984 resultados para Dental Patients
Objetivando analisar funcionalmente a atuação do odontopediatra, procedeu-se ao atendimento odontológico de 3 crianças não-colaboradoras, utilizando ansiolítico ou placebo. As sessões foram filmadas e registrou-se os eventos clínicos e comportamentais dos participantes, em intervalos de 15 segundos. Os resultados revelaram que a colaboração das crianças pode ser considerada condição estabelecedora para os comportamentos da profissional. O ansiolítico não demonstrou efeitos sobre o comportamento dos pacientes. Direção, categoria comportamental predominantemente utilizada pela dentista, revelou-se eficaz na evocação de respostas de colaboração para 2 pacientes. Os dados expressam a contribuição da análise funcional do comportamento ao estudo da interação profissional-paciente em odontopediatria.
Pós-graduação em Reabilitação Oral - FOAR
A presença de doenças sistêmicas, uso de medicamentos, e uso de próteses removíveis, entre outros fatores, podem alterar o equilíbrio fisiológico da cavidade bucal favorecendo o estabelecimento de diversas alterações e/ou patologias bucais. Assim, o estudo das prevalências destes fatores, nos pacientes odontológicos, tornam-se importantes pois devem ser considerados para elaborar o diagnóstico e definir a conduta terapêutica. Com o objetivo de delinear um perfil, avaliamos os prontuários de 500 usuários de próteses removíveis atendidos no Serviço de Medicina Bucal da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara - UNESP. Analisamos os dados referentes a: características da população e das próteses removíveis, prevalência das doenças sistêmicas, uso de medicamentos e diagnóstico final das patologias ou alterações bucais. Os resultados obtidos nos permitem concluir que a maioria (74%) dos usuários de próteses removíveis eram mulheres brancas; metade da população pertencia a faixa etária de 41 a 60 anos e, quase a metade (49,2%) usava a combinação de prótese total superior e inferior. As doenças sistêmicas foram relatadas por 57,2% da amostra e a prevalência maior foi de doenças do sistema cardiovascular (25,4%). A maioria (60,4%) da população relatou uso de medicamentos e, dentre os mais freqüentes, a prevalência maior foram dos cardiovasculares (26,4%). A prevalência de patologias ou alterações bucais foi de 99,6%, sendo as relacionadas ao uso de próteses removíveis as mais freqüentes. Dentre estas, a candidose crônica atrófica ocorreu em 81,8% da população estudada e a hiperplasia fibrosa em 29,2%.
In the recent years, for oral care in general, both improving oral hygiene and tobacco use cessation have been identified as necessary measures to gain and maintain long-term periodontal health. This growing evidence has given the dental team a whole new task to tackle when achieving and maintaining oral health with their patients. In order to support dental patients to quit tobacco use, it is helpful for the clinician to have a clear understanding of the genesis of 'tobacco use disease' in general. At present, the evidence-based method for tobacco use cessation consists of professional counselling on behavioural change using the so called "5A Method" (Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist and Arrange") in combination with pharmacotherapy. A suitable model for behavioural support in tobacco use cessation would help patients to move from one stage to the next. People who want to quit the smoking habit do not always participate in carefully controlled nicotine withdrawal programs, e.g. in linear fashion and from start to finish. Nevertheless, simple instructions - like those offered in the "Assist" (to help) and "Arrange" (to organize follow-up visits) - can be valuable tools for dental professionals supporting their patients to quit smoking. On the basis of significant evidence on the recovery of the oral mucosa and the periodontal tissue following tobacco use cessation, a new task has been emerged in dentistry: the role of oral health professionals providing counselling for patients who ought to quit tobacco use.
Background: Among different categories of sedative agents, benzodiazepines have been prescribed for more than three decades to patients of all ages. The effective and predictable sedative and amnestic effects of benzodiazepines support their use in pediatric patients. Midazolam is one of the most extensively used benzodiazepines in this age group. Oral form of drug is the best accepted route of administration in children. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy and safety of a commercially midazolam syrup versus orally administered IV midazolam in uncooperative dental patients. Second objective was to determine whether differences concerning sedation success can be explained by child‘s behavioral problems and dental fear. Patients and Methods: Eighty eight uncooperative dental patients (Frankl Scales 1,2) aged 3 to 6 years, and ASA I participated in this double blind, parallel randomized, controlled clinical trial. Midazolam was administered in a dose of 0.5 mg/kg for children under the age 5 and 0.2 mg/kg in patients over 5 years of age. Physiologic parameters including heart rate, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation and blood pressure were recorded. Behavior assessment was conducted throughout the course of treatment using Houpt Sedation Rating Scale and at critical moments of treatment (injection and cavity preparation) by North Carolina Scale. Dental fear and behavioral problems were evaluated using Child Fear Schedule Survey-Dental Subscale (CFSS-DS), and Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Independent t-test, Chi-Square, and Pearson correlation were used for statistical analysis. Results: Acceptable overall sedation ratings were observed in 90% and 86% of syrup and IV/Oral group respectively; Chi-Square P = 0.5. Other domains of Houpt Scale including: sleep, crying and movement were also not significantly different between groups. Physiological parameters remained in normal limits during study without significant difference between groups. Conclusions: “Orally administered IV midazolam” preparation can be used as an alternative for commercially midazolam syrup.
Diagnostic radiology represents the largest man-made contribution to population radiation doses in Europe. To be able to keep the diagnostic benefit versus radiation risk ratio as high as possible, it is important to understand the quantitative relationship between the patient radiation dose and the various factors which affect the dose, such as the scan parameters, scan mode, and patient size. Paediatric patients have a higher probability for late radiation effects, since longer life expectancy is combined with the higher radiation sensitivity of the developing organs. The experience with particular paediatric examinations may be very limited and paediatric acquisition protocols may not be optimised. The purpose of this thesis was to enhance and compare different dosimetric protocols, to promote the establishment of the paediatric diagnostic reference levels (DRLs), and to provide new data on patient doses for optimisation purposes in computed tomography (with new applications for dental imaging) and in paediatric radiography. Large variations in radiation exposure in paediatric skull, sinus, chest, pelvic and abdominal radiography examinations were discovered in patient dose surveys. There were variations between different hospitals and examination rooms, between different sized patients, and between imaging techniques; emphasising the need for harmonisation of the examination protocols. For computed tomography, a correction coefficient, which takes individual patient size into account in patient dosimetry, was created. The presented patient size correction method can be used for both adult and paediatric purposes. Dental cone beam CT scanners provided adequate image quality for dentomaxillofacial examinations while delivering considerably smaller effective doses to patient compared to the multi slice CT. However, large dose differences between cone beam CT scanners were not explained by differences in image quality, which indicated the lack of optimisation. For paediatric radiography, a graphical method was created for setting the diagnostic reference levels in chest examinations, and the DRLs were given as a function of patient projection thickness. Paediatric DRLs were also given for sinus radiography. The detailed information about the patient data, exposure parameters and procedures provided tools for reducing the patient doses in paediatric radiography. The mean tissue doses presented for paediatric radiography enabled future risk assessments to be done. The calculated effective doses can be used for comparing different diagnostic procedures, as well as for comparing the use of similar technologies and procedures in different hospitals and countries.
Objectives: This study aimed to gather data on the nutritional status of older patients attending Cork University Dental School and Hospital for treatment in the Restorative Department. Information was also collected about the medical status of the patients including the prevalence of self-reported xerostomia.
Methods: Data was collected by a self-completion questionnaire followed by a brief clinical examination. Nutritional Status was measured using the short version of the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) which recorded patients’ Body Mass Index (BMI). The MNA consists of 6 parameters (including questions relating to patients’ history and anthropometric data) with a maximum total of 14 points. Scores of 12-14 indicate “normal nutritional status” whilst those between 8 and 11 indicate a patient “at risk of malnutrition”. Scores lower than 8 are an indication a patient who is “malnourished”. All patients attending Cork University Dental School and Hospital aged 65 years and older were invited to participate in the study.
Results: A total of 22 subjects participated in this study. Twelve patients were partially dentate with 10 edentulous. The results from the MNA indicate that 11 patients were of “normal nutritional status” with 11 patients identified as being “at risk of malnutrition”. None of the subjects were “malnourished”. Edentate patients generally recorded lower MNA scores than partially dentate patients. In total, 9 patients reported experiencing xerostomia with 8 indicating that they needed to sip liquids to aid swallowing but only 3 had difficulty swallowing food.
Conclusion: This small study indicates that a number of the older patients attending Cork University Dental School and Hospital for dental care may be “at risk of malnutrition”. These findings suggest that nutritional advice and dental care should both be included in an overall package of care for older patients.
Objectives: Approximately 300 people are diagnosed with Head and Neck cancer annually in Northern Ireland. The management may include treatment by surgery or by chemotherapy and radiotherapy,
or a combination of modalities. Patients whose oral cavity, teeth, salivary glands and jaws that
will be affected by treatment, particularly radiotherapy should have a pre-treatment assessment. This should be done as early as possible to maximise the time available for dental management. However, this can be challenging owing to the complexities of cancer diagnosis, treatment planning and multidisciplinary management. At the Belfast Dental Hospital, a number of patients were referred post- radiotherapy with complications after not having received a pre-treatment assessment. The referrals for pre- treatment dental assessment were also late in patients’ multidisciplinary journey, limiting the time period
for dental input. The purpose of this audit was to examine the time period between dental assessment and commencement of radiotherapy and whether this was an adequate time frame for dental management. This audit will also examine the dental diseases present and the treatments required pre-radiotherapy. Methods: Data for this audit was collected over 4 months in 2012
by analysing the dental charts and referrals of new patients who were referred to and attended the dental head and neck oncology clinic. A standardised referral pro-forma was introduced from September 2013 to improve the referral process.
A re-audit was conducted over 4 months in 2014. Data was collected similarly as previous. The time period between dental assessment and commencement of radiotherapy was examined. The presence of dental disease and subsequent treatments required were also noted.
Results: 63 new patients were examined in the dental head and neck oncology clinic over 4 months in 2012. 48 (76.2%) were examined pre-radiotherapy. The average length of time between dental assessment and radiotherapy commencement was 11 days. A new standardised referral pro-forma was introduced in 2013. In the re-audit, 65 new patients were seen over 4 months in 2014.
60 (92.3%) patients were examined pre-radiotherapy. The average length of time between dental assessment and radiotherapy commencement was 18 days.
Conclusion: Given the high prevalence of pre-existing dental disease amongst head and neck cancer patients, prompt dental assessment and treatment is vital. Efforts aimed at improving the care pathway are on-going through the implementation of a mandatory referral pro-forma and a dedicated assessment clinic.
Objective: To evaluate the handling, by a group of practice-based researchers, of a recently introduced bulk fill resin-based composite restorative material, Filtek Bulk Fill Restorative (3M ESPE).
Methods: The twelve selected evaluators were sent explanatory letters, a pack of the material under investigation to use for 8 weeks, and a questionnaire.
Results: The evaluators rated the ease of use of the bulk fill restorative the same as the previously used posterior composite material. The provision of one shade only for evaluation may have compromised the score for aesthetic quality. No post-operative sensitivity was reported.
Conclusions: The bulk fill material was well received as indicated by the high number of evaluators who would both purchase the material and recommend it to colleagues.
Clinical relevance: A recently introduced bulk fill restorative material achieved a rating for handling which was similar to the evaluators’ previously used resin composite, although there were some concerns regarding the translucency of the material.
Objective: To develop yardsticks for assessment of dental arch relationship in young individuals with repaired complete bilateral cleft lip and palate appropriate to different stages of dental development. Participants: Eleven cleft team orthodontists from five countries worked on the projects for 4 days. A total of 776 sets of standardized plaster models from 411 patients with operated complete bilateral cleft lip and palate were available for the exercise. Statistics: The interexaminer reliability was calculated using weighted kappa statistics. Results: The interrater weighted kappa scores were between .74 and .92, which is in the ""good"" to ""very good"" categories. Conclusions: Three bilateral cleft lip and palate yardsticks for different developmental stages of the dentition were made: one for the deciduous dentition (6-year-olds` yardstick), one for early mixed dentition (9-year-olds` yardstick), and one for early permanent dentition (12-year-olds` yardstick).
Objective: To compare and evaluate longitudinally the dental arch relationships from 4.5 to 13.5 years of age with the Bauru-BCLP Yardstick in a large sample of patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP). Design: Retrospective longitudinal intercenter outcome study. Patients: Dental casts of 204 consecutive patients with complete BCLP were evaluated at 6, 9, and 12 years of age. All models were identified only by random identification numbers. Setting: Three cleft palate centers with different treatment protocols. Main Outcome Measures: Dental arch relationships were categorized with the Bauru-BCLP yardstick. Increments for each interval (from 6 to 9 years, 6 to 12 years, and 9 to 12 years) were analyzed by logistic and linear regression models. Results: There were no significant differences in outcome measures between the centers at age 12 or at age 9. At age 6, center B showed significantly better results (p = .027), but this difference diminished as the yardstick score for this group increased over time (linear regression analysis), the difference with the reference category (center C, boys) for the intervals 6 to 12 and 9 to 12 years being 10.4% (p = .041) and 12.9% (p = .009), respectively. Conclusions: Despite different treatment protocols, dental arch relationships in the three centers were comparable in final scores at age 9 and 12 years. Delaying hard palate closure and employing infant orthopedics did not appear to be advantageous in the long run. Premaxillary osteotomy employed in center B appeared to be associated with less favorable development of the dental arch relationship between 9 and 12 years.
Objective: To radiographically evaluate the prevalence of dental anomalies in patients with complete and incomplete bilateral cleft lip, comparing the prevalence of anomalies between genders and cleft types. Setting: Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of Sao Paulo (HRAC/USP), Bauru, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Participants: 150 randomly selected panoramic radiographs of individuals with complete or incomplete bilateral cleft lip; patient age 12 to 25 years (mean age 13.8 years). Results: Data were statistically analyzed to compare the possible association between presence of hypodontia and supernumerary teeth, according to gender and cleft type. Among the 150 patients evaluated, 80 (53.3%) were male and 70 (46.6%) were female. Since no statistically significant difference was found in hypodontia between genders, data were grouped for analysis, revealing prevalence of 31.6% for complete clefts and 26.8% for incomplete clefts. Concerning supernumerary teeth, the prevalence for the male patients was 28.2% for complete cleft lip and 29.2% for incomplete cleft lip. For female patients, the prevalence was significantly (p = .006) lower for complete cleft lip (17.5%) than for incomplete cleft lip (46.6%). Conclusions: The present results suggest that the prevalence of hypodontia was higher in patients with complete cleft lip, and the prevalence of supernumerary teeth was higher in patients with incomplete cleft lip, in agreement with previous studies.