150 resultados para DTM


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Accurate and detailed road models play an important role in a number of geospatial applications, such as infrastructure planning, traffic monitoring, and driver assistance systems. In this thesis, an integrated approach for the automatic extraction of precise road features from high resolution aerial images and LiDAR point clouds is presented. A framework of road information modeling has been proposed, for rural and urban scenarios respectively, and an integrated system has been developed to deal with road feature extraction using image and LiDAR analysis. For road extraction in rural regions, a hierarchical image analysis is first performed to maximize the exploitation of road characteristics in different resolutions. The rough locations and directions of roads are provided by the road centerlines detected in low resolution images, both of which can be further employed to facilitate the road information generation in high resolution images. The histogram thresholding method is then chosen to classify road details in high resolution images, where color space transformation is used for data preparation. After the road surface detection, anisotropic Gaussian and Gabor filters are employed to enhance road pavement markings while constraining other ground objects, such as vegetation and houses. Afterwards, pavement markings are obtained from the filtered image using the Otsu's clustering method. The final road model is generated by superimposing the lane markings on the road surfaces, where the digital terrain model (DTM) produced by LiDAR data can also be combined to obtain the 3D road model. As the extraction of roads in urban areas is greatly affected by buildings, shadows, vehicles, and parking lots, we combine high resolution aerial images and dense LiDAR data to fully exploit the precise spectral and horizontal spatial resolution of aerial images and the accurate vertical information provided by airborne LiDAR. Objectoriented image analysis methods are employed to process the feature classiffcation and road detection in aerial images. In this process, we first utilize an adaptive mean shift (MS) segmentation algorithm to segment the original images into meaningful object-oriented clusters. Then the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm is further applied on the MS segmented image to extract road objects. Road surface detected in LiDAR intensity images is taken as a mask to remove the effects of shadows and trees. In addition, normalized DSM (nDSM) obtained from LiDAR is employed to filter out other above-ground objects, such as buildings and vehicles. The proposed road extraction approaches are tested using rural and urban datasets respectively. The rural road extraction method is performed using pan-sharpened aerial images of the Bruce Highway, Gympie, Queensland. The road extraction algorithm for urban regions is tested using the datasets of Bundaberg, which combine aerial imagery and LiDAR data. Quantitative evaluation of the extracted road information for both datasets has been carried out. The experiments and the evaluation results using Gympie datasets show that more than 96% of the road surfaces and over 90% of the lane markings are accurately reconstructed, and the false alarm rates for road surfaces and lane markings are below 3% and 2% respectively. For the urban test sites of Bundaberg, more than 93% of the road surface is correctly reconstructed, and the mis-detection rate is below 10%.


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Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is one of the successful wireless network paradigms which offers unrestricted mobility without depending on any underlying infrastructure. MANETs have become an exciting and im- portant technology in recent years because of the rapid proliferation of variety of wireless devices, and increased use of ad hoc networks in various applications. Like any other networks, MANETs are also prone to variety of attacks majorly in routing side, most of the proposed secured routing solutions based on cryptography and authentication methods have greater overhead, which results in latency problems and resource crunch problems, especially in energy side. The successful working of these mechanisms also depends on secured key management involving a trusted third authority, which is generally difficult to implement in MANET environ-ment due to volatile topology. Designing a secured routing algorithm for MANETs which incorporates the notion of trust without maintaining any trusted third entity is an interesting research problem in recent years. This paper propose a new trust model based on cognitive reasoning,which associates the notion of trust with all the member nodes of MANETs using a novel Behaviors-Observations- Beliefs(BOB) model. These trust values are used for detec- tion and prevention of malicious and dishonest nodes while routing the data. The proposed trust model works with the DTM-DSR protocol, which involves computation of direct trust between any two nodes using cognitive knowledge. We have taken care of trust fading over time, rewards, and penalties while computing the trustworthiness of a node and also route. A simulator is developed for testing the proposed algorithm, the results of experiments shows incorporation of cognitive reasoning for computation of trust in routing effectively detects intrusions in MANET environment, and generates more reliable routes for secured routing of data.


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El presente estudio de caso, se realizó para la valoración de la presencia de la dermatofitosis en especies caninas, siendo las especies más comunes Microsporum y Trichopyton. El estudio se realizó en la Clínica “Emergencias Veterinarias” ubicada en el casco urbano de Managua” para obtener un diagnóstico definitivo se realizó el diagnóstico clínico tomando en cuenta el historial de los pacientes, sintomatología y lesiones: pústula, pápula, eritema, descamación, costra, alopecia, pelo quebradizo, foliculítis así como factores predisponente: factores ambientales, humedad, ph, edad, raza, sexo, individuo, realizando el diagnóstico por laboratorio en tres pacientes. Las muestras fueron remitidas al laboratorio veterinario con los siguientes estudios clínicos ; Raspado de piel por KoH al 10% Y 20%, determinaron la presencia de estructuras micóticas asociadas a hifas y levaduras en el caso N°1, estructuras asociadas a artrosporas e hifas en el caso N°2, y estructuras asociadas a hifas y levaduras en el caso N°3, además se realizó un control de crecimiento de contaminantes en agar Sabouraud con glucosa al 2%, donde se observó por caracterización macroscópica el crecimiento de contaminantes en mayor abundancia en el caso N°3. Una vez obtenidos los resultados se procesaron las muestras en Dermatofitos Test Medium (Urano Test Dermatofitos) donde se observó que el caso N°1 y caso N°3 dieron negativo a DTM, el caso N°2 resulto ser positivo y se prosiguió a la caracterización microscópica del agente por tinción de contraste, donde se identificó al Microsporum gypseum como el agente causal de la lesión y como factores predisponentes se verificaron los ambientales y la edad del paciente, la aplicación de tratamiento fue de forma tópico y sistémico a través de fungicida o fungistático , baño con clorhexidina y miconazol 1 vez a la semana por 6 semanas , ketoconazol en tableta a una dosis de 10 mg /kg/día por 30 días , dándola en la comida para conseguir un ph gástrico acido, regulador del sistema inmune (caseína) 1 tableta al día por 30 días, vitamina ADɜE intramuscular . Palabras claves: Canino; Dermatofitos; Microsporum; Trichophyton; Raspado de piel; Cultivo micotico.


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[ES] En lo alto del cerro se encuentra un sistema de cuatro recintos amurallados de piedra en seco que se disponen sobre un espolón rocoso de forma triangular de unos 150 metros de longitud y 100 metros de base.


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O conjunto de técnicas de Geomática tem sido um poderoso aliado no apoio à tomada de decisões e manipulação de dados espaciais. Nas últimas décadas tornou-se quase indispensável na gestão de recursos humanos e recursos naturais. Na área da Saúde, a Geomática tem viabilizado estudos sobre: análise da distribuição de pacientes; variações na ocorrência de epidemias; monitoramento de vetores; avaliação em tempo real de situações de emergência ou catastróficas, entre outros. A associação da Medicina com a Geografia é antiga. A associação entre a saúde e a espacialização das doenças deve considerar a estruturação física do espaço geográfico a partir da caracterização de cada parte componente do sistema como preconiza a perspectiva sistêmica na Teoria Geral de Sistema, pois a população é parte integrante do espaço geográfico no qual ocorrem determinados agravos à saúde. Nestes pontos recai a relevância da presente pesquisa. O estudo foi desenvolvido na área da Bacia Hidrográfica de Jacarepaguá no município do Rio de Janeiro. Com aproximadamente 295 km2 é composta por 19 bairros e tem uma população aproximada de 682000 habitantes. O estudo pretendeu estruturar uma metodologia para inserção das técnicas de Geomática na prática de análises de dados de saúde, apoiada na Teoria Geral de Sistemas, visando contribuir no processo de vigilância ambiental em saúde permitindo realizar um prognóstico de situações de risco de determinada população. A base cartográfica que apoiou o estudo foi construída através de cartas topográficas da DSG na escala 1:50000. Das cartas foram retiradas informações de planimetria relevantes ao estudo e as informações de altimetria que foram utilizadas na elaboração do modelo digital de terreno (MDT). Com o MDT foi gerado o mapa de declividade por grau que permitiu criar divisões em 5 classes para posterior geração de mapas temáticos com os dados de saúde. Os dados de saúde foram retirados do Sistema de Informações de Notificação de Agravos (SINAN) disponibilizado pelo Ministério da Saúde. A doença analisada foi a leptospirose. Os casos foram localizados pontualmente a partir dos endereços de residência. A hipótese aventada neste estudo era a existência de um alto grau de correlação entre as partes componentes representadas pela estruturação física do espaço e a ocorrência de leptospirose. Com os resultados comprovou-se a hipótese nula, pois somente ocorrem doenças em áreas associadas ao Fundo Chato da Baixada de Jacarepaguá e nos Declives Suaves dos Morros Isolados, também localizados no Subsistema Baixada. Isto demonstra que em termos desta doença existe uma ausência de população nesta componente espacial em áreas de maiores declividades.


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We describe the design steps and final implementation of a MIMO OFDM prototype platform developed to enhance the performance of wireless LAN standards such as HiperLAN/2 and 802.11, using multiple transmit and multiple receive antennas. We first describe the channel measurement campaign used to characterize the indoor operational propagation environment, and analyze the influence of the channel on code design through a ray-tracing channel simulator. We also comment on some antenna and RF issues which are of importance for the final realization of the testbed. Multiple coding, decoding, and channel estimation strategies are discussed and their respective performance-complexity trade-offs are evaluated over the realistic channel obtained from the propagation studies. Finally,we present the design methodology, including cross-validation of the Matlab, C++, and VHDL components, and the final demonstrator architecture. We highlight the increased measured performance of the MIMO testbed over the single-antenna system. £.


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Two triazole derivatives, 3,4-dichloro-acetophenone-O-1'-(1',3',4'-triazolyl)-methaneoxime (4-DTM) and 2,5-dichloro-acetophenone-O-1'-(1',3',4'-triazolyl)-methaneoxime (5-DTM) were synthesized, and the inhibition effects for mild steel in 1 M HCl solutions were investigated by weight loss measurements, electrochemical tests and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). The weight loss measurements showed that these compounds have excellent inhibiting effect at a concentration of 1.0 x 10(-3) M. The potentiodynamic polarization experiment revealed that the triazole derivatives are inhibitors of mixed-type and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) confirmed that changes in the impedance parameters (R-ct and C-dl) are due to surface adsorption. The inhibition efficiencies obtained from weight loss measurements and electrochemical tests were in good agreement. Adsorption followed the Langmuir isotherm with negative values of the free energy of adsorption Delta G(ads)(o). The thermodynamic parameters of adsorption were determined and are discussed. Results show that both 4-DTM and 5-DTM are good inhibitors for mild steel in acid media.


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化程度的不断提高,在过程控制的现场对设备的种类要求越来越广泛。在这种情况下,大量不同厂商不同类型的设备应用到实际现场中。由此带来的设备配置工作越来越烦索。电子设备描述技术(EDD)和现场设备类型管理技术(FDT/DTM)的出现解决了这个问题。EDDL是描述电子(仪表)设备的语言,是各个不同设备进行互操作的基础。EDDL提供了一整套可裁剪的基本结构元素,用于对简单、复杂或模块化的设备进行描述。EDD是一种统一的、独立于平台的设备操作的基础。FDT/DTM技术是基于软件的设备集成解决方案,采用具有统一接口规范的FDT框架和DTM软件组件,其基本思想是提供标准的方法来管理现场设备。国内外对这两种技术的研究和技术推广逐年升温,研究开发具有自主知识产权的解决方案具有十分重要的意义。本文通过深入研究协议,掌握其关键技术,实现其实际的应用,并开发相应的软件。 介绍了两种协议的原理及应用设计实现过程。根据对协议的研究以及国内外相关应用现状的分析提出设备集成方案设计的思路,以达到实际工程应用的目的。详细介绍了EDD协议与FDT/DTM协议的主要机制,包括设备描述语言、描述方法、编译解释原理、组件技术、COM/ActiveX控件、组件通信等。并以博微公司生产的变送器为例,实现了设备集成的具体应用,包括基于EDDL技术的压力变送器与AMS和PDM集成、基于FDT技术的与美名fdtContainer集成。详细描述了设备集成的原理、集成的方案、设备描述文件的编写、设备DTM的开发等。


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Solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation at wavelengths less than 400 nm is an important source of energy for aeronomic processes throughout the solar system. Solar UV photons are absorbed in planetary atmospheres, as well as throughout the heliosphere, via photodissociation of molecules, photoionization of molecules and atoms, and photoexcitation toexcitation including resonance scattering. In this paper, the solar irradiances data measured by TIMED SEE, as well as the solar proxies such as F10.7 and Mg II, thermosphere neutral density of CHAMP measurements and topside ionospheric plasmas densities from DMSP, are used to analyze solar irradiance effects on the variabilities of the thermosphere and the ionosphere. First, thermosphere densities near 410 km altitude are analyzed for solar irradiance variability effects during the period 2002-2004. Correlations between the densities and the solar irradiances for different spectral lines and wavelength ranges reveal significantly different characteristics. The density correlates remarkably well with all the selected solar irradiances except the lower chromospheric O I (130.4 nm) emission. Among the chosen solar proxies, the Mg II core-to-wing ratio index, EUV (30-120 nm) and F10.7 show the highest correlations with the density for short-term (< ~27 days) variations. For both long- (> ~27 days) and short-term variations, linear correlation coefficients exhibit a decreasing trend from low latitudes towards high latitudes. The density variability can be effectively modeled (capturing 71% of the variance) using multiple solar irradiance indices, including F10.7, SEUV (the EUV 30-120 nm index), and SFUV (the FUV 120-193 nm index), in which a lag time of 1 day was used for both F10.7 and SEUV, and 5 days for SFUV. In our regression formulation SEUV has the largest contribution to the density variation (40%), with the F10.7 having the next largest contribution (32%) and SFUV accounting for the rest (28%). Furthermore, a pronounced period of about 27.2 days (mean period of the Sun's rotation) is present in both density and solar irradiance data of 2003 and 2004, and a pronounced period of about 54.4 days (doubled period of the solar rotation) is also revealed in 2004. However, soft X-ray and FUV irradiances did not present a pronounced 54.4 day period in 2004, in spite of their high correlation with the densities. The Ap index also shows 54-day periodicities in 2004, and magnetic activity, together with solar irradiance, affects the 54-day variation in density significantly. In addition, NRLMSISE00, DTM-2000 and JB2006 model predictions are compared with density measurements from CHAMP to assess their accuracy, and the results show that these models underestimate the response of the thermosphere to variations induced by solar rotation. Next, the equatorial topside ionospheric plasmas densities Ni are analyzed for solar irradiance variability effects during the period 2002-2005. Linear correlations between Ni and the solar irradiances for different wavelength ranges reveal significantly different characteristics. XUV (0-35 nm) and EUV (115-130 nm) show higher correlation with Ni for the long-term variations, whereas EUV (35-115 nm) show higher correlation for the short-term variations. Moreover, partial correlation analysis shows that the long-term variations of Ni are affected by both XUV (0-35 nm) and EUV (35-115 nm), whereas XUV (0-35 nm) play a more important role; the short-term variations of Ni are mostly affected by EUV (35-115 nm). Furthermore, a pronounced period of about 27 days is present in both Ni and solar irradiance data of 2003 and 2004, and a pronounced period of about 54 days is also revealed in 2004. Finally, prompted by previous studies that have suggested solar EUV radiation as a means of driving the semiannual variation, we investigate the intra-annual variation in thermosphere neutral density near 400 km during 2002-2005. The intra-annual variation, commonly referred to as the ‘semiannual variation’, is characterized by significant latitude structure, hemispheric asymmetries, and inter-annual variability. The magnitude of the maximum yearly difference, from the yearly minimum to the yearly maximum, varies by as much as 60% from year to year, and the phases of the minima and maxima also change by 20-40 days from year to year. Each annual harmonic of the intra-annual variation, namely, annual, semiannual, ter-annual and quatra-annual, exhibits a decreasing trend from 2002 through 2005 that is correlated with the decline in solar activity. In addition, some variations in these harmonics are correlated with geomagnetic activity, as represented by the daily mean value of Kp. Recent empirical models of the thermosphere are found to be deficient in capturing most of the latitude dependencies discovered in our data. In addition, the solar flux and geomagnetic activity proxies that we have employed do not capture some latitude and inter-annual variations detected in our data. It is possible that these variations are partly due to other effects, such as seasonal-latitudinal variations in turbopause altitude (and hence O/N2 composition) and ionosphere coupling processes that remain to be discovered in the context of influencing the intra-annual variations depicted here. Our results provide a new dataset to challenge and validate thermosphere-ionosphere general circulation models that seek to delineate the thermosphere intra-annual variation and to understand the various competing mechanisms that may contribute to its existence and variability. We furthermore suggest that the term “intra-annual” variation be adopted to describe the variability in thermosphere and ionosphere parameters that is well-captured through a superposition of annual, semiannual, ter-annual, and quatra-annual harmonic terms, and that “semiannual’ be used strictly in reference to a pure 6-monthly sinusoidal variation. Moreover, we propose the term “intra-seasonal” to refer to those shorter-term variations that arise as residuals from the above Fourier representation.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária