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The adsorption process in layer-by-layer (LBL) films of poly(o-methoxyaniline) alternated with poly(vinyl sulfonic acid) is explained using the Avrami equation. This equation was used due to its mathematical simplicity and adequate description of experimental data in real polymer systems. The Avrami parameters are a convenient means to represent empirical data of crystallization, and if microscopic knowledge is available these parameters can also be associated with adsorption mechanisms. The growth of spherulites in the LBL films was studied as a function of time using atomic force microscopy and the data were used to estimate the number and radii of aggregates, from which the Avrami parameters were determined. We find that the adsorption mechanism may correspond to a tri dimensional, diffusion-controlled growth, with increasing nucleation rate, consistent with results from kinetics of adsorption.


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This work is related to the improvement of the dynamic performance of the Buck converter by means of introducing an additional power path that virtually increase s the output capacitance during transients, thus improving the output impedance of the converter. It is well known that in VRM applications, with wide load steps, voltage overshoots and undershoots ma y lead to undesired performance of the load. To solve this problem, high-bandwidth high-switching frequency power converter s can be applied to reduce the transient time or a big output capacitor can be applied to reduce the output impedance. The first solution can degrade the efficiency by increasing switching losses of the MOSFETS, and the second solution is penalizing the cost and size of the output filter. The additional energy path, as presented here, is introduced with the Output Impedance Correction Circuit (OICC) based on the Controlled Current Source (CCS). The OICC is using CCS to inject or extract a current n - 1 times larger than the output capacitor current, thus virtually increasing n times the value of the output capacitance during the transients. This feature allows the usage of a low frequency Buck converter with smaller capacitor but satisfying the dynamic requirements.


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For a sphere electrode enclosed in finite-volume electrolyte, the measured current will deviate from the result predicted by the semi-infinite diffusion theory after some time. By random-walk simulation, we compared this time to the one needed for diffusion layer to reach electrolyte boundary, and revealed a clear signal delay of electrochemical current. Further we presented a quantitative description of this delay time. The simulation results suggested that the semi-infinite diffusion theory can even be applied when the theoretical diffusion layer grows to 1.28 electrolyte thicknesses, with an accuracy better than 0.5%. We attributed this time delay to the molecules' finite propagation velocity. Finally, we discussed how this delay can influence and facilitate the following electrochemical detection towards the nanometer and single-cell scale.


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Gold nanoparticles (3.1-5.0 nm in size) surface-derivatized with both electroactive and nonelectroactive self-assembled monolayers were synthesized. The surface-derivatized electroactive particles can be easily oxidized/reduced at an electrode surface based on the diffusion-controlled current-voltage curve observed in cyclic voltammetry measurements. Spectroelectrochemical investigation demonstrated that the maximum absorbance of the nanoparticles in their oxidized state red-shifted compared with their reduced state to a different extent according to their size distribution. In the case of the particles surface-derivatized with nonelectroactive monolayers, much less shift was observed. This study showed that surface plasmon absorbance of gold nanoparticles was not only related to core charge states but was also influenced by surface charge states as well.


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Long range, continuous flow of liquid metals occurs upon application of an electric current. Here, we report experimental results elucidating the mechanism of current-induced liquid metal flow, and its dependence on substrate surface condition. It is shown that the observed flow is diffusion-controlled, with the flow-rate depending linearly on applied current density, indicating that it is driven by electromigration. The effective charge number for liquid electromigration, Z*, of several pure metals, such as Al, Bi, Ga, Sn, and Pb, were deduced from the experimental results and were found to be close to the elemental valency. With the exception of liquid Pb, Z* for all liquid metals tested in this study were positive, indicating that: (i) electron wind contributes much less to Z* in liquid metals than in solids, and (ii) with a few exceptions, liquid metals generally flow in the direction of the electric current. On smooth substrates which are wetted well by the liquid metal, flow occurs in a thin, continuous stream. On rough surfaces which are poorly wetted, on the other hand, discrete beads of liquid form, with mass transport between adjacent beads occurring by surface diffusion on the substrate. A rationale for the role of substrate roughness in fostering this observed transition in flow mechanism is presented. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The effect of current stressing on the reliability of 63Sn37Pb solder joints with Cu pads was investigated at temperatures of −5 °C and 125 °C up to 600 h. The samples were stressed with 3 A current (6.0 × 102 A/cm2 in the solder joint with diameter of 800 μm and 1.7 × 104 A/cm2 in the Cu trace with cross section area of 35 × 500 μm). The temperatures of the samples and interfacial reaction within the solder joints were examined. The microstructural change of the solder joints aged at 125 °C without current flow was also evaluated for comparison. It was confirmed that the current flow could cause the temperature of solder joints to rise rapidly and remarkably due to accumulation of massive Joule heat generated by the Cu trace. The solder joints stressed at 125 °C with 3 A current had an extensive growth of Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn intermetallic compounds (IMC) at both top and bottom solder-to-pad interfaces. It was a direct result of accelerated aging rather than an electromigration or thermomigration effect in this experiment. The kinetic is believed to be bulk diffusion controlled solid-state reaction, irrespective of the electron flow direction. When stressed at −5 °C with 3 A current, no significant change in microstructure and composition of the solder joints had occurred due to a very low diffusivity of the atoms as most Joule heat was eliminated at low temperature. The IMC evolution of the solder joints aged at 125 °C exhibited a subparabolic growth behavior, which is presumed to be a combined mechanism of grain boundary diffusion and bulk diffusion. This is mainly ascribed to the retardant effect against the diffusion course by the sufficiently thick IMC layer that was initially formed during the reflow soldering.


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This work is related to the output impedance improvement of a Multiphase Buck converter with Peak Current Mode Control (PCMC) by means of introducing an additional power path that virtually increases the output capacitance during transients. Various solutions that can be employed to improve the dynamic behavior of the converter system exist, but nearly all solutions are developed for a Single Phase Buck converter with Voltage Mode Control (VMC), while in the VRM applications, due to the high currents, the system is usually implemented as a Multiphase Buck Converter with Current Mode Control. The additional energy path, as presented here, is introduced with the Output Impedance Correction Circuit (OICC) based on the Controlled Current Source (CCS). The OICC is used to inject or extract a current n-1 times larger than the output capacitor current, thus virtually increasing n times the value of the output capacitance during the transients. Furthermore, this work extends the OICC concept to a Multiphase Buck Converter system while comparing proposed solution with the system that has n times bigger output capacitor. In addition, the OICC is implemented as a Synchronous Buck Converter with PCMC, thus reducing its influence on the system efficiency.


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Electrochemical processes in mesoporous TiO2-Nafion thin films deposited on indium tin oxide (ITO) electrodes are inherently complex and affected by capacitance, Ohmic iR-drop, RC-time constant phenomena, and by potential and pH-dependent conductivity. In this study, large-amplitude sinusoidally modulated voltammetry (LASMV) is employed to provide access to almost purely Faradaic-based current data from second harmonic components, as well as capacitance and potential domain information from the fundamental harmonic for mesoporous TiO2-Nafion film electrodes. The LASMV response has been investigated with and without an immobilized one-electron redox system, ferrocenylmethyltrimethylammonium+. Results clearly demonstrate that the electron transfer associated with the immobilized ferrocene derivative follows two independent pathways i) electron hopping within the Nafion network and ii) conduction through the TiO2 backbone. The pH effect on the voltammetric response for the TiO2 reduction pathway (ii) can be clearly identified in the 2nd harmonic LASMV response with the diffusion controlled ferrocene response (i) acting as a pH independent reference. Application of second harmonic data derived from LASMV measurement, because of the minimal contribution from capacitance currents, may lead to reference-free pH sensing with systems like that found for ferrocene derivatives.


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By using the same current-time (I-t) curves, electrochemical kinetic parameters are determined by two methods, (a) using the ratio of current at a given potential to the diffusion-controlled limiting current and (b) curve fitting method, for the reduction of Cu(II)–CyDTA complex. The analysis by the method (a) shows that the rate determining step involves only one electron although the overall reduction of the complex involves two electrons suggesting thereby the stepwise reduction of the complex. The nature of I-t curves suggests the adsorption of intermediate species at the electrode surface. Under these circumstances more reliable kinetic parameters can be obtained by the method (a) compared to that of (b). Similar observations are found in the case of reduction of Cu(II)–EDTA complex.


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The crucial role of the drug carrier surface chemical moeities on the uptake and in vitro release of drug is discussed here in a systematic manner. Mesoporous alumina with a wide pore size distribution (2-7 nm) functionalized with various hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface chemical groups was employed as the carrier for delivery of the model drug ibuprofen. Surface functionalization with hydrophobic groups resulted in low degree of drug loading (approximately 20%) and fast rate of release (85% over a period of 5 h) whereas hydrophilic groups resulted in a significantly higher drug payloads (21%-45%) and slower rate of release (12%-40% over a period of 5 h). Depending on the chemical moiety, the diffusion controlled (proportional to time(-0.5)) drug release was additionally observed to be dependent on the mode of arrangement of the functional groups on the alumina surface as well as on the pore characteristics of the matrix. For all mesoporous alumina systems the drug dosages were far lower than the maximum recommended therapeutic dosages (MRTD) for oral delivery. We envisage that the present study would aid in the design of delivery systems capable of sustained release of multiple drugs.


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A theory is developed for diffusion-limited charge transfer on a non-fractally rough electrode. The perturbation expressions are obtained for concentration, current density and measured diffusion-limited current for arbitrary one- and two-dimensional surface profiles. The random surface model is employed for a rough electrode\electrolyte interface. In this model the gross geometrical property of an electrochemically active rough surface - the surface structure factor-is related to the average electrode current, current density and concentration. Under short and long time regimes, various morphological features of the rough electrodes, i.e. excess area (related to roughness slope), curvature, correlation length, etc. are related to the (average) current transients. A two-point Pade approximant is used to develop an all time average current expression in terms of partial morphological features of the rough surface. The inverse problem of predicting the surface structure factor from the observed transients is also described. Finally, the effect of surface roughness is studied for specific surface statistics, namely a Gaussian correlation function. It is shown how the surface roughness enhances the overall diffusion-limited charge transfer current.


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This work presents an electrochemical technique for the polymerization and copolymerization of thiophene derivatives like 7,9-dithiophene-2yl-8H-cyclopenta[a]acenaphthalene-8-one and 3-hexylthiophene. The structural characterization of chemically synthesized monomers and electro-chemically synthesized polymers was carried out by nuclear magnetic resonance and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Thermal characterizations indicate that copolymer has increased thermal stability than that of homopolymer. Morphological studies of the polymerized films carried out by scanning electron microscopy shows network structure of copolymer. Optical properties of the homopolymers and copolymer were studied by UV-visible spectrometer and it was observed that band gap of copolymer is less than the homopolymers. HOMO and LUMO levels, band gap values of the respective polymers were also calculated from the cyclic voltammetry technique with various scan rates. By the peak current obtained from various scan rates shows that all polymerization reactions are diffusion controlled process. Charge transfer resistances of polymers were determined using Nyquist plots. Conductivity of synthesized polymers shows higher conductivity for copolymer than homopolymers. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The temperature ranges of thermal and athermal deformation behaviour of nickel are identified by employing the temperature-dependence of flow-stress and strain-rate cycling data. The results are used to present a unified view of dislocation mechanisms of glide encompassing the two thermally activated and the intermediate athermal regimes of plastic flow.In the low-temperature thermally activated region (<250 K) the strain rate is found to be controlled by the repulsive intersection of glide and forest dislocations, in accordance with current ideas. The athermal stress in this region can be attributed mainly to the presence of strong attractive junctions which are overcome by means of Orowan bowing, a small contribution also coming from the elastic interactions between dislocations. The values of activation area and activation energy obtained in the high-temperature region (> 750 K) negate the operation of a diffusion-controlled mechanism. Instead, the data support a thermal activation model involving unzipping of the attractive junctions. The internal (long-range) stress contribution here results solely from the elastic interactions between dislocations. This view concerning the high-temperature plastic flow is further supported by the observation that the Cottrell–Stokes law is obeyed over large strains in the range 750–1200 K.