939 resultados para Dental schools
"October 2001"
Endnote on p. 25-26 (reference from p. 3): description of the bill to appropriate state funds for the establishment of the dental college at the University of Michigan.
Endodontic lubricants, irrigants and medicaments help prepare and disinfect root canal systems (RCS) but primary and secondary cases involve different microbes and therefore it is unlikely that one protocol will be effective for both case types. Each individual 'solution' or sequence of 'solutions' could play a significant role in each case type, but there are no detailed published guidelines in existence. To help inform clinical practice it was decided to undertake a literature review followed by a UK and Republic of Ireland wide audit on current endodontic 'solution' usage within dental schools. The literature review was undertaken under the following headings: pre-op oral rinse; file lubricants; root canal irrigants and intracanal medicaments and provides an evidence base for protocol development for both primary and retreatment cases. The audit project and the protocols developed from the findings of both the literature review and audit will be presented in Part 2.
Aim(s): The aim of this study was to explore the findings of a survey on the prevalence, contents and status of Gerodontology teaching amongst the European Dental Schools.
Materials and Methods: A first wave of emails, including an electronic questionnaire in English, and two weeks later a first reminder, were sent to the Deans or other contact persons in 185 dental schools in 40 European countries. The electronic questionnaire recorded the prevalence, contents and status of Gerodontology education at the undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education levels.
Results: The first wave of responses included 70 dental schools from 28 countries. Gerodontology was included in the undergraduate curricula of 77% of the respondents and was compulsory in 61% of them. It was taught as an independent course in 39% of the respondents. When embedded in other courses, these were mainly the Prosthodontics lectures. Clinical training in Gerodontology was on the curriculum of 56% of the respondents. Sixteen percent of the schools had a Gerodontology Division, and 43% an assigned Programme Director. Gerodontology was taught in the postgraduate programmes of 33% of the schools, again mostly embedded in Prosthodontic programmes. Continuing education courses in Gerodontology were offered by 34% of the responding schools.
Discussion and Conclusions: When interpreting the results of this still ongoing study, a "worst case scenario" has to be born in mind, where dental schools, who failed to participate in the survey, may not be teaching in Gerodontology. Under this perspective, a moderate prevalence of Gerodontology is recorded in the undergraduate curricula of European dental schools. At a postgraduate level, it is less frequently offered, and mainly embedded in the Prosthodontic programmes. European guidelines on the dental curriculum might help to increase awareness and introduce Gerodontology to undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education.
La relación entre la calidad de la enseñanza y la mala práctica odontológica: relato de caso clínico
Las actividades desarrolladas en el área de la salud son de gran importancia, pues tienen como finalidad preservar la vida de los individuos y para eso deben ser desempeñadas por personas habilitadas. El aumento del número de facultades de Odontología, la disminución en la calidad de la enseñanza y el mayor ingreso de alumnos con baja capacidad para ejercer la profesión son hechos que traen consecuencias desastrosas para la sociedad. Estos hechos también se reflejan en el desempeño moral, ético y técnico-científico del profesional. El objetivo de ese relato de caso clínico es enseñar que, aunque hay una considerable oferta de instituciones de enseñanza, existe un desconocimiento científico y de técnicas adecuadas por parte de los cirujanos dentistas graduados. La paciente MSL, 17 años, sexo femenino, compareció al consultorio odontológico usando un molde tipo Vernis, sujeto al arco inferior. Tras evaluación clínica, se observó la utilización de un material incorrecto para la toma de impresión, siendo imposible su retiro con el método convencional. La planificación para su retiro se hizo por medio de seccionamiento. De esta manera, la consecuencia de la falta de conocimiento en el uso de materiales para la impresión causó gran trastorno a la paciente. Se puede concluir que el índice de impericia está relacionado directamente con la formación profesional, evidenciando la importancia de la enseñanza odontológica de calidad para una práctica clínica responsable.
Dental education is going through important changes in preparing workers to meet the needs of the society and the labor market. For that reason, we studied the offering of comprehensive dental care clinics in Brazil with the aim of encouraging future curriculum changes focused on the training of general dental practitioners. An email questionnaire on educational organization and comprehensive care clinics of undergraduate programs was sent to each academic dental affairs dean. Sixty-seven (41.6%) dental schools agreed to participate. We observed that curriculum changes have contributed to modify the format of comprehensive care clinics. This was felt mainly (88,1%) with regards to workload and course offerings in different levels of the dental curriculum, thereby creating a favorable environment for generalist training. Most schools shared the following characteristics: clinical procedures were being prioritized according to level of complexity (95,5%), students were having the chance to attend courses in other programs (37,3%), and attempt to diversify teaching methods was being challenged (58,2%). Although progress in combining teaching and clinical services was reported by 83,6% of schools, most clinical procedures were still being performed intramurally (50,7%) in partnership with public service. There was also improvement in clinical mentorship due to the hiring of instructors qualified to work in comprehensive care clinics and with aptitude to supervise a wider range of dental procedures (58,2%). Further changes to Brazilian comprehensive care clinics should hence be encouraged and intensified to ensure appropriate generalist training for dental practitioners
The study consists on a qualitative analysis of content ministered by Bioethical discipline on Brazilian Dental Schools. Data collect occurred by semi-structured questioners send by e-mail and correspondence. It was used content analysis by categorical analysis technique, according to Bardin. Among 182 Schools, just 57 (31.3%) shows Bioethical Discipline. It was observed that the discipline is ministered on the first or last year of course generally. Principal subjects broached are bioethical dilemma (76.3%) with polemics questions and others actual like abortion, clone, organs transplant, attendance of patient porter of HIV and bioethical historic (65.8%), bioethical fundaments, principles and models (57.9%). 84.4% researched professors, said that bioethical discipline awake interesting on students because it actual and it's face to patient-professional relation too. It was possible to conclude that bioethical discipline treat in its content some actual and polemic themes that influence dental surgeon formation because promote him conscience and responsibility of him role front attention at oral health, and so, this discipline should be implanted, specifically in the first year of all Dentistry graduation courses.
Purpose: Symmetry is one of the factors that contributes to facial harmony, and in oral rehabilitation it determines the success of esthetic treatment. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to analyze the axial symmetry between the bipupillar midline and maxillary central incisors midline of 102 dental students (both genders) distributed across five Brazilian dental schools. Materials and Methods: Students with no teeth missing and who had never been subjected to any dental treatment were selected. Photographs were taken with a Dental Eye III camera with a 100-mm macro objective and ratio of 1 : 10 from natural size, recorded on an Ektachrome ASA/ISO 100 film. The images were developed and applied to Microsoft Office Power Point 2007 software. The results were analyzed by analysis of variance and Student's t-test (= 0.05). Results: There was no significant correlation between bipupillar midline and the maxillary dental midline, irrespective of gender. Conclusion: No significant coincidence was observed between the interpupillary and dental midline. However, the interpupillar distance and its relationship with other anatomic structures may be used as a reference in treatment, but measurements must be assessed individually. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE Anatomic measurements and facial proportions can be helpful during the planning of esthetic oral rehabilitation. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Introduction. Bioethics is present in Dentistry and other health areas, as scientific research that results on profession progress, as in proper clinical attendance. The study consists on valuation of teaching-learning methods of Bioethical on Brazilian Dental Schools. Materials and methods. Data collect occurred by semi-structured questioners send by e-mail and correspondence. It was realized descriptive analysis of quantitative answers, and for qualitative answers, it was used content analysis, by categorical analysis technique in according to Bardin. Results. Among 182 Dental Schools actives in Brazil, only 57 (31.3%) showed bioethical discipline in its curricular grid. It was observed the discipline is teaching on theoretical form (77.8%). Principal forms of evaluation are: writing prove (100%) and seminaries (75%). Just 6.4% of professors use bibliographic references about bioethical faced to Odontology specifically. The majority of interviewed person (74.2%) considered that bioethics is related on the direct and indirect form with all others disciplines. In relation to importance of Bioethical on dental surgeon formation, 64.7% emphasized it in professional-patient relation. Conclusion. The Bioethics show teaching and practice method of conserver evaluation, and so, it's necessary others methods directed to reflection of actual problems in odontology area that contribute significantly on integral formation of dental surgeon. © Viguera Editores SL 2009.
Objective: The prevalence of wearing and fracture of complete dentures was evaluated among edentulous patients treated in two dental schools in Brazil. Background: Acceptance and wearing of complete dentures are related to adaptive behaviour of edentulous patients. However, one reason that could interfere with the wearing dentures is their potential to fracture, which is still a common complication in denture rehabilitation practice. Material and methods: Two hundred and twenty-four edentulous patients rehabilitated with complete dentures from 2000 to 2005 in Araçatuba and Araraquara Dental School, University of State of São Paulo, were assessed in 2006 and 2007 to answer a questionnaire about wearing and fracture of their dentures. Statistical analysis were performed using Epi Info software and chi-squared test to compare maxillary and mandibular data (α = 0.05). Results: Almost 26% of the patients did not wear their dentures, and among the remainder, the majority wore the maxillary denture. About 30% of the dentures were fractured, with higher prevalence in the maxillary arch (p = 0.003). Conclusions: Discontinuation of wearing dentures was quite high, especially considering the treatment which was carried out in university clinics. Prevalence of fractures was also high, greater for the maxillary denture, and was one of the main reasons for non-wearing of complete dentures. © 2011 The Gerodontology Society and John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The activities developed in health area are of great importance, because they have the aim to preserve the life of the men, and therefore, must be performed by authorized persons. The increase of the number of dental schools, the decline at the education quality and a higher admission of students with low ability to exercise their profession, are facts that bring disastrous consequences for society. These facts are, also, reflected at the moral, ethical and technical-scientific performance of the professional. The purpose of this clinic case is to show that although there is a significant suplly of education institutions, there is a lack of scientific and adequate technical knowledgement from the graduated dentals surgeons. The patient MSL, 17 year old, female, went to a dental clinic presenting a tray type Vernis, attached to the lower arch. After clinical evaluation, it was showed that an incorrect material was used for the impression technique, being impossible to take out the tray by the conventional manner. The planning for the removal of the tray was through the divide of it. Thus, the consequence of the lack of knowledge in the use of impression materials had caused a great incovinience to the patient. It can be concluded that the rate of malpractice is directly related to the professional preparation, highlighting the importance of quality dental education for a responsible clinical practice.
The study consist on an analysis of attitude by professors of Brazilian Dental Schools before the aspects bioethical, ethic and legal dental treatment aspects. The data collect occurred by semi-structured questioners send by e-mail and correspondence. It was applied the content analysis, by categorical analysis technique, according to Bardin. About bioethical aspects, 94,6% cited that the decision of treatment should be realized between professional and patient, because it don t interfere on negative form (100%). Everybody consider important the interaction professional/patient, because it establishes the respect and mutual agreement between them (61,8%). Tangent at ethic aspects, 95,5% show all alternatives for determined case, even knowing that can lost patient, explaining on the technique and laical form to clear doubts(61,9%). About legal aspects, 82,4% allege that dental surgeon should treat his patient like consumer whereas offer techniques, materials and know through profession. And, like legal prove on occasional lawsuit, 57,1% mentioned that professional don t need of contract necessarily, but a good documentation about patient and e assigned by him. It concluded that these aspects should be teached always to Dentistry academics, whereas they re inherent at profession, to not stay vulnerable at future ethic, judges and other problems.
Advertisement for any dental treatment was rare in Switzerland. Then the use of digital media became popular, particularly in the field of implant- and esthetic-dentistry. In parallel to the dental schools of public universities, private universities and companies built up centers for continuing education that issue specialists diplomas and M.Sc. degrees. Prosthodontics itself is characterized by many sub-disciplines that incorporated their own associations. These also offer graduate training curricula which diminish the significance of specialization in prosthodontics. Specialized prosthodontists do not have a financial benefit in Switzerland where dentistry is not supported by any insurance. In other European countries funding of prosthodontic treatment depends on their healthcare systems. There are four specialties in Dentistry recognized by the European Union (EU). Specialization in prosthodontics was introduced in Sweden already in 1982 and today it is declared in about 20 European countries, while for others no recognized program exists. Thus there are great variations with more recognized specialists in former east European countries. In Switzerland the prosthodontic specialization curriculum was developed and guided by the Swiss Society for Reconstructive Dentistry, and only in 2001 it became fully acknowledged by the Federal Department of Health. The four Swiss Universities offer the 3-year program under the supervision of the society, while the government remains the executive body. In 2003 EPA tried to set up guidelines and quality standards for an EPA recognized specialization. In spite of these attempts and the Bologna Reform in Europe, it appears that the quality standards and the level of education still may differ significantly among European countries.
Objectives: To explore the content and methodology of predoctoral Geriatric Dentistry teaching amongst European dental schools.
Methods: The study was conducted by the European College of Gerodontology (ECG) Education Committee. Αn electronic questionnaire has been developed with close and open-ended items, including information on the prevalence and institutional anchorage of Gerodontology programs, the educators, the content and the methodology of teaching. An electronic mail, including a hyperlink to the questionnaire, was sent to 216 dental schools in 39 European countries (Winter/ Spring 2016). The Deans were asked to either answer themselves, or forward the link to faculty members with knowledge on Gerodontology teaching at their respective schools. Repeated reminders or telephone calls were used for non-respondents and personal networks were exploited to identify potential contact persons.
Results: Until August 2016, 121 dental schools from 29 countries responded to the survey (response rate 56%, EU response rate: 60%). Gerodontology was included in the predoctoral curricula of 86% of the respondents and was compulsory in 68%. The course was mainly offered in senior students and was interdisciplinary in 30% of the schools, delivered mainly by dentists (79%), physicians (21%), psychologists (10%), and nurses (5%). It was conducted as an independent lecture series in 40% of the schools and a course director was assigned in 44% of the respondents. When embedded in other disciplines, these were mainly Prosthodontics (31%). The content included a large number of items, such as epidemiology of oral health, medical problems in old age, prosthodontic management, xerostomia, and caries risk assessment. Lectures were the most common teaching format (69%), followed by small group seminars (27%). The most common types of educational material used were scientific articles (48%), printed textbooks (44%), lecture notes (40%) and e-learning material (21%). Clinical training was offered by 64% of the respondents, within the dental school clinics (49%) and/or in outreach locations (40%).
Conclusion: Amongst the respondent European dental schools (66%) there is an increasing number that teach Gerodontology at a pre-doctoral level with significant variations in content and methodology. Official guidelines and the dissemination of the ECG pre-doctoral curriculum guidelines might help to increase the prevalence and improve the status of Gerodontology teaching in Europe.