997 resultados para DC motor


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An excitation force that is not influenced by the system state is said to be an ideal energy source. In real situations, a direct and feedback coupling between the excitation source and the system must always exist at a certain level. This manifestation of the law of conservation of energy is known as the Sommerfeld effect. In the case of obtaining a mathematical model for such a system, additional equations are usually necessary to describe the vibration sources with limited power and its coupling with the mechanical system. In this work, a cantilever beam and a non-ideal DC motor fixed to its free end are analyzed. The motor has an unbalanced mass that provides excitation to the system which is proportional to the current applied to the motor. During the coast up operation of the motor, if the drive power is increased slowly, making the excitation frequency pass through the first natural frequency of the beam, the DC motor speed will remain the same until it suddenly jumps to a much higher value (simultaneously its amplitude jumps to a much lower value) upon exceeding a critical input power. It was found that the Sommerfeld effect depends on some system parameters and the motor operational procedures. These parameters are explored to avoid the resonance capture in the Sommerfeld effect. Numerical simulations and experimental tests are used to help gather insight of this dynamic behavior. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper compares the behaviour of two different control structures of automatic voltage regulators of synchronous machines equipped with static excitation systems. These systems have a fully controlled thyristor bridge that supplies DC current to the rotor winding. The rectifier bridge is fed by the stator terminals through a step-down transformer. The first control structure, named ""Direct Control"", has a single proportional-integral (PI) regulator that compares stator voltage setpoint with measured voltage and acts directly on the thyristor bridge`s firing angle. This control structure is usually employed in commercial excitation systems for hydrogenerators. The second structure, named ""Cascade Control"", was inspired on control loops of commercial DC motor drives. Such drives employ two PIs in a cascade arrangement, the external PI deals with the motor speed while the internal one regulates the armature current. In the adaptation proposed, the external PI compares setpoint with the actual stator voltage and produces the setpoint to the internal PI-loop which controls the field current.


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In previous studies, we presented main strategies for suspending the rotor of a mixed-flow type (centrifugal and axial) ventricular assist device (VAD), originally presented by the Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology (IDPC), Brazil. Magnetic suspension is achieved by the use of a magnetic bearing architecture in which the active control is executed in only one degree of freedom, in the axial direction of the rotor. Remaining degrees of freedom, excepting the rotation, are restricted only by the attraction force between pairs of permanent magnets. This study is part of a joint project in development by IDPC and Escola Politecnica of Sao Paulo University, Brazil. This article shows advances in that project, presenting two promising solutions for magnetic bearings. One solution uses hybrid cores as electromagnetic actuators, that is, cores that combine iron and permanent magnets. The other solution uses actuators, also of hybrid type, but with the magnetic circuit closed by an iron core. After preliminary analysis, a pump prototype has been developed for each solution and has been tested. For each prototype, a brushless DC motor has been developed as the rotor driver. Each solution was evaluated by in vitro experiments and guidelines are extracted for future improvements. Tests have shown good results and demonstrated that one solution is not isolated from the other. One complements the other for the development of a single-axis-controlled, hybrid-type magnetic bearing for a mixed-flow type VAD.


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Interactions between the oscillations of piezoceramic transducer and the mechanism of as excitation-the generator of the electric current of limited power-supply-are analyzed in this paper In practical situations, the dynamics of the forcing function on a vibrating system cannot be considered as given a priori, and it must be taken as a consequence of the dynamics of the whole system. In other words, the forcing source has limited power as that provided by a dc motor for an example, and thus its own dynamics is influenced by that of the vibrating system being forced. This increases the number of degrees of freedom of the problem, and it is called a nonideal problem. In this work, we present certain phenomena as Sommerfeld effect, jump, saturation, and stability, through the influences of the parameters of the governing equations motion. [DOI: 10.1115/1.3007909]


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O trabalho apresentado nesta dissertação refere-se à concepção, projecto e realização experimental de um conversor estático de potência tolerante a falhas. Foram analisados trabalhos de investigação sobre modos de falha de conversores electrónicos de potência, topologias de conversores tolerantes a falhas, métodos de detecção de falhas, entre outros. Com vista à concepção de uma solução, foram nomeados e analisados os principais modos de falhas para três soluções propostas de conversores com topologias tolerantes a falhas onde existem elementos redundantes em modo de espera. Foram analisados os vários aspectos de natureza técnica dos circuitos de potência e guiamento de sinais onde se salientam a necessidade de tempos mortos entre os sinais de disparo de IGBT do mesmo ramo, o isolamento galvânico entre os vários andares de disparo, a necessidade de minimizar as auto-induções entre o condensador DC e os braços do conversor de potência. Com vista a melhorar a fiabilidade e segurança de funcionamento do conversor estático de potência tolerante a falhas, foi concebido um circuito electrónico permitindo a aceleração da actuação normal de contactores e outro circuito responsável pelo encaminhamento e inibição dos sinais de disparo. Para a aplicação do conversor estático de potência tolerante a falhas desenvolvido num accionamento com um motor de corrente contínua, foi implementado um algoritmo de controlo numa placa de processamento digital de sinais (DSP), sendo a supervisão e actuação do sistema realizados em tempo-real, para a detecção de falhas e actuação de contactores e controlo de corrente e velocidade do motor utilizando uma estratégia de comando PWM. Foram realizados ensaios que, mediante uma detecção adequada de falhas, realiza a comutação entre blocos de conversores de potência. São apresentados e discutidos resultados experimentais, obtidos usando o protótipo laboratorial.


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Several didactic modules for an electric machinery laboratory are presented. The modules are dedicated for DC machinery control and get their characteristic curves. The didactic modules have a front panel with power and signal connectors and can be configurable for any DC motor type. The three-phase bridge inverter proposed is one of the most popular topologies and is commercially available in power package modules. The control techniques and power drives were designed to satisfy static and dynamic performance of DC machines. Each power section is internally self-protected against misconnections and short-circuits. Isolated output signals of current and voltage measurements are also provided, adding versatility for use either in didactic or research applications. The implementation of such modules allowed experimental confirmation of the expected performance.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Este trabalho é baseado no simulador de redes PST2200 do Laboratório de Sistemas de Energia (LSE) pois está avariado com vários problemas conhecidos, designadamente: - Defeito de isolamento (disparo de diferencial), - Desregulação da velocidade da máquina primária (motor DC), - Circuito de excitação da máquina síncrona inoperacional, - Inexistência de esquemas elétricos dos circuitos do simulador, - Medidas desreguladas e com canais de medida com circuito impresso queimado. O trabalho executado foi: - O levantamento e desenho de raiz (não existe qualquer manual) dos esquemas dos 10 módulos do simulador, designadamente naqueles com avaria ou com desempenho problemático a fim de que se possa ter uma visão mais pormenorizada dos circuitos e seus problemas, por forma a intervir para os minimizar e resolver, - Foi realizado o diagnóstico de avaria do simulador e foram propostas soluções para os mesmos, - Realizaram-se as intervenções propostas e aprovadas. Nas intervenções realizadas, os princípios orientadores foram: - Aumentar a robustez do equipamento por forma a garantir a sua integridade a utilizações menos apropriados e manobras 'exóticas' próprias de alunos, que pela sua condição, estão em fase de aprendizagem, - Atualizar o equipamento, colocando-o em sintonia com o 'estado da arte', - Como fator de valorização suplementar, foi concebida e aplicada a supervisão remota do funcionamento do simulador através da rede informática. Foram detetados inúmeros erros: - Má ligação do motor de corrente continua ao variador, resultando a falta de controlo da frequência da rede do sistema, - Ligações entre painéis trocadas resultando em avarias diversas das fontes de alimentação, - Cartas eletrónicas de medidas avariadas e que além de se reparar, foram também calibradas. Devido ao mecenato da empresa Schnitt + Sohn participando monetariamente, fez-se o projeto de alteração e respetiva execução de grande parte do simulador aumentando a fiabilidade do mesmo, diminuindo assim a frequência das avarias naturais mais as que acontecem involuntariamente devido a este ser um instrumento didático. Além do trabalho elétrico, foi feito muito trabalho de chaparia para alteração de estrutura e suporte do material com diferenças de posicionamento. Neste trabalho dá-se também alguns exemplos de cálculo e simulação das redes de transporte que se pode efetuar no simulador como estudo e simulação de avarias num sistema produtivo real. Realizou-se a monitorização de dois aparelhos indicadores de parâmetros de energia (Janitza UMG96S) através duma rede com dois protocolos ethernet e profibus utilizando o plc (Omron CJ2M) como valorização do trabalho.


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Neste documento descreve-se o projeto desenvolvido na unidade curricular de Tese e Dissertação durante o 2º ano do Mestrado de Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores no ramo de Automação e Sistemas, no Departamento de Engenharia Eletrotécnica (DEE) do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). O projeto escolhido teve como base o uso da tecnologia das redes neuronais para implementação em sistemas de controlo. Foi necessário primeiro realizar um estudo desta tecnologia, perceber como esta surgiu e como é estruturada. Por último, abordar alguns casos de estudo onde as redes neuronais foram aplicadas com sucesso. Relativamente à implementação, foram consideradas diferentes estruturas de controlo, e entre estas escolhidas a do sistema de controlo estabilizador e sistema de referência adaptativo. No entanto, como o objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo de desempenho quando aplicadas as redes neuronais, não se utilizam apenas estas como controlador. A análise exposta neste trabalho trata de perceber em que medida é que a introdução das redes neuronais melhora o controlo de um processo. Assim sendo, os sistemas de controlo utilizados devem conter pelo menos uma rede neuronal e um controlador PID. Os testes de desempenho são aplicados no controlo de um motor DC, sendo realizados através do recurso ao software MATLAB. As simulações efetuadas têm diferentes configurações de modo a tirar conclusões o mais gerais possível. Assim, os sistemas de controlo são simulados para dois tipos de entrada diferentes, e com ou sem a adição de ruído no sensor. Por fim, é efetuada uma análise das respostas de cada sistema implementado e calculados os índices de desempenho das mesmas.


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En aquest projecte s'ha investigat i desenvolupat una eina per a la detecció de falles mecàniques en entorns controlats. Aquest programa analitza l'espectre dels senyals acústics aconseguits mitjançant el micròfon del PC i n'estudia estadísticament les propietats –mitjana i desviació estàndard- per tal de poder diferenciar els nous senyals que capturi. S'ha experimentat amb el cas real d'un motor de corrent continu i s'han obtingut resultats de més del 90% d'encert a l'hora de detectar el seu estat.


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The material presented in the these notes covers the sessions Modelling of electromechanical systems, Passive control theory I and Passive control theory II of the II EURON/GEOPLEX Summer School on Modelling and Control of Complex Dynamical Systems.We start with a general description of what an electromechanical system is from a network modelling point of view. Next, a general formulation in terms of PHDS is introduced, and some of the previous electromechanical systems are rewritten in this formalism. Power converters, which are variable structure systems (VSS), can also be given a PHDS form.We conclude the modelling part of these lectures with a rather complex example, showing the interconnection of subsystems from several domains, namely an arrangement to temporally store the surplus energy in a section of a metropolitan transportation system based on dc motor vehicles, using either arrays of supercapacitors or an electric poweredflywheel. The second part of the lectures addresses control of PHD systems. We first present the idea of control as power connection of a plant and a controller. Next we discuss how to circumvent this obstacle and present the basic ideas of Interconnection and Damping Assignment (IDA) passivity-based control of PHD systems.


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Electric motors driven by adjustable-frequency converters may produce periodic excitation forces that can cause torque and speed ripple. Interaction with the driven mechanical system may cause undesirable vibrations that affect the system performance and lifetime. Direct drives in sensitive applications, such as elevators or paper machines, emphasize the importance of smooth torque production. This thesis analyses the non-idealities of frequencyconverters that produce speed and torque ripple in electric drives. The origin of low order harmonics in speed and torque is examined. It is shown how different current measurement error types affect the torque. As the application environment, direct torque control (DTC) method is applied to permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM). A simulation model to analyse the effect of the frequency converter non-idealities on the performance of the electric drives is created. Themodel enables to identify potential problems causing torque vibrations and possibly damaging oscillations in electrically driven machine systems. The model is capable of coupling with separate simulation software of complex mechanical loads. Furthermore, the simulation model of the frequency converter's control algorithm can be applied to control a real frequency converter. A commercial frequencyconverter with standard software, a permanent magnet axial flux synchronous motor and a DC motor as the load are used to detect the effect of current measurement errors on load torque. A method to reduce the speed and torque ripple by compensating the current measurement errors is introduced. The method is based on analysing the amplitude of a selected harmonic component of speed as a function oftime and selecting a suitable compensation alternative for the current error. The speed can be either measured or estimated, so the compensation method is applicable also for speed sensorless drives. The proposed compensation method is tested with a laboratory drive, which consists of commercial frequency converter hardware with self-made software and a prototype PMSM. The speed and torque rippleof the test drive are reduced by applying the compensation method. In addition to the direct torque controlled PMSM drives, the compensation method can also beapplied to other motor types and control methods.


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Sähköavusteinen polkupyörä on hieman tavallista polkupyörää vahvarakenteisempi ja painavampi. Lisäpainoa tuovat muun muassa akut ja sähkömoottori, joka avustaa polke-mista. Moottori asennetaan yleensä eturenkaan keskiöön. Suurimmassa osassa, jollei kaikissa, kaupallisista sähköavusteisissa polkupyörissä moottori on hiiliharjaton tasavirta-moottori. Hiiliharjattoman tasavirtamoottorin pyörimisnopeutta ja vääntömomenttia voidaan säätää usealla eri tavalla. Markkinoilla olevat säätimet perustuvat poikkeuksetta pulssinleveys-modulaatioon. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on tutkia, onko säätöjärjestelmä mahdollista to-teuttaa muulla tavalla kuin pulssinleveysmodulaattorilla. Tutkimuksessa päädytään käyt-tämään amplitudimodulointia, jolloin taajuus voidaan pitää vakiona. Tämän tutkimuksen rinnalla samaan polkupyörään rakennetaan polkemisenergian avulla akkuja lataava la-tausjärjestelmä. Tämän kandityön puitteissa tutkimus jää kesken, mutta toiminta osoitetaan teoreettisesti ja simuloimalla. Suurin syy kokeellisen testauksen epäonnistumiseen on käytettyjen kom-ponenttien sopimattomuus sovellukseen.


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An Autonomous Mobile Robot battery driven, with two traction wheels and a steering wheel is being developed. This Robot central control is regulated by an IPC, which controls every function of security, steering, positioning localization and driving. Each traction wheel is operated by a DC motor with independent control system. This system is made up of a chopper, an encoder and a microcomputer. The IPC transmits the velocity values and acceleration ramp references to the PIC microcontrollers. As each traction wheel control is independent, it's possible to obtain different speed values for each wheel. This process facilities the direction and drive changes. Two different strategies for speed velocity control were implemented; one works with PID, and the other with fuzzy logic. There were no changes in circuits and feedback control, except for the PIC microcontroller software. Comparing the two different speed control strategies the results were equivalent. However, in relation to the development and implementation of these strategies, the difficulties were bigger to implement the PID control.