895 resultados para DEFICIÊNCIA AUDITIVA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A surdez é o defeito sensorial mais frequente nos seres humanos, podendo ter diferentes causas ambientais ou hereditárias. Em países desenvolvidos, estimativas sugerem que em cada 1000 nascidos dois manifestam algum tipo de surdez e mais de 60% desses casos são de origem genética. No Brasil, muito pouco ainda é conhecido sobre surdez hereditária, acreditasse que quatro em cada mil recém-nascidos manifestem algum tipo de deficiência auditiva e que a frequência da surdez causada por fatores genéticos seja da ordem de 16%, enquanto os 84% restantes dos casos sejam causado por fatores ambientais e de etiologia desconhecida. As várias formas de surdez hereditária já identificada são muito raras, com exceção de uma causada por mutações no gene GJB2 que codifica a conexina 26. As conexinas representam uma classe de família de proteínas responsáveis pela formação de canais de comunicação entre células adjacentes (Gap Junctions), esta comunicação entre células adjacentes é fundamental para o crescimento e para a diferenciação de tecidos. Até o presente foram descritas 102 mutações do GJB2 que estão associadas com surdez hereditária. Três mutações se destacam por apresentarem frequência elevada em grupos populacionais específicos: 35delG entre europeus e brasileiros; 167delT entre Judeus askenazitas; e 235delG entre asiáticos. Neste trabalho, foi realizada a análise molecular de toda a sequência codificadora do gene GJB2 (Conexina 26) em uma amostra populacional constituída de 30 indivíduos não aparentados com surdez esporádica pré-lingual não sindrômica provenientes da população de Belém do Pará. O DNA foi obtido através de amostras de sangue periférico e analisado por meio da técnica convencional de PCR seguida do sequenciamento automático. Mutações no gene da Conexina 26 foram observadas em 20% da amostra (6/30). As mutações 35delG e R143W foram observadas em um único paciente (1/30), as duas no estado heterozigoto e relacionadas com a surdez do paciente. Duas outras mutações foram observadas em diferentes indivíduos: G160S em 1 paciente correspondendo a 3,3% (1/30); e V27I foi observado em 4 indivíduos com frequência alélica de 0.08; contudo as mutações G160S e V27I não estão relacionadas com a surdez. Neste trabalho as frequências observadas de mutações são equivalentes a frequências observadas em outras populações anteriormente estudadas. Esses resultados indicam que mutações no gene GJB2 são importantes causas de surdez em nossa região e não se pode excluir que a possibilidade da surdez apresentada por alguns indivíduos possa ser decorrente, principalmente, por fatores ambientais como processos infecciosos ocorridos durante a gestação, ou nos primeiros meses de vida.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study aimed to investigate how people with hearing disability perform tasks of distances estimation for locomotion and navigation when deprived of effective perceptual and proprioceptive information. For this, participants with hearing disability went three distances being the first and second 100 meters and the third 140 meters (triangulation) from a source point in an inverted L open field trajectory and then returned to the origin, and the first two were driven by a researcher guide with adapted GPS coordinates of the study, and the third being three free-form sessions, the first one without any perceptual and proprioceptive restriction, the second without visual perception, and the third on the wheel-chair, that is, without proprioception. The results showed that people with hearing disability without the knowledge of the path do not possess satisfactory accuracy but when they learn the way even with the restriction of visual perception and proprioception they can return to the starting point in a task of triangulation. The "t" students test with a significance level of 5% (2.131) indicates significant differences between the first task without any perceptual restriction and the third where they performed in the wheelchair. To achieve these results we used remote monitoring via GPS and the TrackMaker software.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The diagnosis of hearing loss (HL) in a child constitutes a crisis, includinga possible crash in parental narcissism, requiring an individual, matrimonial andfamiliar reorganization process. The mother is the main figure to devote herselfattending the baby and generally takes the most responsibilities in the processof habilitation or rehabilitation of the child, while still having to deal with her frustratedexpectations and narcissism. This study aims to investigate the effects of a deaf child’s birth on the mother’s narcissism. Here understood as a normal stage of psychosexual development of the human being, needed for life preservation, nota pathology. Five different clinical pratical studies were developed with mothers of deaf children that were diagnosed less than one year ago. The data were collected using individual semi-structured interviews and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). Based on these studies it was found that the birth of a deaf child makes it difficult to obtain the expected narcissist satisfaction. The mother, investing all her affection and longing almost only on her child, hopes to rebuild her dream obtaining the "cure" and "normality" of her baby by submitting him/her to a cochlear implant.
This study analyzed the influence of the hearing impairment (HI) of children in the way their mothers treat them (between 5 and 12 years old). Two studies were carried out to investigate the social - educational parental practices (SEPP) and parental styles. The first study observed the parental educational practices of mothers dealing with children with and without HI, and the second study tried to verify whether mothers acted different in these same practices when considering either children with HI or children without HI. The results have shown that HI seems to modify SEPP concerning expressing opinions, asking questions, (Study 1) and setting limits (Studies 1 and 2), as well as practices of negative monitoring (Study 1), moral behavior, inconsistent punishment, discipline absence, physical abuse and, also, Parental Styles (Study 2).
The aim of this study was to investigate the development of specific domains of Numerical Cognition (Number Sense – NS, Number Comprehension – NC, Number Production – NP, and Calculation – CA) in Brazilian children with Specific Learning Disorders. The study included 72 children (36 boys), from 9-to 10-years-old, enrolled in 4th and 5th years of elementary school of public schools at countryside of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. They were divided into three groups: control (CT, N = 42), Developmental Dyslexia (DL, N = 11) and Developmental Dyscalculia combined with dyslexia (DDc, N = 19). All participants had intellectual level within the normal range, however, children from the last two groups had Learning Disorders classified by School Achievement Test - TDE (Stein, 1994) and DDc children received necessarily classification as 'inferior' in Arithmetic Test of TDE. The children did not differ in NS. DL and DDc children showed slight deficits in NC. However, DDc children had moderate in NP and mild to moderate deficits in CA, which indicates a more generalized impairment in Numerical Cognition. Furthermore, DDc children showed discrepancy in Numerical Cognition performance when compared to the other groups. Thus, children with Learning Disorders showed different performances in Numerical Cognition, although both groups had preserved SN, DDc children showed higher deficits and discrepancy in relation DL and typically developing children.
Studies on learning by exclusion have shown that participants tend to select a new object or a new figure when a new word is dictated, rejecting the objects and figures they already know or that were associated with other words. This study aimed at training conditional relations between dictated word-picture and between picture-printed word, by exclusion, and verify whether this training would be a condition for the emergence of relations between dictated word-printed word, printed word-figure, picture naming and reading. We also investigated whether responding to the words dictated with a female voice generalized to other frequencies such as male and child voices. Participants were five children between five and nine years old, with acute neurosensorial bilateral hearing impairment, users of cochlear implant Nucleus 24k®. They were exposed, individually, to tasks that consisted in selecting a comparison stimulus (either picture or printed word) related to the sample (either dictated word or picture). Words with lowest scores on a pre-test were used. The relations between dictated word-figure (AB) and figure-printed word (BC) were taught by exclusion. We assessed the emergence of the relations between dictated and printed words (AC), printed word and picture (CB), male and child voices generalization (A’C and A’’C), naming (BD) and reading (CD). All the children responded by exclusion and learned relations AB and BC, showing receptive vocabulary; AC and CB relations also were learned, consistent with class formation. Responding generalized to male and child voices, but data on naming were not systematic. Learning by exclusion was similar to that of children with typical hearing and these results describe some conditions that can improve receptive verbal repertoire.
The aim of this work was to verify the effect of teaching the echoic behavior over the pictures naming in four children between eight and nine years old with prelingual hearing impaired, users of cochlear implants. The design adopted was: (a) pre-training that taught the matching-to-sample task; (b) pre-tests that selected three words to teach; (c) teaching of auditory-visual conditional relations; (d) naming pos-test; (e) the teaching of echoic with orofacial clues and, (f) the second naming pos-test. In the pre-test all participants achieved smaller percentage of correct on naming (60%-80%) and echoic (20%-50%) when compared to percentages word recognition (86%-93%). All participants learned the auditory-visual relations. The improvement on naming test occurred after auditory training select based for two participants; for other two participants the improvement on naming test occurred just after the training of echoic. Analysis of data showed that the listening and speaking performances are independent in their establishment and require specific conditions of teaching; in the case of this study, even though the result is not generalized to all participants, the highest correspondence into point to point naming was obtained following the teaching of echoic.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
Purpose: to describe the proposal of monitoring children in the first year of life, who were not identified in the newborn hearing screening program but had risk factors for hearing loss. Method: the study included 258 risk children who had obtained the result “pass” in the Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Program of Hospital Santa Isabel – Bauru/SP, from June to November 2008. It was applied by the telephone, a validated questionnaire in a previous study, containing questions about hearing and language. For each question there were two possible answers: “yes” or “no” and we considered “failure” to obtain at least one “no” answer. With such result, the child was scheduled to perform an immediate hearing evaluation. Results: the questionnaire was applied with 169 families; with the others, there was no contact. From the total, 164 (97,04%) obtained “passed” and five (2,96%) “failed”. Between these five children, only three showed up for hearing evaluation and one had no disorders; two presented conductive hearing loss. It was observed distinct prevalence among the risk factors and there was no relation (p>0,05) of the risk factors with the evasion in the monitoring process. Conclusion: the monitoring through a questionnaire applied by telephone proved to be feasible, however, it is necessary to develop strategies to support their execution.
O objetivo foi estimar a prevalência de deficiência auditiva referida numa população de idosos de São Paulo, Brasil e verificar os fatores associados, mediante pesquisa transversal, descritiva e quantitativa. A amostra foi composta por sujeitos acima de 65 anos derivada de setores censitários em dois estágios, com reposição e probabilidade proporcional à população para pessoas com 75 anos ou mais. A análise estatística foi realizada no software Stata 10, com dados ponderados, utilizando-se o teste de Rao-Scott e a regressão de Poisson do tipo stepwise backward. Foram entrevistados 1.115 idosos com prevalência de deficiência auditiva referida de 30,4%, maior em idades mais avançadas, no sexo masculino, em sujeitos com doenças osteoarticulares referidas, queixa de vertigem e/ou tontura, deficiência visual referida e com dificuldades para o uso do telefone. O conhecimento da prevalência e dos fatores associados à deficiência auditiva pode auxiliar na elaboração das políticas públicas relacionadas à audição, sendo imprescindível a abordagem deste tema com a população idosa, por conta da importante ocorrência encontrada.