973 resultados para Daycare center - Educational methodologies
A presente dissertação traz os resultados da pesquisa que teve como objetivo investigar a articulação entre os projetos de trabalho, a proposta pedagógica e a produção das crianças na Creche UFF, no espaço físico do Departamento de Educação Infantil do Colégio Universitário Geraldo Reis (COLUNI/UFF), Unidade Universitária de Educação Infantil (UUEI) localizada em Niterói, Rio de Janeiro (RJ). A investigação tomou como material de análise a produção do conhecimento sobre a infância restrita a projetos de trabalho de autoria de docentes, estagiários, bolsistas, pesquisadores em geral, tendo como campo de pesquisa a Creche UFF; os projetos de trabalho desenvolvidos nessa unidade com as crianças de dezoito meses a cinco anos; os registros do caderno de campo produzidos a partir das observações das reuniões pedagógicas. Para consecução da proposta, foram utilizados estudos sobre projetos realizados por autores tais como Fernando Hernández, Montserrat Ventura, Edwards, Gandini e Forman, Maria Carmem Barbosa e Maria da Graça Souza Horn. Para as orientações curriculares, analisaram-se os estudos de Ligia Aquino e Vera Vasconcellos, bem como os principais documentos oficiais para a educação infantil. A pesquisa teve como resultados a constatação de que há articulação entre os projetos de trabalho e a proposta pedagógica, assim como há visibilidade, nos portfólios, das produções das crianças
L’assoliment de l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior implica nous rols per a professors i alumnes i la introducció de noves metodologies docents. En aquest article es presenta una experiència d’innovació en la docència de la Psicologia consistent en l’assaig de la tècnica de treball cooperatiu del trencaclosques. Aquesta tècnica s’ha aplicat en una classe de teoria de l’assignatura troncal i anual “Avaluació Psicològica” de segon curs de la llicenciatura de Psicologia. S’exposa el procediment i s’analitzen els pros i els contres de l’ús d’aquesta metodologia segons la perspectiva de la professora i segons el punt de vista dels alumnes
L’assoliment de l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior implica nous rols per a professors i alumnes i la introducció de noves metodologies docents. En aquest article es presenta una experiència d’innovació en la docència de la Psicologia consistent en la incorporació de minicasos a les classes expositives de l’assignatura troncal i anual “Avaluació Psicològica” de segon curs de la llicenciatura de Psicologia. S’exposa el procediment i s’analitza l’opinió dels estudiants respecte a la utilitats dels minicasos per incrementar l’atenció, l’interès i la comprensió de l’assignatura
O objetivo desta investigação foi verificar o julgamento de educadoras de creche sobre os fatores que causam e/ou influenciam o temperamento e o desempenho de bebês. Vinte e uma educadoras foram entrevistadas a respeito de cada um dos 90 bebês de 4 a 24 meses sob seus cuidados, seguindo um roteiro semi-estruturado. Os resultados mostram que (a) as crenças das educadoras são predominantemente ambientalistas, isto é, que as educadoras atribuem influência significativa do ambiente no temperamento e desempenho dos bebês, e (b) que elas subestimam o seu papel de promotoras do desenvolvimento das crianças. A necessidade de se conhecer as crenças das educadoras para a eleboração de programas de treinamento eficazes é enfatizada.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of ICDAS training in a group of dental students for occlusal caries detection in permanent teeth. Premolars and molars (N=104) with occlusal surfaces varying from ICDAS scores 0 to 6 were cleaned, one occlusal site per tooth was selected, and a photograph taken to identify the site. Eight senior dental students examined the teeth twice with a one-week interval between examinations during each of two phases: before and after the ICDAS e-learning program. Teeth were histologically assessed for caries extension. Intraclass correlation coefficients for intra- and interexaminer repeatability were high, both before (0.75 and 0.72, respectively) and after e-learning (0.82 and 0.78, respectively). The ICDAS scores decreased significantly from before to after e-learning (p=0.0001). Correlation between ICDAS scores and histology scores was moderate (0.57 before e-learning and 0.61 after). Although the ROC curve shows an improvement in the use of the ICDAS scoring after e-learning, the difference was not significant (p=0.10). Specificity of the ICDAS scores significantly improved after e-learning (77 percent vs. 36 percent), and sensitivity was reduced slightly after e-learning (87 percent vs. 92 percent). The ICDAS e-learning program improved the performance of the diagnostic skills of the investigated students for the detection of occlusal caries lesions.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
The scope of this article is to analyze the prevalence and factors associated with the development of infectious diseases that affect children in daycare centers, namely respiratory infections, diarrheal disease and parasitic infections. Bibliographic research was conducted in the MEDLINE, LILACS and SciELO databases, and observational studies were included. 129 studies were identified, of which 21 were considered relevant to this study, namely two longitudinal and 19 cross-sectional studies. The systematization of the reviewed studies highlighted: i) the presence of intestinal parasites was the main outcome analyzed, followed by respiratory infections; ii) only one study investigated the occurrence of diarrheal disease; iii) the Giardia lamblia was the most prevalent parasitosis; iv) the variables that were most often associated with the development of intestinal parasitosis were child age, family income and maternal education; v) the attendance at daycare centers was a risk factor for intestinal parasites and respiratory infections. Respiratory and parasitic infections are major problems in institutionalized children in daycare centers. The reduction of such diseases involves a complex web of socio-economic, sanitation and daycare center infrastructure aspects.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O artigo trata de estudo sobre interações de bebês com pares, que buscou apreender aspectos qualitativos desses processos relacionais, considerando particularidades dos bebês. No estudo, utilizaram-se videogravações e entrevistas, do projeto "Processos de Adaptação de Bebês a Creche", que acompanhou 21 bebês (4-13 meses) em creche. Os dados foram coletados e analisados pela perspectiva da Rede de Significações. Selecionaram-se, então, cinco episódios, a partir de três sujeitos-focais e seus pares. Análise indica ocorrência de interação, em que se destacam o papel do olhar, relações triádicas (mesmo em bebês menores de nove meses), a abreviação de recursos comunicativos e a empatia. Ainda, apesar da ausência de linguagem verbal, verificou-se ocorrência de significação. Algumas implicações teórico-práticas são apontadas.
The lack of specific laboratorial diagnosis methods and precise symptoms makes the toxocariasis a neglected disease in Public Health Services. This study aims to determine the frequency of Toxocara spp. infection in children attended by the Health Public Service of Hospital Municipal de Maringá, South Brazil. To evaluate the association of epidemiological and clinical data, and observational and cross-section study was carried out. From 14,690 attended children/year aged from seven month to 12 years old, 450 serum samples were randomly collected from September/2004 to September/2005. A questionnaire was used to evaluate epidemiological, clinical and hematological data. An ELISA using Toxocara canis larval excretory-secretory products as antigen detected 130 (28.8%) positive sera, mainly between children from seven month to five years old (p = 0.0016). Significant correlation was observed between positive serology for Toxocara, and frequent playing in sandbox at school or daycare center (p = 0.011) and the presence of a cat at home (p = 0.056). From the families, 50% were dog owners which exposed soil backyards. Eosinophilia (p = 0.776), and signs and symptoms analyzed (fever p = 0.992, pneumonia p = 0.289, cold-like symptoms p = 0.277, cough p =0.783, gastrointestinal problems p = 0.877, migraine p = 0.979, abdominal pain p = 0.965, joint pain p = 0.686 and skin rash p = 0.105) could not be related to the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies. Therefore, two asthmatics children showed titles of1:10,240 and accentuated eosinophilia (p = 0.0001). The authors emphasize the needs of prevention activities.
Background. A community-wide outbreak of cryptosporidiosis occurred in Dallas County during the summer of 2008. A subset of cases occurring with onset of illness within a 2 week interval was epidemiologically linked to 2 neighborhood interactive water fountain parks. ^ Methods. A case control study was conducted to evaluate risk factors associated with developing illness with cryptosporidiosis from the fountain parks. Cases were selected from a line list from the epidemiological study. The selection for the controls was either healthy family members or a daycare center nearby. Cases and controls were not matched. ^ Results. Interviews were completed for 44 fountain park attendees who met case definition and 54 community controls. Twenty-seven percent (27.3%) of the cases and 13.0% of the controls were between the ages of 0–4 years. Thirty-nine percent (38.6%) of the cases and 24.1% of the controls were between the ages of 5–13 years. Fourteen percent (13.6%) of the cases and 33.3% of the controls were between the ages of 14–31 years. Twenty percent (20.5%) of the cases and 29.6% of the controls were between the ages of 32–63 years. 47.7% of the cases and 42.6% of the controls were males. Fountain park attendees who reported having been splashed in the face with water were 10 times more likely to become ill than controls (OR = 10.0, 95% CI = 2.8–35.1). Persons who reported having swallowed water from the interactive fountains were 34 times more likely to become ill than controls (OR = 34.3, 95%CI = 9.3–125.7). ^ Conclusion. Prompt reporting of cases, identification of outbreak sources, and immediate implementation of remediation measures were critical in curtailing further transmission from these particular sites through the remainder of the season. This investigation underscores the potential for cryptosporidiosis outbreaks to occur in interactive fountain parks, and the need for enhanced preventive measures in these settings. Education of the public regarding avoidance of behaviors such as drinking water from interactive fountains is also an important component of public health prevention efforts. ^
Uma Escola para Todos: a importância da diferenciação pedagógica no processo de ensino- aprendizagem
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino do 1º e 2º ciclo do Ensino Básico