953 resultados para Cytochrome c Oxidase


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Cytochrome c oxidase catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to water that is accompanied by pumping of four protons across the mitochondrial or bacterial membrane. Triggered by the results of recent x-ray crystallographic analyses, published data concerning the coupling of individual electron transfer steps to proton pumping are reanalyzed: Conversion of the conventional oxoferryl intermediate F to the fully oxidized form O is connected to pumping of only one proton. Most likely one proton is already pumped during the double reduction of O, and only three protons during conversion of the “peroxy” forms P to O via the oxoferryl form F. Based on the available structural, spectroscopic, and mutagenesis data, a detailed mechanistic model, carefully considering electrostatic interactions, is presented. In this model, each of the four reductions of heme a during the catalytic cycle is coupled to the uptake of one proton via the D-pathway. These protons, but never more than two, are temporarily stored in the regions of the heme a and a3 propionates and are driven to the outside (“pumped”) by electrostatic repulsion from protons entering the active site during turnover. The first proton is pumped by uptake of one proton via the K-pathway during reduction, the second and third proton during the P → F transition when the D-pathway and the active site become directly connected, and the fourth one upon conversion of F to O. Atomic structures are assigned to each intermediate including F′ with an alternative route to O.


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The “peroxy” intermediate (P form) of bovine cytochrome c oxidase was prepared by reaction of the two-electron reduced mixed-valence CO complex with 18O2 after photolytic removal of CO. The water present in the reaction mixture was recovered and analyzed for 18O enrichment by mass spectrometry. It was found that approximately one oxygen atom (18O) per one equivalent of the P form was present in the bulk water. The data show that the oxygen–oxygen dioxygen bond is already broken in the P intermediate and that one oxygen atom can be readily released or exchanged with the oxygen of the solvent water.


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In cytochrome c oxidase, a requirement for proton pumping is a tight coupling between electron and proton transfer, which could be accomplished if internal electron-transfer rates were controlled by uptake of protons. During reaction of the fully reduced enzyme with oxygen, concomitant with the “peroxy” to “oxoferryl” transition, internal transfer of the fourth electron from CuA to heme a has the same rate as proton uptake from the bulk solution (8,000 s−1). The question was therefore raised whether the proton uptake controls electron transfer or vice versa. To resolve this question, we have studied a site-specific mutant of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides enzyme in which methionine 263 (SU II), a CuA ligand, was replaced by leucine, which resulted in an increased redox potential of CuA. During reaction of the reduced mutant enzyme with O2, a proton was taken up at the same rate as in the wild-type enzyme (8,000 s−1), whereas electron transfer from CuA to heme a was impaired. Together with results from studies of the EQ(I-286) mutant enzyme, in which both proton uptake and electron transfer from CuA to heme a were blocked, the results from this study show that the CuA → heme a electron transfer is controlled by the proton uptake and not vice versa. This mechanism prevents further electron transfer to heme a3–CuB before a proton is taken up, which assures a tight coupling of electron transfer to proton pumping.


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Mitochondria are affected by low temperature during seedling establishment in maize (Zea mays L.). We evaluated the associated changes in the mitochondrial properties of populations selected for high (C4-H) and low (C4-L) germination levels at 9.5°C. When seedlings of the two populations were grown at 14°C (near the lower growth limit), the mitochondrial inner membranes of C4-H showed a higher percentage of 18-carbon unsaturated fatty acids, a higher fluidity, and a higher activity of cytochrome c oxidase. We found a positive relationship between these properties and the activity of a mitochondrial peroxidase, allowing C4-H to reduce lipid peroxidation relative to C4-L. The specific activity of reconstituted ATP/ADP translocase was positively associated with this peroxidase activity, suggesting that translocase activity is also affected by chilling. The level of oxidative stress and defense mechanisms are differently expressed in tolerant and susceptible populations when seedlings are grown at a temperature near the lower growth limit. Thus, the interaction between membrane lipids and cytochrome c oxidase seems to play a key role in maize chilling tolerance. Furthermore, the divergent-recurrent selection procedure apparently affects the allelic frequencies of genes controlling such an interaction.


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Cytochrome c oxidase is a membrane-bound enzyme that catalyzes the four-electron reduction of oxygen to water. This highly exergonic reaction drives proton pumping across the membrane. One of the key questions associated with the function of cytochrome c oxidase is how the transfer of electrons and protons is coupled and how proton transfer is controlled by the enzyme. In this study we focus on the function of one of the proton transfer pathways of the R. sphaeroides enzyme, the so-called K-proton transfer pathway (containing a highly conserved Lys(I-362) residue), leading from the protein surface to the catalytic site. We have investigated the kinetics of the reaction of the reduced enzyme with oxygen in mutants of the enzyme in which a residue [Ser(I-299)] near the entry point of the pathway was modified with the use of site-directed mutagenesis. The results show that during the initial steps of oxygen reduction, electron transfer to the catalytic site (to form the “peroxy” state, Pr) requires charge compensation through the proton pathway, but no proton uptake from the bulk solution. The charge compensation is proposed to involve a movement of the K(I-362) side chain toward the binuclear center. Thus, in contrast to what has been assumed previously, the results indicate that the K-pathway is used during oxygen reduction and that K(I-362) is charged at pH ≈ 7.5. The movement of the Lys is proposed to regulate proton transfer by “shutting off” the protonic connectivity through the K-pathway after initiation of the O2 reduction chemistry. This “shutoff” prevents a short-circuit of the proton-pumping machinery of the enzyme during the subsequent reaction steps.


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An emerging and important site of action for nitric oxide (NO) within cells is the mitochondrial inner membrane, where NO binds to and inhibits members of the electron transport chain, complex III and cytochrome c oxidase. Although it is known that inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase by NO is competitive with O2, the mechanisms that underlie this phenomenon remain unclear, and the impact of both NO and O2 partitioning into biological membranes has not been considered. These properties are particularly interesting because physiological O2 tensions can vary widely, with NO having a greater inhibitory effect at low O2 tensions (<20 μM). In this study, we present evidence for a consumption of NO in mitochondrial membranes in the absence of substrate, in a nonsaturable process that is O2 dependent. This consumption modulates inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase by NO and is enhanced by the addition of exogenous membranes. From these data, it is evident that the partition of NO into mitochondrial membranes has a major impact on the ability of NO to control mitochondrial respiration. The implications of this conclusion are discussed in the context of mitochondrial lipid:protein ratios and the importance of NO as a regulator of respiration in pathophysiology.


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Some intermediates in the reduction of O2 to water by cytochrome-c oxidase have been characterized by optical, Raman, and magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy. The so-called "peroxy" (P) and "ferryl" (F) forms of the enzyme, which have been considered to be intermediates of the oxygen reaction, can be generated when the oxidized enzyme reacts with H2O2, or when the two-electron reduced ("CO mixed-valence") enzyme reacts with O2. The structures as well as the overall redox states of P and F have recently been controversial. We show here, using tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) as a photoinducible reductant, that one-electron reduction of P yields F, and that one-electron reduction of F yields the oxidized enzyme. This confirms that the overall redox states of P and F differ from the oxidized enzyme by two and one electron equivalents, respectively. The structures of the P and F states are discussed.


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Bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase is an electron-current driven proton pump. To investigate the mechanism by which this pump operates it is important to study individual electron- and proton-transfer reactions in the enzyme, and key reactions in which they are kinetically and thermodynamically coupled. In this work, we have simultaneously measured absorbance changes associated with electron-transfer reactions and conductance changes associated with protonation reactions following pulsed illumination of the photolabile complex of partly reduced bovine cytochrome c oxidase and carbon monoxide. Following CO dissociation, several kinetic phases in the absorbance changes were observed with time constants ranging from approximately 3 microseconds to several milliseconds, reflecting internal electron-transfer reactions within the enzyme. The data show that the rate of one of these electron-transfer reactions, from cytochrome a3 to a on a millisecond time scale, is controlled by a proton-transfer reaction. These results are discussed in terms of a model in which cytochrome a3 interacts electrostatically with a protonatable group, L, in the vicinity of the binuclear center, in equilibrium with the bulk through a proton-conducting pathway, which determines the rate of proton transfer (and indirectly also of electron transfer). The interaction energy of cytochrome a3 with L was determined independently from the pH dependence of the extent of the millisecond-electron transfer and the number of protons released, as determined from the conductance measurements. The magnitude of the interaction energy, 70 meV (1 eV = 1.602 x 10(-19) J), is consistent with a distance of 5-10 A between cytochrome a3 and L. Based on the recently determined high-resolution x-ray structures of bovine and a bacterial cytochrome c oxidase, possible candidates for L and a physiological role for L are discussed.


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A protein analog of a purple copper center has been constructed from a recombinant blue copper protein (Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin) by replacing the loop containing the three ligands to the blue copper center with the corresponding loop of the CuA center in cytochrome c oxidase (COX) from Paracoccus denitrificans. The electronic absorption in the UV and visible region (UV-vis) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of this analog are remarkably similar to those of the native CuA center in COX from Paracoccus denitrificans. The above spectra can be obtained upon addition of a mixture of Cu2+ and Cu+. Addition of Cu2+ only results in a UV-vis spectrum consisting of absorptions from both a purple copper center and a blue copper center. This spectrum can be converted to the spectrum of a pure purple copper by a prolonged incubation in the air, or by addition of excess ascorbate. The azurin mutant reported here is an example of an engineered purple copper center with the A480/A530 ratio greater than 1 and with no detectable hyperfines, similar to those of the CuA sites in COX of bovine heart and of Paracoccus denitrificans.


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Radiolabel from [3H]myristic acid was incorporated by Neurospora crassa into the core catalytic subunit 1 of cytochrome c oxidase (EC, as indicated by immunoprecipitation. This modification of the subunit, which was specific for myristic acid, represents an uncommon type of myristoylation through an amide linkage at an internal lysine, rather than an N-terminal glycine. The [3H]myristate, which was chemically recovered from the radiolabeled subunit peptide, modified an invariant Lys-324, based upon analyses of proteolysis products. This myristoylated lysine is found within one of the predicted transmembrane helices of subunit 1 and could contribute to the environment of the active site of the enzyme. The myristate was identified by mass spectrometry as a component of mature subunit 1 of a catalytically active, purified enzyme. To our knowledge, fatty acylation of a mitochondrially synthesized inner-membrane protein has not been reported previously.


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The electronic structure and spectrum of several models of the binuclear metal site in soluble CuA domains of cytochrome-c oxidase have been calculated by the use of an extended version of the complete neglect of differential overlap/spectroscopic method. The experimental spectra have two strong transitions of nearly equal intensity around 500 nm and a near-IR transition close to 800 nm. The model that best reproduces these features consists of a dimer of two blue (type 1) copper centers, in which each Cu atom replaces the missing imidazole on the other Cu atom. Thus, both Cu atoms have one cysteine sulfur atom and one imidazole nitrogen atom as ligands, and there are no bridging ligands but a direct Cu-Cu bond. According to the calculations, the two strong bands in the visible region originate from exciton coupling of the dipoles of the two copper monomers, and the near-IR band is a charge-transfer transition between the two Cu atoms. The known amino acid sequence has been used to construct a molecular model of the CuA site by the use of a template and energy minimization. In this model, the two ligand cysteine residues are in one turn of an alpha-helix, whereas one ligand histidine is in a loop following this helix and the other one is in a beta-strand.


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The mechanism whereby cytochrome £ oxidase catalyses elec-. tron transfer from cytochrome £ to oxygen remains an unsolved problem. Polarographic and spectrophotometric activity measurements of purified, particulate and soluble forms of beef heart mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase presented in this thesis confirm the following characteristics of the steady-state kinetics with respect to cytochrome £: (1) oxidation of ferrocytochrome c is first order under all conditions. -(2) The relationship between sustrate concentration and velocity is of the Michaelis-Menten type over a limited range of substrate. concentrations at high ionic strength. (3) ~he reaction rate is independent from oxygen concentration until very low levels of oxygen. (4) "Biphasic" kinetic plots of enzyme activity as a function of substrate concentration are found when the range of cytochrome c concentrations is extended; the biphasicity ~ is more apparent in low ionic strength buffer. These results imply two binding sites for cytochrome £ on the oxidase; one of high affinity and one of low affinity with Km values of 1.0 pM and 3.0 pM, respectively, under low ionic strength conditions. (5) Inhibition of the enzymic rate by azide is non-c~mpetitive with respect to cytochrome £ under all conditions indicating an internal electron transfer step, and not binding or dissociation of £ from the enzyme is rate limiting. The "tight" binding of cytochrome '£ to cytochrome c oxidase is confirmed in column chromatographic experiments. The complex has a cytochrome £:oxidase ratio of 1.0 and is dissociated in media of high ionic strength. Stopped-flow spectrophotometric studies of the reduction of equimolar mixtures and complexes of cytochrome c and the oxidase were initiated in an attempt to assess the functional relevance of such a complex. Two alternative routes -for reduction of the oxidase, under conditions where the predominant species is the £ - aa3 complex, are postulated; (i) electron transfer via tightly bound cytochrome £, (ii) electron transfer via a small population of free cytochrome c interacting at the "loose" binding site implied from kinetic studies. It is impossible to conclude, based on the results obtained, which path is responsible for the reduction of cytochrome a. The rate of reduction by various reductants of free cytochrome £ in high and low ionic strength and of cytochrome £ electrostatically bound to cytochrome oxidase was investigated. Ascorbate, a negatively charged reagent, reduces free cytochrome £ with a rate constant dependent on ionic strength, whereas neutral reagents TMPD and DAD were relatively unaffected by ionic strength in their reduction of cytochrome c. The zwitterion cysteine behaved similarly to uncharged reductants DAD and TI~PD in exhibiting only a marginal response to ionic strength. Ascorbate reduces bound cytochrome £ only slowly, but DAD and TMPD reduce bound cytochrome £ rapidly. Reduction of cytochrome £ by DAD and TMPD in the £ - aa3 complex was enhanced lO-fold over DAD reduction of free £ and 4-fold over TMPD reduction of free c. Thus, the importance of ionic strength on the reactivity of cytochrome £ was observed with the general conclusion being that on the cytochrome £ molecule areas for anion (ie. phosphate) binding, ascorbate reduction and complexation to the oxidase overlap. The increased reducibility for bound cytochrome £ by reductants DAD and TMPD supports a suggested conformational change of electrostatically bound c compare.d to free .£. In addition, analysis of electron distribution between cytochromes £ and a in the complex suggest that the midpotential of cytochrome ~ changes with the redox state of the oxidase. Such evidence supports models of the oxidase which suggest interactions within the enzyme (or c - enzyme complex) result in altered midpoint potentials of the redox centers.


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A chromosomal locus required for copper resistance and competitive fitness was cloned from a strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens isolated from copper-contaminated agricultural soil. Sequence analysis of this locus revealed six open reading frames with homology to genes involved in cytochrome c biogenesis in other bacteria, helC, cycJ, cycK, tipB, cycL, and cycH, with the closest similarity being to the aeg-46.5(yej) region of the Escherichia coli chromosome. The proposed functions of these genes in other bacteria include the binding, transport, and coupling of heme to apocytochrome c in the periplasm of these Gram-negative bacteria. Putative heme-binding motifs were present in the predicted products of cycK and cycL, and TipB contained a putative disulfide oxidoreductase active site proposed to maintain the heme-binding site of the apocytochrome in a reduced state for ligation of heme. Tn3-gus mutagenesis showed that expression of the genes was constitutive but enhanced by copper, and confirmed that the genes function both in copper resistance and production of active cytochrome c. However, two mutants in cycH were copper-sensitive and oxidase-positive, suggesting that the functions of these genes, rather than cytochrome c oxidase itself, were required for resistance to copper.


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One innovative thought in biomolecular electronics is the exploitation of electron transfer proteins. Using nature's self assembly techniques, proteins can build highly organized edifices with retained functional activity, and they can serve as platforms for biosensors. In this research work, Yeast Cytochrome C (YCC) is immobilized with a help of a linker molecule, 3-Mercaptopropyltrimethoxysilane (3-MPTS) on a hydroxylated surface of a silicon substrate. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is used for characterization. AFM data shows immobilization of one YCC molecule in between eight grids that are formed by the linker molecules. 3-MPTS monolayers are organized in grids that are 1.2 nm apart. Immobilization of 3-MPTS was optimized using a concentration of 5 mM in a completely dehydrated state for 30 minutes. The functionally active grids of YCC can now be incorporated with Cytochrome C oxidase on a Platinum electrode surface for transfer of electrons in development of biosensors, such as nitrate sensor, that are small in size, cheaper, and easier to manufacture than the top-down approach of fabrication of molecular biodevices


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Direct oxidation of sulfite to sulfate occurs in various photo- and chemotrophic sulfur oxidizing microorganisms as the final step in the oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds and is catalyzed by sulfite:cytochrome c oxidoreductase (EC, Here we show that the enzyme from Thiobacillus novellus is a periplasmically located alpha beta heterodimer, consisting of a 40.6-kDa subunit containing a molybdenum cofactor and an 8.8-kDa monoheme cytochrome c(552) smbunit (midpoint redox potential, Em(8.0) = +280 mV), The organic component of the molybdenum cofactor was identified as molybdopterin contained in a 1:1 ratio to the Mo content of the enzyme. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed the presence of a sulfite-inducible Mo(V) signal characteristic of sulfite:acceptor oxidoreductases. However, pH-dependent changes in the electron paramagnetic resonance signal were not detected. Kinetic studies showed that the enzyme exhibits a ping-pong mechanism involving two reactive sites. K-m values for sulfite and cytochrome c(550) were determined to be 27 and 4 mu M, respectively; the enzyme was found to be reversibly inhibited by sulfate and various buffer ions. The sorAB genes, which encode the enzyme, appear to form an operon, which is preceded by a putative extracytoplasmic function-type promoter and contains a hairpin loop termination structure downstream of sorB. While SorA exhibits significant similarities to known sequences of eukaryotic and bacterial sulfite:acceptor oxidoreductases, SorB does not appear to be closely related to any known c-type cytochromes.