990 resultados para DC-RESISTIVITY


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A tank experiment was conducted to check if self-potential (SP) signals can be generated when buried organic matter is wire-connected to a near-surface, oxygen-rich, sediment layer. This experiment demonstrated that once wired, there was a flux of electrons (hence an electric current) between the lower and upper layers of the sandbox with the system responding as a large-scale microbial fuel cell (a type of bioelectrochemical system). An electric current was generated by this process in the wire and the SP method was used to monitor the associated electric potential distribution at the top of the tank.. The electric field was controlled by the flux of electrons through the wire, the oxidation of the organic matter, the reduction of oxygen used as a terminal electron acceptor, and the distribution of the DC resistivity in the tank. The current density through the wire was limited by the availability of oxygen and not by the oxidation of the organic matter. This laboratory experiment incorporated key elements of the biogeobattery observed in some organic-rich contaminant plumes. This analogy includes the generation of SP signals associated with a flux of electrons, the capacity of buried organic matter in sustaining anodic reactions, network resistance connecting terminal redox reactions spatially separated in space, and the existence of anodic secondary coupled reactions. A resistivity tomogram of the tank, after almost a year in operation, suggests that oxidative processes triggered by this geobattery can be imaged with this method to determine the radius of influence of the bioelectrochemical system.


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The purpose of this research project is to continue exploring the Montandon Long-Term Hydrologic Research Site(LTHR) by using multiple geophysical methods to obtain more accurate and precise information regarding subsurface hydrologic properties of a local gravel ridge,which are important to both the health of surrounding ecosystems and local agriculture. Through using non-invasive geophysical methods such as seismic refraction, Direct Current resistivity and ground penetrating radar (GPR) instead of invasive methods such as boreholedrilling which displace sediment and may alter water flow, data collection is less likely to bias the data itself. In addition to imaging the gravel ridge subsurface, another important researchpurpose is to observe how both water table elevation and the moisture gradient (moisture content of the unsaturated zone) change over a seasonal time period and directly after storm events. The combination of three types of data collection allows the strengths of each method combine together and provide a relatively strongly supported conclusions compared to previous research. Precipitation and geophysical data suggest that an overall increase in precipitation during the summer months causes a sharp decrease in subsurface resistivity within the unsaturated zone. GPR velocity data indicate significant immediate increase in moisture content within the shallow vadose zone (< 1m), suggesting that rain water was infiltrating into the shallow subsurface. Furthermore, the combination of resistivity and GPR results suggest that the decreased resistivity within the shallow layers is due to increased ion content within groundwater. This is unexpected as rainwater is assumed to have a DC resistivity value of 3.33*105 ohm-m. These results may suggest that ions within the sediment must beincorporated into the infiltrating water.


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Resistivity (DC) method using vertical electrical soundings (Schlumberger array) are conducted In the vicinity of Canoas/RS, applied to environmental studies with the objective of Investigating groundwater conditions, The present paper shows a geoelectrlcal Identification of the lithology and an estimate of the relationship between the resistivity and Dar Zarrouk parameters (transverse unit resistance and longitudinal unit conductance) with the properties such as aquifer transmlssivlty and protection of ground water resources, In the saturated sediments, resistivity values defined the following sequence: clay layers (resistivity < 40 ohm-m) and sand layers (resistivity > 40 ohm-m), Two sand layers were identified; one corresponding to the unconfined aquifer and another to the confined aquifer between two clay layers, In the map of the transverse unit resistance of the unconfined aquifer, the tendencies of high values can be associated with the zones of high transmissivity; hence, these zones are suggested for the installation of monitoring wells, The map of longitudinal conductance Illustrates the Impermeability of the confining clay layer, Values of S > 1.0 siemens would indicate zones in which the confined aquifer would be protected; In comparison, values of S < 1.0 siemens would indicate zones of probable risks of contamination. © 2006 Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica.


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A systematic study of magnetoresistance and dc magnetization was conducted in polycrystalline (Ru(1-x)Ir(x))Sr(2)GdCu(2)O(8) [(Ru,Ir)-1212] compounds, for 0 <= x <= 0.15. We found that a deviation from linearity in the normal-state electrical resistivity (rho) curves for temperatures below the magnetic transition temperature T(M) < 130 K can be properly described by a logarithmic term. The prefactor C(x, H) of this anomalous ln T contribution to rho(T) increases linearly with the Ir concentration, and diminishes rapidly with increasing applied magnetic field up to H approximate to 4 T, merging with the C(0,H) curve at higher magnetic fields. Correlation with magnetic susceptibility measurements supports a scenario of local perturbations in the orientation of Ru moments induced in the neighborhood of the Ir ions, therefore acting as scattering centers. The linear dependence of the prefactor C(x,H=0) and the superconducting transition temperature T(SC) on x points to a common source for the resistivity anomaly and the reduction in T(SC), suggesting that the CuO(2) and RuO(2) layers are not decoupled.


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tThe main purpose of this work is to present and to interpret the change of electrical properties of TaxNyOzthin films, produced by DC reactive magnetron sputtering. Some parameters were varied during deposi-tion: the flow of the reactive gases mixture (N2and O2, with a constant concentration ratio of 17:3); thesubstrate voltage bias (grounded, −50 V or −100 V) and the substrate (glass, (1 0 0) Si or high speed steel).The obtained films exhibit significant differences. The variation of the deposition parameters inducesvariations of the composition, microstructure and morphology. These differences cause variation of theelectrical resistivity essentially correlated with the composition and structural changes. The gradualdecrease of the Ta concentration in the films induces amorphization and causes a raise of the resistivity.The dielectric characteristics of some of the high resistance TaxNyOzfilms were obtained in the sampleswith a capacitor-like design (deposited onto high speed steel, with gold pads deposited on the dielectricTaxNyOzfilms). Some of these films exhibited dielectric constant values higher than those reported forother tantalum based dielectric films.


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This paper deals with the most common methods for determining the dc electrical resistivity in solid materials. A brief overview of the fundamental concepts related to the electrical resistivity on materials is introduced. Undoubtedly, the most common and useful procedure to determine the electrical resistivity (rho) is the fourpoint probe method. Some crucial mistakes regarding the experimental procedure and the appropriated correction factors are found in the literature. Thus, the correction factor for the most common sample geometries were gathered and revised in order to provide an easy way to use and apply them.


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The enigmatic heavy fermion URu2Si2, which is the subject of this thesis, has attracted intensive theoretical and experimental research since 1984 when it was firstly reported by Schlabitz et al. at a conference [1]. The previous bulk property measurements clearly showed that one second order phase transition occurs at the Hidden Order temperature THO ≈ 17.5 K and another second order phase transition, the superconducting transition, occurs at Tc ≈ 1 K. Though twenty eight years have passed, the mechanisms behind these two phase transitions are still not clear to researchers. Perfect crystals do not exist. Different kinds of crystal defects can have considerable effects on the crystalline properties. Some of these defects can be eliminated, and hence the crystalline quality improved, by annealing. Previous publications showed that some bulk properties of URu2Si2 exhibited significant differences between as-grown samples and annealed samples. The present study shows that the annealing of URu2Si2 has some considerable effects on the resistivity and the DC magnetization. The effects of annealing on the resistivity are characterized by examining how the Residual Resistivity Ratio (RRR), the fitting parameters to an expression for the temperature dependence of the resistivity, the temperatures of the local maximum and local minimum of the resistivity at the Hidden Order phase transition and the Hidden Order Transition Width ∆THO change after annealing. The plots of one key fitting parameter, the onset temperature of the Hidden Order transition and ∆THO vs RRR are compared with those of Matsuda et al. [2]. Different media used to mount samples have some impact on how effectively the samples are cooled because the media have different thermal conductivity. The DC magnetization around the superconducting transition is presented for one unannealed sample under fields of 25 Oe and 50 Oe and one annealed sample under fields of 0 Oe and 25 Oe. The DC field dependent magnetization of the annealed Sample1-1 shows a typical field dependence of a Type-II superconductor. The lower critical field Hc1 is relatively high, which may be due to flux pinning by the crystal defects.


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The physical properties of the La(0.6)Y(0.1)Ca(0.3)MnO(3) compound have been investigated, focusing on the magnetoresistance phenomenon studied by both dc and ac electrical transport measurements. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy analysis of ceramic samples prepared by the sol-gel method revealed that specimens are single phase and have average grain size of similar to 0.5 mu m. Magnetization and 4-probe dc electrical resistivity rho(T,H) experiments showed that a ferromagnetic transition at T(C) similar to 170 K is closely related to a metal-insulator (MI) transition occurring at essentially the same temperature T(MI). The magnetoresistance effect was found to be more pronounced at low applied fields (H <= 2.5 T) and temperatures close to the MI transition. The ac electrical transport was investigated by impedance spectroscopy Z(f,T,H) under applied magnetic field H up to 1 T. The Z(f,T,H) data exhibited two well-defined relaxation processes that exhibit different behaviors depending on the temperature and applied magnetic field. Pronounced effects were observed close to T (C) and were associated with the coexistence of clusters with different electronic and magnetic properties. In addition, the appreciable decrease of the electrical permittivity epsilon`(T,H) is consistent with changes in the concentration of e(g) mobile holes, a feature much more pronounced close to T (C).


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Chromosome numbers of 11 South-Brazilian species of Adesmia were determined. The cytological preparations were obtained by squashing cells of root tips, using the acetic-orcein method. The chromosome number for all the species studied was 2n=20, excepting A. incana var. incana with 2n=ca.40. The counts are new for nine species, and the other two agree with the literature. It is suggested x=10 as the basic number for the genus. Up to the present only four species were cited as polyploid.


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Foi feito o estudo anatômico da folha de Eugenia florida DC., espécie arbórea da família Myrtaceae, coletada no Campus da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. A espécie apresenta importantes propriedades farmacológicas, incluindo-se atividade antiviral. O presente estudo teve como objetivo fornecer dados, revelados através da microscopia óptica e da microscopia eletrônica de varredura, que possam contribuir para o conhecimento da espécie e, conseqüentemente, para a segurança em sua identificação. Anatomicamente, a folha é hipostomática, com organização dorsiventral do mesofilo. Apresenta tricomas simples apenas sobre a nervura mediana da face adaxial. As células epidérmicas apresentam contorno sinuoso em vista frontal e cutícula estriada. O parênquima paliçádico destaca-se pela grande quantidade de cristais prismáticos de oxalato de cálcio. Em posição subepidérmica ocorrem cavidades secretoras de óleos essenciais, pouco numerosas, nas duas faces da lâmina foliar. As células epidérmicas situadas sobre as estruturas secretoras constituem característica de valor diagnóstico e são reconhecíveis pela célula de topo, que é reniforme, circundada pelas adjacentes, que apresentam disposição radiada. A comparação entre folhas de sol e de sombra revela que, nas primeiras, as estruturas secretoras são completamente diferenciadas, ao contrário das folhas de sombra, além de apresentarem maior concentração de compostos ergásticos.


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Folhas de Myrcia multiflora (Lam.) DC. são usadas na medicina popular como hipoglicemiantes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar morfológica e anatomicamente as folhas desta planta, de modo que os dados obtidos possam ser utilizados como referência em exames de controle de qualidade de amostras de fármacos, com vistas a verificar a autenticidade. Folhas inteiras foram diafanizadas e coradas para o estudo da nervação. Secções transversais do pecíolo e transversais e paradérmicas da lâmina foliar foram analisadas em microscópio óptico (MO) e a superfície do limbo foi observada, também, em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Foram aplicados testes histoquímicos em material fresco, para identificação e localização de glicídios, amido, taninos, lignina, cristais e sílica. Morfologicamente, a folha é simples, oval-elíptica, com margem inteira, base aguda, ápice acuminado e textura cartácea. A venação é do tipo camptódromo-broquidódromo. Anatomicamente, a folha é hipostomática, com mesofilo compacto e dorsiventral, com três estratos de parênquima paliçádico. A epiderme é uniestratificada, silicificada em algumas regiões e as células exibem paredes anticlinais retas. Em posição subepidérmica ocorrem numerosas cavidades secretoras de óleos essenciais. Os feixes vasculares são colaterais e acompanhados por séries cristalíferas. Os dados obtidos são comparados com os de outras espécies de Myrtaceae e conclui-se que as características morfológicas e anatômicas de M. multiflora contribuem para a diagnose.


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The evaluation of the electrical characteristics of technical HTS tapes are of the key importance in determining the design and operational features of superconducting power apparatuses as well as to understand the external factors which affect the superconducting performance. In this work we report the systematic measurements of the electric field versus current density, E-J relation of short samples for three commercial HTS tapes (BSCCO-2223 tapes, with and without steel reinforcement, and YBCO-coated conductor) at 77 K. In order to get sensitive and noiseless voltage signals the measurements were carried out with DC transport current and subjecting the broad surface tape to DC (0-300 mT) and AC (0-62 mT, 60 Hz) magnetic fields. The voltage is measured by a sensitive nanovoltmeter and the applied magnetic field is monitored by a Hall sensor placed on the tape broad surface. The comparison between the results obtained from the three tapes was done by fitting a power-law equation for currents in the vicinity of the critical current. For the current regime below the critical one a linear correlation of the electric field against the current density is observed. The BSCCO samples presented the same behavior, i.e., a decreasing of n-index with the increasing DC and AC magnetic field strength. Under AC field the decreasing slope of n-index is steeper as compared to DC field. The n-index curve for the YBCO tape showed similar behavior for AC field, however under DC field in the 0-390 mT range exhibited a slight decreasing of the n-index.


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The roots of swarm intelligence are deeply embedded in the biological study of self-organized behaviors in social insects. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is one of the modern metaheuristics of swarm intelligence, which can be effectively used to solve nonlinear and non-continuous optimization problems. The basic principle of PSO algorithm is formed on the assumption that potential solutions (particles) will be flown through hyperspace with acceleration towards more optimum solutions. Each particle adjusts its flying according to the flying experiences of both itself and its companions using equations of position and velocity. During the process, the coordinates in hyperspace associated with its previous best fitness solution and the overall best value attained so far by other particles within the group are kept track and recorded in the memory. In recent years, PSO approaches have been successfully implemented to different problem domains with multiple objectives. In this paper, a multiobjective PSO approach, based on concepts of Pareto optimality, dominance, archiving external with elite particles and truncated Cauchy distribution, is proposed and applied in the design with the constraints presence of a brushless DC (Direct Current) wheel motor. Promising results in terms of convergence and spacing performance metrics indicate that the proposed multiobjective PSO scheme is capable of producing good solutions.