44 resultados para Cytolysis


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PURPOSE: Whereas gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain are common in children suffering from the so-called post-diarrheal form (D+) of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), more serious gastrointestinal complications are rare. We tried to define factors predictive of the severity of gastrointestinal complications post D+ HUS. METHODS: We reviewed the files of all children admitted to our hospital for D+ HUS between 1988 and 2000. We retained those cases with gastrointestinal complications and analyzed the consequences of these complications on the evolution of the children's conditions. RESULTS: Sixty-five children with D+ HUS were admitted to our hospital during this period. Sixteen children developed gastrointestinal complications involving one or more digestive organs: necrosis of the colon or ileum, hemorrhagic colitis, pancreatitis, transient diabetes, hepatic cytolysis and cholestasis, peritonitis and prolapse of the rectum. One child died. CONCLUSION: Gastrointestinal complications of D+ HUS are rare, but they can be lethal, and early surgery may sometimes prove necessary. However, we were not able to demonstrate a correlation between the severity of the gastrointestinal manifestations and the clinical or biological signs accompanying D+ HUS.


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Leptospirosis is a rare disease in Switzerland. However its incidence is probably underestimated, due to its broad spectrum of presentations, including subclinical benign forms and the ictero-hemorragic form of the Weil's syndrome, whose mortality is high. We describe here a case of Weil's syndrome acquired in Switzerland with a favourable outcome under antibiotherapy. Even in the absence of any travel, the association of an acute renal insufficiency and jaundice with only moderate hepatic cytolysis should lead to the suspicion of leptospirosis. Clinical and epidemiological aspects of the disease are discussed in the article.


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A class of secreted poxvirus tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-binding proteins has been isolated from Tanapox-infected cell supernatants. The inhibitor bound to a TNF-affinity column and was identified as the product of the 2L gene. Sequence analysis of 2L family members from other yatapoxviruses and swinepox virus yielded no sequence homology to any known cellular gene. The expressed Tanapox virus 2L protein bound to human TNF with high affinity (K(d) = 43 pM) and exhibits an unusually slow off-rate. However, 2L is unable to bind to a wide range of human TNF family members. The 2L protein can inhibit human TNF from binding to TNF receptors I and II as well as block TNF-induced cytolysis. Thus, Tanapox virus 2L represents an inhibitor of human TNF and offers a unique strategy with which to modulate TNF activity.


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The granule/perforin exocytosis model of CTL mediated cytolysis proposes that CTL, upon recognition of the specific targets, release the cytolytic, pore-forming protein perforin into the intercellular space which then mediates the cytotoxic effect. However, direct evidence for the involvement of perforin is still lacking, and indeed, recent results even seem incompatible with the model. To determine directly the role of perforin in CTL cytotoxicity, perforin antisense oligonucleotides were exogenously added during the stimulation of mouse spleen derived T cells and human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL), respectively. Perforin protein expression in lymphocytes was reduced by up to 65%, and cytotoxicity of stimulated T cells by as much as 69% (5.7-fold). These results provide the first experimental evidence for a crucial role of perforin in lymphocyte mediated cytotoxicity.


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Tumour immunologists strive to develop efficient tumour vaccination and adoptive transfer therapies that enlarge the pool of tumour-specific and -reactive effector T-cells in vivo. To assess the efficiency of the various strategies, ex vivo assays are needed for the longitudinal monitoring of the patient's specific immune responses providing both quantitative and qualitative data. In particular, since tumour cell cytolysis is the end goal of tumour immunotherapy, routine immune monitoring protocols need to include a read-out for the cytolytic efficiency of Ag-specific cells. We propose to combine current immune monitoring techniques in a highly sensitive and reproducible multi-parametric flow cytometry based cytotoxicity assay that has been optimised to require low numbers of Ag-specific T-cells. The possibility of re-analysing those T-cells that have undergone lytic activity is illustrated by the concomitant detection of CD107a upregulation on the surface of degranulated T-cells. To date, the LiveCount Assay provides the only possibility of assessing the ex vivo cytolytic activity of low-frequency Ag-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocytes from patient material.


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Persistence in canine distemper virus (CDV) infection is correlated with very limited cell-cell fusion and lack of cytolysis induced by the neurovirulent A75/17-CDV compared to that of the cytolytic Onderstepoort vaccine strain. We have previously shown that this difference was at least in part due to the amino acid sequence of the fusion (F) protein (P. Plattet, J. P. Rivals, B. Zuber, J. M. Brunner, A. Zurbriggen, and R. Wittek, Virology 337:312-326, 2005). Here, we investigated the molecular mechanisms of the neurovirulent CDV F protein underlying limited membrane fusion activity. By exchanging the signal peptide between both F CDV strains or replacing it with an exogenous signal peptide, we demonstrated that this domain controlled intracellular and consequently cell surface protein expression, thus indirectly modulating fusogenicity. In addition, by serially passaging a poorly fusogenic virus and selecting a syncytium-forming variant, we identified the mutation L372W as being responsible for this change of phenotype. Intriguingly, residue L372 potentially is located in the helical bundle domain of the F(1) subunit. We showed that this mutation drastically increased fusion activity of F proteins of both CDV strains in a signal peptide-independent manner. Due to its unique structure even among morbilliviruses, our findings with respect to the signal peptide are likely to be specifically relevant to CDV, whereas the results related to the helical bundle add new insights to our growing understanding of this class of F proteins. We conclude that different mechanisms involving multiple domains of the neurovirulent A75/17-CDV F protein act in concert to limit fusion activity, preventing lysis of infected cells, which ultimately may favor viral persistence.


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It has been estimated that infection with the enteric protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica kills more than 50,000 people a year. Central to the pathogenesis of this organism is its ability to directly lyse host cells and cause tissue destruction. Amebic lesions show evidence of cell lysis, tissue necrosis, and damage to the extracellular matrix. The specific molecular mechanisms by which these events are initiated, transmitted, and effected are just beginning to be uncovered. In this article we review what is known about host cell adherence and contact-dependent cytolysis. We cover the involvement of the actin cytoskeleton and small GTP-binding proteins of the p21rho-family in the process of cell killing and phagocytosis, and also look at how amebic interactions with molecules of the extracellular matrix contribute to its cytopathic effects.


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La transplantation de sang de cordon ombilical (TSCO) est utilisée pour traiter les enfants atteints de maladies hématologiques en l’absence de donneurs apparentés compatibles. Elle est associée avec des risques plus élevés d’échec de greffe et d’infections opportunistes dans les premiers mois qui suivent la transplantation en comparaison avec une greffe de moelle osseuse. Par contre, la TSCO comporte un risque plus faible de maladie du greffon contre l’hôte et une incidence comparable de rechute de leucémie. Ces quatre complications impliquent directement les lymphocytes T. Dans le but de mieux comprendre le schéma particulier des évènements qui suivent la TSCO et d’améliorer le pronostic des patients, nous avons étudié le potentiel fonctionnel, la persistance et la reconstitution antivirale des lymphocytes T au sein d’un groupe d’enfants transplantés de sang de cordon ombilical (SCO). Étant donné que le SCO contient une majorité de lymphocytes T naïfs, nous avons étudié les lymphocytes T spécifiques au HLA-A2:Melan-A26-35 A27L; seul répertoire naïf et abondant caractérisé chez l’homme. Nous avons observé que les lymphocytes T du SCO se différencient en populations effectrices, s’oligoclonalisent, produisent de l’IFN-γ et lysent spécifiquement leur cible suite à la stimulation. Néanmoins, ces cellules produisent moins d’IFN-γ et sont moins bifonctionnelles que leurs homologues issus du sang périphérique d’adultes. Chez les patients, les lymphocytes T du SCO s’épuisent après la TSCO : ils s’oligoclonalisent dramatiquement, sont principalement en différenciation terminale, et une importante fréquence exprime PD-1 (« programmed death-1 ») dans les 3 à 6 premiers mois post-greffe. Très peu de patients sont capables de développer des réponses antivirales durant cette période et la fréquence de lymphocytes T qui expriment PD-1 semble aussi avoir un impact sur le risque subséquent de faire une rechute de leucémie. La deuxième vague de lymphocytes T émergeant à 6 mois post-TSCO mène à une population fonctionnelle et diversifiée. En conclusion, la fonctionnalité des lymphocytes T présents dans les 3 à 6 premiers mois post-TSCO doit être rétablie pour améliorer les risques d’infections opportunistes et de rechute de leucémie.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The search for biological antitumor agents has been pursued for over half a century. Snake venom has been shown to possess a wide spectrum of biological activities. The objectives of the present review are to evaluate the existing controversies on this subject published in a number of papers and to propose probable explanations for the phenomena observed. We reported our results obtained in a study, in which we evaluated the action of the venoms of Crotalus durissus terrificus and Bothrops jararaca on Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. We noticed an important antitumor effect, mainly with Bothrops jararaca venom, as well as an increase in the functional activity of macrophages. We also observed an increase in the number of mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells with Bothrops jararaca venom. Considering these findings, we postulate that both Borhrops jararaca and Crotalus durissus terrificus venoms can act directly on tumor cells. In addition, we propose an indirect mechanism, based on the stimulation of the inflammatory response, to inhibit tumor growth and to promote its rejection.


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The incidence of opportunistic fungal infections has increased in recent decades due to the growing proportion of immunocompromised patients in our society. Candida krusei has been described as a causative agent of disseminated fungal infections in susceptible patients. Although its prevalence remains low among yeast infections (2-5%), its intrinsic resistance to fluconazole makes this yeast important from epidemiologic aspects. Non mammalian organisms are feasible models to study fungal virulence and drug efficacy. In this work we have used the lepidopteran Galleria mellonella and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as models to assess antifungal efficacy during infection by C. krusei. This yeast killed G. mellonella at 25, 30 and 37°C and reduced haemocytic density. Infected larvae melanized in a dose-dependent manner. Fluconazole did not protect against C. krusei infection, in contrast to amphotericin B, voriconazole or caspofungin. However, the doses of these antifungals required to obtain larvae protection were always higher during C. krusei infection than during C. albicans infection. Similar results were found in the model host C. elegans. Our work demonstrates that non mammalian models are useful tools to investigate in vivo antifungal efficacy and virulence of C. krusei. © 2013 Scorzoni et al.


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The putative eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is a highly conserved protein among archaea and eukaryotes that has recently been implicated in the elongation step of translation. eIF5A undergoes an essential and conserved posttranslational modification at a specific lysine to generate the residue hypusine. The enzymes deoxyhypusine synthase (Dys1) and deoxyhypusine hydroxylase (Lia1) catalyze this two-step modification process. Although several Saccharomyces cerevisiae eIF5A mutants have importantly contributed to the study of eIF5A function, no conditional mutant of Dys1 has been described so far. In this study, we generated and characterized the dys1-1 mutant, which showed a strong depletion of mutated Dys1 protein, resulting in more than 2-fold decrease in hypusine levels relative to the wild type. The dys1-1 mutant demonstrated a defect in total protein synthesis, a defect in polysome profile indicative of a translation elongation defect and a reduced association of eIF5A with polysomes. The growth phenotype of dys1-1 mutant is severe, growing only in the presence of 1 M sorbitol, an osmotic stabilizer. Although this phenotype is characteristic of Pkc1 cell wall integrity mutants, the sorbitol requirement from dys1-1 is not associated with cell lysis. We observed that the dys1-1 genetically interacts with the sole yeast protein kinase C (Pkc1) and Asc1, a component of the 40S ribosomal subunit. The dys1-1 mutant was synthetically lethal in combination with asc1Δ and overexpression of TIF51A (eIF5A) or DYS1 is toxic for an asc1Δ strain. Moreover, eIF5A is more associated with translating ribosomes in the absence of Asc1 in the cell. Finally, analysis of the sensitivity to cell wall-perturbing compounds revealed a more similar behavior of the dys1-1 and asc1Δ mutants in comparison with the pkc1Δ mutant. These data suggest a correlated role for eIF5A and Asc1 in coordinating the translational control of a subset of mRNAs associated with cell integrity. © 2013 Galvão et al.


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Introduction: The cytolysis mediated by granules is one of the most important effector functions of cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. Recently, three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified at exons 2, 3, and 5 of the granzyme B gene, resulting in a haplotype in which three amino acids of mature protein Q48P88Y245 are changed to R48A88H245, which leads to loss of cytotoxic activity of the protein. In this study, we evaluated the frequency of these polymorphisms in Brazilian populations. Methods: We evaluated the frequency of these polymorphisms in Brazilian ethnic groups (white, Afro-Brazilian, and Asian) by sequencing these regions. Results: The allelic and genotypic frequencies of SNP 2364A/G at exon 2 in Afro-Brazilian individuals (42.3% and 17.3%) were significantly higher when compared with those in whites and Asians (p < 0.0001 and p = 0.0007, respectively). The polymorphisms 2933C/G and 4243C/T also were more frequent in Afro-Brazilians but without any significant difference regarding the other groups. The Afro-Brazilian group presented greater diversity of haplotypes, and the RAH haplotype seemed to be more frequent in this group (25%), followed by the whites (20.7%) and by the Asians (11.9%), similar to the frequency presented in the literature. Conclusions: There is a higher frequency of polymorphisms in Afro-Brazilians, and the RAH haplotype was more frequent in these individuals. We believe that further studies should aim to investigate the correlation of this haplotype with diseases related to immunity mediated by cytotoxic lymphocytes, and if this correlation is confirmed, novel treatment strategies might be elaborated.


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Bestimmte humane Papillomviren sind an der Entstehung von Zervixkarzinomen beteiligt. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, daß maligne HPV-positive Zellen ihre Fähigkeit zur Induktion von endogenem IFN-beta nach TNF-alpha verloren haben. Durch Infektion mit Encephalomyocarditis Virus (EMCV) oder Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) wurde die Induzierbarkeit des endogenen IFN-beta durch TNF-alpha in nicht-tumorigenen Zellen bestätigt. Alle malignen Zellinien zeigten eine intakte IFN Signaltransduktion, wenn Typ I oder Typ II Interferone exogen supplementiert wurden. Dies zeigt, daß in tumorigenen Zervixkarzinomzellen die Kommunikation zwischen TNF-alpha und IFN-beta


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Nicht-umhüllte humane Papillomviren binden an Heparansulfatproteoglykane (HSPG) der Zelloberfläche und werden durch Endocytose in Zielzellen aufgenommen. Um eine effiziente Infektion zu etablieren, muss die virale DNA in den Zellkern transportiert werden. Auf welche Art und Weise hierbei die Endosomenmembran überwunden wird, war bislang völlig unklar. Die Suche nach potentiellen membrandestabilisierenden Eigenschaften der Kapsidproteine L1 und L2 von HPV führte im Vorfeld der vorliegenden Dissertation zur Identifizierung eines carboxyterminalen Peptids des minoren L2-Proteins, welches als sehr mikrobizid und fungizid beschrieben werden konnte. Es ist gekennzeichnet durch einen Bereich basischer und einen Bereich hydrophober Aminosäuren. Da das minore L2-Protein für den Infektionsprozess von Papillomviren essentiell ist, wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Rolle des C-terminalen Peptids für den Transport des infektiösen Materials durch die zelluläre Membranbarriere genauer untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das carboxyterminale L2-Peptid von HPV33 nach externer Zugabe eine cytotoxische Wirkung auf höhere eukaryotische Zellen hat. Es lokalisiert an zellulären Membranen und induziert eine pH-abhängige Reduktion des ATP-Gehalts von Säugerzellen. Weiter wurde nachgewiesen, dass das Peptid die Cytoplasmamembran permeabilisieren und für kleine, hydrophile Substanzen wie Propidiumjodid durchlässig machen kann. Mutationen innerhalb des Peptids verdeutlichten die Notwendigkeit beider Bereiche, basischer und hydrophober Aminosäuren, für den membrandestabilisierenden Effekt. Im Folgenden wurde die intrazelluläre Aktivität des L2-Peptids mit Hilfe von GFP2-Peptid-Fusionen analysiert. Das Peptid ist in der Lage, eine Integration des globulären GFP-Dimers in Membranen zu vermitteln, was bei einem hohen Prozentsatz der exprimierenden Zellen zum Absterben führt. Auch wt 33L2 weist im Gegensatz zu C-terminalen Deletions- und Punktmutanten die Fähigkeit zur Membranassoziation auf. Abschließend wurde der Effekt von Mutationen innerhalb dieses L2-Peptids auf die Infektiösität von L1/L2-Pseudovirionen beschrieben. Die Mutationen haben keinen Einfluss auf den Einbau des L2-Proteins in die Pseudovirionen und auf die DNA-Verpackung. Die Virusmorphogenese ist somit nicht negativ beeinträchtigt. Die Infektiösität der HPV33- wie auch von HPV16-Pseudovirionen mit C-terminal mutiertem L2-Protein ist jedoch auf das Niveau von solchen reduziert, die nur aus dem majoren L1 bestehen und geht gegen Null. Zusammenfassend kann man festhalten, dass das minore Kapsidprotein L2 von HPV am Carboxyterminus eine membrandestabilisierende Aktivität besitzt, welche unter Papillomviren konserviert und für eine effektive Infektion essentiell ist.