68 resultados para DISACCHARIDES
Trehalase (?,?-Trehalosee gludohydrolase, EC was partially solubilized from the thermophilic fungus Humicola lanuginosa RM-B, and purified 184-fold. The purified enzyme was optimally active at 50°C in acetate buffer at pH 5.5. It was highly specific for ?,?-trehalose and had an apparent Km = 0.4 mM at 50°C. None of the other disaccharides tested either inhibited or activated the enzyme. The molecular weight of the enzyme was around 170000. Trehalase from mycelium grown at 40 and 50°C had similar properties. The purified enzyme, in contrast to that in the crude-cell free extract, was less stable. At low concentration, purified trehalase was afforded protection against heat-inactivation by �protective factor(s)� present in mycelial extracts. The �protective factor(s)� was sensitive to proteolytic digestion. It was not diffusable and was stable to boiling for at least 30 min. Bovine serum albumin and casein also protected the enzyme from heat-inactivation.
Fluorescence and stopped-flow spectrophotometric studies on three plant lectins fromPsophocarpus tetragonolobus (winged bean),Glycine max (soybean) andArtocarpus integrifolia (jack fruit) have been studied usingN-dansylgalactosamine as a fluorescent ligand. The best monosaccharide for the winged bean agglutinin I (WBA I) and soybean (SBA) is Me-agrGalNAc and for jack fruit agglutinin (JFA) is Me-agrGal. Examination of the percentage enhancement and association constants (1.51×106, 6.56×106 and 4.17×105 M–1 for SBA, WBA I and JFA, respectively) suggests that the combining regions of the lectins SBA and WBA I are apolar whereas that of JFA is polar. Thermodynamic parameters obtained for the binding of several monosaccharides to these lectins are enthalpically favourable. The binding of monosaccharides to these lectins suggests that the-OH groups at C-1, C-2, C-4 and C-6 in thed-galactose configuration are important loci for interaction with these lectins. An important finding is that the JFA binds specifically to Galß1-3GaINAc with much higher affinity than the other disaccharides which are structurally and topographically similar.The results of stopped-flow spectrometry on the binding ofN-dansylgalactosamine to these lectins are consistent with a bimolecular single step mechanism. The association rate constants (2.4×105, 1.3×104, and 11.7×105 M–1 sec–1 for SBA, WBA I and JFA, respectively) obtained are several orders of magnitude slower than the ones expected for diffusion controlled reactions. The dissociation rate constants (0.2, 3.2×10–2, 83.3 sec–1 for SBA, WBA I and JFA, respectively) obtained for the dissociation ofN-dansylgalactosamine from its lectin complex are slowest for SBA and WBA I when compared with any other lectin-ligand dissociation process.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli ottaa käyttöön tandemmassaspektrometrinen (MS/MS) menetelmä, jolla voidaan analysoida polysakkarideista purkautuneiden oligosakkaridien rakenteita. Tavoitteena oli, että menetelmällä voidaan määrittää glykosidisten sidosten eri asemat monosakkaridirakenteiltaan samanlaisista neutraaleista lineaarisista oligosakkarideista. Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin oligosakkaridien rakenteiden määrittämiseen käytettyjä MS/MS-menetelmiä ja oligosakkaridien pilkkoutumisreaktioita MS/MS-analyysissa. Kirjallisuuden perusteella MS/MS-analyysissa oligosakkaridien pilkkoutuminen voi tapahtua joko glykosidisen sidoksen katkeamisella tai monosakkaridirenkaan halkeamisella. Monosakkaridirenkaan pilkkoutumisesta muodostuvia tuoteioneja voidaan käyttää glykosidisen sidoksen aseman määrittämiseen. Kokeellisessa tutkimuksessa selvitettiin aluksi monosakkaridirakenteiltaan isomeerisilla disakkaridimalliaineilla glykosidisen sidoksen sijainnin vaikutus disakkaridin pilkkoutumiseen MS/MS-analyysissa. Tämän jälkeen pyrittiin löytämään tunnetuista tri- ja tetrasakkaridimalliaineista näitä eri sidoksille tyypillisiä tuoteionien jakaumia. Tunnettujen tri- ja tetrasakkaridien pilkkoutuminen yhdenmukaisesti disakkaridien pilkkoutumisen kanssa antaisi mahdollisuuden pitkäketjuisempien oligosakkaridien glykosidisten sidosten tunnistamiseen sovelletulla MS/MS-menetelmällä. MS/MS-analyysit tehtiin ioniloukkumassadetektorilaitteistolla käyttäen sähkösumutusionisaatiota (ESI). Oligosakkaridit määritettiin positiivisella ionisaatiolla litium- ja natriumaddukti-ioneina ja negatiivisella ionisaatiolla kloridiaddukti-ioneina. Vertaamalla tri- ja tetrasakkarideista MS/MS-analyyseissa muodostuneita tuoteioneja disakkarideista muodostuneisiin tuoteioneihin, voitiin sekä positiivisella että negatiivisella ionisaatiolla määrittää oligosakkaridin pelkistävän pään sidoksen asema. Negatiivisella ionisaatiolla tri- ja tetrasakkarideista muodostuneista tuoteioneista voitiin määrittää myös muiden kuin pelkistävän pään sidosten asemia. Positiivisella ionisaatiolla muiden sidosten määrittäminen ei ollut mahdollista, koska rengasfragmentti-ioneja muodostui pääosin oligosakkaridin pelkistävästä päästä. Glykosidisen sidoksen katkeamisesta muodostuneet tuoteionit analysoitiin edelleen MS3-analyysilla. MS3-analyysissa muodostuneista tuoteioneista ei voitu tulkita sidosten asemia, koska lähtöionit koostuivat sekä terminaalisen että pelkistävän pään isomeerisista ioneista.
The three crystal structures reported here provide details of the interactions of mannose and the mannosyl-alpha-1,3-mannose component of a pentamannose with banana lectin and evidence for the binding of glucosyl-alpha-1,2-glucose to the lectin. The known structures involving the lectin include a complex with glucosyl-beta-1,3-glucose. Modeling studies on the three disaccharide complexes with the reducing end and the nonreducing end at the primary binding site are also provided here. The results of the Xray and modeling studies show that the disaccharides with an alpha-1,3 linkage prefer to have the nonreducing end at the primary binding site, whereas the reducing end is preferred at the site when the linkage is beta-1,3 in mannose/glucose-specific beta-prism I fold lectins. In the corresponding galactose-specific lectins, however, alpha-1,3-linked disaccharides cannot bind the lectin with the nonreducing end at the primary binding site on account of steric clashes with an aromatic residue that occurs only when the lectin is galactose-specific. Molecular dynamics simulations based on the known structures involving banana lectin enrich the information on lectin-carbohydrate interactions obtained from crystal structures. They demonstrate that conformational selection as well as induced fit operate when carbohydrates bind to banana lectin.
O sangue do cordão umbilical e placentário (SCUP) tem sido usado como fonte de células-tronco hematopoiéticas (CTH) para reconstituir a função medular (hematopoiese). A maioria das vezes, esta modalidade de transplante requer a criopreservação das CTH, que permanecem congeladas até uma possível utilização futura. Na criopreservação de CTH, o reagente químico dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO) tem sido utilizado como um crioprotetor. No entanto, tem sido provado que DMSO tem efeitos tóxicos para o corpo humano. Muitos organismos na natureza possuem uma capacidade de sobreviver ao congelamento e à desidratação acumulando dissacarídeos, como a trealose e sacarose, por isso a trealose, tem sido investigada como um crioprotetor alternativo para diversos tipos celulares. Outro dano muito comum durante o congelamento é a formação de espécie reativas de oxigênio (ERO) que diminui a viabilidade celular, por isso a adição de bioantioxidantes na solução de criopreservação das células é passo muito importante. Este estudo foi dividido em duas fases na primeira foram avaliados os resultados obtidos com a adição de antioxidantes na solução de criopreservação das células de SCUP e na segunda fase avaliou-se a hipótese que a solução de criopreservação contendo trealose intracelular e extracelular melhora a recuperação e a viabilidade das células-tronco do SCUP, após a criopreservação. SCUP foi processado e submetido à criopreservação em soluções contendo na primeira fase: soluções com diferentes concentrações de DMSO (10%, 5% e 2,5%), assim como as combinações de DMSO (5%, 2,5%) com um dos dissacarídeos (60mmol/L) e ácido ascórbico e/ou catalase (10mg/mL); e na segunda fase: soluções contendo diferentes concentrações de DMSO (10% e 2,5%), assim como as combinações de DMSO (2,5%) com trealose intra (a trealose foi introduzida na célula por meio de lipossomas) e extracelular e soluções contendo trealose intra e extracelular sem DMSO, armazenados por duas semanas em N2L, e descongeladas. As células descongeladas foram avaliadas por citometria de fluxo, pelo ensaio metabólico pelo MTT e de unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC). Na primeira fase do estudo, a catalase, melhorou a preservação das células CD34+ e CD123+, a UFC e a viabilidade celular, em comparação com a solução padrão de criopreservação. Já na segunda fase do estudo, após as análises de todos os testes vimos que a solução que continha trealose intra/extracelular e DMSO mostrou uma capacidade de manutenção da viabilidade/integridade celular superior a todas as outras testadas. A solução que continha trealose intra e extracelular sem DMSO, obteve um resultado comparável com seu controle (2,5%DMSO), porém quando avaliamos a solução que continha apenas trealose intracelular não obtivemos resultados satisfatórios. A catalase pode atuar sobre a redução dos níveis ERO na solução de criopreservação das CTH de SCUP, diminuindo os danos por ele causados e a trealose deve estar presente em ambos os lados das células durante o processo de congelamento. Portanto, em testes clínicos futuros, ela poderá ser um potencial crioprotetor das células-tronco de SCUP, podendo substituir totalmente o DMSO da solução de criopreservação, minimizando com os efeitos colaterais provenientes da infusão de produtos criopreservados nos pacientes.
The nutritional function of monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides for omnivorous gibel carp and carnivorous Chinese longsnout catfish were investigated and the ability of these two species to utilize carbohydrates was compared. For each species, triplicate groups of fish were assigned to each of five groups of isoenergetic and isonitrogenous experimental diets with different carbohydrate sources: glucose, sucrose, dextrin, soluble starch (acid-modified starch) and alpha-cellulose. The carbohydrates were included at 60 g kg(-1) in Chinese longsnout catfish diets and at 200 g kg(-1) in gibel carp diets. A growth trial was carried out in a recirculation system at 27.8 +/- 1.9 degrees C for 8 weeks. The results showed that fish with different food habits showed difference in the utilization of carbohydrate sources. For gibel carp, better specific growth rate (SGR) and feed efficiency (FE) were observed in fish fed diets containing soluble starch and cellulose, but for Chinese longsnout catfish, better SGR and FE were observed in fish fed diets containing dextrin and sucrose. Apparent digestibility coefficient of dry matter (ADC(d)) and apparent digestibility coefficient of energy (ADC(e)) were significantly affected by dietary carbohydrate sources in gibel carp. ADC(d) and ADC(e) significantly decreased as dietary carbohydrate complexity increased in Chinese longsnout catfish except that glucose diet had medium ADC(d) and ADC(e). In both species, no significant difference of apparent digestibility coefficient of protein was observed between different carbohydrate sources. Dietary carbohydrate sources significantly affected body composition, and liver phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), pyruvate kinase (PK), glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and malic enzyme (ME) activities also varied according to dietary carbohydrate complexity. Fish with different food habits showed different abilities to synthesize liver glycogen, and the liver glycogen content in gibel carp was significantly higher than in Chinese longsnout catfish. The influence of carbohydrate source on gluconeogenesis and lipogenesis was also different in the two fish species.
Electrospray ionization (ESI) combined with multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry (MSn) was used to directly analyze the glycolipid mixture from bacteria Bacillus pumilus without preliminary separation. Full scan ESI-MS revealed the composition of picomole quantities of glycerolglycolipid species containing C-14-C-19 fatty acids, some of which were monounsaturated, Two main components were identified from their molecular masses and fragmentation pathways. The fragmentation pathway of the known compound compared with the investigated compound verified the proposed structure as 1(3)-acyl-2-pentadecanoyl-3(1)-O-[beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->6)-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl]-sn-glycerols. A comparison of the multiple tandem mass spectra of the different alkali-metal cation adducts indicates that the intensity of fragments and the dissociation pathways are dependent on the alkali-metal type, The basic structures of glycerolglycolipids were reflected clearly from the fragmentation patterns of the sodium cations, The intense fragments of the sugar residue from the precursor ions were obtained from the lithiated adduct ions. ESI-MSn spectra of [M + K](+) ions did not provide as much fragmentation as [M + Na](+) and [M + Li](+) adducts, but their spectra allow the position of glycerol acylation to be determined. On the basis of MS2 spectra of[M + K](+) ions, it was established that all components have a C-15:0 fatty acid at the sn-2 position of the glycerol backbone and C-14-C-19 acids at the sn-1 position of the glycerol backbone. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Intestinal permeability tests have been used to screen for a wide range of small intestinal diseases, including coeliac disease and enteric infections. Several probe molecules have been used to investigate intestinal permeability including monosaccharides, disaccharides, 51Cr-EDTA and polyethyleneglycol. While many factors may affect intestinal permeability tests, the use of two probe molecules, for example, lactulose and mannitol, and the expression of the result as a ratio minimises the effects of these extraneous factors. Rendering the test solution hyperosmolar was also found to increase the sensitivity of the test in detecting coeliac disease. Intestinal permeability is characteristically elevated in untreated coeliac disease, with a sensitivity of up to 96% for the dual sugar techniques. The reason for this is a consistent increase in the absorption of lactulose (via the paracellular route) due to increased "leakiness" of the intestine and a reduction in the absorption of mannitol (via the transcellular route) due to a reduction in surface area as a result of villous atrophy. The intestinal permeability test allows subjects to be selected for jejunal biopsy in whom the clinical features are compatible with coeliac disease and in timing a follow-up biopsy. It has been postulated that raised intestinal permeability may be involved in the pathogenesis of coeliac disease. Recently, serum measurements of the probe molecules may have a valuable role, particularly in paediatric patients. Sucrose permeability has also been proposed as an accurate marker of adult coeliac disease and shows promise as a noninvasive test.
Due to its low digestibility in the small intestine, a major fraction of the polyol isomalt reaches the colon. However, little is known about effects on the intestinal microflora. During two 4-week periods in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over design, nineteen healthy volunteers consumed a controlled basal diet enriched with either 30 g isomalt or 30 g sucrose daily. Stools were collected at the end of each test phase and various microbiological and luminal markers were analysed. Fermentation characteristics of isomalt were also investigated in vitro. Microbiological analyses of faecal samples indicated a shift of the gut flora towards an increase of bifidobacteria following consumption of the isomalt diet compared with the sucrose diet (P
BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) represents a leading cause of mortality worldwide, especially in the elderly. Lowering the number of CVD deaths requires preventive strategies targeted on the elderly.
OBJECTIVE: The objective was to generate evidence on the association between WHO dietary recommendations and mortality from CVD, coronary artery disease (CAD), and stroke in the elderly aged ≥60 y.
DESIGN: We analyzed data from 10 prospective cohort studies from Europe and the United States comprising a total sample of 281,874 men and women free from chronic diseases at baseline. Components of the Healthy Diet Indicator (HDI) included saturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, mono- and disaccharides, protein, cholesterol, dietary fiber, and fruit and vegetables. Cohort-specific HRs adjusted for sex, education, smoking, physical activity, and energy and alcohol intakes were pooled by using a random-effects model.
RESULTS: During 3,322,768 person-years of follow-up, 12,492 people died of CVD. An increase of 10 HDI points (complete adherence to an additional WHO guideline) was, on average, not associated with CVD mortality (HR: 0.94; 95% CI: 0.86, 1.03), CAD mortality (HR: 0.99; 95% CI: 0.85, 1.14), or stroke mortality (HR: 0.95; 95% CI: 0.88, 1.03). However, after stratification of the data by geographic region, adherence to the HDI was associated with reduced CVD mortality in the southern European cohorts (HR: 0.87; 95% CI: 0.79, 0.96; I(2) = 0%) and in the US cohort (HR: 0.85; 95% CI: 0.83, 0.87; I(2) = not applicable).
CONCLUSION: Overall, greater adherence to the WHO dietary guidelines was not significantly associated with CVD mortality, but the results varied across regions. Clear inverse associations were observed in elderly populations in southern Europe and the United States.
Floral nectar is thought to be the primary carbohydrate source for most dipteran species. However, it has been shown that black flies (Burgin & Hunter 1997 a,b,c), mosquitoes (Foster 1995; Burkett et al. 1999; Russell & Hunter 2002), deer flies (Magnarelli & Burger 1984; Janzen & Hunter 1998; Ossowski & Hunter 2000), horse flies (Schutz & Gaugler 1989; Hunter & Ossowski 1999) and sand flies (MacVicker et al. 1990; Wallbanks et al. 1990; Cameron et al. 1992, 1995; Schlein & Jacobson 1994, 1999; Hamilton & EI Naiem 2000) feed on homopteran honeydew as well as floral nectar. Prior to 1997 floral nectar was thought to be the main source of carbohydrates for black flies. However, Burgin & Hunter (1 997a) demonstrated that up to 35% of black flies had recently consumed meals of homo pte ran honeydew. This information has necessitated a re-assessment of many life history aspects of black flies. Attempts are being made to examine the effects of nectar versus honeydew on black fly fecundity and parasite transmission (Hazzard 2003). Recently, Stanfield and Hunter (unpublished data) have shown that in female black flies, honeydew sugars produce flights of longer distance and duration than do nectar sugars. This thesis examines two aspects of black fly biology as it relates to sugar meal consumption. First, the effects of honeydew and nectar on black fly longevity are examined. Second, the proximate causation behind longer flight performances in honeydew-fed flies will be examined. The comparison between these two sources is important because nectar is composed of mainly simple sugars (monosaccharides and disaccharides) whereas honeydew is composed of both simple and complex sugars (including trisaccharides and tetrasaccharides ).
Le CS fait partie de la famille des SYSADOA (SYmptomatic Slow Acting Drugs for OsteoArthritis) et est utilisé par les patients avec de l’ostéoarthrose de façon chronique pour ses propriétés anti-inflammatoires. Étant donné que ces patients reçoivent d’autres médicaments, il était intéressant de documenter les effets du CS sur le cytochrome P450 et la NADPH-réductase (NADPH). Pour cette étude, deux modèles ont été utilisés: des lapins témoins (LT) et des lapins avec une réaction inflammatoire (LRI) afin de diminuer l’activité et l’expression du CYP. Six groupes contenant chacun cinq lapins ont été utilisés: un groupe sans CS et deux groupes qui ont pris oralement dans l’eau approximativement 20.5 mg/kg/jour de CS pendant 20 et 30 jours; les lapins des trois groupes restants ont pris du CS comme décrit plus haut, mais ont reçu 5 ml sous-cutanées de térébenthine afin de produire une réaction inflammatoire aseptique (RIA) deux jours avant leur sacrifice, c’est-à-dire aux jours -2, 18 et 28. Les hépatocytes ont été isolés pour évaluer l’activité et l’expression du CYP3A6, CYP1A2 et NADPH et aussi le ARNm de ces protéines. In vitro, nous avons étudié l’effet de différentes concentrations de CS-disaccharides sulfatés, 4S, 6S, et 4,6S de CS, sur l’activité et l’expression du CYP1A2 et du CYP3A6. Pour documenter la présence de la réaction inflammatoire, nous avons mesure les mucoprotéines, dans le sérum des lapins avec une réaction inflammatoire. Aussi nous avons mesuré la présence de l’oxide nitrique (NO) chez les hépatocytes de lapins contrôles et chez les hépatocytes des lapins avec une réaction inflammatoire. La translocation nucléaire du NF-κB a été etudiée par fluorescence chez les hépatocytes. Par comparaison aux lapins témoins, l’administration du CS pendant 20 et 30 jours n’affecte pas l’activité du CYP3A6 et du CYP1A2. La RIA a augmenté les mucoprotéines à 95,1±5,7 vs 8,4±1,6 mg/dl dans les lapins témoins (p<0,05). La RIA a diminué l’activité du CYP3A6 de 62% et l’activité du CYP 1A2 de 54%. Le CS n’empêché pas la diminution du CYP1A2 produite par la RIA. Par ailleurs, le CS n’affecte pas l’activité ni l’expression de la NADPH. La translocation nucléaire de NF-κB a été empêche par l’administration chronique de CS aux lapins avec RIA; en plus, la concentration de l’oxide nitrique n’a pas démontré une augmentation en présence de CS; par contre, CS n’empêche pas l’augmentation des séromucoïdes. Au contraire, CS affecte la diminution du CYP3A6 en fonction de temps et secondaire à la RIA. Dans ce group, CS a rétabli le niveau des protéines du CYP3A6 observé dans le group de lapins témoins. Pourtant cette croissance été independante de mRNA qui garde un niveau trés bas. Le plus remarcable a été la manière dont CS a augmenté la protéine du CYP3A6, sans avoir rétabli l’activité de cet isoforme. Finalement, in vitro, CS et ses trois disaccharides sulfatés (4S, 6S et 4,6S) n’affectent ni l’activité ni l’expression de CYP1A2, CYP3A6 et de la NADPH. En conclusion, l’administration chronique de CS n’affecte pas l’activité ni l’expression du CYP1A2, ou la diminution du CYP1A2 produite par la réaction inflammatoire. Le CS n’affecte pas l’activité ni l’expression du NADPH. Cependant, CS empêche la diminution du CYP3A6 en fonction de temps et secondaire à la RIA.
chemical Sciences and Technology Division, National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, CSIR
In this work, the synthetic utility of the Ferrier reaction to access S-linked disaccharides and S-linked glycoamino acids has been probed. Significantly, entry to a range of 1,4- and 1,6-S-linked disaccharides has been achieved using glycals derived from glucose and galactose, and sulfur containing coupling partners derived from methyl α-d-glucopyranoside. Access to S-linked glycoamino acids and glycopeptides has also been achieved using protected cysteine and homocysteine coupling partners within the Ferrier reaction. Functionalisation of the Ferrier products, for example, via dihydroxylation using OsO4 or amino acid coupling, and deprotection of the targets have also been achieved. In this way, entry to materials of interest as mimics of biologically interesting disaccharides and glycopeptides has been realised, including targets derived from rare sugars such as talopyranose and gulopyranose.
A novel strain of Bifidobacterium bifidum NCIMB 41171, isolated from a faecal sample from a healthy human volunteer and able to express beta-galactosidase activity, was used in synthesis reactions for the production of galactooligosaccharide from lactose. The beta-galactosidase activity of whole bifidobacterial cells showed an optimum activity at pH 6.8-7.0 and 40 degrees C. The transgalactosylation activity of the B. bifidum cells from 50% (w/w) lactose resulted in a galactooligosaccharide mixture (20% w/w) comprising (w/w): 25% disaccharides, 35% trisaccharides, 25% tetrasaccharides and 15% pentasaccharides. Using different initial lactose concentrations, the conversion rate to galactooligosaccharides was maximum (35%) when 55% (w/w) lactose was used. In fermentation experiments, B. bifidum showed an increased preference towards the produced galactooligosaccharide mixture, displaying higher growth rate and short-chain fatty acid production when compared with commercially available oligosaccharides.