922 resultados para Dental Health Surveys
To estimate the mid-point of an open-ended income category and to assess the impact of two equivalence scales on income-health associations. Data were obtained from the 2010 Brazilian Oral Health Survey ( Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde Bucal – SBBrasil 2010). Income was converted from categorical to two continuous variables ( per capita and equivalized) for each mid-point. The median mid-point was R$ 14,523.50 and the mean, R$ 24,507.10. When per capita income was applied, 53% of the population were below the poverty line, compared with 15% with equivalized income. The magnitude of income-health associations was similar for continuous income, but categorized equivalized income tended to decrease the strength of association.
OBJECTIVE To analyze oral health behaviors changes over time in Brazilian adolescents concerning maternal educational inequalities.METHODS Data from the Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar(Brazilian National School Health Survey) were analyzed. The sample was composed of 60,973 and 61,145 students from 26 Brazilian state capitals and the Federal District in 2009 and 2012, respectively. The analyzed factors were oral health behaviors (toothbrushing frequency, sweets consumption, soft drink consumption, and cigarette experimentation) and sociodemographics (age, sex, race, type of school and maternal schooling). Oral health behaviors and sociodemographic factors in the two years were compared (Rao-Scott test) and relative and absolute measures of socioeconomic inequalities in health were estimated (slope index of inequality and relative concentration index), using maternal education as a socioeconomic indicator, expressed in number of years of study (> 11; 9-11; ≤ 8).RESULTS Results from 2012, when compared with those from 2009, for all maternal education categories, showed that the proportion of people with low toothbrushing frequency increased, and that consumption of sweets and soft drinks and cigarette experimentation decreased. In private schools, positive slope index of inequality and relative concentration index indicated higher soft drink consumption in 2012 and higher cigarette experimentation in both years among students who reported greater maternal schooling, with no significant change in inequalities. In public schools, negative slope index of inequality and relative concentration index indicated higher soft drink consumption among students who reported lower maternal schooling in both years, with no significant change overtime. The positive relative concentration index indicated inequality in 2009 for cigarette experimentation, with a higher prevalence among students who reported greater maternal schooling. There were no inequalities for toothbrushing frequency or sweets consumption.CONCLUSIONS There were changes in the prevalences of oral health behaviors during the analyzed period; however, these changes were not related to maternal education inequalities.
Adolescent health surveys, like those for other segments of the population, tend to remain in the hands of researchers, where they can have no real impact on the way critical health issues are dealt with by policy makers or other professionals directly connected to young people in their everyday work. This paper reviews important issues concerning the dissemination of survey results among professionals from various fields. The content, length and wording of the messages should be tailored to the audience one wants to reach as well as the type of channels used for their diffusion. Survey data sets can be used to select priorities for interventions: ad hoc presentations, attractive summaries and brochures, or even films expressing young peoples' opinions have been used by European public health professionals to make data sets usable in various local, regional and national contexts. CONCLUSION: The impact of these diffusion strategies is, however, difficult to assess and needs to be refined. The adequate delivery of survey findings as well as advocacy and lobbying activities require specific skills which can be endorsed by specialized professionals. Ultimately, it is the researchers' responsibility to ensure that such tasks are effectively performed.
BACKGROUND: The escalating prevalence of obesity might prompt obese subjects to consider themselves as normal, as this condition is gradually becoming as frequent as normal weight. In this study, we aimed to assess the trends in the associations between obesity and self-rated health in two countries. METHODS: Data from the Portuguese (years 1995-6, 1998-6 and 2005-6) and Swiss (1992-3, 1997, 2002 and 2007) National Health Surveys were used, corresponding to more than 130,000 adults (64,793 for Portugal and 65,829 for Switzerland). Body mass index and self-rated health were derived from self-reported data. RESULTS: Obesity levels were higher in Portugal (17.5% in 2005-6 vs. 8.9% in 2007 in Switzerland, p < 0.001) and increased in both countries. The prevalence of participants rating their health as "bad" or "very bad" was higher in Portugal than in Switzerland (21.8% in 2005-6 vs 3.9% in 2007, p < 0.001). In both countries, obese participants rated more frequently their health as "bad" or "very bad" than participants with regular weight. In Switzerland, the prevalence of "bad" or "very bad" rates among obese participants, increased from 6.5% in 1992-3 to 9.8% in 2007, while in Portugal it decreased from 41.3% to 32.3%. After multivariate adjustment, the odds ratio (OR) of stating one self's health as "bad" or "very bad" among obese relative to normal weight participants, almost doubled in Switzerland: from 1.38 (95% confidence interval, CI: 1.01-1.87) in 1992-3 to 2.64 (95% CI: 2.14-3.26) in 2007, and similar findings were obtained after sample weighting. Conversely, no such trend was found in Portugal: 1.35 (95% CI: 1.23-1.48) in 1995-6 and 1.52 (95% CI: 1.37-1.70) in 2005-6. CONCLUSION: Obesity is increasing in Switzerland and Portugal. Obesity is increasingly associated with poorer self-health ratings in Switzerland but not in Portugal.
Mutansstreptokokkitartunnan ehkäisemisen pitkäaikaisvaikutukset maitohampaiden terveyteen. Kohorttitutkimus korjaavan hoidon määrästä ja kariesehkäisyn kustannuksista. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää varhaisen mutansstreptokokki (MS)-kolonisaation ehkäisyn pitkäaikaisvaikutuksia korkean kariesriskin omaavien lasten maitohampaistossa sekä tarkastella MS-tartunnan estämisen kustannuksia. Tiedot lasten hampaiden terveydestä ja hammashoitotoimenpiteistä syntymästä 10-vuotiaaksi sekä äiteihin kohdistuneen kariesehkäisyn kustannuksista kerättiin Ylivieskan terveyskeskuksen asiakirjoista. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana yhteensä 507 lasta, heistä 148 oli osallistunut aikaisempaan Ylivieskan äiti-lapsitutkimukseen, jossa verrattiin äitien käyttämän ksylitolipurukumin ja äidille tehtyjen fluori- tai klooriheksidiinilakkausten vaikutusta pikkulasten hampaiden terveyteen. Maitohammaskariesta esiintyi 10-vuotiaaksi asti merkitsevästi vähemmän lapsilla, jotka eivät olleet saaneet MS-tartuntaa alle 2-vuotiaana, heidän maitohampaansa säilyivät 3,4 vuotta kauemmin täysin ehjinä (p<0.001) ja he tarvitsivat vähemmän maitohampaiden korjaavaa hoitoa (p=0.005) kuin lapset, joiden hampaisto oli kolonisoitunut MS-bakteerilla jo 2-vuotiaana. Koska ksylitoliryhmän lasten MS-kolonisaatio oli vähäisintä, heidän maitohampaissaan oli vähemmän kariesta ja korjaavan hoidon tarvetta kuin kahden muun korkeariskisen ryhmän lapsilla. Äitien käyttämän ksylitolipurukumin kustannukset olivat yhteensä 116 euroa ja lapsen maitohampaiden säilyminen täysin ehjinä vuoden pidempään maksoi 37 euroa. Kun MS-tartunta oli saatu estettyä, korkean kariesriskin omaavien lasten hampaiden terveys oli samalla tasolla kuin keskimäärin koko ikäkohortilla. Lapsen maitohampaat säilyvät terveinä pidempään ja korjaavan hoidon tarve vähenee, kun MS-kolonisaatio alle 2-vuotiaana saadaan estettyä. Lapsen MS-kolonisaatio vähenee merkitsevästi, kun äiti käyttää ksylitolipurukumia lapsen ollessa 0-2 vuoden ikäinen, siten pikkulapsen äidin säännöllinen ksylitolipurukumin käyttö saattaa olla julkisen tereydenhuollon kannalta tarkoituksenmukainenterveyttä edistävä menetelmä.
This study is part of the STRIP study, which is a long-term, randomized controlled trial, designed to decrease the exposure of children in the intervention group (n=540) to known risk factors of atherosclerosis. The main focus of the intervention was the quality of dietary fat. The control group (n=522) did not receive any individualized counselling. Food consumption was evaluated with food records, and blood samples were drawn and growth was measured regularly for all participating children from 13 months to 9 years. A subsample of 66 children participated in a dental health survey. The number of studies on children’s carbohydrate intake, especially fibre intake, is insufficient. The current international recommendations for fibre intake in children are based on average assumptions and data extrapolated from intakes in adults and intake recommendations for adults. Finnish nutrition recommendations lack strict recommendations for dietary fibre in children. Due to fibre’s high bulk volume, excessive dietary fibre is considered to decrease energy density and hence it may have an adverse effect on growth. If fats are reduced from the diet, the low-fat diet may become high in sucrose. Therefore, especially in the STRIP study, it is important to determine the use of fibre and sucrose in children and possible associations with growth and nutrition as well as dental health. The results of the present study indicate that a high fibre intake does not displace energy or disturb growth in children and that children with high fibre intake have better quality of diet than those with low fibre intake. Additionally, dietary fibre intake associated inversely with serum cholesterol concentration. Other carbohydrates also affected serum lipid levels as well, since total carbohydrates, sucrose, and fructose increased serum triglyceride concentration. Total carbohydrate intake reduced HDL cholesterol concentration only in children with apoE3 or apoE4 phenotype. Over the period from the 1970s to the 1990s the dental health of children in Finland has substantially improved despite an increase in sucrose intake. The improvement was thought to be due to improved dental hygiene and the use of fluorine. However, during the past twenty years improvement in dental health has stopped. The present study showed that high long-term sugar intake increases risk of caries in children. High intake of sugar had also negative effects on the diet of children, because it worsens dietary quality by displacing essential nutrients. Furthermore, the quality of dietary fat was worse in children with high sucrose intake. In this study the children’s high sucrose intake was not associated with overweight, but interestingly, it associated inversely with growth.
Dental caries and dental fear and anxiety (DFA) are common interrelated problems but so far little is known about these problems in Estonia. The aim was to study dental health in relation to DFA, some fear-related factors, and to study the effect of a caries prevention program in children of fearful mothers. Dental health and DFA were assessed in two Estonian [2-4-year-olds (n=472) and 8-10-year-olds (n=344)], and the effect of some medical conditions on DFA in one Finnish child group [3-year-olds (n=148)]. 120 mother-child-pairs participated in the xylitol-based prevention program. Dental health was examined using the WHO or the ICDAS criteria and expressed as dmft/DMFT-indices. The modified children’s fear survey schedule dental subscale (MCFSS-DS) was used to assess DFA of schoolchildren, one single question to assess parental DFA, and the Corah’s dental anxiety scale (DAS) to assess DFA of mothers in the prevention study. Dentine caries was diagnosed in 42% of the 2-4-year-old and in 93% of the 8-10-year-old Estonian children. DFA of 8-10-year-olds (17%) was associated with experience of dental treatment, and maternal and paternal DFA. Dental apprehension at 9 years of age was associated with frequent exposure to invasive medical care. The xylitol-based prevention was successful irrespective of poor dental hygiene habits and maternal severe DFA. In conclusion, experience of operative dental treatment and DFA of Estonian children were closely associated. Invasive medical care and parental DFA were also linked to children’s DFA. Habitual use of xylitol by mothers was effective in preventing caries even in children of severely fearful mothers.
Objectives. To describe the changes in the use of maternal and child health care services by residents of three municipalities-Embu, Itapecerica da Serra, and Taboao da Serra-in the Sao Paulo metropolitan area, 12 years after the implementation of the Unified Health System (SUS) in Brazil, and to analyze the potential of population-based health care surveys as sources of data to evaluate these changes. Methods. Two population-based, cross-sectional surveys were carried out in 1990 and 2002 in municipalities located within the Sao Paulo metropolitan area. For children under 1 year of age, the two periods were compared in terms of outpatient services utilization and hospital admission; for the mothers, the periods were compared in terms of prenatal care and deliveries. In both surveys, stratified and multiple-stage conglomerate sampling was employed, with standardization of interview questions. Results. The most important changes observed were regarding the location of services used for prenatal care, deliveries, and hospitalization of children less than 1 year of age. There was a significant increase in the use of services in the surrounding region or hometown, and decrease in the utilization of services in the city of Sao Paulo (in 1990, 80% of deliveries and almost all admissions for children less than 1 year versus 32% and 46%, respectively, in 2002). The use of primary care units and 24-hour walk-in clinics also increased. All these changes reflect care provided by public resources. In the private sector, there was a decrease in direct payments and payments through company-paid health insurance and an increase in payments through self-paid health insurance. Conclusions. The major changes observed in the second survey occurred simultaneous to the changes that resulted from the implementation of the SUS. Population-based health surveys are adequate for analyzing and comparing the utilization of health care services at different times.
Objective: Self-rating provides a simple direct way of capturing perceptions of health. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence and associated factors of poor self-rated oral health among elders. Methods: National data from a cross-sectional population-based study with a multistage random sample of 4786 Brazilian older adults (aged 65-74) in 250 towns were analysed. Data collection included oral examinations (WHO 1997) and struct-ured interviews at elderly households. The outcome was measured by a single five-point-response-scale question dichotomized into `poor` (fair/poor/very poor) and `good` (good/very good) self-rated oral health. Data analyses used Poisson regression models stratified by sex. Results: The prevalence of poor self-rated oral health was 46.6% (95% CI: 45.2-48%) in the whole sample, 50.3% (48-52.5) in men and 44.2% (42.4-46) in women. Higher prevalence ratios (PR) were found in elders reporting unfavourable dental appearance (PR = 2.31; 95% CI: 2.02-2.65), poor chewing ability (PR = 1.64; CI: 1.48-1.8) and dental pain (PR = 1.44; CI: 1.04-1.23) in adjusted analysis. Poor self-perception was also associated with being men, black, unfavourable socioeconomic circumstances, unfavourable clinical oral health and with not using or needing a dental prosthesis. Conclusion: Assessment and understanding of self-rated oral health should take into account social factors, subjective and clinical oral symptoms.
Objectives. To describe the changes in the use of maternal and child health care services by residents of three municipalities-Embu, Itapecerica da Serra, and Taboao da Serra-in the São Paulo metropolitan area, 12 years after the implementation of the Unified Health System (SUS) in Brazil, and to analyze the potential of population-based health care surveys as sources of data to evaluate these changes.Methods. Two population-based, cross-sectional surveys were carried out in 1990 and 2002 in municipalities located within the São Paulo metropolitan area. For children under 1 year of age, the two periods were compared in terms of outpatient services utilization and hospital admission; for the mothers, the periods were compared in terms of prenatal care and deliveries. In both surveys, stratified and multiple-stage conglomerate sampling was employed, with standardization of interview questions.Results. The most important changes observed were regarding the location of services used for prenatal care, deliveries, and hospitalization of children less than 1 year of age. There was a significant increase in the use of services in the surrounding region or hometown, and decrease in the utilization of services in the city of São Paulo (in 1990, 80% of deliveries and almost all admissions for children less than 1 year versus 32% and 46%, respectively, in 2002). The use of primary care units and 24-hour walk-in clinics also increased. All these changes reflect care provided by public resources. In the private sector, there was a decrease in direct payments and payments through company-paid health insurance and an increase in payments through self-paid health insurance.Conclusions. The major changes observed in the second survey occurred simultaneous to the changes that resulted from the implementation of the SUS. Population-based health surveys are adequate for analyzing and comparing the utilization of health care services at different times.
Dental trauma involving root fracture and periodontal ligament injury: A 10-year retrospective study
The purpose of this retrospective study was to analyze the cases of traumatic dental injuries involving root fracture and/or periodontal ligament injury (except avulsion) treated at the Discipline of Integrated Clinic, School of Dentistry of Araçatuba, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil, from January 1992 to December 2002. Clinical and radiographic records from 161 patients with 287 traumatized teeth that had sustained root fracture and/or injuries to the periodontal ligament were examined. The results of this survey revealed that subluxation (25.09%) was the most common type of periodontal ligament injury, followed by extrusive luxation (19.86%). There was a predominance of young male patients and most of them did not present systemic alterations. Among the etiologic factors, the most frequent causes were falls and bicycle accidents. Injuries on extraoral soft tissues were mostly laceration and abrasion, while gingival and lip mucosa lacerations prevailed on intraoral soft tissues injuries. Radiographically, the most common finding was an increase of the periodontal ligament space. The most commonly performed treatment was root canal therapy. Within the limits of this study, it can be concluded that traumatic dental injuries occur more frequently in young male individuals, due to falls and bicycle accidents. Subluxation was the most common type of periodontal ligament injury. Root canal therapy was the type of treatment most commonly planned and performed.
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyse associations between self-perception of oral health and relevant clinical, personal and socio-demographic factors in a Brazilian community. Material And Methods: Urban adults living in a city in southern Brazil were interviewerd and examined. Individuals with acute pain and who needed multiple extractions of teeth were excluded. Self-perception and the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) were applied to measure the impact of oral conditions on the quality of life. Socio-demographic and clinical indicators were also analysed. Results: The clinical examination revealed a high dental caries experience (DMFT = 18.9) and a high prevalence of periodontal disease. Oral condition was considered normal by 42% of respondents. The variables associated with the OHIP-14 were: education, age, self-assessment, dental caries and the DMFT index. Conclusions: Self-perception of oral health was associated with OHIP-14 and the clinical indicators had low influence in the self-perception. Therefore, the development of educational initiatives and preventive strategies for the adult population is recommended. © BASCD 2011.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)