117 resultados para Dentinogenesis Imperfecta
A male infant showed a humeral diaphysis fracture at 5 months of age and a distal tibial physis fracture at 2 years of age. A specialized consultant ruled out child abuse. This child had the characteristic features of type I osteogenesis imperfecta: blue sclerae, osseous fragility, and presumably autosomal dominant inheritance, as his father suffered from similar disorders. Later on, multiple painful osteochondromas were also found and some of these were surgically treated. The child's mother showed several peripheral osteochondromas. We describe the follow-up of this patient up to the age of 18 years. To our knowledge, the fortuitous association of these two inherited conditions has not been reported in medical literature.
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a group of genetic heterogeneous connective tissue disorders characterized by increased bone fragility and susceptibility to fractures. Laboratory diagnosis relies on time-consuming and cost-intensive biochemical and molecular genetics analyses. Therefore, it is desirable to identify and establish new diagnostic markers for OI that are reliable, cost-effective and easily accessible. In our study we have identified the ratio of the urinary pyridinoline cross-links lysyl-pyridinoline and hydroxylysyl-pyridinoline as a promising, time- and cost-effective biomarker for osteogenesis imperfecta, that could be used furthermore to investigate cases of suspected non-accidental injury in infants.
UNLABELLED: Bone microarchitecture by high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT) was assessed in adult patients with mild, moderate, and severe osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). The trabecular bone score (TBS), bone mineral density (BMD) by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and dual X-ray and laser (DXL) at the calcaneus were likewise assessed in patients with OI. Trabecular microstructure and BMD in particular were severely altered in patients with OI. INTRODUCTION: OI is characterized by high fracture risk but not necessarily by low BMD. The main purpose of this study was to assess bone microarchitecture and BMD at different skeletal sites in different types of OI. METHODS: HR-pQCT was performed in 30 patients with OI (mild OI-I, n = 18 (41.8 [34.7, 55.7] years) and moderate to severe OI-III-IV, n = 12 (47.6 [35.3, 58.4] years)) and 30 healthy age-matched controls. TBS, BMD by DXA at the lumbar spine and hip, as well as BMD by DXL at the calcaneus were likewise assessed in patients with OI only. RESULTS: At the radius, significantly lower trabecular parameters including BV/TV (p = 0.01 and p < 0.0001, respectively) and trabecular number (p < 0.0001 and p < 0.0001, respectively) as well as an increased inhomogeneity of the trabecular network (p < 0.0001 and p < 0.0001, respectively) were observed in OI-I and OI-III-IV in comparison to the control group. Similar results for trabecular parameters were found at the tibia. Microstructural parameters were worse in OI-III-IV than in OI-I. No significant differences were found in cortical thickness and cortical porosity between the three subgroups at the radius. The cortical thickness of the tibia was thinner in OI-I (p < 0.001), but not OI-III-IV, when compared to controls. CONCLUSIONS: Trabecular BMD and trabecular bone microstructure in particular are severely altered in patients with clinical OI-I and OI-III-IV. Low TBS and DXL and their significant associations to HR-pQCT parameters of trabecular bone support this conclusion.
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a rare genetic disease. Today we are able to propose an adapted and efficient management to the patients with this rare disorder (and their families) thanks to a strong collaboration of clinicians and researchers. Recent knowledge regarding the genetics of OI permits an accurate diagnosis of the specific type of OI and its own molecular mechanism, a genetic counseling for family planning and prenatal diagnosis, and in addition more targeted therapeutic options. A specific support with re-education for patients with OI is necessary and efficient. To optimize patient care, a multidisciplinary consultation is proposed at the CHUV, moreover a web site is available for patients, families and therapists: www.infomaladiesrares.ch
Thesis written in co-mentorship with director: Nelly Huynh; co-directors: Frank Rauch and Jean-Marc Retrouvey; collaborators: Clarice Nishio, Duy-Dat Vu and Nathalie Alos
Introducción: la osteogénesis es una patología de origen genético caracterizada por fragilidad ósea, en su curso natural los pacientes que la padecen se enfrentan a múltiples fracturas y múltiples intervenciones quirúrgicas, este tipo de pacientes por ser de alto riesgo necesitan técnicas quirúrgicas que aumenten el tiempo entre cada intervención y que demuestren un mayor impacto en el estado funcional. Objetivo: Determinar el impacto en el estado funcional de los pacientes con osteogénesis imperfecta llevados a tratamiento quirúrgico con clavos telescopados tipo Fassier Duval. Diseño: Estudio descriptivo prospectivo en el que se incluyeron 8 pacientes con diagnóstico de osteogénesis imperfecta, llevados a tratamiento quirúrgico con clavos telescopados tipo Fassier Duval desde el 2009 al 2013 a los cuales se les realizó seguimiento menor de 1 año del post operatorio. Resultados: La respuesta encontrada fue satisfactoria en la mayoría de los pacientes analizados 6 de 8, con cercanía a un estado funcional normal; un riesgo de caída bajo, incorporación y deambulación adecuada y una valoración funcional motora gruesa con valores cercanos al 100% identificando un buen nivel de independencia funcional. Se pudo demostrar que existieron cambios en los valores de la escala y que estos fueron estadísticamente significativos con p=0,028 indicando que el aumento dichos valores en el posoperatorio están relacionados con el procedimiento quirúrgico al utilizado en este grupo de pacientes. Conclusión: El tratamiento quirúrgico con el clavo telescopado de Fassier Duval en nuestra experiencia demostró tener una mejoría en el estado funcional de los pacientes del presente estudio, por lo tanto se sugiere la posibilidad de implementar su uso según este indicado con el fin de obtener un mejor resultado quirúrgico y funcional. Palabras clave: Osteogénesis Imperfecta, Clavo de Fassier Duval, Valoración Funcional Motora
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En esta conferencia, Stiglitz aborda la teoría de la información imperfecta y sus implicaciones en la economía. Cuestiona los fundamentos de aquellos presupuestos económicos mantenidos durante mucho tiempo y sostiene que las fallas del mercado ocurren cada vez que la información es imperfecta o que los mercados son incompletos. Esta teoría de la información imperfecta rebate los fundamentos del conjunto de ideas usualmente denominadas como el "Consenso de Washington", basado en un fundamentalismo de mercado.
Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a collective term used to describe phenotypically diverse forms of defective tooth enamel development. AI has been reported to exhibit a variety of inheritance patterns, and several loci have been identified that are associated with AI. We have performed a genome-wide scan in a large Brazilian family segregating an autosomal dominant form of AI and mapped a novel locus to 8q24.3. A maximum multipoint LOD score of 7.5 was obtained at marker D8S2334 (146,101,309 bp). The disease locus lies in a 1.9 cM (2.1 Mb) region according to the Rutgers Combined Linkage-Physical map, between a VNTR marker (at 143,988,705 bp) and the telomere (146,274,826 bp). Ten candidate genes were identified based on gene ontology and microarray-facilitated gene selection using the expression of murine orthologues in dental tissue, and examined for the presence of a mutation. However, no causative mutation was identified.
Objective: the aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate the response of the pulp-dentin complex following application of resin-modified glass-ionomer cement, calcium hydroxide hard-setting cement and EDTA-soluble preparation of dentine matrix proteins (ESDP) in deep cavities prepared in non-human primate teeth. Methods: Eighteen deep Class V buccal cavities were prepared in premolars of four capuccin monkeys. In Groups 1 and 2, the cavity floor was lined with ESDP or a resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (Vitrebond - 3M ESPE), respectively. In Group 3 (control), the cavity was lined with a hard setting calcium hydroxide cement (Dycal - Dentsply). The cavities were subsequently filled with amalgam. After 6 months, the animals were sacrificed and the teeth were prepared for microscopic assessment. Six-micron thick serial sections were stained with H/E, Masson's trichrome and Brown & Brenn techniques. Results: No inflammatory pulpal response was observed for all experimental and control Groups. However, the amount of reactionary dentin deposition differed between groups in the rank order ESDP (Group 1) > calcium hydroxide (Group 3) > resin-modified glass-ionomer (Group 2). These differences were statistically significant. Conclusions: All materials were biocompatible when applied in deep cavities. ESDP stimulated higher deposition of reactionary dentin matrix than Vitrebond and Dycal.
Twelve female Wistar rats received 1.5 mg/kg of colchicine (CLC) intravenously. Control animals were similarly injected with isotonic saline solution. The animals were killed 5 h, 24 h, 3 days and 7 days after injection. Ninety minutes prior to sacrifice, all animals received an intraperitoneal injection of 3H-proline. Autoradiograms of maxillary incisors showed that CLC increased the retention of the labeled precursor in the odontoblasts. It was also shown that the odontoblasts in the different sectors of the rat incisor present different sensitivities to the CLC action.
Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a genetically heterogeneous group of diseases that result in defective development of tooth enamel. Mutations in several enamel proteins and proteinases have been associated with AI. The object of this study was to evaluate evidence of etiology for the six major candidate gene loci in two Brazilian families with AI. Genomic DMA was obtained from family members and all exons and exon-intron boundaries of the ENAM, AMBN, AMELX, MMP20, KLK4 and Amelotin gene were amplified and sequenced. Each family was also evaluated for linkage to chromosome regions known to contain genes important in enamel development. The present study indicates that the AI in these two families is not caused by any of the known loci for AI or any of the major candidate genes proposed in the literature. These findings indicate extensive genetic heterogeneity for non-syndromic AI.
AIM: The aim of this report is to describe the restorative treatment of an 18-year-old patient diagnosed with autosomal recessive hypocalcified-hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta (AI). BACKGROUND: Esthetic and functional rehabilitations in AI cases are challenging and should consider individual aspects, such as age, socioeconomic status, AI type, and intraoral condition. REPORT: AI was diagnosed in an 18-year-old patient. SUMMARY: Considering the short length of crowns and roots, patient life expectancy, minimal invasiveness, amount of treatment time required, and lower costs, oral rehabilitation with overdentures provided an adequate functional and esthetic rehabilitation of the patient. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: This report demonstrated overdentures to be a viable, relatively inexpensive, and non-invasive treatment choice of a patient with AI with concerns about treatment longevity, invasiveness, cost, esthetics, and long-term maintenance.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess restorative treatment outcomes in the mixed dentition of amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) patients and determine the postrehabilitation oral health status and satisfaction of the patients. Methods: Clinical and radiographic examinations were performed on eight AI patients, who had 74 restorations placed in permanent incisors and molars, to allow evaluation of the integrity of the restorations and periodontal status post-treatment. Subjects completed a survey regarding esthetics, function, and sensitivity. Results: Among the 74 restorations evaluated, seven were lost; of the remaining restorations, 31 were posterior, and 36 were anterior. Ten were rated clinically unacceptable. Teeth with stainless steel crowns had a moderate gingival index (mean=2.3) and plaque index (mean=2.0) scores. Widening of the periodontal ligament and pulp canal obliteration were common radiographic findings. Subject's recall of satisfaction regarding esthetics (P=.002) and sensitivity (brushing-P=.03; eating-P=.01) showed a statically significant difference before and after treatment. Conclusions: During mixed dentition, teeth with amelogenesis imperfecta may be restored with conventional treatment modalities. Direct restorations should be considered interim with multiple repairs anticipated. Post-treatment, gingival inflammation and plaque accumulation were observed. Subjects were satisfied with their appearance and reported a decrease of hypersensitivity. © 2013 Publishing Technology.
Amelogenesis imperfecta is a hereditary condition that can alter the thickness, color, and shape of tooth enamel. Recent adhesive materials and techniques have provided less invasive treatment options. This case report presents the treatment of a patient whose anterior teeth had color alterations, white spots, pits, and shape defects. Using a more conservative technique, the mandibular and maxillary anterior teeth were restored using veneer direct composite restorations. After 6 years, the restorations demonstrated no deterioration, and no pathology was seen in association with the rehabilitation.