953 resultados para Didactic sequences


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The integration of research in teaching practices assumes increasing importance and complexity in education. One aspect involved in this issue and poorly investigated is the training of teachers for the development of research linked with their practices. In this context, we present a training for research developed on a distance-learning course in the Science Teaching, which involves the design, implementation and analysis of didactic sequences: the Study Guide to the Initiation of the Term Paper (SGITP). Our research goal is to present a training proposal produced from the results collected from a survey of the literature of the area, and to investigate its application and its results in the teachers' continuing education program. Using data extracted from the production of students and tutors, we concluded that SGITP had a good acceptance among them and it was positively evaluated by teachers, in addition to promoting a greater understanding of research.


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The aim was to investigate the difficulties and limits of four future mathematics teachers to conduct classes in regencies approach of problem solving. Based on participation in a course this approach, undergraduates elaborated three didactic sequences, which were taught by the activity of conducting classroom discipline Supervised Curricular Training. After this work, participated in an individual interview to report what had developed in classroom. The results showed difficulties in the following aspects: in the elaboration of didactic sequences; in providing an environment for discussion of resolution strategies students. Furthermore, the data analysis showed limits related: the lack of space at the school teacher to allow implementation of lessons developed; lack of basic mathematical knowledge of the students.


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Meaningful learning occurs when new knowledge to be aggregated are grounded in other students already possess. In preparing didactic sequences for teaching concepts, one should take into account these concepts and knowledge to produce more effective and lasting learning, and build new concepts that will become subsumes for subsequent learning. This research was developed in a subproject linked to institutional Scholarship Program Initiation to Teaching (PIBID) of a Universidade Estadual Paulista. The proposal is based on the articulation of the Public School and the University, strengthening the initial training of undergraduates, and continued teacher network, improving the quality of education. The proposed work is based on interdisciplinary research and teaching by investigation. Undergraduates in Biology, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry jointly propose interdisciplinary teaching activities and investigative applied to high school students of Public School partner. To survey the views of these students on the theme Water, they were asked to draw up an essay entitled "The importance of water", with the aim of organizing information for planning a teaching strategy that articulates the disciplines of training of undergraduates. In this paper we present a qualitative analysis of these essays, performed based on content analysis. The analysis allowed to identify existing concepts in students' cognitive structure and classify them into adequate and inadequate compared to scientifically accepted concepts. Several misconceptions were raised indicating the need to produce didactic sequences that in addition to working the concepts presented in the curriculum of disciplines take into consideration the possibility of more meaningful learning. This research produced the elucidation of existing concepts, indicating where deficiencies were larger. One major contribution was the realization that concepts that may be considered by teachers as simple and already acquired by the students often come so misguided in their explanations. From the results obtained, integrated activities have been planned and implemented, and more relevant to the needs of students aiming to recover and enrich the knowledge they possessed, encouraging the use of scientific concepts and their application to daily living situations.


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Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC


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El siguiente trabajo pretende realizar un análisis cualitativo de algunas de las propuestas virtuales en internet para la enseñanza de la historia reciente en las escuelas secundarias de la provincia de Buenos Aires. La implementación del Programa "Conectar Igualdad" en las escuelas argentinas no sólo interpeló a los docentes a modificar sus prácticas de enseñanza, sino que llevó a que los estudiantes revisen sus estrategias de aprendizaje generando un paquete de actividades en la Web y articulando múltiples y variados recursos para la enseñanza que están al alcance de todos. Sin embargo, no todos los materiales que se encuentran disponibles son revisados y pertinentes para utilizarlos en las escuelas, sino que deben ser analizados y adecuados a las características de los contextos de implementación


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A partir de una breve presentación de los trabajos realizados por el grupo GREAL en la línea de establecer relaciones entre el uso y los conocimientos lingüísticos, el artículo se centra en la investigación realizada sobre la interacción oral para la composición escrita en colaboración. La producción de textos en grupo se encuadra en el modelo de secuencia didáctica (SD), desarrollado y experimentado por los autores para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la composición escrita, cuyas características se describen sucintamente. En este marco se presentan, ejemplifican y analizan los conceptos de texto intentado (Ti), en contraposición al texto escrito (Te), y de reformulación como constructos teórico-metodológicos aptos para la interpretación de las operaciones y factores sociocognitivos que intervienen en los procesos de escritura y también para analizar la actividad lingüística y metalingüística de los participantes en la actividad de composición escrita. La aplicación de los instrumentos de análisis citados ofrece información relevante sobre: a) las operaciones de planificación, textualización y revisión durante el proceso de elaboración del texto; b) las posibles causas de las modificaciones que experimenta el texto a lo largo del proceso: mecanismos de cohesión textual, posición enunciativa, corrección normativa y adecuación de los escritos. Permite, asimismo, avanzar la hipótesis que la elaboración de textos en colaboración contribuye a potenciar la actividad metalingüística y el aprendizaje.


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El siguiente trabajo pretende realizar un análisis cualitativo de algunas de las propuestas virtuales en internet para la enseñanza de la historia reciente en las escuelas secundarias de la provincia de Buenos Aires. La implementación del Programa "Conectar Igualdad" en las escuelas argentinas no sólo interpeló a los docentes a modificar sus prácticas de enseñanza, sino que llevó a que los estudiantes revisen sus estrategias de aprendizaje generando un paquete de actividades en la Web y articulando múltiples y variados recursos para la enseñanza que están al alcance de todos. Sin embargo, no todos los materiales que se encuentran disponibles son revisados y pertinentes para utilizarlos en las escuelas, sino que deben ser analizados y adecuados a las características de los contextos de implementación


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A partir de una breve presentación de los trabajos realizados por el grupo GREAL en la línea de establecer relaciones entre el uso y los conocimientos lingüísticos, el artículo se centra en la investigación realizada sobre la interacción oral para la composición escrita en colaboración. La producción de textos en grupo se encuadra en el modelo de secuencia didáctica (SD), desarrollado y experimentado por los autores para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la composición escrita, cuyas características se describen sucintamente. En este marco se presentan, ejemplifican y analizan los conceptos de texto intentado (Ti), en contraposición al texto escrito (Te), y de reformulación como constructos teórico-metodológicos aptos para la interpretación de las operaciones y factores sociocognitivos que intervienen en los procesos de escritura y también para analizar la actividad lingüística y metalingüística de los participantes en la actividad de composición escrita. La aplicación de los instrumentos de análisis citados ofrece información relevante sobre: a) las operaciones de planificación, textualización y revisión durante el proceso de elaboración del texto; b) las posibles causas de las modificaciones que experimenta el texto a lo largo del proceso: mecanismos de cohesión textual, posición enunciativa, corrección normativa y adecuación de los escritos. Permite, asimismo, avanzar la hipótesis que la elaboración de textos en colaboración contribuye a potenciar la actividad metalingüística y el aprendizaje.


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El siguiente trabajo pretende realizar un análisis cualitativo de algunas de las propuestas virtuales en internet para la enseñanza de la historia reciente en las escuelas secundarias de la provincia de Buenos Aires. La implementación del Programa "Conectar Igualdad" en las escuelas argentinas no sólo interpeló a los docentes a modificar sus prácticas de enseñanza, sino que llevó a que los estudiantes revisen sus estrategias de aprendizaje generando un paquete de actividades en la Web y articulando múltiples y variados recursos para la enseñanza que están al alcance de todos. Sin embargo, no todos los materiales que se encuentran disponibles son revisados y pertinentes para utilizarlos en las escuelas, sino que deben ser analizados y adecuados a las características de los contextos de implementación


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A partir de una breve presentación de los trabajos realizados por el grupo GREAL en la línea de establecer relaciones entre el uso y los conocimientos lingüísticos, el artículo se centra en la investigación realizada sobre la interacción oral para la composición escrita en colaboración. La producción de textos en grupo se encuadra en el modelo de secuencia didáctica (SD), desarrollado y experimentado por los autores para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la composición escrita, cuyas características se describen sucintamente. En este marco se presentan, ejemplifican y analizan los conceptos de texto intentado (Ti), en contraposición al texto escrito (Te), y de reformulación como constructos teórico-metodológicos aptos para la interpretación de las operaciones y factores sociocognitivos que intervienen en los procesos de escritura y también para analizar la actividad lingüística y metalingüística de los participantes en la actividad de composición escrita. La aplicación de los instrumentos de análisis citados ofrece información relevante sobre: a) las operaciones de planificación, textualización y revisión durante el proceso de elaboración del texto; b) las posibles causas de las modificaciones que experimenta el texto a lo largo del proceso: mecanismos de cohesión textual, posición enunciativa, corrección normativa y adecuación de los escritos. Permite, asimismo, avanzar la hipótesis que la elaboración de textos en colaboración contribuye a potenciar la actividad metalingüística y el aprendizaje.


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Esta investigação, de natureza qualitativa, visou conhecer as concepções e práticas de professores dos anos iniciais sobre o ensino de ciências e promover reflexões sobre tal ensino. O trabalho teve como base o Processo de Reflexão Orientada (PRO), uma estratégia para o desenvolvimento profissional a partir do enfoque de questões da prática docente. As questões de investigação foram: Como professores dos anos iniciais concebem, refletem, planejam e realizam o ensino de Ciências? E como refletem e realizam o ensino de Ciências a partir de um Processo de Reflexão Orientado (PRO)? E, ainda, como, a partir de um Processo de Reflexão Orientado (PRO) para professores dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental avaliam o seu próprio desenvolvimento profissional? Os dados foram obtidos a partir de questionários, entrevistas, planejamentos escritos e de vídeogravações dos encontros e de aulas ministradas. A análise dos dados foi feita a partir da análise de conteúdo. As ideias manifestadas pelas professoras sobre ensino de ciências foram classificadas dentro de uma abordagem oscilando entre cognitivista e sócio-cultural. Seus modelos didáticos revelaram ideias pouco consistentes sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, com pouca coerência em relação a modelos de orientação construtivista. Cada professora propôs uma sequência de ensino visando alcançar graus mais complexos. As sequências foram discutidas, novas reflexões foram realizadas e reelaborações foram propostas. As aulas desenvolvidas evidenciaram um progresso de Lívia com relação à participação dos alunos, com a proposição de uma situação-problema, da consideração das ideias prévias dos alunos, embora apresentasse ainda dificuldade de promover uma discussão orientada, que pudesse favorecer a argumentação dos alunos e a compreensão do fenômeno. Já, nas aulas de Roberta observaram-se atividades que privilegiaram a participação dos alunos. Nas aulas das duas professoras ficaram evidentes a proposição de um problema e a sistematização do conhecimento, a partir da elaboração de sínteses orais e escritas e da apresentação para outras classes. Embora as professoras valorizassem o ensino de ciências e a participação ativa das crianças, havia dificuldades para a realização de aulas de ciências por investigação, pois não consideravam a problematização, a exploração das ideias dos alunos, a sistematização do conhecimento e as explicações científicas. O processo de reflexão orientada (PRO) mostrou ser uma estratégia importante para o desenvolvimento profissional dessas professoras, possibilitando reflexões significativas sobre a própria prática, bem como a tomada de consciência de uma nova sistematização das ações docentes, com vistas a uma atuação mais eficaz para promover o ensino de Ciências por investigação.


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Reading is a activity of paramount importance in the life of every human being, since this practice is essential condition for the exercise of citizenship. Therefore, it is through reading that the student has access to the knowledge that part of the world around him. However, given the complexity involved in the process of learning to read, teach students to read is not an easy task because often they do not acquire the skills necessary to understand the texts. According to this view, the present study focuses on an educational intervention who aim at contribut to the development of reading competence of students in 6th grade "U" of the State School Senador José Bernardo, in São João do Sabugi - RN. The activities which were of that intervention process were conducted in Portuguese Language classroom and developed through didactic sequences drawn from reading strategies, based on the genres tale and news, since students had serious problems with regard to reading comprehension. Given the importance of meeting the aforementioned difficulty, we seek to develop a proposal for interactive reading activities through genres as a language of social practices, whose goal aimed read to understand and make sense of texts. This intervention proposal falls under the Applied Linguistics and to perform it, were taken as a basis some theories focused on the notion of language as sociointerativa practice, such as studies of Bakhtin (2006, 2011), Bronckart (2012) and targeted contributions to the teaching of reading activity, including, Solé (1998), Oliveira (2010), Kleiman (2013), Leffa (1996, 1999), Silveira (2005). Discussions about genres followed the studies of Bakhtin (2011), Marcuschi (2008), as well as other theoretical; the didactic sequences were constructed from Bronckart (2012), Dolz; Noverraz; Schneuwly (2013) and, with regard to the teaching of Portuguese Language, the guidelines were adopted contained in PCN / LP (1998), as well as in Antunes (2003, 2009) and other authors. The results showed that students in the 6th grade increased their understanding capacity of the read texts, by implementing the didactic and pedagogical actions, thereby acquiring the reading competence they needed to keep learning.


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Like numerous other mini ficçion genres, the Flash fiction is configured as a concise and brief genre, but it can still preserve some elements of the traditional tale, such as: narrator, space-temporal unit, characters and plot. For some authors, the emergence of this genre is strictly connected to the speed and diversity of forms of communication in the current social context, that require the reader other skills in addition to reading and writing. Considering the importance of these skills in a literate society and recognizing this genre as potentially effective tool for the development of literacy, this research has as objective to describe the development and implications of didactic sequence directed the literacy practices with the Flash fiction genre. Thus, the research becomes effective in an elementary school vespertine class in 9th grade from Escola Estadual Dr. José Gonçalves de Medeiros, located in the city of Acari-RN. As theoretical assumptions, it will be used fundamentals from Literacy Studies as social practice, especially that ones discussed by the writings Kleiman (1995), Hamilton (2000), Soares (2012), Mortatti (2004) and Rojo (2012). To subsidize the literary literacy, it will be used the theoretical contibutions of Borges (2000), Candido (2004), Pinheiro (2001) and Silva e Silveira (2013). In what relates to the study about the storytellers, it was taken by support the postulates of Gotlib (2006), Bosi (1997), Cortázar (1999), Talbot (2002), Poe (s/d), Luzia de Maria (2004), as well as studies by researchers and writers as Spalding (2007; 2008; 2011), George (2007), Freire (2004) and Trevisan (1994), among others who are dedicated to study Flash fiction. In the methodological field, the proposed perspective anchors itself in an action-researching guidelines (MOREIRA; CALEFFE, 2006) and in the approach of a qualitative data (BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1994), since it talks to interpretation of diagnosed situation, implementation of intervention actions organized in didactic sequence (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2004; BARROS; RIVERS-registry, 2014), including description and evaluation of results achieved from the implementation of such actions. The discussions generated indicate that the work with Flash ficition, developed by means of didactic sequences, contributes to the reflection on teaching strategies of Portuguese, used to prepare the students to meet the demands of reading and writing of contemporary society.


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The little interest in reading and the large presence of deviations in writing observed in the texts of students of the 5th grade of a public school in RN, led us to question the motives of this problem. Thus, the idea to organize and develop teaching sequences with a variety of possibilities of reading and production through the text genres. The practice with the textual genres in elementary school extends the use of reading and writing and improves the quality of learning. In this way, the school, as one of the most active spheres in social practices of the language, we justify this work with the use of text genres as facilitators for teaching and learning the mother tongue. For this purpose, we draw as the main objective to talk about the work with textual genres from the development of didactic sequences, as well as encourage students to take a more reflexive attitude toward language and its uses, as discursive social practices. The development of the study with the text genres was made through the application of didactic sequences in the school context of elementary school classes, from 5th grade. Specifically were chosen, the letter, note, music, poetry, fable and the tale. The study is anchored in the reflections of the following theorists and researchers: Bakhtin (2011), Miller (1994), Marcuschi (2008) and Bronckart (1999) on the text genres; Marcuschi (2005) and Dolz and Schneuwly (2004) that approve a teaching-learning proposal focused on textual genres, giving a meaning to language in the construction of the knowledge and Dolz and Schneuwly (2004) regarding the didactic sequence; other theoretical orientations: PCN (1998), Lerner (2005), among others. The methodology followed the action research guidelines, in a qualitative approach perspective. The instruments of research included questionnaire, observations, readings and productions. The results pointed the students' interest in relation to the activities developed in the didactic sequences and consequently improvement in the students‘ own writings. In this sense, we reiterate the need to contamplate in the teaching activities the diversity of texts and genres and, not only due to its social relevance, therefore the student should be able to use the language in various way and adapt their texts to situations of oral and written interlocution.