954 resultados para DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS


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The interaction of both natural conditions and anthropogenic environmental impacts can lead to different soft-bottom macrobenthic distribution patterns. Soft-bottom macrobenthic community was analysed at different taxonomic scales in order to evaluate whether diverse subset of organisms respond to the variability of the environmental pressures (natural and human induced) showing or not similar distribution patterns. Therefore, this long-term survey had been focused on a heterogeneous area, where both anthropogenic and natural stress may affect the community. Three perpendicular transects to the coast were established and stations at 4, 10 and 15 m depths were sampled at each transect twice a year (summer- winter) from 2004 to 2009. Non-parametric multivariate techniques were used to analyse soft-bottom macrobenthic community distribution and its relation to the environmental factors. Similar distribution patterns between investigated taxonomic levels were detected and they were mainly related to depth.


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Ascidians (Ascidiacea: Tunicata) are sessile suspension feeders that represent dominant epifaunal components of the Southern Ocean shelf benthos and play a significant role in the pelagic-benthic coupling. Here, we report the results of a first study on the relationship between the distribution patterns of eight common and/or abundant (putative) ascidian species, and environmental drivers in the waters off the northern Antarctic Peninsula. During RV Polarstern cruise XXIX/3 (PS81) in January-March 2013, we used seabed imaging surveys along 28 photographic transects of 2 km length each at water depths from 70 to 770 m in three regions (northwestern Weddell Sea, southern Bransfield Strait and southern Drake Passage), differing in their general environmental setting, primarily oceanographic characteristics and sea-ice dynamics, to comparatively analyze the spatial patterns in the abundance of the selected ascidians, reliably to be identified in the photographs, at three nested spatial scales. At a regional (100-km) scale, the ascidian assemblages of the Weddell Sea differed significantly from those of the other two regions, whereas at an intermediate 10-km scale no such differences were detected among habitat types (bank, upper slope, slope, deep/canyon) on the shelf and at the shelf break within each region. These spatial patterns were superimposed by a marked small-scale (10-m) patchiness of ascidian distribution within the 2-km-long transects. Among the environmental variables considered in our study, a combination of water-mass characteristics, sea-ice dynamics (approximated by 5-year averages in sea-ice cover in the region of or surrounding the photographic stations), as well as the seabed ruggedness, was identified as explaining best the distribution patterns of the ascidians.


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Biotic interactions can have large effects on species distributions yet their role in shaping species ranges is seldom explored due to historical difficulties in incorporating biotic factors into models without a priori knowledge on interspecific interactions. Improved SDMs, which account for biotic factors and do not require a priori knowledge on species interactions, are needed to fully understand species distributions. Here, we model the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on species distribution patterns and explore the robustness of distributions under future climate change. We fit hierarchical spatial models using Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) for lagomorph species throughout Europe and test the predictive ability of models containing only abiotic factors against models containing abiotic and biotic factors. We account for residual spatial autocorrelation using a conditional autoregressive (CAR) model. Model outputs are used to estimate areas in which abiotic and biotic factors determine species’ ranges. INLA models containing both abiotic and biotic factors had substantially better predictive ability than models containing abiotic factors only, for all but one of the four species. In models containing abiotic and biotic factors, both appeared equally important as determinants of lagomorph ranges, but the influences were spatially heterogeneous. Parts of widespread lagomorph ranges highly influenced by biotic factors will be less robust to future changes in climate, whereas parts of more localised species ranges highly influenced by the environment may be less robust to future climate. SDMs that do not explicitly include biotic factors are potentially misleading and omit a very important source of variation. For the field of species distribution modelling to advance, biotic factors must be taken into account in order to improve the reliability of predicting species distribution patterns both presently and under future climate change.


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Khark & Kharko Islands are the last Northern point for fringing coral reefs in Iranian side of the Persian Gulf. These Coralline habitats are the Protected Area and Wildlife Refugees with the total area of 2400 ha which located in the territory of Bushehr Province. This research carried out during 2006-2007 with monthly sampling from 12 stations, which selected around Islands and inshore waters with maximum depth of 20 meter. Sampling was conducted using by Bongo-Net plankton sampler with 500μ of mesh size. Totally, 1808 specimen from 45 family fish larvae was identified in studied area, including: 21 coralline fish larva families and 24 shore fish larvae such as pelagic and demersal fishes which some of them known as indicator, sentinel or endemic species for coral reef ecosystems. The results was shown that coral reef diversity in coral reefs (Khark & Kharko Islands) is more than other habitats such as estuary and river mouth, creeks, mangrove forest sites, and off shore water of the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Iranian side. Among Identified families, Clupeidae, Blenniidae, Sillaginidae, Atherinidae and Tripterygiidae; with more abundance were dominant families in studied area. The pick of fish larvae abundance family were estimated in spring. There were significant differences between seasonally abundance and sub areas, but there were not significant differences in diversity indexes between Khark and Kharko stations with coastal stations (p< 0.05). The mean abundance of fish larvae were estimated 18.7083 larvae under 10m² of sea surface, and the mean diversity indexes and evenness were estimated 0.7135 and 0.565342 consequently, that was showed the area is under ecological stress for fish larvae, and wasn’t stable. Therefore, from the ecological point of view, only some of the fish larvae groups as like Clupeidae were dominant. Thus, they were the main cause of the fish larvae abundance change in studied area. Due to geographical location of Khark and Kharko Islands and among the environmental parameters, Its seems that the condition of sea current is the main cause for present or absent and distribution patterns of fish larvae in area. Abundance of fish larvae in west of Islands was higher than eastern parts in the spring. But this condition will be reversed in eastern part of Island and several coastal stations, so that the Islands surrounding clock wise current to cause fish larvae distribution patterns.


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The bubble crab Dotilla fenestrata forms very dense populations on the sand flats of the eastern coast of Inhaca Island, Mozambique, making it an interesting biological model to examine spatial distribution patterns and test the relative efficiency of common sampling methods. Due to its apparent ecological importance within the sandy intertidal community, understanding the factors ruling the dynamics of Dotilla populations is also a key issue. In this study, different techniques of estimating crab density are described, and the trends of spatial distribution of the different population categories are shown. The studied populations are arranged in discrete patches located at the well-drained crests of nearly parallel mega sand ripples. For a given sample size, there was an obvious gain in precision by using a stratified random sampling technique, considering discrete patches as strata, compared to the simple random design. Density average and variance differed considerably among patches since juveniles and ovigerous females were found clumped, with higher densities at the lower and upper shore levels, respectively. Burrow counting was found to be an adequate method for large-scale sampling, although consistently underestimating actual crab density by nearly half. Regression analyses suggested that crabs smaller than 2.9 mm carapace width tend to be undetected in visual burrow counts. A visual survey of sampling plots over several patches of a large Dotilla population showed that crab density varied in an interesting oscillating pattern, apparently following the topography of the sand flat. Patches extending to the lower shore contained higher densities than those mostly covering the higher shore. Within-patch density variability also pointed to the same trend, but the density increment towards the lowest shore level varied greatly among the patches compared.


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Holothurian populations are under pressure worldwide because of increasing demand for beche-de-mer, mainly for Asian consumption. Importations to this area from new temperate fishing grounds provide economic opportunities but also raise concerns regarding future over-exploitation. Studies on the habitat preferences and movements of sea cucumbers are important for the management of sea cucumber stocks and sizing of no-take zones, but information on the ecology and behavior of temperate sea cucumbers is scarce. This study describes the small-scale distribution and movement patterns of Holothuria arguinensis in the intertidal zone of the Ria Formosa national park (Portugal).Mark/recapture studieswere performed to record theirmovements over time on different habitats (sand and seagrass). H. arguinensis preferred seagrass habitats and did not show a size or life stage-related spatial segregation. Its density was 563 ind. ha−1 and mean movement speed was 10 m per day. Movement speed did not differ between habitats and the direction of movement was offshore during the day and shoreward during the night. Median home range size was 35 m2 and overlap among home ranges was 84%. H. arguinensis' high abundance, close association with seagrass and easy catchability in the intertidal zone, indicate the importance of including intertidal lagoons in future studies on temperate sea cucumber ecology since those systems might require different management strategies than fully submerged habitats.


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The ecological role of gorgonians for marine rocky bottoms is worldwide recognized, but the information on the distribution patterns of NE Atlantic temperate species is insufficient, considering current global, regional and local threats. To overcome the lack of information on the spatial distribution patterns of gorgonians in south Portugal, in 2009/2010, the occurrence and abundance of gorgonian species in rocky bottoms were quantified over more than 25 km of coast (37.1N/8.6W) down to 30 m depth. Eunicella labiata, Eunicella gazella, Eunicella verrucosa and Leptogorgia sarmentosa were abundant and frequent in the studied area, while Leptogorgia lusitanica was less abundant. All species evidenced a similar depth pattern, that is abundance significantly increased with depth below 15 m. At shallower waters (up to 15 m), the distribution of gorgonians may be constrained by abiotic factors and competition with algae. Indeed, the abundance of gorgonians was negatively correlated with the percentage cover of algae along the depth gradient, but gorgonians and sponges coexist. Competition among gorgonian species also seems to be low in this area because of the similarity in the abundance pattern observed for the most abundant species and also their high association. In NE Atlantic shallow temperate rocky bottoms, the distribution of gorgonians seems to be influenced by environmental factors and biological interactions, namely competition (algae) and coexistence (sponges and other gorgonians).


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Effective management of invasive fishes depends on the availability of updated information about their distribution and spatial dispersion. Forensic analysis was performed using online and published data on the European catfish, Silurus glanis L., a recent invader in the Tagus catchment (Iberian Peninsula). Eighty records were obtained mainly from anglers’ fora and blogs, and more recently from www.youtube.com. Since the first record in 1998, S. glanis expanded its geographic range by 700 km of river network, occurring mainly in reservoirs and in high-order reaches. Human-mediated and natural dispersal events were identified, with the former occurring during the first years of invasion and involving movements of >50 km. Downstream dispersal directionality was predominant. The analysis of online data from anglers was found to provide useful information on the distribution and dispersal patterns of this non-native fish, and is potentially applicable as a preliminary, exploratory assessment tool for other non-native fishes.


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Nineteen areas on the island of Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic) were studied with the aim of determining the distribution pattern of the endemic flora in these areas, and their variability with altitude. The main concentration of endemic species occurs in mountains with a medium altitude and in certain mountain sites (palaeo-islands), which coincide with hotspots; a lower number of endemics are found in low-lying areas (coldspots), due to the degradation of their habitats. A total of 1,582 endemic species were studied and were distributed in 19 areas. The whole island is of outstanding interest for its richness in endemics; it has 2,050 endemic species, representing 34.16% of its total flora. The territory in the study is home to 1,284 genera of which 31 are endemic to the island, including monotypical genera such as Tortuella abietifolia Urb. & Ekman, and endemic genera such as Hottea, containing seven endemic species. The sites with the highest rate of endemics are area A16 in the central range with a total of 440 endemic species, of which 278 are exclusive to the territory; and the Sierra de Bahoruco, la Selle, La Hotte and Tibur on in area A12, where we found 699 plants of which 482 are endemic and exclusive to the area; and A13 with 173 and 129 respectively. This work highlights the exceptional floristic diversity in endemic species and genera and analyses their distribution patterns as a tool for conservation in this area of the world, whose high endemicity rate makes it one of the most significant hotspots in the Caribbean.


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The aim of the project is the creation of a new model for the analysis of the political and social structures of the Northern Levant during the Iron Age, through the study of the production and circulation of ceramics in urban and rural centers. The project includes an innovative approach compared to a traditional contextual and analytical study of ceramic material. The geographical area under consideration represents an ideal context for understanding these dynamics, as a place of interaction between culturally different but constantly communicating areas (Eastern Mediterranean, Syria, Upper Mesopotamia). They corresponds to present-day southeastern Turkey and northern Syria, with the Mediterranean coast and the Euphrates River as limits to the west and east, respectively. The chronological interval taken into consideration by the study extends from the twelfth century BC. to the seventh century BC, corresponding to a phase of political fragmentation of the region into small-medium state entities and their subsequent conquest by the Neo-Assyrian empire starting from the end of the ninth century BC.


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Horizontal and vertical distribution patterns and abundance of larval phosichthyids were investigated from oblique and depth-stratified towns off Southeastern brazilian waters, from São Tomé cape (41ºW.; 22ºS.) to São Sebastião island (45ºW.; 24ºS.). The sampling was performed during two cruises (January/2002 -summer; August/2002 -winter). Overall 538 larvae of Phosichthyidae were collected during summer and 158 in the winter. Three species, Pollichthys mauli, Vinciguerria nimbaria and Ichthyioccoccus sp. occurred in the area, but Ichthyioccoccus sp. was extremely rare represented by only one specimen, caught in the oceanic region during the summer. Geographically, larval were concentrated in the oceanic region, and vertically distributed mainly between the surface and 80 m depth in the summer and winter. Larvae were more abundant during the night, performing a diel vertical migration in the water column. The results suggest that the meandering and eddies of Brazil Current play important role on the transport and distribution patterns of larval phosichthyids over the oceanic and neritic area in the Southeastern Brazil.