129 resultados para Decoherence


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We study the dynamics of quantum and classical correlations in the presence of nondissipative decoherence. We discover a class of initial states for which the quantum correlations, quantified by the quantum discord, are not destroyed by decoherence for times t < <(t)over bar>. In this initial time interval classical correlations decay. For t > (t) over bar, on the other hand, classical correlations do not change in time and only quantum correlations are lost due to the interaction with the environment. Therefore, at the transition time (t) over bar the open system dynamics exhibits a sudden transition from classical to quantum decoherence regime.


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We study the competing effects of simultaneous Markovian and non-Markovian decoherence mechanisms acting on a single spin. We show the existence of a threshold in the relative strength of such mechanisms above which the spin dynamics becomes fully Markovian, as revealed by the use of several non-Markovianity measures. We identify a measure-dependent nested structure of such thresholds, hinting at a causality relationship among the various non-Markovianity witnesses used in our analysis. Our considerations are then used to argue the unavoidably non-Markovian evolution of a single-electron quantum dot exposed to both intrinsic and Markovian technical noise, the latter of arbitrary strength. 


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We present a technique to build, within a dissipative bosonic network, decoherence-free channels (DFCs): a group of normal-mode oscillators with null effective damping rates. We verify that the states protected within the DFC define the well-known decoherence-free subspaces (DFSs) when mapped back into the natural network oscillators. Therefore, our technique to build protected normal-mode channels turns out to be an alternative way to build DFSs, which offers advantages over the conventional method. It enables the computation of all the network-protected states at once, as well as leading naturally to the concept of the decoherence quasi-free subspace (DQFS), inside which a superposition state is quasi-completely protected against decoherence. The concept of the DQFS, weaker than that of the DFS, may provide a more manageable mechanism to control decoherence. Finally, as an application of the DQFSs, we show how to build them for quasi-perfect state transfer in networks of coupled quantum dissipative oscillators.


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In this work we investigate the dynamical Casimir effect in a nonideal cavity by deriving an effective Hamiltonian. We first compute a general expression for the average number of particle creation, applicable for any law of motion of the cavity boundary, under the only restriction of small velocities. We also compute a general expression for the linear entropy of an arbitrary state prepared in a selected mode, also applicable for any law of motion of a slow moving boundary. As an application of our results we have analyzed both the average number of particle creation and linear entropy within a particular oscillatory motion of the cavity boundary. On the basis of these expressions we develop a comprehensive analysis of the resonances in the number of particle creation in the nonideal dynamical Casimir effect. We also demonstrate the occurrence of resonances in the loss of purity of the initial state and estimate the decoherence times associated with these resonances. Since our results were obtained in the framework of the perturbation theory, they are restricted, under resonant conditions, to a short-time approximation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we identify the set of time-dependent pure states building the statistical mixture to which a system, initially in a pure state, is driven by the reservoir. This set of time-dependent pure states, composing what we term a pure basis, are those that diagonalize the reduced density operator of the system. Next, we show that the evolution of the pure-basis states reveals an interesting phenomenon as the system, after decoherence, evolves toward the equilibrium: the spontaneous recoherence of quantum states. Around our defined recoherence time, the statistical mixture associated with a special kind of initial states termed even-symmetric, spontaneously undergoes a recoherence process, by which the initial state of the system emerges from the mixture except for its reduced excitation drained into the reservoir. This phenomenon reveals that the reservoir only shuffle the original information carried out by the initial state of the system instead of erasing it. Moreover, as the spontaneously recohered state occurs only for asymptotic time, we also present a protocol to extract it from the mixture through specific projective measurements. The password to retrieve the original information stems is the knowledge of both the initial state itself and the associated pure basis. A definition of the decoherence time of an N-state superposition is also presented.


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In this paper we analyze the double Caldeira-Leggett model: the path integral approach to two interacting dissipative harmonic oscillators. Assuming a general form of the interaction between the oscillators, we consider two different situations: (i) when each oscillator is coupled to its own reservoir, and (ii) when both oscillators are coupled to a common reservoir. After deriving and solving the master equation for each case, we analyze the decoherence process of particular entanglements in the positional space of both oscillators. To analyze the decoherence mechanism we have derived a general decay function, for the off-diagonal peaks of the density matrix, which applies both to common and separate reservoirs. We have also identified the expected interaction between the two dissipative oscillators induced by their common reservoir. Such a reservoir-induced interaction, which gives rise to interesting collective damping effects, such as the emergence of relaxation- and decoherence-free subspaces, is shown to be blurred by the high-temperature regime considered in this study. However, we find that different interactions between the dissipative oscillators, described by rotating or counter-rotating terms, result in different decay rates for the interference terms of the density matrix. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We include the dynamics of the angular straggling process in the angular distributions of Mott scattering of heavy ions. We model the passage of an incoming nucleus through a target as a diffusion process. It is then possible to derive a simple and physically transparent expression for the angular dispersion due to the straggling. The angular dispersion should be folded with the theoretical Mott cross section to see its effect on the amplitude of the Mott oscillations. Our results agree very well with data of Pb-208 + Pb-208 scattering. We define the "classical" limit as the limit when the angular dispersion due to straggling becomes comparable with the Mott oscillation period and get the disappearance of quantum interference occurring at the limit 0.050 root xi Z(4)/E-3/2 >= 1, where xi stands for the target thickness, Z is the system's charge, and E is the center-of-mass energy. The experiments on lead are very close to this limit. We show that the kinematical correlations due to the identity of the particles is maintained, as it should be, and the action of the environment is to reduce the fringe visibility.


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The scaling of decoherence rates with qubit number N is studied for a simple model of a quantum computer in the situation where N is large. The two state qubits are localized around well-separated positions via trapping potentials and vibrational centre of mass motion of the qubits occurs. Coherent one and two qubit gating processes are controlled by external classical fields and facilitated by a cavity mode ancilla. Decoherence due to qubit coupling to a bath of spontaneous modes, cavity decay modes and to the vibrational modes is treated. A non-Markovian treatment of the short time behaviour of the fidelity is presented, and expressions for the characteristic decoherence time scales obtained for the case where the qubit/cavity mode ancilla is in a pure state and the baths are in thermal states. Specific results are given for the case where the cavity mode is in the vacuum state and gating processes are absent and the qubits are in (a) the Hadamard state (b) the GHZ state.


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The monogamous nature of entanglement has been illustrated by the derivation of entanglement-sharing inequalities-bounds on the amount of entanglement that can be shared among the various parts of a multipartite system. Motivated by recent studies of decoherence, we demonstrate an interesting manifestation of this phenomena that arises in system-environment models where there exists interactions between the modes or subsystems of the environment. We investigate this phenomenon in the spin-bath environment, constructing an entanglement-sharing inequality bounding the entanglement between a central spin and the environment in terms of the pairwise entanglement between individual bath spins. The relation of this result to decoherence will be illustrated using simplified system-bath models of decoherence.


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We give a theoretical treatment of the interaction of electronic excitations (excitions) in biomolecules and quantum dots with the surrounding polar solvent. Significant quantum decoherence occurs due to the interaction of the electric dipole moment of the solute with the fluctuating electric dipole moments of the individual molecules in the solvent. We introduce spin boson models which could be used to describe the effects. of decoherence on the quantum dynamics of biomolecules which undergo light-induced conformational change and on biomolecules or quantum dots which are coupled by Forster resonant energy transfer.


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We consider a universal set of quantum gates encoded within a perturbed decoherence-free subspace of four physical qubits. Using second-order perturbation theory and a measuring device modelled by an infinite set of harmonic oscillators, simply coupled to the system, we show that continuous observation of the coupling agent induces inhibition of the decoherence due to spurious perturbations. We thus advance the idea of protecting or even creating a decoherence-free subspace for processing quantum information.


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Recently, there have been several suggestions that weak Kerr nonlinearity can be used for generation of macroscopic superpositions and entanglement and for linear optics quantum computation. However, it is not immediately clear that this approach can overcome decoherence effects. Our numerical study shows that nonlinearity of weak strength could be useful for macroscopic entanglement generation and quantum gate operations in the presence of decoherence. We suggest specific values for real experiments based on our analysis. Our discussion shows that the generation of macroscopic entanglement using this approach is within the reach of current technology.


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We present a Lorentz invariant extension of a previous model for intrinsic decoherence (Milburn 1991 Phys. Rev. A 44 5401). The extension uses unital semigroup representations of space and time translations rather than the more usual unitary representation, and does the least violence to physically important invariance principles. Physical consequences include a modification of the uncertainty principle and a modification of field dispersion relations, similar to modifications suggested by quantum gravity and string theory, but without sacrificing Lorentz invariance. Some observational signatures are discussed.