Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) is a pro-inflammatory and immunoregulatory cytokine involved in the pathogenesis of several autoimmune disorders. Etanercept, a TNF-α antagonist (anti-TNF-α) acting as a soluble TNF-α receptor, has been associated with neurological demyelinating disorders. This paper aims to report an unusual case showing tumefactive central nervous system (CNS) inflammatory demyelination in a patient in the course of TNF -α antagonist therapy, requiring decompressive hemicraniectomy. This report is based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings and histology. A biopsy confirmed the inflammatory demyelinating nature of the lesions. The clinical presentation is unusual due to the severity of the disease process, requiring decompressive hemicraniotomy with a clinically favorable outcome.
OBJECTIVE: To analyse decompressive hemicraniectomy (DHC) in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) with regard to infarction, haemorrhage or brain swelling. METHODS: DHC was performed in 43 of 787 patients with SAH. Patients were stratified according to (1) primary brain swelling without and (2) with additional intracerebral haematoma, (3) secondary brain swelling without rebleeding or infarcts and (4) with infarcts or (5) with rebleeding. Outcome was assessed according to the modified Rankin scale at 6 months RESULTS: Overall, 36 of 43 patients (83.7%) with DHC and 241 of 744 patients (32.4%) without DHC have been of a poor grade on admission (World Federation of Neurological Societies grading 4-5; p<0.0001). Favourable outcome was achieved in 11 of 43 (25.6%) patients with DHC. There was no difference in favourable outcome after primary (25%) versus secondary (26.1%) DHC (p = 1.0). Subgroup analysis (brain swelling vs bleeding vs infarcts) revealed no difference in the rate of favourable outcome. In a multivariate analysis, acute hydrocephalus (p = 0.02) and clinical herniation (p = 0.03) were significantly associated with unfavourable outcome. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that primary and secondary hemicraniectomy may be warranted, irrespective of the underlying aetiology-infarction, haemorrhage or brain swelling. The time from onset of intractable ICP to DHC seems to be crucial, rather than the time from SAH to DHC.
Background: The use of springs in cranial expansion has demonstrated to be effective for craniosynostosis treatment. The spring-exerted expansile action has been observed when springs are placed both in the sagittal and parasagittal regions, mainly in scaphocephaly. In this study, a variation in cephalometric measurements under expansible spring action on the skull base was analyzed. Methods: Thirteen 4-week-old New Zealand white rabbits were divided into 4 groups: group 1, in which only amalgam markers were used (control); group 2, in which amalgam markers were used, and a sagittal suturectomy was performed; group 3, in which amalgam markers were used, and a sagittal suturectomy was performed with placement of expansible springs in the interparietal region; and group 4, in which markers were used, and a linear parasagittal craniectomy was performed with spring placement. All animals were killed at weeks 2, 4, 8, and 12. Radiologic control with cephalometric study was performed. Results: Distraction of amalgam markers in the groups with springs was greater than in those without springs. A proportional change in the angles measured through craniometry was observed in these groups. Conclusions: The experimental rabbit model was shown to be adequate to the analysis proposed by the study. Under the action of springs, the groups with sagittal and parasagittal osteotomy were found to present a similar distraction of amalgam markers. A concomitant change in cephalometric measurements occurred, suggesting a change in the skull base mediated by expansible springs placed both in the sutural and nonsutural sites.
Purpose of review Swelling is inexorably linked to shock and resuscitation in trauma. In many forms, swelling complicates and interacts with traumatic injury to raise pressures in the abdomen, resulting in intraabdominal hypertension, which may overtly manifest as abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) driving multiple organ failure. Despite renewed clinical interest in posttraumatic intraabdominal pressure, there remains a chiasm between knowledge of the risks and clinical interventions to mitigate them. This review provides a concise overview of definitions, risk factors, diagnosis and management using an illustrative trauma case. Recent findings Intraabdominal pressure commonly increases following trauma, wherein ACS may manifest earlier than generally appreciated and complicate other insults such as shock and hemorrhage. Contemporary resuscitation strategies may exacerbate intraabdominal hypertension, particularly massive crystalloid resuscitation. Although unproven, the recent transition to crystalloid restriction and high plasma resuscitation strategies may influence the prevalence of ACS. Nonetheless, aggressive intraabdominal pressure monitoring should be mandatory in the critically ill. Despite potential nonoperative options, decompressive laparotomy remains the only definitive but often morbid treatment. Summary ACS results from many dysfunctions acting in concert with each other in self-propagating vicious cycles. Starting with greater awareness, it is imperative that the growing knowledge should be translated into clinical practice.
Introduction: Clinical symptoms and degree of spinal stenosis based on cross sectional dural sac area correlate only weakly in lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) patients. We conceived a four grade classification system (A, B, C & D) based on the morphology of the dural sac and its contents as seen on T2 axial MRI images. The categories take into account the rootlet/CSF ratio. We applied this grading to three patient groups: LSS scheduled for surgery; LSS following conservative treatment and patients with low back pain (LBP) without leg pain. Materials/Methods: A total of 346 T2 axial MRI images taken from LSS and LBP patients were included in this retroperspective study. 37 patients had decompressive surgery (132 MRI images), 31 conservative treatment (116 MRI images) and 27 patients had unspecific LBP (98 MRI images). Dural sac cross-sectional surface area and morphological grading of the canal were measured digitally both at disc and pedicle level. Intra- and inter-observer reliability were assessed (weighted Cohen's kappa statistics) from 50 MRI images taken from the surgery group. Results: At the most severe disc level, grade A (mild stenosis) was found in 3% of MRI images of the surgical group as opposed to 51% in the conservatively treated group and 85% in the LBP group. Grade B occurred in 8% of the surgical, 20% of the conservative and was negligible in LBP group (below 1%). Grade C and D (severe stenosis) was found in 89% of the surgical group, as opposed to 30% in conservative group and 11% in LBP group. The grades of all groups were comparable at the pedicle levels, exhibiting in 94% a grade A with a maximum at the A1 grade. Pedicle and disc level cross-sectional area were smallest in the surgery group and smaller in the conservative group as compared to the LBP group at the levels L2, L3 and L4. According to cross-sectional area measurements patients from the surgery group seems to have smaller vertebral canal although this was not related to smaller stature. Validation of grading: Average intra-and inter observer kappas were 0.76 and 0.69 respectively, for physicians working in the study originating institution. Combining all observers the kappa values were 0.57 +/- 0.19. and 0.44 +/- 0.19 respectively. Dural sac cross-sectional area measurements showed no statistically significant differences between observers. Conclusion: Since no specific measurement tools are needed the grading suits everyday clinical practice and favours communication of degree of stenosis between practising physicians. In our institution Grade A stenosis was less likely to require surgical treatment. This grading can therefore be an aid in surgical patient selection in teaching units.
Introduction: Measures of the degree of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) such as antero-posterior diameter of the canal, and dural sac cross sectional area vary, and do not correlate with symptoms or results of surgery. We created a grading system, comprised of seven categories, based on the morphology of the dural sac and its contents as seen on T2 axial images. The categories take into account the ratio of rootlet/ CSF content. Grade A indicates no significant compression, grade D is equivalent to a total myelograhic block. We compared this classification with commonly used criteria of severity of stenosis. Methods: Fifty T2 axial MRI images taken at disc level from 27 symptomatic LSS patients undergoing decompressive surgery were classified twice by two radiologists and three spinal surgeons working at different institutions and countries. Dural sac cross-sectional surface area and AP diameter of the canal were measured both at disc and pedicle level from DICOM images using OsiriX software. Intraand inter-observer reliability were assessed using Cohen's, Fleiss' kappa statistics, and t test. Results: For the morphological grading the average intra-and inter observer kappas were 0.76 and 0.69+, respectively, for physicians working in the study originating country. Combining all observers the kappa values were 0.57 ± 0.19. and 0.44 ± 0.19, respectively. AP diameter and dural sac cross-sectional area measurements showed no statistically significant differences between observers. No correlation between morphological grading and AP diameter or dural sac crosssectional areawas observed in 13 (26%) and 8 cases (16%), respectively. Discussion: The proposed morphological grading relies on the identification of the dural sac and CSF better seen on full MRI series. This was not available to the external observers, which might explain the lower overall kappa values. Since no specific measurement tools are needed the grading suits everyday clinical practice and favours communication of degree of stenosis between practising physicians. The absence of a strict correlation with the dural sac surface suggests that measuring the surface alone might be insufficient in defining LSS as it is essentially a mismatch between the spinal canal and its contents. This grading is now adopted in our unit and further studies concentrating on relation between morphology, clinical symptoms and surgical results are underway.
Introduction: Quantitative measures of degree of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) such as antero-posterior diameter of the canal or dural sac cross sectional area vary widely and do not correlate with clinical symptoms or results of surgical decompression. In an effort to improve quantification of stenosis we have developed a grading system based on the morphology of the dural sac and its contents as seen on T2 axial images. The grading comprises seven categories ranging form normal to the most severe stenosis and takes into account the ratio of rootlet/CSF content. Material and methods: Fifty T2 axial MRI images taken at disc level from twenty seven symptomatic lumbar spinal stenosis patients who underwent decompressive surgery were classified into seven categories by five observers and reclassified 2 weeks later by the same investigators. Intra- and inter-observer reliability of the classification were assessed using Cohen's and Fleiss' kappa statistics, respectively. Results: Generally, the morphology grading system itself was well adopted by the observers. Its success in application is strongly influenced by the identification of the dural sac. The average intraobserver Cohen's kappa was 0.53 ± 0.2. The inter-observer Fleiss' kappa was 0.38 ± 0.02 in the first rating and 0.3 ± 0.03 in the second rating repeated after two weeks. Discussion: In this attempt, the teaching of the observers was limited to an introduction to the general idea of the morphology grading system and one example MRI image per category. The identification of the dimension of the dural sac may be a difficult issue in absence of complete T1 T2 MRI image series as it was the case here. The similarity of the CSF to possibly present fat on T2 images was the main reason of mismatch in the assignment of the cases to a category. The Fleiss correlation factors of the five observers are fair and the proposed morphology grading system is promising.
We report the case of a young woman who presented with an acute fulminant meningoencephalitis as the first sign of an invasive pituitary macroadenoma. This rare and dramatic complication is described in detail, and the different management steps, from the lumbar puncture to the bifrontal craniectomy, are discussed. In conclusion, this clinical presentation highlights the importance of early diagnosis and urgent management of this uncommon complication.
El canal lumbar estrecho de tipo degenerativo, es una enfermedad que se presenta en pacientes entre la quinta y la sexta década de vida; es la causa más común de cirugía lumbar después de los 65 años. Este trabajo busca determinar cuáles son los factores asociados a la presentación de eventos adversos o re-intervención en cirugía de canal lumbar estrecho en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá en los años comprendidos entre 2003 y 2013. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de prevalencia de tipo analítico, en donde se analizaron 249 pacientes sometidos a intervención quirúrgica por cirugía de canal lumbar estrecho.
INTRODUCTION Sinking skin flap syndrome or syndrome of the trephined is a rare complication after a large craniectomy, with a sunken skin above the bone defect with neurological symptoms such as severe headache, mental changes, focal deficits, or seizures. PRESENTATION OF CASE We report a case of 21 years old man with trefinated syndrome showing delayed dysautonomic changes. DISCUSSION Our patient had a large bone flap defect and a VP shunt that constitute risk factors to develop this syndrome. Also, there is reabsorption of bone tissue while it is placed in subcutaneous tissue. The principal symptoms of sinking skin flap syndrome are severe headache, mental changes, focal deficits, or seizures. Our patient presented with a delayed dysautonomic syndrome, with signs and symptoms very characteristics. Only few cases of this syndrome were related in literature and none were presented with dysautonomic syndrome. CONCLUSION We reported here a very uncommon case of sinking skill flap syndrome that causes a severe dysautonomic syndrome and worsening the patient condition. © 2013 The Authors.
Introduction Intracranial pressure monitoring is commonly implemented in patients with neurologic injury and at high risk of developing intracranial hypertension, to detect changes in intracranial pressure in a timely manner. This enables early and potentially life-saving treatment of intracranial hypertension. Case presentation An intraparenchymal pressure probe was placed in the hemisphere contralateral to a large basal ganglia hemorrhage in a 75-year-old Caucasian man who was mechanically ventilated and sedated because of depressed consciousness. Intracranial pressures were continuously recorded and never exceeded 17 mmHg. After sedation had been stopped, our patient showed clinical signs of transtentorial brain herniation, despite apparently normal intracranial pressures (less than 10 mmHg). Computed tomography revealed that the size of the intracerebral hematoma had increased together with significant unilateral brain edema and transtentorial herniation. The contralateral hemisphere where the intraparenchymal pressure probe was placed appeared normal. Our patient underwent emergency decompressive craniotomy and was tracheotomized early, but did not completely recover. Conclusions Intraparenchymal pressure probes placed in the hemisphere contralateral to an intracerebral hematoma may dramatically underestimate intracranial pressure despite apparently normal values, even in the case of transtentorial brain herniation.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate causes of the lack of clinical improvement after thoracolumbar disc surgery. STUDY DESIGN: Case-control magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study. ANIMALS: Chondrodystrophic dogs with acute thoracolumbar disc disease treated by hemilaminectomy: 10 that had no short-term clinical improvement and 12 with "normal" clinical improvement. METHODS: Dogs that had surgery for treatment of intervertebral disc extrusion (2003-2008) where thoracolumbar disc disease was confirmed by MRI were evaluated to identify dogs that had lack of clinical improvement after surgery. Ten dogs with delayed recovery or clinical deterioration were reexamined with MRI and compared with 12 dogs with normal recovery and MRI reexamination after 6 weeks (control group). RESULTS: Of 173 dogs, 10 (5.8%) had clinical deterioration within 1-10 days after surgery. In 8 dogs, residual spinal cord compression was identified on MRI. Bleeding was present in 1 dog. In 3 dogs, the cause was an incorrect approach and insufficient disc material removal. In 3 dogs, recurrence occurred at the surgical site. In 1 dog, the centrally located extruded material was shifted to the contralateral side during surgery. These 8 dogs had repeat surgery and recovery was uneventful. In 2 dogs, deterioration could not be associated with a compressive disc lesion. Hemorrhagic myelomalacia was confirmed by pathologic examination in 1 dog. The other dog recovered after 6 months of conservative management. CONCLUSION: Delayed postsurgical recovery or deterioration is commonly associated with newly developed and/or remaining compressive disc lesion. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: We recommend early MRI reexamination to assess the postsurgical spinal canal and cord, and to plan further therapeutic measures in chondrodystrophic dogs with delayed recovery after decompressive hemilaminectomy for thoracolumbar disc disease.
We report an unusual case of spinal epidural Campylobacter jejuni abscess associated with acute polyradiculoneuropathy and parainfectious encephalomyelitis. Decompressive surgery, antibiotics, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) therapy, and intravenous methylprednisolone resulted in rapid clinical improvement. C. jejuni infection can cause both an acute polyradiculoneuropathy as well as an encephalomyelitis, and a combined occurrence is possible.
BACKGROUND: Decompressive laparotomy followed by temporary abdominal closure (TAC) is an established prophylaxis and treatment for abdominal compartment syndrome. The herein presented study aimed at the comparison of volume reserve capacity and development of intra-abdominal hypertension after forced primary abdominal closure and different TAC techniques in a porcine model. METHODS: Eight anesthesized and mechanically ventilated domestic pigs underwent a standardized midline laparotomy. A bag was placed into the abdominal cavity. Before abdominal closure, the bag was prefilled with 3,000 mL water to simulate increased intra-abdominal volume. The intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) was then increased in 2 mm Hg steps up to 30 mm Hg by adding volume (volume reserve capacity) to the intra-abdominal bag. Volume reserve capacity with the corresponding IAP were analyzed and compared for primary abdominal closure, bag silo closure, a zipper system, and vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) with different negative pressures (-50, -100, and -150 mm Hg). Hemodynamic and pulmonary parameters were monitored throughout the experiment. RESULTS: Volume reserve capacity was the highest for bag silo closure followed by the zipper system and VAC with primary abdominal closure providing the least volume reserve capacity in the whole IAP range. Of interest, VAC -50 mm Hg resulted in a lower volume reserve capacity when compared with VAC -100 and -150 mm Hg. Pulmonary and hemodynamic parameters demonstrated no significant differences between primary abdominal closure and the evaluated TAC techniques at all IAP levels. CONCLUSIONS: The present experimental in vivo study indicates that bag silo closure and zipper systems may be favorable TAC techniques after decompressive laparotomy. In contrast, the VAC techniques resulted in lower volume reserve capacity and therefore may bear an increased risk for recurrent intra-abdominal hypertension in the initial phase after decompressive laparotomy.