247 resultados para DEMO


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In a world where organizations are ever more complex the need for the knowledge of the organizational self is a growing necessity. The DEMO methodology sets a goal in achieving the specification of the organizational self capturing the essence of the organization in way independent of its implementation and also coherent, consistent, complete, modular and objective. But having such organization self notion is of little meaning if this notion is not shared by the organization actors. To achieve this goal in a society that has grown attached to technology and where time is of utmost importance, using a tool such as a semantic Wikipedia may be the perfect way of making the information accessible. However, to establish DEMO methodology in such platform there is a need to create bridges between its modeling components and semantic Wikipedia. It’s in that aspect that our thesis focuses, trying to establish and implement, using a study case, the principles of a way of transforming the DEMO methodology diagrams in comprehensive pages on semantic Wikipedia but keeping them as abstract as possible to allow expansibility and generalization to all diagrams without losing any valuable information so that, if that is the wish, those diagrams may be recreated from the semantic pages and make this process a full cycle.


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Nowadays, more than half of the computer development projects fail to meet the final users' expectations. One of the main causes is insufficient knowledge about the organization of the enterprise to be supported by the respective information system. The DEMO methodology (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations) has been proved as a well-defined method to specify, through models and diagrams, the essence of any organization at a high level of abstraction. However, this methodology is platform implementation independent, lacking the possibility of saving and propagating possible changes from the organization models to the implemented software, in a runtime environment. The Universal Enterprise Adaptive Object Model (UEAOM) is a conceptual schema being used as a basis for a wiki system, to allow the modeling of any organization, independent of its implementation, as well as the previously mentioned change propagation in a runtime environment. Based on DEMO and UEAOM, this project aims to develop efficient and standardized methods, to enable an automatic conversion of DEMO Ontological Models, based on UEAOM specification into BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) models of processes, using clear semantics, without ambiguities, in order to facilitate the creation of processes, almost ready for being executed on workflow systems that support BPMN.


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Organizations are Complex systems. A conceptual model of the enterprise is needed that is: coherent the distinguished aspect models constitute a logical and truly integral comprehensive all relevant issues are covered consistent the aspect models are free from contradictions or irregularities concise no superfluous matters are contained in it essential it shows only the essence of the enterprise, i.e., the model abstracts from all realization and implementation issues. The world is in great need for transparency about the operation of all the systems we daily work with, ranging from the domestic appliances to the big societal institutions. In this context the field of enterprise ontology has emerged with the aim to create models that help to understand the essence of the construction and operation of complete systems; more specifically, of enterprises. Enterprise ontology arises in the way to look through the distracting and confusing appearance of an enterprise right into its deep kernel. This, from the perspective of the system designer gives him the tools needed to design a successful system in a way that’s reflects the desires and needs of the workers of the enterprise. This project’s context is the use of DEMO (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations) for (re)designing or (re)engineering of an enterprise, namely a process of the construction department of a city hall, the lack of a well-founded theory about the construction and operation of this processes that was the motivation behind this work. The purpose of studying applying the DEMO theory and method was to optimize the process, automating it as much as possible, while reducing paper and time spent between tasks and provide a better service to the citizens.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Lo scopo della presente tesi di dottorato è di illustrare il lavoro svolto nella progettazione del circuito a metallo liquido del Test Blanket System (TBS) Helium Cooled Lithium Lead (HCLL), uno dei sistemi fondamentali del reattore sperimentale ITER che dovrà dimostrare la fattibilità di produrre industrialmente energia elettrica da processi di fusione nucleare. Il blanket HCLL costituisce una delle sei configurazioni che verranno testate in ITER, sulla base degli esperimenti condotti nei 10 dieci anni di vita del reattore verrà selezionata la configurazione che determinerà la costituzione del primo reattore dimostrativo per la produzione di un surplus di energia elettrica venti volte superiore all’energia consumata, DEMO. Il circuito ausiliario del blanket HCLL è finalizzato, in DEMO all’estrazione del trizio generato mediante il TES; ed in ITER alla dimostrazione della fattibilità di estrarre il trizio generato e di poter gestire il ciclo del trizio. Lo sviluppo dei componenti, svolto in questa tesi, è accentrato su tale dispositivo, il TES. In tale ambito si inseriscono le attività che sono descritte nei capitoli della seguente tesi di dottorato: selezione e progettazione preliminare del sistema di estrazione del trizio dalla lega eutettica Pb15.7Li del circuito a metallo liquido del TBM HCLL; la progettazione, realizzazione e qualifica dei sensori a permeazione per la misura della concentrazione di trizio nella lega eutettica Pb15.7Li; la qualificazione sperimentale all’interno dell’impianto TRIEX (TRItium EXtarction) della tecnologia selezionata per l’estrazione del trizio dalla lega; la progettazione della diagnostica di misura e controllo del circuito ausiliario del TBM HCLL.


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For smart cities applications, a key requirement is to disseminate data collected from both scalar and multimedia wireless sensor networks to thousands of end-users. Furthermore, the information must be delivered to non-specialist users in a simple, intuitive and transparent manner. In this context, we present Sensor4Cities, a user-friendly tool that enables data dissemination to large audiences, by using using social networks, or/and web pages. The user can request and receive monitored information by using social networks, e.g., Twitter and Facebook, due to their popularity, user-friendly interfaces and easy dissemination. Additionally, the user can collect or share information from smart cities services, by using web pages, which also include a mobile version for smartphones. Finally, the tool could be configured to periodically monitor the environmental conditions, specific behaviors or abnormal events, and notify users in an asynchronous manner. Sensor4Cities improves the data delivery for individuals or groups of users of smart cities applications and encourages the development of new user-friendly services.


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Commoditization and virtualization of wireless networks are changing the economics of mobile networks to help network providers (e.g., MNO, MVNO) move from proprietary and bespoke hardware and software platforms toward an open, cost-effective, and flexible cellular ecosystem. In addition, rich and innovative local services can be efficiently created through cloudification by leveraging the existing infrastructure. In this work, we present RANaaS, which is a cloudified radio access network delivered as a service. RANaaS provides the service life-cycle of an ondemand, elastic, and pay as you go 3GPP RAN instantiated on top of the cloud infrastructure. We demonstrate an example of realtime cloudified LTE network deployment using the OpenAirInterface LTE implementation and OpenStack running on commodity hardware as well as the flexibility and performance of the platform developed.


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This is a short executable demo geared towards library liaisons on the steps involved with uploading articles to UConn's Digital Commons institutional repository.


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The selection of metrics for ecosystem restoration programs is critical for improving the quality of monitoring programs and characterizing project success. Moreover it is oftentimes very difficult to balance the importance of multiple ecological, social, and economical metrics. Metric selection process is a complex and must simultaneously take into account monitoring data, environmental models, socio-economic considerations, and stakeholder interests. We propose multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) methods, broadly defined, for the selection of optimal sets of metrics to enhance evaluation of ecosystem restoration alternatives. Two MCDA methods, a multiattribute utility analysis (MAUT), and a probabilistic multicriteria acceptability analysis (ProMAA), are applied and compared for a hypothetical case study of a river restoration involving multiple stakeholders. Overall, the MCDA results in a systematic, unbiased, and transparent solution, informing restoration alternatives evaluation. The two methods provide comparable results in terms of selected metrics. However, because ProMAA can consider probability distributions for weights and utility values of metrics for each criteria, it is suggested as the best option if data uncertainty is high. Despite the increase in complexity in the metric selection process, MCDA improves upon the current ad-hoc decision practice based on the consultations with stakeholders and experts, and encourages transparent and quantitative aggregation of data and judgement, increasing the transparency of decision making in restoration projects. We believe that MCDA can enhance the overall sustainability of ecosystem by enhancing both ecological and societal needs.


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This work is aimed to present the main differences of nuclear data uncertainties among three different nuclear data libraries: EAF-2007, EAF-2010 and SCALE-6.0, under different neutron spectra: LWR, ADS and DEMO (fusion)


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Abstract is not available


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This work is aimed to present the main differences of nuclear data uncertainties among three different nuclear data libraries: EAF-2007, EAF-2010 and SCALE-6.0, under different neutron spectra: LWR, ADS and DEMO (fusion). To take into account the neutron spectrum, the uncertainty data are collapsed to onegroup. That is a simple way to see the differences among libraries for one application. Also, the neutron spectrum effect on different applications can be observed. These comparisons are presented only for (n,fission), (n,gamma) and (n,p) reactions, for the main transuranic isotopes (234,235,236,238U, 237Np, 238,239,240,241Pu, 241,242m,243Am, 242,243,244,245,246,247,248Cm, 249Bk, 249,250,251,252Cf). But also general comparisons among libraries are presented taking into account all included isotopes. In other works, target accuracies are presented for nuclear data uncertainties; here, these targets are compared with uncertainties on the above libraries. The main results of these comparisons are that EAF-2010 has reduced their uncertainties for many isotopes from EAF-2007 for (n,gamma) and (n,fission) but not for (n,p); SCALE-6.0 gives lower uncertainties for (n,fission) reactions for ADS and PWR applications, but gives higher uncertainties for (n,p) reactions in all applications. For the (n,gamma) reaction, the amount of isotopes which have higher uncertainties is quite similar to the amount of isotopes which have lower uncertainties when SCALE-6.0 and EAF-2010 are compared. When the effect of neutron spectra is analysed, the ADS neutron spectrum obtained the highest uncertainties for (n,gamma) and (n,fission) reactions of all libraries.


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In this demo paper we describe an iOS-based application that allows visualizing live bus transport data in Madrid from static and streaming RDF endpoints, reusing the Web services provided by the bus transport authority in the city and wrapping them using SPARQLStream


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The present study shows a first approach to the simulation of the remote handling oper- ation which takes into account the thermal and flexible behavior of the blanket segments and its implications on the remote handling equipment, in order to validate and improve its design.