966 resultados para Diagnosis-Related Groups.


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RESUMO - A doença arterial periférica (DAP) apresenta uma carga de doença significativa, afetando cerca de 3 a 10% da população em geral e 15 a 20% dos indivíduos com idade superior a 70 anos. A sua prevalência em Portugal foi estimada em cerca de 5,9% no continente; 6,6% na Região Autónoma dos Açores (RAA) e 3,8% na Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM). Para além da importante carga de doença, quer em termos epidemiológicos, quer económicos, a DAP confere aos seus portadores um risco cardiovascular agravado, sendo que os mesmos apresentam cerca do triplo do risco de mortalidade e de eventos cardiovasculares quando comparados com indivíduos sem DAP. Tratou-se de um estudo observacional, transversal e descritivo tendo como base duas populações de estudo. A primeira é referente aos hospitais do Serviço Nacional de Saúde (SNS) com a valência de cirurgia vascular e a segunda à população portuguesa com episódios de internamento por diagnóstico de DAP dos membros inferiores (MI) nos anos de 2013 e 2014 na totalidade dos hospitais do SNS. Através da análise dos resultados do questionário procedeu-se à descrição de algumas das características dos serviços e unidades de cirurgia vascular de sete hospitais do SNS; através da análise da base de dados dos GDH para os anos de 2013 e 2014 procedeu-se à caracterização do peso do internamento por DAP dos membros inferiores a nível nacional no mesmo período. A DAP tem uma carga significativa e atendendo aos seus fatores de risco e história natural da doença, apresenta uma tendência crescente durante os próximos anos, representando por isso um enorme desafio para os sistemas de saúde. São, no entanto, necessários estudos mais aprofundados sobre o tema que permitam conhecer melhor o peso desta patologia e, de forma global, melhorar o planeamento, tendo por base a caracterização quer do lado da procura (dados epidemiológicos e peso no internamento), quer da oferta (capacidade instalada).


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Un premier exercice avait proposé un regroupement des diagnostics pour la planification des lits. Ce regroupement avait été établi empiriquement sur une base de données provenant des hôpitaux de zone vaudois (1983-1984). Lorsqu'il s'est agi d'appliquer cette grille au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), il est rapidement apparu que la structure de la clientèle d'un tel hôpital rendait indispensable le remaniement de la grille descriptive. C'est l'objet du présent cahier... [Auteurs]


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Le présent cahier documente les différents programmes informatiques nécessaires à l'adaptation suisse des DRG.


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On 1 January 2012 Swiss Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG), a new uniform payment system for in-patients was introduced in Switzerland with the intention to replace a "cost-based" with a "case-based" reimbursement system to increase efficiency. With the introduction of the new payment system we aim to answer questions raised regarding length of stay as well as patients' outcome and satisfaction. This is a prospective, two-centre observational cohort study with data from University Hospital Basel and the Cantonal Hospital Aarau, Switzerland, from January to June 2011 and 2012, respectively. Consecutive in-patients with the main diagnosis of either community-acquired pneumonia, exacerbation of COPD, acute heart failure or hip fracture were included. A questionnaire survey was sent out after discharge investigating changes before and after SwissDRG implementation. Our primary endpoint was LOS. Of 1,983 eligible patients 841 returned the questionnaire and were included into the analysis (429 in 2011, 412 in 2012). The median age was 76.7 years (50.8% male). Patients in the two years were well balanced in regard to main diagnoses and co-morbidities. Mean LOS in the overall patient population was 10.0 days and comparable between the 2011 cohort and the 2012 cohort (9.7 vs 10.3; p = 0.43). Overall satisfaction with care changed only slightly after introduction of SwissDRG and remained high (89.0% vs 87.8%; p = 0.429). Investigating the influence of the implementation of SwissDRG in 2012 regarding LOS patients' outcome and satisfaction, we found no significant changes. However, we observed some noteworthy trends, which should be monitored closely.


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Introducción Los Grupos Relacionados de Diagnóstico (GRD) se han usado para determinar la calidad de la atención en varios sistemas de salud. Esto ha llevado a que se obtengan resultados en el mejoramiento continuo de la atención y del cuidado. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar desenlaces clínicos de los pacientes a quienes se les había realizado reemplazo de articulares según la complejidad clínica definida mediante GRD. Métodos Se realizó un estudio longitudinal descriptivo en el cual se incluyeron todos los pacientes que tuvieron cirugía de reemplazo total de hombro, cadera y rodilla entre 2012 y 2014. Se realizó la estratificación de los pacientes de acuerdo a tres niveles de complejidad dados por el sistema de GRD y se determinaron las proporciones de pacientes para las variables de estancia hospitalaria, enfermedad trombo-embólica, cardiovascular e infección del sitio operatorio. Resultados Se realizaron en total 886 reemplazos articulares de los cuales 40 (4.5%) presentaron complicaciones. Los eventos más frecuentes fueron las complicaciones coronarias, con una presencia de 2.4%. El GRD1, sin complicaciones ni comorbilidades, fue el que presentó mayor número de eventos. La estancia hospitalaria fue de 3.8 a 9.3 días para todos los reemplazos. Conclusiones Contrario a lo planteado en la hipótesis de estudio, se encontró que el primer GRD presentó el mayor número de complicaciones, lo que puede estar relacionado con el tamaño del grupo. Es necesario realizar nuevas investigaciones que soporten el uso de los GRD como herramienta para evaluar desenlaces clínicos.


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Objectives: To undertake a cost–benefit analysis of ‘Stay on Your Feet’, a community-based falls prevention program targeting older people at all levels of risk in New South Wales, Australia. Hospital separations were monitored in the intervention region, a control region and for the state of New South Wales as a whole. Changing admission patterns over the intervention period were used to assess the impact of the program.

Methods: Cost–benefit analysis compared the costs of the program with two estimates of savings from avoided hospital admissions. The first compared the cost of hospital admissions in the intervention region to a control region of similar demographics, while the second compared hospital utilization in the intervention region with the state of New South Wales as a whole using falls-related hospital diagnosis related group (DRG) codes.

: The total direct costs of the program were estimated at A$781 829. Both methods identified clear overall net benefits ranging from A$5.4 million for avoided hospitalizations alone to A$16.9 million for all avoided direct and indirect costs. The confidence intervals around these estimates were small. The average overall benefit to cost ratio for the intervention as a whole was 20.6:1.

: These findings suggest that well-designed community-based interventions targeting falls prevention among older people are highly cost effective and a wise investment for all levels of government. The models used are conservative and are likely to underestimate the real benefit of the intervention, which may have lasted for some time beyond the life of the program.


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Malnutrition is a debilitating and highly prevalent condition in the acute hospital setting, with Australian and international studies reporting rates of approximately 40%. Malnutrition is associated with many adverse outcomes including depression of the immune system, impaired wound healing, muscle wasting, longer lengths of hospital stay, higher treatment costs and increased mortality. Referral rates for dietetic assessment and treatment of malnourished patients have proven to be suboptimal, thereby increasing the likelihood of developing such aforementioned complications. Nutrition risk screening using a validated tool is a simple technique to rapidly identify patients at risk of malnutrition, and provides a basis for prompt dietetic referrals. In Australia, nutrition screening upon hospital admission is not mandatory, which is of concern knowing that malnutrition remains under-reported and often poorly documented. Unidentified malnutrition not only heightens the risk of adverse complications for patients, but can potentially result in foregone reimbursements to the hospital through casemix-based funding schemes. It is strongly recommended that mandatory nutrition screening be widely adopted in line with published best-practice guidelines to effectively target and reduce the incidence of hospital malnutrition.


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OBJECTIVE: Determine the cost-effectiveness of screening all pregnant women aged 16-25 years for chlamydia compared with selective screening or no screening. DESIGN: Cost effectiveness based on a decision model. SETTING: Antenatal clinics in Australia. SAMPLE: Pregnant women, aged 16-25 years. METHODS: Using clinical data from a previous study, and outcomes data from the literature, we modelled the short-term perinatal (12-month time horizon) incremental direct costs and outcomes from a government (as the primary third-party funder) perspective for chlamydia screening. Costs were derived from the Medicare Benefits Schedule, Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, and average cost-weights reported for hospitalisations classified according to the Australian refined diagnosis-related groups. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Direct costs of screening and managing chlamydia complications, number of chlamydia cases detected and treated, and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were estimated and subjected to sensitivity analyses. RESULTS: Assuming a chlamydia prevalence rate of 3%, screening all antenatal women aged 16-25 years at their first antenatal visit compared with no screening was $34,931 per quality-adjusted life-years gained. Screening all women could result in cost savings when chlamydia prevalence was higher than 11%. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were most sensitive to the assumed prevalence of chlamydia, the probability of pelvic inflammatory disease, the utility weight of a positive chlamydia test and the cost of the chlamydia test and doctor's appointment. CONCLUSION: From an Australian government perspective, chlamydia screening of all women aged 16-25 years old during one antenatal visit was likely to be cost-effective compared with no screening or selective screening, especially with increasing chlamydia prevalence. TWEETABLE ABSTRACT: Chlamydia screening for all pregnant women aged 16-25 years during an antenatal visit is cost effective.


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Background Switzerland introduces a DRG (Diagnosis Related Groups) based system for hospital financing in 2012 in order to increase efficiency and transparency of Swiss health care. DRG-based hospital reimbursement is not simultaneously realized in all Swiss cantons and several cantons already implemented DRG-based financing irrespective of the national agenda, a setting that provides an opportunity to compare the situation in different cantons. Effects of introducing DRGs anticipated for providers and insurers are relatively well known but it remains less clear what effects DRGs will have on served populations. The objective of the study is therefore to analyze differences of volume and major quality indicators of care between areas with or without DRG-based hospital reimbursement from a population based perspective. Methods Small area analysis of all hospitalizations in acute care hospitals and of all consultations reimbursed by mandatory basic health insurance for physicians in own practice during 2003-2007. Results The results show fewer hospitalizations and a relocation of resources to outpatient care in areas with DRG reimbursement. Overall burden of disease expressed as per capita DRG cost weights was almost identical between the two types of hospital reimbursement and no distinct temporal differences were detected in this respect. But the results show considerably higher 90-day rehospitalization rates in DRG areas. Conclusion The study provides evidence of both desired and harmful effects related to the implementation of DRGs. Systematic monitoring of outcomes and quality of care are therefore essential elements to maintain in the Swiss health system after DRG's are implemented on a nationwide basis in 2012.


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Malnutrition in hospital patients is of important medical and economic significance. The adverse consequences of malnutrition on quality of life and many more factors such as morbidity, mortality, tolerance of treatments and length of hospital stay are well documented in the medical literature. Nevertheless, the effects of malnutrition are still often underestimated and hence malnutrition is not recognised as a distinct diagnosis. Moreover, malnutrition is rarely documented in medical reports and often not adequately treated with adverse effects. The reason for this neglectfulness are diverse, e. g. inadequate training of doctors and nurses in clinical nutrition and lack of sensibilisation of the hospital staff for the problem of malnutrition. Therefore, a systematic screening for malnutrition is rarely undertaken in Swiss hospitals. The introduction of the Swiss-DRG system (DRG, diagnosis related groups) in January 2012 gave the chance to boost recording and to document malnutrition in a standardised way in the patient history, and to code precisely malnutrition as a distinct diagnosis. Moreover, this approach allowed to document the specific nutritional therapy. Here, we describe the way of documenting and coding malnutrition in the Swiss-DRG system and the medical and economic consequences of this procedure.


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BACKGROUND Due to the implementation of the diagnosis-related groups (DRG) system, the competitive pressure on German hospitals increased. In this context it has been shown that acute pain management offers economic benefits for hospitals. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the competitive situation, the ownership and the economic resources required on structures and processes for acute pain management. MATERIAL AND METHODS A standardized questionnaire on structures and processes of acute pain management was mailed to the 885 directors of German departments of anesthesiology listed as members of the German Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (DGAI, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin). RESULTS For most hospitals a strong regional competition existed; however, this parameter affected neither the implementation of structures nor the recommended treatment processes for pain therapy. In contrast, a clear preference for hospitals in private ownership to use the benchmarking tool QUIPS (quality improvement in postoperative pain therapy) was found. These hospitals also presented information on coping with the management of pain in the corporate clinic mission statement more often and published information about the quality of acute pain management in the quality reports more frequently. No differences were found between hospitals with different forms of ownership in the implementation of acute pain services, quality circles, expert standard pain management and the implementation of recommended processes. Hospitals with a higher case mix index (CMI) had a certified acute pain management more often. The corporate mission statement of these hospitals also contained information on how to cope with pain, presentation of the quality of pain management in the quality report, implementation of quality circles and the implementation of the expert standard pain management more frequently. There were no differences in the frequency of using the benchmarking tool QUIPS or the implementation of recommended treatment processes with respect to the CMI. CONCLUSION In this survey no effect of the competitive situation of hospitals on acute pain management could be demonstrated. Private ownership and a higher CMI were more often associated with structures of acute pain management which were publicly accessible in terms of hospital marketing.


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An analysis of variation in hospital inpatient charges in the greater Houston area is conducted to determine if there are consistent differences among payers. Differences in charges are examined for 59 Composite Diagnosis Related Groups (CDRGs) and two regression equations estimating charges are specified. Simple comparison of mean charges by diagnostic categories are significantly different for 42 (71 percent) of the 59 categories examined. In 41 of the 42 significant categories, charges to Medicaid were less than charges to private insurers. Meta-analytic statistical techniques yielded a weighted average effect size of $-$0.7198 for the 59 diagnostic categories, indicating an overall effect that Medicaid charges were less than private insurance charges. Results of a multiple regression estimating charges showed that private insurance was a significant independent variable, along with age, length of stay, and hospital variables. Results indicated consistent differential charges in the present analysis. ^


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Objetivos: El objetivo principal del estudio es conocer la estancia media hospitalaria y su variabilidad en relación con el motivo de ingreso, en una unidad de hospitalización de un hospital monográfico de Traumatología. (Unión de Mutuas. Castellón) Metodología: Estudio transversal, descriptivo, basado en datos administrativos, cuya población estuvo formada por todos los individuos que tuvieron algún episodio de hospitalización durante el año 2010, siendo este el criterio de inclusión, por orden cronológico de aparición. Resultados: Se identificaron un total de 736 episodios asistenciales y 133 códigos CIE-9CM. La edad media fue 44 (+/-10) años. El 83,25% de los pacientes fueron varones. El código 836.0 (Desgarro de cartílago o menisco interno de la rodilla-actual) fue el diagnóstico más habitual (12,25%) y la artroscopia la técnica quirúrgica mayoritaria. “Fractura de pelvis” (CIE-9CM 808) resultó el código diagnóstico que presentó mayor estancia media con 25 (+/-9.84) estancias y mayor variabilidad de la misma, seguido de los diagnósticos “Fractura de diáfisis de tibia-cerrada”, “Fractura de diáfisis de tibia/peronéabierta”, “Contusión de múltiples sitios, ncoc” y “Fractura de tibia y peroné”. Conclusiones: Se observa poca variabilidad en la estancia media excepto en los procesos diagnosticados como fractura de pelvis y en los relacionados con fracturas de los miembros inferiores.


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