949 resultados para Data stream mining


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It is numerically demonstrated, for the first time, that dispersion management and in-line nonlinear optical loop mirrors can achieve all-optical passive regeneration and distance-unlimited transmission of a soliton data stream at 40 Gbit/s over standard fibre.


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We numerically demonstrate for the first time that dispersion management and in-line nonlinear optical loop mirrors can achieve all-optical passive regeneration and distance-unlimited transmission of a soliton data stream at 40 Gbit/s over standard fibre.


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The feasibility of stable soliton transmission system was demonstrated using a practical dispersion map in conjunction with in-line nonlinear optical loop mirrors (NOLMs). The system's performance was examined at 40 Gbit/s data rate in terms of maximum propagation distance corresponding to a bit error rate of more than 10-9. The bit error rate was estimated by means of the standard Q-factor.


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Con l’avvento di Internet, il numero di utenti con un effettivo accesso alla rete e la possibilità di condividere informazioni con tutto il mondo è, negli anni, in continua crescita. Con l’introduzione dei social media, in aggiunta, gli utenti sono portati a trasferire sul web una grande quantità di informazioni personali mettendoli a disposizione delle varie aziende. Inoltre, il mondo dell’Internet Of Things, grazie al quale i sensori e le macchine risultano essere agenti sulla rete, permette di avere, per ogni utente, un numero maggiore di dispositivi, direttamente collegati tra loro e alla rete globale. Proporzionalmente a questi fattori anche la mole di dati che vengono generati e immagazzinati sta aumentando in maniera vertiginosa dando luogo alla nascita di un nuovo concetto: i Big Data. Nasce, di conseguenza, la necessità di far ricorso a nuovi strumenti che possano sfruttare la potenza di calcolo oggi offerta dalle architetture più complesse che comprendono, sotto un unico sistema, un insieme di host utili per l’analisi. A tal merito, una quantità di dati così vasta, routine se si parla di Big Data, aggiunta ad una velocità di trasmissione e trasferimento altrettanto alta, rende la memorizzazione dei dati malagevole, tanto meno se le tecniche di storage risultano essere i tradizionali DBMS. Una soluzione relazionale classica, infatti, permetterebbe di processare dati solo su richiesta, producendo ritardi, significative latenze e inevitabile perdita di frazioni di dataset. Occorre, perciò, far ricorso a nuove tecnologie e strumenti consoni a esigenze diverse dalla classica analisi batch. In particolare, è stato preso in considerazione, come argomento di questa tesi, il Data Stream Processing progettando e prototipando un sistema bastato su Apache Storm scegliendo, come campo di applicazione, la cyber security.


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Following the workshop on new developments in daily licensing practice in November 2011, we brought together fourteen representatives from national consortia (from Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and the UK) and publishers (Elsevier, SAGE and Springer) met in Copenhagen on 9 March 2012 to discuss provisions in licences to accommodate new developments. The one day workshop aimed to: present background and ideas regarding the provisions KE Licensing Expert Group developed; introduce and explain the provisions the invited publishers currently use;ascertain agreement on the wording for long term preservation, continuous access and course packs; give insight and more clarity about the use of open access provisions in licences; discuss a roadmap for inclusion of the provisions in the publishers’ licences; result in report to disseminate the outcome of the meeting. Participants of the workshop were: United Kingdom: Lorraine Estelle (Jisc Collections) Denmark: Lotte Eivor Jørgensen (DEFF), Lone Madsen (Southern University of Denmark), Anne Sandfær (DEFF/Knowledge Exchange) Germany: Hildegard Schaeffler (Bavarian State Library), Markus Brammer (TIB) The Netherlands: Wilma Mossink (SURF), Nol Verhagen (University of Amsterdam), Marc Dupuis (SURF/Knowledge Exchange) Publishers: Alicia Wise (Elsevier), Yvonne Campfens (Springer), Bettina Goerner (Springer), Leo Walford (Sage) Knowledge Exchange: Keith Russell The main outcome of the workshop was that it would be valuable to have a standard set of clauses which could used in negotiations, this would make concluding licences a lot easier and more efficient. The comments on the model provisions the Licensing Expert group had drafted will be taken into account and the provisions will be reformulated. Data and text mining is a new development and demand for access to allow for this is growing. It would be easier if there was a simpler way to access materials so they could be more easily mined. However there are still outstanding questions on how authors of articles that have been mined can be properly attributed.


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Mobile activity recognition focuses on inferring the current activities of a mobile user by leveraging the sensory data that is available on today’s smart phones. The state of the art in mobile activity recognition uses traditional classification learning techniques. Thus, the learning process typically involves: i) collection of labelled sensory data that is transferred and collated in a centralised repository; ii) model building where the classification model is trained and tested using the collected data; iii) a model deployment stage where the learnt model is deployed on-board a mobile device for identifying activities based on new sensory data. In this paper, we demonstrate the Mobile Activity Recognition System (MARS) where for the first time the model is built and continuously updated on-board the mobile device itself using data stream mining. The advantages of the on-board approach are that it allows model personalisation and increased privacy as the data is not sent to any external site. Furthermore, when the user or its activity profile changes MARS enables promptly adaptation. MARS has been implemented on the Android platform to demonstrate that it can achieve accurate mobile activity recognition. Moreover, we can show in practise that MARS quickly adapts to user profile changes while at the same time being scalable and efficient in terms of consumption of the device resources.


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Los avances en el hardware permiten disponer de grandes volúmenes de datos, surgiendo aplicaciones que deben suministrar información en tiempo cuasi-real, la monitorización de pacientes, ej., el seguimiento sanitario de las conducciones de agua, etc. Las necesidades de estas aplicaciones hacen emerger el modelo de flujo de datos (data streaming) frente al modelo almacenar-para-despuésprocesar (store-then-process). Mientras que en el modelo store-then-process, los datos son almacenados para ser posteriormente consultados; en los sistemas de streaming, los datos son procesados a su llegada al sistema, produciendo respuestas continuas sin llegar a almacenarse. Esta nueva visión impone desafíos para el procesamiento de datos al vuelo: 1) las respuestas deben producirse de manera continua cada vez que nuevos datos llegan al sistema; 2) los datos son accedidos solo una vez y, generalmente, no son almacenados en su totalidad; y 3) el tiempo de procesamiento por dato para producir una respuesta debe ser bajo. Aunque existen dos modelos para el cómputo de respuestas continuas, el modelo evolutivo y el de ventana deslizante; éste segundo se ajusta mejor en ciertas aplicaciones al considerar únicamente los datos recibidos más recientemente, en lugar de todo el histórico de datos. En los últimos años, la minería de datos en streaming se ha centrado en el modelo evolutivo. Mientras que, en el modelo de ventana deslizante, el trabajo presentado es más reducido ya que estos algoritmos no sólo deben de ser incrementales si no que deben borrar la información que caduca por el deslizamiento de la ventana manteniendo los anteriores tres desafíos. Una de las tareas fundamentales en minería de datos es la búsqueda de agrupaciones donde, dado un conjunto de datos, el objetivo es encontrar grupos representativos, de manera que se tenga una descripción sintética del conjunto. Estas agrupaciones son fundamentales en aplicaciones como la detección de intrusos en la red o la segmentación de clientes en el marketing y la publicidad. Debido a las cantidades masivas de datos que deben procesarse en este tipo de aplicaciones (millones de eventos por segundo), las soluciones centralizadas puede ser incapaz de hacer frente a las restricciones de tiempo de procesamiento, por lo que deben recurrir a descartar datos durante los picos de carga. Para evitar esta perdida de datos, se impone el procesamiento distribuido de streams, en concreto, los algoritmos de agrupamiento deben ser adaptados para este tipo de entornos, en los que los datos están distribuidos. En streaming, la investigación no solo se centra en el diseño para tareas generales, como la agrupación, sino también en la búsqueda de nuevos enfoques que se adapten mejor a escenarios particulares. Como ejemplo, un mecanismo de agrupación ad-hoc resulta ser más adecuado para la defensa contra la denegación de servicio distribuida (Distributed Denial of Services, DDoS) que el problema tradicional de k-medias. En esta tesis se pretende contribuir en el problema agrupamiento en streaming tanto en entornos centralizados y distribuidos. Hemos diseñado un algoritmo centralizado de clustering mostrando las capacidades para descubrir agrupaciones de alta calidad en bajo tiempo frente a otras soluciones del estado del arte, en una amplia evaluación. Además, se ha trabajado sobre una estructura que reduce notablemente el espacio de memoria necesario, controlando, en todo momento, el error de los cómputos. Nuestro trabajo también proporciona dos protocolos de distribución del cómputo de agrupaciones. Se han analizado dos características fundamentales: el impacto sobre la calidad del clustering al realizar el cómputo distribuido y las condiciones necesarias para la reducción del tiempo de procesamiento frente a la solución centralizada. Finalmente, hemos desarrollado un entorno para la detección de ataques DDoS basado en agrupaciones. En este último caso, se ha caracterizado el tipo de ataques detectados y se ha desarrollado una evaluación sobre la eficiencia y eficacia de la mitigación del impacto del ataque. ABSTRACT Advances in hardware allow to collect huge volumes of data emerging applications that must provide information in near-real time, e.g., patient monitoring, health monitoring of water pipes, etc. The data streaming model emerges to comply with these applications overcoming the traditional store-then-process model. With the store-then-process model, data is stored before being consulted; while, in streaming, data are processed on the fly producing continuous responses. The challenges of streaming for processing data on the fly are the following: 1) responses must be produced continuously whenever new data arrives in the system; 2) data is accessed only once and is generally not maintained in its entirety, and 3) data processing time to produce a response should be low. Two models exist to compute continuous responses: the evolving model and the sliding window model; the latter fits best with applications must be computed over the most recently data rather than all the previous data. In recent years, research in the context of data stream mining has focused mainly on the evolving model. In the sliding window model, the work presented is smaller since these algorithms must be incremental and they must delete the information which expires when the window slides. Clustering is one of the fundamental techniques of data mining and is used to analyze data sets in order to find representative groups that provide a concise description of the data being processed. Clustering is critical in applications such as network intrusion detection or customer segmentation in marketing and advertising. Due to the huge amount of data that must be processed by such applications (up to millions of events per second), centralized solutions are usually unable to cope with timing restrictions and recur to shedding techniques where data is discarded during load peaks. To avoid discarding of data, processing of streams (such as clustering) must be distributed and adapted to environments where information is distributed. In streaming, research does not only focus on designing for general tasks, such as clustering, but also in finding new approaches that fit bests with particular scenarios. As an example, an ad-hoc grouping mechanism turns out to be more adequate than k-means for defense against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS). This thesis contributes to the data stream mining clustering technique both for centralized and distributed environments. We present a centralized clustering algorithm showing capabilities to discover clusters of high quality in low time and we provide a comparison with existing state of the art solutions. We have worked on a data structure that significantly reduces memory requirements while controlling the error of the clusters statistics. We also provide two distributed clustering protocols. We focus on the analysis of two key features: the impact on the clustering quality when computation is distributed and the requirements for reducing the processing time compared to the centralized solution. Finally, with respect to ad-hoc grouping techniques, we have developed a DDoS detection framework based on clustering.We have characterized the attacks detected and we have evaluated the efficiency and effectiveness of mitigating the attack impact.


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With the emergence of large-volume and high-speed streaming data, the recent techniques for stream mining of CFIpsilas (closed frequent itemsets) will become inefficient. When concept drift occurs at a slow rate in high speed data streams, the rate of change of information across different sliding windows will be negligible. So, the user wonpsilat be devoid of change in information if we slide window by multiple transactions at a time. Therefore, we propose a novel approach for mining CFIpsilas cumulatively by making sliding width(ges1) over high speed data streams. However, it is nontrivial to mine CFIpsilas cumulatively over stream, because such growth may lead to the generation of exponential number of candidates for closure checking. In this study, we develop an efficient algorithm, stream-close, for mining CFIpsilas over stream by exploring some interesting properties. Our performance study reveals that stream-close achieves good scalability and has promising results.


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This thesis investigates profiling and differentiating customers through the use of statistical data mining techniques. The business application of our work centres on examining individuals’ seldomly studied yet critical consumption behaviour over an extensive time period within the context of the wireless telecommunication industry; consumption behaviour (as oppose to purchasing behaviour) is behaviour that has been performed so frequently that it become habitual and involves minimal intentions or decision making. Key variables investigated are the activity initialised timestamp and cell tower location as well as the activity type and usage quantity (e.g., voice call with duration in seconds); and the research focuses are on customers’ spatial and temporal usage behaviour. The main methodological emphasis is on the development of clustering models based on Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) which are fitted with the use of the recently developed variational Bayesian (VB) method. VB is an efficient deterministic alternative to the popular but computationally demandingMarkov chainMonte Carlo (MCMC) methods. The standard VBGMMalgorithm is extended by allowing component splitting such that it is robust to initial parameter choices and can automatically and efficiently determine the number of components. The new algorithm we propose allows more effective modelling of individuals’ highly heterogeneous and spiky spatial usage behaviour, or more generally human mobility patterns; the term spiky describes data patterns with large areas of low probability mixed with small areas of high probability. Customers are then characterised and segmented based on the fitted GMM which corresponds to how each of them uses the products/services spatially in their daily lives; this is essentially their likely lifestyle and occupational traits. Other significant research contributions include fitting GMMs using VB to circular data i.e., the temporal usage behaviour, and developing clustering algorithms suitable for high dimensional data based on the use of VB-GMM.


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Segmentation is a data mining technique yielding simplified representations of sequences of ordered points. A sequence is divided into some number of homogeneous blocks, and all points within a segment are described by a single value. The focus in this thesis is on piecewise-constant segments, where the most likely description for each segment and the most likely segmentation into some number of blocks can be computed efficiently. Representing sequences as segmentations is useful in, e.g., storage and indexing tasks in sequence databases, and segmentation can be used as a tool in learning about the structure of a given sequence. The discussion in this thesis begins with basic questions related to segmentation analysis, such as choosing the number of segments, and evaluating the obtained segmentations. Standard model selection techniques are shown to perform well for the sequence segmentation task. Segmentation evaluation is proposed with respect to a known segmentation structure. Applying segmentation on certain features of a sequence is shown to yield segmentations that are significantly close to the known underlying structure. Two extensions to the basic segmentation framework are introduced: unimodal segmentation and basis segmentation. The former is concerned with segmentations where the segment descriptions first increase and then decrease, and the latter with the interplay between different dimensions and segments in the sequence. These problems are formally defined and algorithms for solving them are provided and analyzed. Practical applications for segmentation techniques include time series and data stream analysis, text analysis, and biological sequence analysis. In this thesis segmentation applications are demonstrated in analyzing genomic sequences.


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Collaborative mining of distributed data streams in a mobile computing environment is referred to as Pocket Data Mining PDM. Hoeffding trees techniques have been experimentally and analytically validated for data stream classification. In this paper, we have proposed, developed and evaluated the adoption of distributed Hoeffding trees for classifying streaming data in PDM applications. We have identified a realistic scenario in which different users equipped with smart mobile devices run a local Hoeffding tree classifier on a subset of the attributes. Thus, we have investigated the mining of vertically partitioned datasets with possible overlap of attributes, which is the more likely case. Our experimental results have validated the efficiency of our proposed model achieving promising accuracy for real deployment.


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Pocket Data Mining (PDM) describes the full process of analysing data streams in mobile ad hoc distributed environments. Advances in mobile devices like smart phones and tablet computers have made it possible for a wide range of applications to run in such an environment. In this paper, we propose the adoption of data stream classification techniques for PDM. Evident by a thorough experimental study, it has been proved that running heterogeneous/different, or homogeneous/similar data stream classification techniques over vertically partitioned data (data partitioned according to the feature space) results in comparable performance to batch and centralised learning techniques.


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Most algorithms that focus on discovering frequent patterns from data streams assumed that the machinery is capable of managing all the incoming transactions without any delay; or without the need to drop transactions. However, this assumption is often impractical due to the inherent characteristics of data stream environments. Especially under high load conditions, there is often a shortage of system resources to process the incoming transactions. This causes unwanted latencies that in turn, affects the applicability of the data mining models produced – which often has a small window of opportunity. We propose a load shedding algorithm to address this issue. The algorithm adaptively detects overload situations and drops transactions from data streams using a probabilistic model. We tested our algorithm on both synthetic and real-life datasets to verify the feasibility of our algorithm.


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For most data stream applications, the volume of data is too huge to be stored in permanent devices or to be thoroughly scanned more than once. It is hence recognized that approximate answers are usually sufficient, where a good approximation obtained in a timely manner is often better than the exact answer that is delayed beyond the window of opportunity. Unfortunately, this is not the case for mining frequent patterns over data streams where algorithms capable of online processing data streams do not conform strictly to a precise error guarantee. Since the quality of approximate answers is as important as their timely delivery, it is necessary to design algorithms to meet both criteria at the same time. In this paper, we propose an algorithm that allows online processing of streaming data and yet guaranteeing the support error of frequent patterns strictly within a user-specified threshold. Our theoretical and experimental studies show that our algorithm is an effective and reliable method for finding frequent sets in data stream environments when both constraints need to be satisfied.


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Slides describing streaming data, data stream processing systems and stream reasoning Also we have some description of CSPARQL