976 resultados para Deposição de lípidos
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Recursos Alimenticiosy Produccisn Acumcola) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias de Enfermería con Enfasis en Salud Comunitaria) UANL
[Tesis] (Maestría en Ciencias de Enfermería con Énfasis en Salud Comunitaria ) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias del Ejercicio con Especialidad en : Educación Física y Deporte en la Infancia y la Adolescencia) UANL, 2011.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Acentuación en Microbiología) UANL, 2012.
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con Orientación Terminal en Inmunología) UANL, 2009.
El polimorfismo Hind III es la variante más común en el gen de la lipoproteinlipasa; sin embargo, su asociación con enfermedad cardiovascular es controversial. Objetivo: Establecer la frecuencia del polimorfismo Hind III y su relación con el perfil lipídico y la enfermedad obstructiva coronaria (EOC) en pacientes colombianos. Materiales y métodos: La muestra la constituyeron pacientes que asistieron a un centro de hemodinamia del Quindío, por necesidad de una angiografía coronaria. El polimorfismo Hind III fue evaluado por la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa y restricción enzimática. Resultados: 389 pacientes fueron divididos en individuos con EOC≥50 %, (60,4 %) e individuos con EOC<50 %, (39,6 %). El colesterol en las lipoproteínas de baja densidad (c-LDL), fue normal en ambos grupos, pero significativamente mayor en EOC≥50 %. El colesterol en las lipoproteínas de alta densidad (c-HDL) fue bajo en ambos grupos. La frecuencia del genotipo Hind+/+ y el alelo Hind+ fue 55 % y 76 %, respectivamente, para el genotipo Hind+/- fue 41,1 %, y para genotipo Hind-/- y el alelo Hind- fue 3,85 % y 24 %, respectivamente, sin diferencias significativas entre los grupos. En EOC≥50 %, el colesterol total y c-LDL fueron mayores en el alelo Hind-, mientras que el c-HDL fue más bajo en el alelo Hind+, con diferencias significativas con respecto a EOC<50 % y los mismos alelos. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en triglicéridos y colesterol en lipoproteínas de muy baja densidad (c-VLDL) entre los genotipos del grupo EOC<50 %. Conclusión: Este trabajo muestra que aun con valores normales de perfil lipídico, se presenta EOC significativa, que no parece estar asociada a las bajas concentraciones de c-HDL, ni al polimorfismo Hind III de la LPL por sí solo, pero podría estar relacionada a la influencia de estos sobre los lípidos.
o presente trabalho é um estudo exploratório a respeito da síntese de filmes de diamante via deposiçãoquímica a vapor (CVD) sobre alguns substratos cerâmicos: diboreto de titânio (TiB2), ítria (Y20a), zircão (ZrSi04), zircônia parcialmente e totalmente estabilizada com ítria (Zr02), pirofilita ( Al2Si4OlO(OHh), .alumina (Al2Oa) e nitreto de boro hexagonal (h-BN). Estes substratos foram produzidos, em sua maioria, a partir da sinterização de pós micrométricos em altas temperaturas. Além do estudo em relação a possíveis candidatos alternativos ao tradicional silício para o crescimento de filmes auto-sustentáveis, procuramos encontrar substratos onde o filme aderisse bem e cujas propriedades tribológicas pudessem ser melhoradas com o recobrimento com filme de diamante.Dentre os materiais selecionados, constatamos que a topografia da superfície relacionada à densidade de contornos de grão, desempenha um papel relevante na nucleação do diamante. Além disso, os materiais que favorecem a formação de carbonetos conduziram a melhores resultados na nucleação e crescimento do filme, indicando que a ação da atmosfera reativa do CVD com o substrato também contribui decisivamente para o processo de nucleação. A partir dos resultados obtidos, concluímos que a aderência do filme de diamante ao zircão é excelente, assim como a qualidade do filme, o que pode serexplorado convenientemente caso as propriedades mecânicas do sinterizado de zircão sejam adequadas. No caso da zircônia parcialmente estabilizada, os resultados obtidos foram surpreendentes e este material poderia substituir o convencional substrato de silício para a deposição de filmes auto-sustentados de diamante, com inúmeras vantagens, dentre elas o fato de ser reutilizável e de não ser necessário ataque com ácidos para remoção do substrato, o que evita a geração de resíduos químicos.
A técnica de revestimento duplex combina dois processos: o tratamento de nitretação a plasma da superfície e a deposição de uma camada via PVD. O processo de nitretação a plasma sob condições controladas pode produzir a chamada fase S sem a presença de nitretos de cromo, o que confere ao aço tratado maior dureza e melhor resistência à corrosão. Os revestimentos de nitreto de titânio melhoram a dureza superficial do material, porém defeitos e poros podem expor o substrato ao meio. Este trabalho consiste no estudo da resistência à corrosão do aço inoxidável austenítico AISI 316L revestido com camada duplex em meio contendo cloretos. As camadas nitretadas a plasma foram obtidas pelo processo de nitretação iônica e os revestimentos Ti/TiN foram obtidos pelo processo de deposição física de vapor assistida por plasma (PAPVD). Os corpos de prova foram inicialmente avaliados por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e a composição das fases foi identificada por difração de raios-x (DRX). A dureza foi avaliada por nanoidentação e a rugosidade superficial também foi medida. Os testes de resistência à corrosão foram feitos por voltametria cíclica (VC) e os ensaios de corrosão acelerada em câmara de névoa salina. A amostra nitretada a 400°C por 4 horas e mistura gasosa de 5%N2- 95%H2 apresentou o melhor desempenho de resistência à corrosão em meio contendo cloretos. A resistência à corrosão foi associada à estrutura obtida após o tratamento por nitretação a plasma e deposição física de vapores (PVD).
Microalloyed steels constitute a specific class of steel with low amount of carbon and microalloying elements such as Vanadium (V), Niobium (Nb) and Titanium (Ti). The development and application of microalloyed steels and steels in general are limited to the handling of powders with particles of submicron or nanometer dimensions. Therefore, this work presents an alternative in order to construction of microalloyed steels utilizing the deposition by magnetron sputtering technique as a microalloying element addiction in which Ti nanoparticles are dispersed in an iron matrix. The advantage of that technique in relation to the conventional metallurgical processes is the possibility of uniformly disperse the microalloying elements in the iron matrix. It was carried out deposition of Ti onto Fe powder in high CH4, H2, Ar plasma atmosphere, with two deposition times. After the deposition, the iron powder with nanoparticles of Ti dispersed distributed, were compacted and sintered at 1120 ° C in resistive furnace. Characterization techniques utilized in the samples of powder before and after deposition of Ti were Granulometry, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) and X-ray diffraction (DRX). In the case of sintered samples, it was carried out characterization by SEM and Vickers Microhardness assays. The results show which the deposition technique by magnetron sputtering is practicable in the dispersion of particles in iron matrix. The EDX microanalysis detected higher percentages of Ti when the deposition were carried out with the inert gas and when the deposition process was carried out with reactive gas. The presence of titanium in iron matrix was also evidenced by the results of X-ray diffraction peaks that showed shifts in the network matrix. Given these results it can be said that the technique of magnetron sputtering deposition is feasible in the dispersion of nanoparticles of iron matrix in Ti.
Titanium nitride films were grown on glass using the Cathodic Cage Plasma Deposition technique in order to verify the influence of process parameters in optical and structural properties of the films. The plasma atmosphere used was a mixture of Ar, N2 and H2, setting the Ar and N2 gas flows at 4 and 3 sccm, respectively and H2 gas flow varied from 0, 1 to 2 sccm. The deposition process was monitored by Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) to investigate the influence of the active species in plasma. It was observed that increasing the H2 gas flow into the plasma the luminescent intensities associated to the species changed. In this case, the luminescence of N2 (391,4nm) species was not proportional to the increasing of the H2 gas into the reactor. Other parameters investigated were diameter and number of holes in the cage. The analysis by Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction (GIXRD) confirmed that the obtained films are composed by TiN and they may have variations in the nitrogen amount into the crystal and in the crystallite size. The optical microscopy images provided information about the homogeneity of the films. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) results revealed some microstructural characteristics and surface roughness. The thickness was measured by ellipsometry. The optical properties such as transmittance and reflectance (they were measured by spectrophotometry) are very sensitive to changes in the crystal lattice of the material, chemical composition and film thicknesses. Therefore, such properties are appropriate tools for verification of this process control. In general, films obtained at 0 sccm of H2 gas flow present a higher transmittance. It can be attributed to the smaller crystalline size due to a higher amount of nitrogen in the TiN lattice. The films obtained at 1 and 2 sccm of H2 gas flow have a golden appearance and XRD pattern showed peaks characteristics of TiN with higher intensity and smaller FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) parameter. It suggests that the hydrogen presence in the plasma makes the films more stoichiometric and becomes it more crystalline. It was observed that with higher number of holes in the lid of the cage, close to the region between the lid and the sample and the smaller diameter of the hole, the deposited film is thicker, which is justified by the most probability of plasma species reach effectively the sample and it promotes the growth of the film
The technique of plasma nitriding by the cathode cage mainly stands out for its ability to produce uniform layers, even on parts with complex geometries. In this study, it was investigated the efficiency of this technique for obtaining duplex surface, when used, simultaneously, to nitriding treatment and thin film deposition at temperatures below 500°C. For this, were used samples of AISI 41 0 Martensitic Stainless Steel and performed plasma treatment, combining nitriding and deposition of thin films of Ti and/or TiN in a plasma atmosphere containing N2-H2. It was used a cathodic cage of titanium pure grade II, cylindrical with 70 mm diameter and 34 mm height. Samples were treated at temperature 420ºC for 2 and 12 hours in different working pressures. Optical Microscopy (OM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with micro-analysis by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and analysis of Vickers Microhardness were used to investigate coating properties such as homogeneity and surface topography, chemical composition, layer thickness, crystalline phase, roughness and surface microhardness. The results showed there is a direct proportionality between the presence of H2 in plasma atmosphere and the quantity of titanium in surface chemical composition. It was also observed that the plasma treatment at lowpressure is more effective in formation of TiN thin film
The technique of surface coating using magnetron sputtering is one of the most widely used in the surface engineering, for its versatility in obtaining different films as well as in the micro / nanometric thickness control. Among the various process parameters, those related to the active species of the plasma are of the most fundamental importance in the mechanism and kinetics of deposition. In order to identify the active species of the plasma, parameters such as gas flow, pressure and density of electric power were varied during titanium coating on glass substrate. By flowing argon gas of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 sccm (cubic centimeters per minute) for each gas flow a sequential scan of the electric current of 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40 , 0.50 A. The maximum value of 0.50 A was chosen based both on literature data and on limitations of the equipment. The monitoring of plasma species present during the deposition was carried out in situ by the technique of optical emission spectroscopy (OES) through the spectrometer Ocean Optics USB2000 Series. For this purpose, an apparatus was developed to adapt the OES inside the plasma reactor to stay positioned closest to the target. The radiations emitted by the species were detected by an optical fiber placed behind the glass substrate and their intensities as a function of wavelength were, displayed on a monitor screen. The acquisition time for each condition of the plain parameters was related to the minima of spectral lines intensities due to the film formed on the substrate. The intensities of different emission lines of argon and titanium were then analyzed as a function of time, to determine the active species and estimate the thickness of the deposited films. After the deposition, the coated glasses thin films were characterized by optical transmittance through an infrared laser. It was found that the thickness and deposition rate determined by in situ analysis were consistent with the results obtained by laser transmittance
In this study, it has been investigated the influence of silver film deposition onto 100% polyester woven and non-woven, on the survival of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in contact with these surfaces. The treatment was performedin a chamber containing the working gas at low pressure (~ 10-2 mbar). Some process parameters such as as voltage: 470 V; pressure: 10-2 mbar; current : 0.40 A and gas flow: 6 and 10 cm3/min were kept constant. For the treatments with purêargon plasma using a flow of 6 and 10 cm3/min, different treatment times were evaluated, such as, 10 , 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 minutes. Contact angle (sessile drop), measurements were used to determine the surface tension of the treated fabrics and its influence on the bacteria grow as weel as the possibilities of a biofilm formation. The formation of a silver film, as well as the amount of this element was verified byEDX technique. The topography was observed through scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to determine the size of silver grains formed on the surfaces of the fabric and assess homogeneity of treatment. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to analyze the structure of silver film deposition. The woven fabric treatments enabled the formation of silver particulate films with particle size larger than the non-woven fabrics. With respect to bacterial growth, all fabrics were shown to be bactericidal for Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), while for the Escherichia coli (E. coli), the best results were found for the non-woven fabric (TNT) treated with a flow of 10 cm3/min to both bacteria