176 resultados para Danilov, Vadim
Today cloud computing is the next stage in development information-oriented society in field of information technologies. Great attention is paid to cloud computing in general, but the lack of scientific consideration to components brings to the problem, that not all aspects are well examined. This thesis is an attempt to consider Platform as a Service (a technology of providing development environment through the Internet) from divergent angles. Technical characteristics, costs, time, estimation of effectiveness, risks, strategies that can be applied, migration process, advantages and disadvantages and the future of the approach are examined to get the overall picture of cloud platforms. During the work literature study was used to examine Platform as a Service, characteristics of existent cloud platforms were explored and a model of a typical software development company was developed to create a scenario of migration to cloud technologies. The research showed that besides all virtues in reducing costs and time, cloud platforms have some significant obstacles in adoption. Privacy, security and insufficient legislation impede the concept to be widespread.
Öljyntorjunta on hyvin ajankohtainen aihe öljykuljetusten lisääntyessä Suomenlahdella. Suomenlahdella tapahtuvalla öljyvuodolla on suuri riski ajautua Suomen saaristoon. Avomeriolosuhteissa tapahtuvaa mekaanista öljyntorjuntaa on käsitelty useissa tutkimuksissa. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään millä tavoin Suomen saaristossa tapahtuva öljyntorjunta voidaan toteuttaa mekaanisilla öljyntorjuntavälineillä. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitetään mitä erityispiirteitä saaristo aiheuttaa mekaaniselle öljyntorjunnalle sekä kuinka saariston rikkonaisuus ja vallitsevat olosuhteet vaikuttavat öljyntorjuntaan. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään miten mekaanisia öljyntorjuntavälineitä voidaan käyttää saaristossa ja mitä rajoitteita näillä välineillä on. Tuntemalla öljyn käyttäytymiseen vaikuttavat tekijät, voidaan ymmärtää paremmin öljyn liikkumiseen, leviämiseen ja öljyn rakenteeseen vaikuttavat seikat. Näiden seikkojen tunteminen auttaa oikeiden öljyntorjuntavälineiden ja tekniikoiden valintaan. Saaristolla on mekaanisten öljyntorjuntavälineiden käytön kannalta monia etuja ja haittoja. Saaristo antaa suojaa vallitsevilta olosuhteilta, joka vaikuttaa mekaanisten öljyntorjuntavälineiden käytettävyyden lisääntymiseen. Saaristossa olevan veden mataluus, kivikkoisuus ja rikkonaisuus voi aiheuttaa haasteita mekaaniselle öljyntorjunnalle. Mekaanisilla öljyntorjuntavälineillä voidaan toteuttaa saaristossa tapahtuva öljyntorjunta, tuntemalla laitteiston rajoitteet ja käyttömahdollisuudet.
Авторы: Константинъ Большаковъ, Бурлюки: Давидъ, Николай, Владиміър, Василій Каменскій, Александръ Крученыхъ, Бенедиктъ Лившицъ, Владиміръ Маяковскій, Велеміръ Хлѣбниковъ, Викторъ Шершеневичъ.
Ce mémoire présente mes travaux ayant menés au développement d’une première génération de radioligands marqués au fluor-18 (t1/2 = 110 min) et au carbone-11 (t1/2 = 20.4 min) destinés à l’imagerie cérébrale in vivo du récepteur tyrosine kinase neurotrophique de type 2 (TrkB) en tomographie par émission de positons (TEP). Ces travaux reposent sur l’identification récente de ligands de TrkB non peptidiques à hautes affinités dérivés du 7,8-dihydroxyflavone. La synthèse d’une série de dérivés du 7,8-dihydroxyflavone non-radioactifs de même que des précuseurs à l’incorporation du fluro-18 et du carbone-11 a d’abord été effectuée. Partant des précurseurs adéquats synthétisés, la radiosynthèse de deux radioligands, l’un marqué au fluor-18 et l’autre au carbone-11, a été développée. Ces radiosynthèses reposent respectivement sur une 18F-radiofluorination nucléophile aromatique nouvelle et hautement efficace et sur une 11C-méthylation N-sélective. Les radiotraceurs de TrkB ainsi obtenus ont ensuite été évalués in vitro en autoradiographie et in vivo en tant que traceurs TEP dans des rats. L’évaluation des propriétés physico-chimique de même que de la stabilité in vitro des radiotraceurs sont présentées. Partant d’une série d’analogues cristallisés de ces flavones synthétiques, une étude de relation structure-activité a été menée. La combinaison de cette étude, de pair avec l’évaluation in vivo de la première génération de radiotraceurs de TrkB a aussi permis d’investiguer les pharmacophores nécessaires à l’affinité de ces ligands de même que d’identifier des fragments structurels associés au métabolisme des radiotraceurs. La radiosynthèse d’un troisième radioligand de TrkB et son évaluation TEP in vivo de même que la mise en lumière des modifications structurelles utiles au développement d’une seconde génération de radioligands de TrkB avec des propriétés optimisées pour fin d’imagerie TEP sont aussi détaillés.
En el escenario de la globalización las organizaciones criminales se han proyectado en el sistema internacional a través de las modalidades de internacionalización y transnacionalización tanto de su estructura como de sus operaciones criminales. La acepción de internacionalización y transnacionalización permite distinguir cuando efectivamente se está llevando a cabo un trasplante de las organizaciones criminales o simplemente cuando es una operación económica transnacional ilícita. Es decir, permite distinguir cuando una organización criminal efectivamente logró establecerse en un nuevo territorio diferente a cuando no se establece en un nuevo territorio pero logra ciertas operaciones económicas en dicho zona. El crimen organizado puede ser visto como un actor no público del sistema internacional que se mueve a través del concepto analítico de las redes criminales. La globalización, sin duda alguna, permite a las organizaciones criminales incrementar sus operaciones pero no necesariamente aumentan la posibilidad de un trasplante de un país a otro. Para ilustrar las modalidades de dicha proyección la disertación acerca una mirada a la organización criminal conocida como la Mafia Rusa. Esta organización criminal tuvo su proyección y consolidación al tiempo que la Guerra Fría llegaba a su fin y el advenimiento de la etapa de la globalización.
Los comportamientos desviados de los estudiantes a lo largo de su formación académica son más frecuentes de lo que se cree. Sin embargo, detrás del simple hecho de infringir una norma establecida por alguna Institución Educativa, hay una serie de construcciones sociales que se gestan alrededor de esta situación, y sobre esto es importante ahondar. En efecto, el enfoque del presente estudio es encontrar la postura y tolerancia que tienen los estudiantes de dos Facultades diferentes frente al fraude académico y tratar de encontrar las posibles causas a esa tolerancia ante las acciones desviadas. Además, se hará un énfasis especial en la Facultad de Administración, dado la importancia y relevancia que tienen los egresados de este programa académico en el desarrollo económico de un país.
Esta investigación aborda las condiciones bajo las que se llevó a cabo en Colombia, en el primer gobierno del presidente Álvaro Uribe Vélez (2002-2006), la negociación entre el Estado y los grupos paramilitares. Se establecen las características de ese proceso de paz, su correspondencia con modelos tradicionales de negociación y sus alcances sobre el proceso de Desmovilización, Desarme y Reinserción (DDR) de las organizaciones paramilitares.
The polynyas of the Laptev Sea are regions of particular interest due to the strong formation of Arctic sea-ice. In order to simulate the polynya dynamics and to quantify ice production, we apply the Finite Element Sea-Ice Ocean Model FESOM. In previous simulations FESOM has been forced with daily atmospheric NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) 1. For the periods 1 April to 9 May 2008 and 1 January to 8 February 2009 we examine the impact of different forcing data: daily and 6-hourly NCEP reanalyses 1 (1.875° x 1.875°), 6-hourly NCEP reanalyses 2 (1.875° x 1.875°), 6-hourly analyses from the GME (Global Model of the German Weather Service) (0.5° x 0.5°) and high-resolution hourly COSMO (Consortium for Small-Scale Modeling) data (5 km x 5 km). In all FESOM simulations, except for those with 6-hourly and daily NCEP 1 data, the openings and closings of polynyas are simulated in principle agreement with satellite products. Over the fast-ice area the wind fields of all atmospheric data are similar and close to in situ measurements. Over the polynya areas, however, there are strong differences between the forcing data with respect to air temperature and turbulent heat flux. These differences have a strong impact on sea-ice production rates. Depending on the forcing fields polynya ice production ranges from 1.4 km3 to 7.8 km3 during 1 April to 9 May 2011 and from 25.7 km3 to 66.2 km3 during 1 January to 8 February 2009. Therefore, atmospheric forcing data with high spatial and temporal resolution which account for the presence of the polynyas are needed to reduce the uncertainty in quantifying ice production in polynyas.
The issue of how children learn the meaning of words is fundamental to developmental psychology. The recent attempts to develop or evolve efficient communication protocols among interacting robots or Virtual agents have brought that issue to a central place in more applied research fields, such as computational linguistics and neural networks, as well. An attractive approach to learning an object-word mapping is the so-called cross-situational learning. This learning scenario is based on the intuitive notion that a learner can determine the meaning of a word by finding something in common across all observed uses of that word. Here we show how the deterministic Neural Modeling Fields (NMF) categorization mechanism can be used by the learner as an efficient algorithm to infer the correct object-word mapping. To achieve that we first reduce the original on-line learning problem to a batch learning problem where the inputs to the NMF mechanism are all possible object-word associations that Could be inferred from the cross-situational learning scenario. Since many of those associations are incorrect, they are considered as clutter or noise and discarded automatically by a clutter detector model included in our NMF implementation. With these two key ingredients - batch learning and clutter detection - the NMF mechanism was capable to infer perfectly the correct object-word mapping. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Among lampyrids, intraspecific sexual communication is facilitated by spectral correspondence between visual sensitivity and bioluminescence emission from the single lantern in the tail. Could a similar strategy be utilized by the elaterids (click beetles), which have one ventral abdominal and two dorsal prothoracic lanterns? Spectral sensitivity [S(lambda)] and bioluminescence were investigated in four Brazilian click beetle species Fulgeochlizus bruchii, Pyrearinus termitilluminans, Pyrophorus punctatissimus and P. divergens, representing three genera. In addition, in situ microspectrophotometric absorption spectra were obtained for visual and screening pigments in P. punctatissimus and P. divergens species. In all species, the electroretinographic S(lambda) functions showed broad peaks in the green with a shoulder in the near-ultraviolet, suggesting the presence of short- and long-wavelength receptors in the compound eyes. The long-wavelength receptor in Pyrophorus species is mediated by a P540 rhodopsin in conjunction with a species-specific screening pigment. A correspondence was found between green to yellow bioluminescence emissions and its broad S(lambda) maximum in each of the four species. It is hypothesized that in elaterids, bioluminescence of the abdominal lantern is an optical signal for intraspecifc sexual communication, while the signals from the prothoracic lanterns serve to warn predators and may also provide illumination in flight.
Luftuppvärmning är ett utbrett sätt att använda solenergi,bl a i husuppvärmning, luftkonditionering och torkning av jordbruksprodukter.I denna rapport framläggs ett nytt sätt att beräkna värmeprocessen i en luftsolfångare, vilket ger möjlighet till riktigare simulering av icke symmetrisk luftuppvärmning i luftsolfångarens kanaler.En bearbetad analytisk-numerisk metod av tvådimensionell icke stationär temperaturfältsberäkning presenteras, vilket ger möjlighet att göra kompletteringar till simuleringsprogrammet TRNSYS, speciellt avpassat för det sätt som luftsolfångare uppvärmer luften.Vid sidan om den teoretiska analysen av luftsolfångare, framläggs i denna rapport, medodik för experimentella undersökningar av luftsolfångare. Vidare diskuteras krav på mätutrustning vid experimentella mätningar av luftsolfångares termiska prestanda.
An underwater gas pipeline is the portion of the pipeline that crosses a river beneath its bottom. Underwater gas pipelines are subject to increasing dangers as time goes by. An accident at an underwater gas pipeline can lead to technological and environmental disaster on the scale of an entire region. Therefore, timely troubleshooting of all underwater gas pipelines in order to prevent any potential accidents will remain a pressing task for the industry. The most important aspect of resolving this challenge is the quality of the automated system in question. Now the industry doesn't have any automated system that fully meets the needs of the experts working in the field maintaining underwater gas pipelines. Principle Aim of this Research: This work aims to develop a new system of automated monitoring which would simplify the process of evaluating the technical condition and decision making on planning and preventive maintenance and repair work on the underwater gas pipeline. Objectives: Creation a shared model for a new, automated system via IDEF3; Development of a new database system which would store all information about underwater gas pipelines; Development a new application that works with database servers, and provides an explanation of the results obtained from the server; Calculation of the values MTBF for specified pipelines based on quantitative data obtained from tests of this system. Conclusion: The new, automated system PodvodGazExpert has been developed for timely and qualitative determination of the physical conditions of underwater gas pipeline; The basis of the mathematical analysis of this new, automated system uses principal component analysis method; The process of determining the physical condition of an underwater gas pipeline with this new, automated system increases the MTBF by a factor of 8.18 above the existing system used today in the industry.