993 resultados para Densité a priori


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The paper is based on qualitative properties of the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluid, and on properties of their finite element solution. In problems with corner-like singularities (e.g. on the well-known L-shaped domain) usually some adaptive strategy is used. In this paper we present an alternative approach. For flow problems on domains with corner singularities we use the a priori error estimates and asymptotic expansion of the solution to derive an algorithm for refining the mesh near the corner. It gives very precise solution in a cheap way. We present some numerical results.


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This paper extends a state projection method for structure preserving model reduction to situations where only a weaker notion of system structure is available. This weaker notion of structure, identifying the causal relationship between manifest variables of the system, is especially relevant is settings such as systems biology, where a clear partition of state variables into distinct subsystems may be unknown, or not even exist. The resulting technique, like similar approaches, does not provide theoretical performance guarantees, so an extensive computational study is conducted, and it is observed to work fairly well in practice. Moreover, conditions characterizing structurally minimal realizations and sufficient conditions characterizing edge loss resulting from the reduction process, are presented. ©2009 IEEE.


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The performance of algebraic flame surface density (FSD) models has been assessed for flames with nonunity Lewis number (Le) in the thin reaction zones regime, using a direct numerical simulation (DNS) database of freely propagating turbulent premixed flames with Le ranging from 0.34 to 1.2. The focus is on algebraic FSD models based on a power-law approach, and the effects of Lewis number on the fractal dimension D and inner cut-off scale η i have been studied in detail. It has been found that D is strongly affected by Lewis number and increases significantly with decreasing Le. By contrast, η i remains close to the laminar flame thermal thickness for all values of Le considered here. A parameterisation of D is proposed such that the effects of Lewis number are explicitly accounted for. The new parameterisation is used to propose a new algebraic model for FSD. The performance of the new model is assessed with respect to results for the generalised FSD obtained from explicitly LES-filtered DNS data. It has been found that the performance of the most existing models deteriorates with decreasing Lewis number, while the newly proposed model is found to perform as well or better than the most existing algebraic models for FSD. © 2012 Mohit Katragadda et al.


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This study focuses on the modelling of turbulent lifted jet flames using flamelets and a presumed Probability Density Function (PDF) approach with interest in both flame lift-off height and flame brush structure. First, flamelet models used to capture contributions from premixed and non-premixed modes of the partially premixed combustion in the lifted jet flame are assessed using a Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) data for a turbulent lifted hydrogen jet flame. The joint PDFs of mixture fraction Z and progress variable c, including their statistical correlation, are obtained using a copula method, which is also validated using the DNS data. The statistically independent PDFs are found to be generally inadequate to represent the joint PDFs from the DNS data. The effects of Z-c correlation and the contribution from the non-premixed combustion mode on the flame lift-off height are studied systematically by including one effect at a time in the simulations used for a posteriori validation. A simple model including the effects of chemical kinetics and scalar dissipation rate is suggested and used for non-premixed combustion contributions. The results clearly show that both Z-c correlation and non-premixed combustion effects are required in the premixed flamelets approach to get good agreement with the measured flame lift-off heights as a function of jet velocity. The flame brush structure reported in earlier experimental studies is also captured reasonably well for various axial positions. It seems that flame stabilisation is influenced by both premixed and non-premixed combustion modes, and their mutual influences. © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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Analizamos los registros de representación semiótica y las correspondientes funciones semióticas implícitos en la solución de dos problemas propuestos para la Educación Polimodal, que consideramos pueden ser utilizados en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la noción resolución numérica de ecuaciones polinómicas, contemplada en los C.B.C. del mencionado nivel. Las representaciones juegan un rol fundamental en los procesos de construcción de conceptos, por lo que son importantes en la enseñanza, aprendizaje y comunicación del conocimiento matemático (Hitt, 1996). Con este análisis a priori, pretendemos ver cuáles de los registros de representación son de mayor peso para incorporar o darle sentido al concepto: Funciones polinómicas. Raíces de las correspondientes ecuaciones. Tratamos de responder a las preguntas: ¿Cuáles son los distintos registros de representación puestos en juego en la solución de cada problema?. ¿Cómo se suceden?. ¿Cómo aparecen y cuál es la necesidad de su conversión?. ¿Cómo se coordinan en la actividad conceptual? ¿En qué medida la presentación del tema desde una situación problemática es beneficiosa para incorporar y dar sentido a la determinación de las raíces de una ecuación polinómica?.


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The characterization of thermocouple sensors for temperature measurement in varying-flow environments is a challenging problem. Recently, the authors introduced novel difference-equation-based algorithms that allow in situ characterization of temperature measurement probes consisting of two-thermocouple sensors with differing time constants. In particular, a linear least squares (LS) lambda formulation of the characterization problem, which yields unbiased estimates when identified using generalized total LS, was introduced. These algorithms assume that time constants do not change during operation and are, therefore, appropriate for temperature measurement in homogenous constant-velocity liquid or gas flows. This paper develops an alternative ß-formulation of the characterization problem that has the major advantage of allowing exploitation of a priori knowledge of the ratio of the sensor time constants, thereby facilitating the implementation of computationally efficient algorithms that are less sensitive to measurement noise. A number of variants of the ß-formulation are developed, and appropriate unbiased estimators are identified. Monte Carlo simulation results are used to support the analysis.


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In this paper, we investigate what constitutes the least amount of a priori information on the nonlinearity so that the FIR linear part is identifiable in the non-Gaussian input case. Three types of a priori information are considered including quadrant information, point information and locally monotonous information. In all three cases, identifiability has been established and corresponding identification algorithms are developed with their convergence proofs.


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A key for three putative species apparently found in three geographic areas, i.e. Coregonus clupeoides (in Scotland), Coregonus stigmaticus (in England), and Coregonus pennantii (in Wales) given in a recent review was tested quantitatively using 544 individuals from nine populations. The classification success of the key was very low (27%). It was concluded that there is currently no robust evidence for the recognition of the three putative species. Furthermore, the use of phenotypic characters alone to distinguish putative species in postglacial fish species such as those of the genus Coregonus that show homoplasy in many of these traits is questioned. In the absence of further evidence, it was concluded that a single highly variable species best describes the pattern of phenotypic variation in these U.K. populations. On this basis it is argued that taxonomic subdivision of U.K. European coregonids is inappropriate and that Coregonus lavaretus should prevail as the species name applicable to all populations.


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Nas ultimas décadas, dada a grande importância estratégica atribuída ao turismo, quer a nível internacional quer a nível nacional, fez com que este se traduzisse nem dos sectores mais importantes da economia mundial. Neste sentido, torna-se prioritário configurar a oferta turística com base no estudo das necessidades e preferências dos consumidores, orientando por forte enfoque de Marketing na gestão dos recurso turísticos. Deste modo, conhecer as preferenciais dos consumidores-turistas desempenha um papel-chave na gestão estratégica da oferta turística. Em consequência, torna-se pertinente abordar a segmentação de mercados, desde as duas principais perspectivas: a segmentação clássica- com base em variáveis sociodemográficas- e a segmentação a posteriori ou optimizada- com base nas preferências dos consumidores. Portanto, o principal objectivo do presente estudo insere-se na analise das preferências dos consumidores para desenvolver um processo de segmentação, recorrendo a uma metodologia multivariada, concretamente, a Analise Conjunta. Os resultados obtidos permitem constatar que os jovens turistas portugueses atribuem maior importância ao Clima e ao Preço no momento de adquirir um produto turístico. Seguidamente os mais relevantes são a Duração da Viagem, a Oferta Cultural, o Tipo de Destino e Ócio e inversão Nocturna. A nível mais especifico,através de uma segmentação a priori, e com base na variável sexo, verifica-se que os indivíduos de sexo masculino apresentam uma menor importância relativamente ao atributo Oferta Cultural contrariamente aos indivíduos de sexo feminino. Por outro lado, no que respeita ao atributo Ócio e Diversão Nocturna verifica-se que este apresenta uma maior importância para os indivíduos do sexo masculino. Por fim, com base na variável faixa etária verifica-se que é o atributo Ócio e Diversão Nocturna que apresenta maior divergência, entre os vários grupos de idades apresentados.


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La réalisation de dispositifs à des dimensions sous-micrométriques et nanométriques demande une maîtrise parfaite des procédés de fabrication, notamment ceux de gravure. La réalisation des ces dispositifs est complexe et les exigences en termes de qualité et de géométrie des profils de gravure imposent de choisir les conditions opératoires les mieux adaptées. Les simulations de l'évolution spatio-temporelle des profils de gravure que nous proposons dans cette thèse s'inscrivent parfaitement dans ce contexte. Le simulateur que nous avons réalisé offre la possibilité de mieux comprendre les processus qui entrent en jeu lors de la gravure par plasma de profils dans divers matériaux. Il permet de tester l'influence des paramètres du plasma sur la forme du profil et donc de déterminer les conditions opératoires optimales. La mise au point de ce simulateur s'appuie sur les concepts fondamentaux qui gouvernent la gravure par plasma. À partir de l'état des lieux des différentes approches numériques pouvant être utilisées, nous avons élaboré un algorithme stable et adaptable permettant de mettre en évidence l'importance de certains paramètres clés pour la réalisation de profils de gravure par un plasma à haute densité et à basse pression. Les capacités de cet algorithme ont été testées en étudiant d'une part la pulvérisation de Si dans un plasma d'argon et d'autre part, la gravure chimique assistée par les ions de SiO2/Si dans un plasma de chlore. Grâce aux comparaisons entre profils simulés et expérimentaux, nous avons montré l'importance du choix de certains paramètres, comme la nature du gaz utilisé et la pression du plasma, la forme initiale du masque, la sélectivité masque/matériau, le rapport de flux neutre/ion, etc. Nous avons aussi lié ces paramètres à la formation de défauts dans les profils, par exemple celle de facettes sur le masque, de parois concaves, et de micro-tranchées. Enfin, nous avons montré que le phénomène de redépôt des atomes pulvérisés entre en compétition avec la charge électrique de surface pour expliquer la formation de profils en V dans le Pt pulvérisé par un plasma d'argon.