984 resultados para Dermatan Sulfate


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STRUCTURE OF CUPIENNIUS SALEI VENOM HYALURONIDASE Hyaluronidases are important venom components acting as spreading factor of toxic compounds. In several studies this spreading effect was tested on vertebrate tissue. However, data about the spreading activity on invertebrates, the main prey organisms of spiders, are lacking. Here, a hyaluronidase-like enzyme was isolated from the venom of the spider Cupiennius salei. The amino acid sequence of the enzyme was determined by cDNA analysis of the venom gland transcriptome and confirmed by protein analysis. Two complex N-linked glycans akin to honey bee hyaluronidase glycosylations, were identified by tandem mass spectrometry. A C-terminal EGF-like domain was identified in spider hyaluronidase using InterPro. The spider hyaluronidase-like enzyme showed maximal activity at acidic pH, between 40-60°C, and 0.2 M KCl. Divalent ions did not enhance HA degradation activity, indicating that they are not recruited for catalysis. FUNCTION OF VENOM HYALURONIDASES Besides hyaluronan, the enzyme degrades chondroitin sulfate A, whereas heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate are not affected. The end products of hyaluronan degradation are tetramers, whereas chondroitin sulfate A is mainly degraded to hexamers. Identification of terminal N-acetylglucosamine or N-acetylgalactosamine at the reducing end of the oligomers identified the enzyme as an endo-β-N-acetyl-D-hexosaminidase hydrolase. The spreading effect of the hyaluronidase-like enzyme on invertebrate tissue was studied by coinjection of the enzyme with the Cupiennius salei main neurotoxin CsTx-1 into Drosophila flies. The enzyme significantly enhances the neurotoxic activity of CsTx-1. Comparative substrate degradation tests with hyaluronan, chondroitin sulfate A, dermatan sulfate, and heparan sulfate with venoms from 39 spider species from 21 families identified some spider families (Atypidae, Eresidae, Araneidae and Nephilidae) without activity of hyaluronidase-like enzymes. This is interpreted as a loss of this enzyme and fits quite well the current phylogenetic idea on a more isolated position of these families and can perhaps be explained by specialized prey catching techniques.


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Mucopolysaccharidosis VI (MPS VI) is a lysosomal storage disease with autosomal recessive inheritance caused by a deficiency of the enzyme arylsulfatase B (ASB), which is involved in degradation of dermatan sulfate and chondroitin 4-sulfate. A MPS VI mouse model was generated by targeted disruption of the ASB gene. Homozygous mutant animals exhibit ASB enzyme deficiency and elevated urinary secretion of dermatan sulfate. They develop progressive symptoms resembling those of MPS VI in humans. Around 4 weeks of age facial dysmorphia becomes overt, long bones are shortened, and pelvic and costal abnormalities are observed. Major alterations in bone formation with perturbed cartilaginous tissues in newborns and widened, perturbed, and persisting growth plates in adult animals are seen. All major parenchymal organs show storage of glycosaminoglycans preferentially in interstitial cells and macrophages. Affected mice are fertile and mortality is not elevated up to 15 months of age. This mouse model will be a valuable tool for studying pathogenesis of MPS VI and may help to evaluate therapeutical approaches for lysosomal storage diseases.


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Proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF) is a sulfated glycoprotein produced by cachexia-inducing tumors, which induces atrophy of skeletal muscle. PIF has been shown to bind specifically with high affinity (Kd, in nanomolar) to sarcolemma membranes from skeletal muscle of both the mouse and the pig, as well as murine myoblasts and a human muscle cell line. Ligand binding was abolished after enzymatic deglycosylation, suggesting that binding was mediated through the oligosaccharide chains in PIF. Chondroitin sulfate, but not heparan or dermatan sulfate, showed competitive inhibition (Kd, 1.1 × 10-7 mol/L) of binding of PIF to the receptor, suggesting an interaction with the sulfated oligosaccharide chains. Ligand blotting of [ 35S]PIF to triton solublized membranes from C2C 12 cells provided evidence for a binding protein of apparent M r of ∼40,000. Amino acid sequence analysis showed the PIF receptor to be a DING protein. Antisera reactive to a 19mer from the N-terminal amino acid residues of the binding protein attenuated protein degradation and activation of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway induced by PIF in murine myotubes. In addition, the antisera was highly effective in attenuating the decrease in body weight in mice bearing the MAC16 tumor, with a significant increase in muscle wet weight due to an increase in the rate of protein synthesis, together with a reduction in protein degradation through attenuation of the increased proteasome expression and activity. These results confirm that the PIF binding protein has a functional role in muscle protein atrophy in cachexia and that it represents a potential new therapeutic target. ©2007 American Association for Cancer Research.


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Inflammation is combined of a vascular and a cellular reaction, resulting in different cells and tissue responses, both the intravascular and extravascular environment. As the inflammatory process occurs, coagulation proteases, in particular thrombin (FIIa), are able to initiate various cellular responses in vascular biology and therefore is often observed activation of other biological systems, leading to complications during an event inflammatory, such as thrombosis and angiogenesis. Thus, antagonists molecules of these events are interesting models for the development of novel anti-inflammatory drugs. Thereby, it is worth stressing the glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), which are able to interact with several proteins involved in important biological processes, including inflammation and coagulation. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic and anti-angiogenic potentials, as well anticoagulant of a dermatan sulfate-like GAG (DS) extracted from the Litopenaeus vannamei cephalotorax. The compound was obtained after proteolysis and purification by ion-exchange chromatography. After total digestion by DS-like compounds digesting lyases (chondroitinase ABC), the DS-like nature was revealed, and then called DSL. The shrimp compound showed reduced anticoagulant effect by the aPTT assay, but high anti-IIa activity, directly and through heparin cofactor II. On inflammation, the compound had a significant inhibitory effect with the reduction of proinflammatory cytokines. Potential Inhibitory were reported in the antithrombotic and anti-angiogenic assay, the latter being dose dependent. As for anti-hemostatic activity, the polysaccharides did not induced significant bleeding effect. Thus, the results shown by the shrimp DS-like compound indicate this glycosaminoglycan as a biotechnology target with prospects for the development of new multipotent drugs.


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Sulfated Polysaccharides with unique chemical structures and important biological activities has been found in a diversity of sea invertebrates. For that, to exist a huger interest on the biotechnology field in the research theses sulfated compounds isolated from sea organisms. Despite the privileged brazilian position for these compounds attainment, there are still a few scientific informations about the isolated substances and their biological activities. A head the displayed, the present work has for objectives, to evaluate the pharmacological properties of the glycosaminoglycans isolated from the sea shrimp Litopenaeus schimitti on homeostasis, blood coagulation, leukocytes migration and platelet/leukocyte adhesion. For this, yhe glycosaminoglycans were extracted from crustacean tissues by proteolysis, fractionation with acetone and later submitted to pharmacological assays. The crustacean tissues showed compounds heparin-like, with anticoagulant activity of 45 IU/mg and 90 IU/mg, respectively. These molecules showed low residual hemorrhagic effects in the tested concentration (100 µg/mL), when compared to unfractionated commercial heparin (UFH). Another dermatan sulfate-like compound, predominately constituted for disulfated disaccharides, was isolated from crustacean abdomen. This compound showed an efficient effect on leukocytes migration inhibition, in the concentration of 15 µg/mL, reducing the cellular infiltration in 65% when compared to the controlled animals. In this same concentration, the DS reduced in 60% the protein concentration of the peritoneal exudates. In the concentration, this compound of 0.5 mg/mL, it was capable to reduce in 40% platelet/leukocytes adhesion. Our data demonstrate that these sulfated polysaccharides isolated from the shrimp L. schimitti will can be used as bioactive compounds, appearing as active principles for pharmacological development, anticoagulants and inflammatory response regulators


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The tridecameric Al-polymer [AlO4Al12(OH)24(H2O)12]7+ was prepared by forced hydrolysis of Al3+ up to an OH/Al molar ratio of 2.2. Under slow evaporation crystals were formed of Al13-nitrate. Upon addition of sulfate the tridecamer crystallised as the monoclinic Al13-sulfate. These crystals have been studied using near-infrared spectroscopy and compared to Al2(SO4)3.16H2O. Although the near-infrared spectra of the Al13-sulfate and nitrate are very similar indicating similar crystal structures, there are minor differences related to the strength with which the crystal water molecules are bonded to the salt groups. The interaction between crystal water and nitrate is stronger than with the sulfate as reflected by the shift of the crystal water band positions from 6213, 4874 and 4553 cm–1 for the Al13 sulfate towards 5925, 4848 and 4532 cm–1 for the nitrate. A reversed shift from 5079 and 5037 cm–1 for the sulfate towards 5238 and 5040 cm–1 for the nitrate for the water molecules in the Al13 indicate that the nitrate-Al13 bond is weakened due to the influence of the crystal water on the nitrate. The Al-OH bond in the Al13 complex is not influenced by changing the salt group due to the shielding by the water molecules of the Al13 complex.


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A simple mimetic of a heparan sulfate disaccharide sequence that binds to the growth factors FGF-1 and FGF-2 was synthesized by coupling a 2-azido-2-deoxy-D-glucosyl trichloroacetimidate donor with a 1,6-anhydro-2-azido-2-deoxy--D-glucose acceptor. Both the donor and acceptor were obtained from a common intermediate readily obtained from D-glucal. Molecular docking calculations showed that the predicted locations of the disaccharide sulfo groups in the binding site of FGF-1 and FGF-2 are similar to the positions observed for co-crystallized heparin-derived oligosaccharides obtained from published crystal structures.


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Heparan sulfate mimetics, which we have called the PG500 series, have been developed to target the inhibition of both angiogenesis and heparanase activity. This series extends the technology underpinning PI-88, a mixture of highly sulfated oligosaccharides which reached Phase III clinical development for hepatocellular carcinoma. Advances in the chemistry of the PG500 series provide numerous advantages over PI-88. These new compounds are fully sulfated, single entity oligosaccharides attached to a lipophilic moiety, which have been optimized for drug development. The rational design of these compounds has led to vast improvements in potency compared to PI-88, based on in vitro angiogenesis assays and in vivo tumor models. Based on these and other data, PG545 has been selected as the lead clinical candidate for oncology and is currently undergoing formal preclinical development as a novel treatment for advanced cancer.


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A surface plasmon resonance-based solution affinity assay is described for measuring the Kd of binding of heparin/heparan sulfate-binding proteins with a variety of ligands. The assay involves the passage of a pre-equilibrated solution of protein and ligand over a sensor chip onto which heparin has been immobilised. Heparin sensor chips prepared by four different methods, including biotin–streptavidin affinity capture and direct covalent attachment to the chip surface, were successfully used in the assay and gave similar Kd values. The assay is applicable to a wide variety of heparin/HS-binding proteins of diverse structure and function (e.g., FGF-1, FGF-2, VEGF, IL-8, MCP-2, ATIII, PF4) and to ligands of varying molecular weight and degree of sulfation (e.g., heparin, PI-88, sucrose octasulfate, naphthalene trisulfonate) and is thus well suited for the rapid screening of ligands in drug discovery applications.


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The growth and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells is controlled by various growth factors, the activities of which can be modulated by heparan sulfates. We have previously underscored the necessity of sulfated glycosaminoglycans for the FGF-2-stimulated differentiation of osteoprogenitor cells. Here we show that exogenous application of heparan sulfate to cultures of primary rat MSCs stimulates their proliferation leading to increased expression of osteogenic markers and enhanced bone nodule formation. FGF-2 can also increase the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of rMSCs when applied exogenously during their linear growth. However, as opposed to exogenous HS, the continuous use of FGF-2 during in vitro differentiation completely blocked rMSC mineralization. Furthermore, we show that the effects of both FGF-2 and HS are mediated through FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1) and that inhibition of signaling through this receptor arrests cell growth resulting in the cells being unable to reach the critical density necessary to induce differentiation. Interestingly, blocking FGFR1 signaling in post-confluent osteogenic cultures significantly increased calcium deposition. Taken together our data clearly suggests that FGFR1 signaling plays an important role during osteogenic differentiation, firstly by stimulating cell growth that is closely followed by an inhibitory affect once the cells have reached confluence. It also underlines the importance of HS as a co-receptor for the signaling of endogenous FGF-2 and suggests that purified glycosaminoglycans may be attractive alternatives to growth factors for improved ex vivo growth and differentiation of MSCs.


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This paper explores the potential therapeutic role of the naturally occurring sugar heparan sulfate (HS) for the augmentation of bone repair. Scaffolds comprising fibrin glue loaded with 5 lg of embryonically derived HS were assessed, firstly as a release-reservoir, and secondly as a scaffold to stimulate bone regeneration in a critical size rat cranial defect. We show HS-loaded scaffolds have a uniform distribution of HS, which was readily released with a typical burst phase, quickly followed by a prolonged delivery lasting several days. Importantly, the released HS contributed to improved wound healing over a 3-month period as determined by microcomputed tomography (lCT) scanning, histology, histomorphometry, and PCR for osteogenic markers. In all cases, only minimal healing was observed after 1 and 3 months in the absence of HS. In contrast, marked healing was observed by 3 months following HS treatment, with nearly full closure of the defect site. PCR analysis showed significant increases in the gene expression of the osteogenic markers Runx2, alkaline phosphatase, and osteopontin in the heparin sulfate group compared with controls. These results further emphasize the important role HS plays in augmenting wound healing, and its successful delivery in a hydrogel provides a novel alternative to autologous bone graft and growth factorbased therapies.


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The mixed valency (M2+M3+) sulphate minerals, römerite Fe2+Fe23+(SO4)4•14H2O and botryogen Mg2+Fe3+(SO4)2(OH).7H2O have been studied by Raman spectroscopy. The Raman spectra of the two types of crystals proved very similar but not identical. The observation of two symmetric stretching modes confirmed the presence of the two non-equivalent sulphate units in the römerite structure. The observation of multiple bands in the antisymmetric stretching region and in the bending regions proves the symmetry of the sulphate anion is significantly reduced in the römerite structure. The number of Raman bands related to the (SO4)2- symmetric and antisymmetric vibrations support the X-ray single crystal structure conclusion that two symmetrically distinct S6+ are present in the structure of botryogen. Römerite is a mineral of environmental significance as it is commonly found in tailings and dumps.


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Uncontrolled fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling can lead to human diseases, necessitating multiple layers of self-regulatory control mechanisms to keep its activity in check. Herein, we demonstrate that FGF9 and FGF20 ligands undergo a reversible homodimerization, occluding their key receptor binding sites. To test the role of dimerization in ligand autoinhibition, we introduced structure-based mutations into the dimer interfaces of FGF9 and FGF20. The mutations weakened the ability of the ligands to dimerize, effectively increasing the concentrations of monomeric ligands capable of binding and activating their cognate FGF receptor in vitro and in living cells. Interestingly, the monomeric ligands exhibit reduced heparin binding, resulting in their increased radii of heparan sulfate-dependent diffusion and biologic action, as evidenced by the wider dilation area of ex vivo lung cultures in response to implanted mutant FGF9-loaded beads. Hence, our data demonstrate that homodimerization autoregulates FGF9 and FGF20's receptor binding and concentration gradients in the extracellular matrix. Our study is the first to implicate ligand dimerization as an autoregulatory mechanism for growth factor bioactivity and sets the stage for engineering modified FGF9 subfamily ligands, with desired activity for use in both basic and translational research.