886 resultados para Dead reckoning
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Sistemi navigazionali multi sensore per il posizionamento in presenza di brevi periodi di GPS outage
Il posizionamento terrestre negli ultimi anni è stato sempre più facilitato dallo sviluppo delle tecniche satellitari, che permettono di localizzare un punto sulla superficie terrestre con precisioni superiori a quelle richieste per la pura navigazione, tramite la comunicazione tra ricevitore e satelliti. Per la disponibilità del sistema satellitare è indispensabile l’intervisibilità ottica satellite - ricevitore, condizione che viene a mancare nel caso ad esempio di trekking sottobosco, a causa della copertura data da manto vegetale e chiome arboree che non permettono una corretta triangolazione geometrica satellitare. Rientrano nei sistemi navigazionali anche le piattaforme inerziali, sistemi che rilevano le accelerazioni impresse e l’orientamento della piattaforma stessa. Se montati su un veicolo possono fungere da ausilio alla determinazione dell’ “attitude”, cioè dell’atteggiamento del veicolo durante il suo movimento in uno spazio tridimensionale. In questo lavoro ci si propone di unire i benefici delle due tecnologie, satellitari e inerziali, grazie alla complementarietà delle loro caratteristiche sugli errori, unendone le potenzialità e verificando i benefici prodotti dal loro uso integrato. In particolare si utilizzeranno dispositivi di costo relativamente contenuto.
Indoor positioning has become an emerging research area because of huge commercial demands for location-based services in indoor environments. Channel State Information (CSI) as a fine-grained physical layer information has been recently proposed to achieve high positioning accuracy by using range-based methods, e.g., trilateration. In this work, we propose to fuse the CSI-based ranges and velocity estimated from inertial sensors by an enhanced particle filter to achieve highly accurate tracking. The algorithm relies on some enhanced ranging methods and further mitigates the remaining ranging errors by a weighting technique. Additionally, we provide an efficient method to estimate the velocity based on inertial sensors. The algorithms are designed in a network-based system, which uses rather cheap commercial devices as anchor nodes. We evaluate our system in a complex environment along three different moving paths. Our proposed tracking method can achieve 1:3m for mean accuracy and 2:2m for 90% accuracy, which is more accurate and stable than pedestrian dead reckoning and range-based positioning.
Indoor positioning has become an emerging research area because of huge commercial demands for location-based services in indoor environments. Channel State Information (CSI) as fine-grained physical layer information has been recently proposed to achieve high positioning accuracy by using range based methods, e.g., trilateration. In this work, we propose to fuse the CSI-based ranging and velocity estimated from inertial sensors by an enhanced particle filter to achieve highly accurate tracking. The algorithm relies on some enhanced ranging methods and further mitigates the remaining ranging errors by a weighting technique. Additionally, we provide an efficient method to estimate the velocity based on inertial sensors. The algorithms are designed in a network-based system, which uses rather cheap commercial devices as anchor nodes. We evaluate our system in a complex environment along three different moving paths. Our proposed tracking method can achieve 1.3m for mean accuracy and 2.2m for 90% accuracy, which is more accurate and stable than pedestrian dead reckoning and range-based positioning.
We propose an optimization-based framework to minimize the energy consumption in a sensor network when using an indoor localization system based on the combination of received signal strength (RSS) and pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR). The objective is to find the RSS localization frequency and the number of RSS measurements used at each localization round that jointly minimize the total consumed energy, while ensuring at the same time a desired accuracy in the localization result. The optimization approach leverages practical models to predict the localization error and the overall energy consumption for combined RSS-PDR localization systems. The performance of the proposed strategy is assessed through simulation, showing energy savings with respect to other approaches while guaranteeing a target accuracy.
The localization of persons in indoor environments is nowadays an open problem. There are partial solutions based on the deployment of a network of sensors (Local Positioning Systems or LPS). Other solutions only require the installation of an inertial sensor on the person’s body (Pedestrian Dead-Reckoning or PDR). PDR solutions integrate the signals coming from an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), which usually contains 3 accelerometers and 3 gyroscopes. The main problem of PDR is the accumulation of positioning errors due to the drift caused by the noise in the sensors. This paper presents a PDR solution that incorporates a drift correction method based on detecting the access ramps usually found in buildings. The ramp correction method is implemented over a PDR framework that uses an Inertial Navigation algorithm (INS) and an IMU attached to the person’s foot. Unlike other approaches that use external sensors to correct the drift error, we only use one IMU on the foot. To detect a ramp, the slope of the terrain on which the user is walking, and the change in height sensed when moving forward, are estimated from the IMU. After detection, the ramp is checked for association with one of the existing in a database. For each associated ramp, a position correction is fed into the Kalman Filter in order to refine the INS-PDR solution. Drift-free localization is achieved with positioning errors below 2 meters for 1,000-meter-long routes in a building with a few ramps.
The main problem of pedestrian dead-reckoning (PDR) using only a body-attached inertial measurement unit is the accumulation of heading errors. The heading provided by magnetometers in indoor buildings is in general not reliable and therefore it is commonly not used. Recently, a new method was proposed called heuristic drift elimination (HDE) that minimises the heading error when navigating in buildings. It assumes that the majority of buildings have their corridors parallel to each other, or they intersect at right angles, and consequently most of the time the person walks along a straight path with a heading constrained to one of the four possible directions. In this article we study the performance of HDE-based methods in complex buildings, i.e. with pathways also oriented at 45°, long curved corridors, and wide areas where non-oriented motion is possible. We explain how the performance of the original HDE method can be deteriorated in complex buildings, and also, how severe errors can appear in the case of false matches with the building's dominant directions. Although magnetic compassing indoors has a chaotic behaviour, in this article we analyse large data-sets in order to study the potential use that magnetic compassing has to estimate the absolute yaw angle of a walking person. Apart from these analysis, this article also proposes an improved HDE method called Magnetically-aided Improved Heuristic Drift Elimination (MiHDE), that is implemented over a PDR framework that uses foot-mounted inertial navigation with an extended Kalman filter (EKF). The EKF is fed with the MiHDE-estimated orientation error, gyro bias corrections, as well as the confidence over that corrections. We experimentally evaluated the performance of the proposed MiHDE-based PDR method, comparing it with the original HDE implementation. Results show that both methods perform very well in ideal orthogonal narrow-corridor buildings, and MiHDE outperforms HDE for non-ideal trajectories (e.g. curved paths) and also makes it robust against potential false dominant direction matchings.
I sistemi di localizzazione, negli ultimi anni, sono stati oggetto di numerose ricerche a livello internazionale.Gli sviluppi più importanti hanno avuto inizio nell’ambito stradale con sistemi di navigazione e localizzazione, possibili grazie alle forti capacità del GPS.Infatti il GPS indica l’intero apparato che permette il funzionamento della maggior parte dei navigatori disponibili in commercio, che, però, non sono utilizzabili in ambito indoor, in quanto la ricezione del segnale proveniente dai satelliti GPS diventa scarsa o pressoché nulla. In questo senso, la localizzazione risulta rilevante nel caso di indoor positioning, ossia quando utenti hanno bisogno di conoscere la propria posizione e quella degli altri membri della squadra di soccorso all’interno di un edificio come, ad esempio, i vigili del fuoco durante un’operazione di salvataggio. Sono questi fattori che portano all’idea della creazione di un sistema di localizzazione indoor basato su smartphone o una qualsiasi altra piattaforma disponibile. Tra le diverse tecnologie e architetture legate al posizionamento indoor/outdoor e inerziale, con questa tesi, si vuole esporre la foot-mounted inertial navigation, un sistema che permette di conoscere la propria posizione, sia all’interno di edifici,sia in campi aperti, tramite l’utilizzo di una rete wireless o GPS e l’aiuto di sensori a basso costo.Tuttavia per conoscere la stima ottimale della posizione, della velocità e dell’orientamento corrente di un utente dotato di sensori sarà necessaria l’integrazione di diversi algoritmi, che permettono di modellare e stimare errori o di conoscere e predire la posizione futura dello stesso. Gli scopi principali di questo lavoro sono: 1)Tracciare i movimenti di un utente usando diversi sensori per ottenere una stima ottimale della posizione dello stesso; 2)Localizzare l’utente in 3 dimensioni con precisione; 3)Ottenere una transizione senza interruzioni per un posizionamento continuo tra aree indoor e outdoor;
Federal Highway Administration, Washington, D.C.
Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445
A major weakness among loading models for pedestrians walking on flexible structures proposed in recent years is the various uncorroborated assumptions made in their development. This applies to spatio-temporal characteristics of pedestrian loading and the nature of multi-object interactions. To alleviate this problem, a framework for the determination of localised pedestrian forces on full-scale structures is presented using a wireless attitude and heading reference systems (AHRS). An AHRS comprises a triad of tri-axial accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers managed by a dedicated data processing unit, allowing motion in three-dimensional space to be reconstructed. A pedestrian loading model based on a single point inertial measurement from an AHRS is derived and shown to perform well against benchmark data collected on an instrumented treadmill. Unlike other models, the current model does not take any predefined form nor does it require any extrapolations as to the timing and amplitude of pedestrian loading. In order to assess correctly the influence of the moving pedestrian on behaviour of a structure, an algorithm for tracking the point of application of pedestrian force is developed based on data from a single AHRS attached to a foot. A set of controlled walking tests with a single pedestrian is conducted on a real footbridge for validation purposes. A remarkably good match between the measured and simulated bridge response is found, indeed confirming applicability of the proposed framework.
The hygienic behavior of honey bees is based on a two-step process, including uncapping and removing diseased, dead, damaged, or parasitized brood inside the cell. We evaluated during periods of 1 h the time that hygienic and non-hygienic colonies of Africanized honey bees spend to detect, uncap and remove pin-killed brood using comb inserts with transparent walls placed in observation hives. We observed that hygienic colonies are significantly faster in detecting, uncapping and removing dead brood in the cells (P < 0.001).
Reproductive failures are still common grounds for complaint by commercial swine producers. Porcine parvovirus (PPV) is associated with different clinical reproductive signs. The aim of the present study was to investigate PPV fetal infection at swine farms having ongoing reproductive performance problems. The presence of virus in fetal tissues was determined by nested-polymerase chain reaction assay directed to the conserved NS1 gene of PPV in aborted fetuses, mummies and stillborns. Fetuses show a high frequency of PPV infection (96.4%; N = 28). In 60.7% of the fetuses, PPV were detected in all tissue samples (lung, heart, thymus, kidney, and spleen). Viral infection differed among fetal tissues, with a higher frequency in the lung and heart (P < 0.05). Fetuses with up to 99 days of gestational age and from younger sows showed a higher frequency of PPV (P < 0.05). No significant difference in the presence of PPV was detected among the three clinical presentations. The results suggest that PPV remains an important pathogenic agent associated with porcine fetal death.
In Apis mellifera, hygienic behavior involves recognition and removal of sick, damaged or dead brood from capped cells. We investigated whether bees react in the same way to grouped versus isolated damaged capped brood cells. Three colonies of wild-type Africanized honey bees and three colonies of Carniolan honey bees were used for this investigation. Capped worker brood cells aged 12 to 14 days old were perforated with the pin-killing method. After making holes in the brood cells, the combs were placed back into the hives; 24 h later the number of cleaned cells was recorded in areas with pin-killed and control brood cells. Four repetitions were made in each colony. Isolated cells were more frequently cleaned than grouped cells, though variance analysis showed no significant difference (P = 0.1421). Carniolan bees also were somewhat, though not significantly more hygienic than Africanized honey bees (P = 0.0840). We conclude that honey bees can detect and remove both isolated and grouped dead brood. The tendency towards greater hygienic efficiency directed towards grouped pin-killed brood may be a consequence of a greater concentration of volatiles emanating from the wounds in the dead pupae.
Insect societies are well known for their high degree of cooperation, but their colonies can potentially be exploited by reproductive workers who lay unfertilized, male eggs, rather than work for the good of the colony. Recently, it has also been discovered that workers in bumblebees and Asian honeybees can succeed in entering and parasitizing unrelated colonies to produce their own male offspring. The aim of this study was to investigate whether such intraspecific worker parasitism might also occur in stingless bees, another group of highly social bees. Based on a large-scale genetic study of the species Melipona scutellaris, and the genotyping of nearly 600 males from 45 colonies, we show that similar to 20% of all males are workers` sons, but that around 80% of these had genotypes that were incompatible with them being the sons of workers of the resident queen. By tracking colonies over multiple generations, we show that these males were not produced by drifted workers, but rather by workers that were the offspring of a previous, superseded queen. This means that uniquely, workers reproductively parasitize the next-generation workforce. Our results are surprising given that most colonies were sampled many months after the previous queen had died and that workers normally only have a life expectancy of similar to 30 days. It also implies that reproductive workers greatly outlive all other workers. We explain our results in the context of kin selection theory, and the fact that it pays workers more from exploiting the colony if costs are carried by less related individuals.