dielectrophoresis,DEP)的CNT-FET制造方法进行了系统分析,构建了基于DEP方法可实现碳纳米管场效应晶体管的自动化装配的微滴定实验系统。本文进行的CNT-FET装配实验,证明了该系统的有效性。


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Esta tese relata estudos de síntese, caracterização da estrutura e das propriedades de fotoluminescência e aplicações de nanotubos e nanobastonetes de óxidos de lantanídeos em pontas para microscopia de força atómica, catálise heterogénea e compósitos de base polimérica. Há um interesse crescente em compreender como o confinamento quântico decorrente da redução do tamanho de partícula pode influenciar a eficiência da luminescência, a dinâmica dos estados excitados, a transferência de energia e os efeitos de termalização de nanoluminóforos. Em nanocristais dopados com lantanídeos (Ln3+), e apesar da localização dos estados 4f, ocorrem efeitos de confinamento quântico via interacção com os modos vibracionais da rede. Em particular, a termalização anómala, descrita para uma variedade de nanocristais dopados com Ln3+, tem sido atribuída à ausência de modos vibracionais de menor frequência. Este nanoconfinamento pode ter impacto na dinâmica da luminescência, bem como na transferência de energia mediada por modos vibracionais e processos de upconversion. Nesta tese, relata-se o estudo deste efeito em nanotubos de Gd2O3:Eu3+. A influência de parâmetros como a concentração de európio e as condições de calcinação também foi investigada. Algumas aplicações destes óxidos de lantanídeos também foram exploradas, nomeadamente a modificação de pontas usadas em microscopia de força atómica com nanobastonetes de Gd2O3:Eu3+, lograda através de dielectroforese, técnica que não degrada a emissão de luz (rendimento quântico 0.47). As pontas modificadas são estáveis sob condições de trabalho, podendo ser aplicadas, por exemplo, em microscopia óptica de varrimento de campo próximo (SNOM). A oxidação em fase líquida do etilbenzendo foi investigada usando como catalisador nanotubos de CeO2, em presença dos oxidantes hidroperóxido de t-butilo e H2O2, e do solvente acetonitrilo, e temperaturas entre 55 e 105 ºC. Nanobastonetes de Gd2O3:Eu3+ recobertos com sílica foram preparados pelo método sol-gel. Esta cobertura resultou num aumento, quer do rendimento quântico de emissão, de 0.51 para 0.86 (excitação a 255 nm), quer dos tempos de vida,de 1.43 para 1.80 ms (excitação a 394.4 nm). A superfície dos nanotubos cobertos com sílica foi modificada com o agente de acoplamento metacrilato de 3-(trimetoxissilil)propilo que permitiu a preparação de compósitos através da subsequente polimerização in-situ do estireno por técnicas de miniemulsão e solução. ABSTRACT: This thesis reports on the synthesis, characterisation of the structure and photoluminescence properties, and applications of nanotubes and nanorods of lanthanides oxides in atomic force microscopy tips, heterogeneous catalysis and polymer-base composites. There is a growing interest in understanding how size-dependent quantum confinement affects the photoluminescence efficiency, excited-state dynamics, energy-transfer and thermalisation phenomena in nanophosphors. For lanthanide (Ln3+)-doped nanocrystals, and despite the localisation of the 4f states, confinement effects are induced mostly via electron-phonon interactions. In particular, the anomalous thermalisation reported for a handful of Ln3+-doped nanocrystals has been rationalised by the absence of lowfrequency phonon modes. This nanoconfinement may further impact on the Ln3+ luminescence dynamics, such as phonon-assisted energy transfer or upconversion processes. Here, this effect is investigated in Gd2O3:Eu3+ nanotubes. The influence of parameters such as europium concentration and calcination procedure is also studied. Some applications of these lanthanides oxides have been explored, for instance the modification of atomic force microscopy tips with photoluminescent Gd2O3:Eu3+ nanorods, using dielectrophoresis, a technique which preserves the red emission of the nanorods (quantum yield 0.47). The modified tips are stable under working conditions and may find applications in scanning near-field optical microscopy. The liquid-phase oxidation of ethylbenzene over CeO2 nanotubes has been investigated, using tert-butyl-hydroperoxide and H2O2 as the oxidising agents, and acetonitrile as the solvent, in the range 55-105 ºC. Gd2O3:Eu3+ nanorods have been coated with silica via a sol-gel approach. The silica coating increases both, the Eu3+ absolute emission quantum yields from 0.51 to 0.86 (255 nm excitation), and decay times from 1.43 to 1.80 ms (394.4 nm excitation). The silica coating was modified with 3- (trimethoxysilyl) propyl methacrylate and, subsequently, composites have been prepared by in-situ radical polymerisation of styrene via miniemulsion and solution routes.


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This work presents detailed numerical calculations of the dielectrophoretic force in octupolar traps designed for single-cell trapping. A trap with eight planar electrodes is studied for spherical and ellipsoidal particles using an indirect implementation of the boundary element method (BEM). Multipolar approximations of orders one to three are compared with the full Maxwell stress tensor (MST) calculation of the electrical force on spherical particles. Ellipsoidal particles are also studied, but in their case only the dipolar approximation is available for comparison with the MST solution. The results show that the full MST calculation is only required in the study of non-spherical particles.


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This paper presents the development and experimental analysis of a dielectrophoresis (DEP) system, which is used for the manipulation and separation of microparticles in liquid flow. The system is composed of arrays of microelectrodes integrated to a microchannel. Novel curved microelectrodes are symmetrically placed with respect to the centre of the microchannel with a minimum gap of 40 mm. Computational fluid dynamics method is utilised to characterise the DEP field and predict the dynamics of particles. The performance of the system is assessed with microspheres of 1, 5 and 12 mm diameters. When a high-frequency potential is applied to microelectrodes a spatially varying electric field is induced in the microchannel, which creates the DEP force. Negative-DEP behaviour is observed with particles being repelled from the microelectrodes. The particles of different dimensions experience different DEP forces and thus settle to separate equilibrium zones across the microchannel. Experiments demonstrate the capability of the system as a field flow fraction tool for sorting microparticles according to their dimensions and dielectric properties.


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The separation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and polystyrene microparticles using a dielectrophoresis (DEP) system is presented. The DEP system consists of arrays of parallel microelectrodes patterned on a glass substrate. The performance of the system is evaluated by means of numerical simulations. The MWCNTs demonstrate a positive DEP behaviour and can be trapped at the regions of high electric field. However, the polystyrene microparticles demonstrate a negative DEP behaviour at a certain range of frequencies and migrate to the regions of low electric field. Experiments are performed on the microparticles at the frequencies between 100 Hz and 1 MHz to estimate their crossover frequency and select the range of separation frequencies. Further, experiments are conducted at the obtained range of separation frequencies to separate the MWCNTs and polystyrene microparticles.