953 resultados para Data Protection Directive
This is the reference lists for the resource set we have produced for the INFO2009 Assignment 2 Group Poster.
This is the poster about the resource set we have produced for the INFO2009 Assignment 2 Group Poster.
This is the poster about the resource set we have produced for the INFO2009 Assignment 2 Group Poster.
Content related to the second INFO2009 assignment for Group 6's radio interview on data security and the DPA
An online tutorial outlining the definitions and principles of the Data Protection Act. Contains questions on scenarios which allow the user to test their knowledge, as well as a downloadable space-shooter game which gets the user to answer Data Protection Act questions.
Published on Jun 7, 2012 by icocomms This ICO training video helps answer questions about the Data Protection Act, its impact on the working environment and how to handle and protect people's information. (Produced by Central Office of Information, Crown Copyright 2006)
Published on Jun 7, 2012 by icocomms This ICO training video helps answer questions about the Data Protection Act, its impact on the working environment and how to handle and protect people's information. (Produced by Central Office of Information, Crown Copyright 2006)
La question de la protection des données à caractère personnel posée dans le cadre des activités d’assistance et de soutien des missions civiles de gestion de crise ne semble guère avoir suscité l’intérêt des instances en charge de leur gestion et ce en dépit de son importance majeure au regard des tâches exécutées quotidiennement par les agents de ces missions dans le domaine de la coopération policière et judiciaire en matière pénale. S’appuyant sur une expérience de terrain, l’auteur s’efforcera, dans ces lignes, de démontrer la nécessité d’entamer une réflexion de fond sur ce sujet afin, le cas échéant, de prendre les initiatives utiles destinées à porter remède aux difficultés qui, en ce domaine, pourraient apparaître.
The Data Protection Regulation proposed by the European Commission contains important elements to facilitate and secure personal data flows within the Single Market. A harmonised level of protection of individual data is an important objective and all stakeholders have generally welcomed this basic principle. However, when putting the regulation proposal in the complex context in which it is to be implemented, some important issues are revealed. The proposal dictates how data is to be used, regardless of the operational context. It is generally thought to have been influenced by concerns over social networking. This approach implies protection of data rather than protection of privacy and can hardly lead to more flexible instruments for global data flows.
La Tesi tratta i concetti di Privacy e Protezione dei Dati personali, contestualizzandone il quadro normativo e tecnologico con particolare riferimento ai contesti emergenti rappresentati – per un verso – dalla proposta di nuovo Regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati personali (redatto dal Parlamento Europeo e dal Consiglio dell’Unione Europea), – per un altro – dalla metodologia di progettazione del Privacy by Design e – per entrambi – dalla previsione di un nuovo attore: il responsabile per la protezione dei dati personali (Privacy Officer). L’elaborato si articola su tre parti oltre introduzione, conclusioni e riferimenti bibliografici. La prima parte descrive il concetto di privacy e le relative minacce e contromisure (tradizionali ed emergenti) con riferimento ai contesti di gestione (aziendale e Big Data) e al quadro normativo vigente. La seconda Parte illustra in dettaglio i principi e le prassi del Privacy by Design e la figura del Privacy Officer formalmente riconosciuta dal novellato giuridico. La terza parte illustra il caso di studio nel quale vengono analizzate tramite una tabella comparativa minacce e contromisure rilevabili in un contesto aziendale.