29 resultados para Cynanchum paniculatum (Bunye)ktag


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This study aimed to analyse the Brazilian savanna forest from a Legal Reserve (LR) area from a perspective of conservation, reservoir of organic carbon and medicinal biomass for a prospective use of native medicinal plants. An ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological survey was carried out close to a community settled in the rural area in the south of Tocantins, being selected 9 of the most cited species (cajuí- Anacardium othonianum; inharé-Brosimum gaudichaudii; jatobá-Hymenaeae courbaril; jenipapo-Genipa americana, aroeira-Myracrodruon urundeuva; negramina-Siparuna guianensis; barbatimão- Stryphnodendron obovatum; assa peixe-Vernonia brasiliana, embaúba-Cecropia pachystachya). Crude foliar extracts were subjected to a preliminary phytochemical prospection and triage of secondary metabolites with antimicrobial activity of potential interest in health and familiar agriculture. Phenolic compounds, terpenes and flavonoids were detected in the extracts of most species, which suggests the presence of antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-insect activities. It was evident the need to better know the LR as a reservoir of medicinal biomass in an area under ecological tension where 35% (610ha) of the property is LR and should be protected by law. Therefore, a forest inventory of live woody species was performed using the allometric or indirect method. This identified a rare remnant of Semidecidual Seasonal Forest amidst the largest world savannah, the Cerrado biome. An analysis of the forest average productivity per basal area (m².ha), aerial live biomass (ton.ha-1) and carbon stock was carried out. The forest fragment was considered relatively rich in species and diversity, although showing signs of disturbance and dominance by a few species. Its horizontal structure suggests biotic regeneration conditions. It is an important reservoir of medicinal plants. Of the families (57.5%) presenting medicinal species, 19 from a total of 33 are represented in the area and contain 44% (27) of the total species (61) and 63% (432) of the total individuals catalogued. Medicinal species have ecological importance for the equilibrium of the local flora and represent 80% of the 10 species with higher Importance Value Index (IVI): Tetragastris altissima, Chrysophyllum marginatum, Oenocarpus distichus, Sclerolobium paniculatum, Simarouba versicolor, Alibertia macrophylla, Siparuna guianensis, Maprounea guianensis, Licania parvifolia e Physocalymma scaberrimum. Medicinal productivity was high for this type of phytophysionomy: 183,2 ton. ha-1 of biomass and 91,51 ton. ha-1 of carbon representing 66% of the total biomass and carbon of this Cerrado forest. From this stage S. guianensis (Siparunaceae) was selected for performing bioassays in order to verify its biological activity against microorganisms of health and agricultural relevance. This is a native aromatic medicinal plant recommended as priority for conservation, with local popular medicinal validation and availability of medicinal feedstock (3300 Kg.ha-1), with the foliar fraction giving 38Kg/ha of crude extract and 5L/ha of essential oil. Foliar crude extracts and essential oil were obtained and tested in vitro using a disk diffusion bioassay. Different concentrations of these natural products were tested against gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213), gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and ATCC 35218; Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 10145) and fungi (Candida albicans ATCC 6258 e Fusarium oxysporum). The essential oil inhibited the growth of S. aureus in its crude concentration (380μg.mL-1), as well as diluted to half (190μg.mL-1) and a quarter strength (95μg.mL-1). It’s likely that such action is due to sesquiterpenes major components, such as bisabolol and bisabolene (10.35%), measured by gas chromatography (GC-MS, GC-FID). Extracts did not exhibit any antimicrobial activity against the microorganisms tested. The native medicinal plants prospective market is an alternative that favours the conservation of biodiversity while generating benefits for the development of sustainable family productive activities within local ecosystems instead of the current inappropriate uses. This strengthens conservation policies of Legal Reserve in rural settlements and is in agreement with public policy on global warming and climate changes.


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Malvales is an order of flowering plants with a controversial circumscription. The relationships between taxa, particularly Malvaceae, Bombacaceae, Sterculiaceae, and Tiliaceae, are not well delineated. Several studies have reported the fatty acid compositions of Malvaceae plants but not for taxonomic purposes. In the present study, the fatty acid composition of oilseeds from seven species belonging to the Malvaceae family was determined by capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), and the quantitative distribution of fatty acids was analyzed by a cluster analysis With Euclidean Distance and UPGMA. The oil content in the seeds was very low (8.3-11.8%). The profile of fatty acids showed that there were two distinct groups: species rich in palmitic acid (Herissantia tiubae, Sidastrum paniculatum and Sida rhombifolia) and species rich in linoleic acid (other Sida species). The fatty acid profiles found for Sida species are consistent with other reported data. Although our data support a distinction between Sida and Sidastrum, more species should be analyzed to evaluate the real taxonomic value of differences in fatty acid content for distinguishing Malvaceae. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O gênero Solanum L. (Solanaceae) compreende mais de 1000 espécies, incluindo táxons de grande interesse econômico por seu valor alimentício e medicinal. Este gênero é dividido em três subgêneros: Bassovia, Solanum e Leptostemonum. O subgênero Leptostemonum é dividido em dez seções, e entre essas destaca-se a seção Torva que possui representantes no sul do Brasil, e cujas espécies têm amplo interesse por apresentarem substâncias ativas de grande utilidade farmacológica. Entretanto, dentro dessa seção existem problemas taxonômicos, inclusive com a presença de indivíduos de morfologia intermediária, que dificultam sua classificação e, conseqüentemente, o seu melhor aproveitamento. Nesse trabalho, foram realizados dois estudos de caráter filogenético a fim de conhecer as relações de parentesco entre as espécies de Solanum seção Torva, presentes no sul do Brasil, e destas com espécies de outras seções do subgênero Leptostemonum. Em ambos os estudos foram utilizados quatro marcadores (genomas nuclear e plastidial): a região ITS (espaçadores internos transcritos do DNA nuclear ribossomal) incluindo ITS1, ITS2 e o gene 5,8S; o íntron trnL e os espaçadores intergênicos trnL-trnF e trnS-trnG do DNA plastidial. O marcador ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeats) foi utilizado para verificar a variabilidade genética entre as espécies de Solanum seção Torva e testar o grau de polimorfismo de quatro “primers” dentro dessa seção. As análises realizadas evidenciaram uma origem monofilética para a seção Torva. Além disso, foi verificada uma relação de parentesco mais acentuado dessa seção com S. melongena, S. jamaicense e S. sisymbriifolium. Dentro da seção Torva foram observados agrupamentos que relacionam a espécie de morfologia intermediária a seus possíveis progenitores S. paniculatum e S. guaraniticum. Os quatro agrupamentos mais freqüentes observados dentro da seção foram: a aproximação de S. guaraniticum, S. bonariense e S. paniculatum X S. guaraniticum; o relacionamento entre S. adspersum e S. tabacifolium; a interação entre S. paniculatum e a espécie de morfologia intermediária; e a aproximação entre S. paniculatum e S. variabile. Este trabalho contribuiu para o conhecimento evolutivo das espécies dessa complexa seção que vem levantando interesse de inúmeros pesquisadores.


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The program PROBIODIESEL from the Ministry of Science and Technology has substantially increased glycerine, obtained as a sub-product of biodiesel production process, making it necessary to seek alternatives for the use of this co-product. On the other hand, herbicides although play a role of fundamental importance in the agricultural production system in force, have been under growing concern among the various segments of society because of their potential environmental risk. In this work, we used glycerin in microemulsion systems for application of herbicides, to improve efficiency and lower environmental pollution caused by the loss of those products to the environment. To obtain the systems of microemulsinados were used Unitol L90 NP and Renex 40 as surfactants, butanol as co-surfactant, coconut oil as oil phase and aqueous phase as we used solutions of glycerin + water. Through the determination of phase diagrams, the microemulsion region was found in the system E (L90 Unitol, coconut oil and glycerin + water 1:1). Three points were chosen to the aqueous phase rich in characterization and application in the solubilization of glyphosate and atrazine. Three experiments were performed in Horta, Department of Plant Sciences, Plant Science Sector, UFERSA, Mossoró-RN. The first experiment was conducted in randomized complete blocks with 20 treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of five doses of the herbicide glyphosate (0.0, 0.45, 0.9, 1.35 and 1.8 L ha-1) diluted with four sauces: C1, C2, C3 (microemulsions) and C4 (water). The phytotoxicity of Brachiaria brizantha was measured at 7, 14, 28 and 60 DAA (days after application). At 60 DAA, we evaluated the biomass of plants. The second experiment was developed in randomized complete blocks with 20 treatments and four repetitions. The treatments consisted of five doses of the herbicide atrazine (0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 and 2.4 L ha-1) diluted with four sauces: C1, C2, C3 (microemulsions) and C4 (water). The phytotoxicity on Zea mays and Talinum paniculatum was evaluated at 2, 7, 20 DAA. The experiment III was developed in randomized complete blocks with 16 treatments and three repetitions. The treatments consisted of 16 combinations among the constituents of the microemulsion: Unitol L90 surfactant (0.0, 1.66, 5.0, 15 %) and glycerin (0.0, 4.44, 13.33 and 40.0 %). The phytotoxicity on Zea mays was evaluated at 1, 7 and 14 DAA. At 14 DAA, we evaluated the biomass of plants. The control plants using the microemulsions was lower than in the water due to the poisoning caused by the initial microemulsions in the leaves of the plants, a fact that hinders the absorption and translocation of the herbicide. There was no toxicity in Zea mays plants caused by the herbicide, however, were highly intoxicated by microemulsions. T. paniculatum was better controlled in spraying with the microemulsions, regardless of the dose of the herbicide. The glycerine did not cause plant damage. Higher poisoning the plants are caused by tensoactive Unitol L90 and higher rates occur with the use of higher concentrations of surfactant and glycerin, or microemulsion. The microemulsions used hampered the action of glyphosate in controlling B. brizantha and caused severe poisoning in corn, and these poisonings attributed mainly to the action of surfactant


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Foram estudados os grãos de pólen de 12 gêneros e 41 espécies de Solanaceae ocorrentes na Reserva do Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga: Acnistus arborescens (L.) Schlecht., Athenaea picta (Mart.) Sendtn., Brunfelsia latifolia Benth., Brunfelsia pauciflora (Cham. & Schlecht.) Benth., Capsicum flexuosum (L.) Sendtn., Capsicum villosum (L.) Sendtn., Cestrum amictum (L.) Schlecht., Cestrum corymbosum (L.) Schlecht., Cestrum lanceolatum (L.) Miers, Cestrum schlechtendalii (L.) G. Don, Cestrum sendtnerianum (L.) Mart. ex Sendtn., Cyphomandra diploconos Sendtn., Cyphomandra velutina Sendtn., Dyssochroma viridiflora (Sims) Ducke, Nicotiana langsdorffii (Weinm.) Roem. & Schult., Physalis peruviana L., Physalis viscosa L., Sessea brasiliensis Tol., Solandra grandiflora Sw, Solanum americanum Mill., Solanum atropurpureum Schrank., Solanum bullatum Vell., Solanum capsicoides Allion., Solanum cernuum Vell., Solanum concinnum Schott ex Sendtn., Solanum didynum Dun., Solanum diflorum Vell., Solanum excelsum St. Hil. ex Dun., Solanum granuloso-leprosum Dun., Solanum hoehnei Morton, Solanum inaequale Vell., Solanum inodornum Vell., Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil. ex Dun., Solanum mauritianum Scop., Solanum paniculatum L., Solanum rufescens Sendtn., Solanum sisymbriifolium Lam., Solanum swartzianum Roem. & Schult., Solanum vaillantii Dun., Solanum variabile Mart., Solanum viarum Dun. São apresentadas descrições para todas as espécies estudadas, ilustrações, observações e seis chaves polínicas.


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Four different assays (the Folin-Ciocalteu, DPPH, enzymatic method, and inhibitory activity on lipid peroxidation) based on radically different physicochemical principles and normally used to determine the antioxidant activity of food have been confronted and utilized to investigate the antioxidant activity of fruits originated from Brazil, with particular attention to more exotic and less-studied species (jurubeba, Solanum paniculatum; pequi, Caryocar brasiliense; pitaya, Hylocereus undatus; siriguela, Spondias purpurea; umbu, Spondias tuberosa) in order to (i) verify the correlations between results obtained by the different assays, with the final purpose to obtain more reliable results avoiding possible measuring-method linked mistakes and (ii) individuate the more active fruit species. As expected, the different methods give different responses, depending on the specific assay reaction. Anyhow all results indicate high antioxidant properties for siriguela and jurubeba and poor values for pitaya, umbu, and pequi. Considering that no marked difference of ascorbic acid content has been detected among the different fruits, experimental data suggest that antioxidant activities of the investigated Brazilian fruits are poorly correlated with this molecule, principally depending on their total polyphenolic content. © 2013 Elena Gregoris et al.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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As novas técnicas propostas para a agricultura na Amazônia incluem sistema de rotação de capoeira enriquecido com árvores leguminosas e transformando a queima da biomassa em cobertura morta sobre o solo. A decomposição e a liberação de nutrientes da cobertura morta foram estudadas usando sacos de liteira com malha fina que continham cinco tratamentos com diferentes espécies de leguminosas em comparação a um tratamento-controle com vegetação natural. As amostras para cada tratamento foram analisadas para conteúdos de C total, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, lignina, celulose e polifenóis solúveis em diferentes tempos de amostragem durante um ano. A razão constante de decomposição variou com a espécie e com o tempo. A perda de massa nos sacos de decomposição foi de 30,1 % para Acacia angustissima, de 32,7 % para Sclerolobium paniculatum, de 33,9 % para Inga edulis e para a vegetação secundária, de 45,2 % para Acacia mangium e de 63,6 % para Clitoria racemosa. Foi observada imobilização de N e P em todos os tratamentos, sendo a mineralização do N negativamente correlacionada com o fenol, razão C/N, razão (lignina + fenol)/N, razão fenol/P e o conteúdo de N nos sacos de liteira. Depois de 362 dias de incubação no campo, 3,3 % de K, 32,2 % de Ca e 22,4 % de Mg permaneceram no material em decomposição. Os resultados evidenciaram que a baixa qualidade mineral e a alta quantidade de carbono orgânico e aplicado como cobertura morta podem limitar a quantidade de energia disponível para os microrganismos resultando em uma competição por nutrientes com as plantas agrícolas.


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The causal agent of witches' broom disease, Moniliophthora perniciosa is a hemibiotrophic and endemic fungus of the Amazon basin and the most important cocoa disease in Brazil. The purpose of this study was to analyze the genetic diversity of polysporic isolates of M. perniciosa to evaluate the adaptation of the pathogen from different Brazilian regions and its association with different hosts. Polysporic isolates obtained previously in potato dextrose agar cultures of M. perniciosa from different Brazilian states and different hosts (Theobroma cacao, Solanum cernuum, S. paniculatum, S. lycocarpum, Solanum sp, and others) were analyzed by somatic compatibility grouping where the mycelium interactions were distinguished after 4-8 weeks of confrontation between the different isolates of M. perniciosa based on the precipitation line in the transition zone and by protein electrophoresis through SDS-PAGE. The diversity of polysporic isolates of M. perniciosa was grouped according to geographic proximity and respective hosts. The great genetic diversity of M. perniciosa strains from different Brazilian states and hosts favored adaptation in unusual environments and dissemination at long distances generating new biotypes.


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As florestas têm papel importante na captura e estocagem de carbono da atmosfera através do processo fotossintético. Partindo desta premissa, são vislumbradas muitas oportunidades de participação das florestas no mercado de créditos de carbono, seja através de projetos de conservação das formações florestais remanescentes, seja através de projetos de substituição de combustíveis fósseis por fontes renováveis a partir de reflorestamentos comerciais. Projetos de conservação têm encontrado maior receptividade nos mercados voluntário de crédito de carbono e mais recentemente através de mecanismos tais como REDD (Redução de Emissões por Desmatamento e Degradação) e de Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais. Já os projetos que visam a substituição de combustíveis fósseis por produtos e resíduos de cadeias produtivas florestais têm encontrado mais oportunidades de comercialização de créditos de carbono através do MDL (Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo). Uma das atividades do projeto nacional em rede Florestas Energéticas, desenvolvidas na Embrapa Meio Ambiente (Jaguariúna-SP) é avaliar e sugerir oportunidades no mercado de carbono para as espécies florestais: Eucalyptus urophila S T Blake; Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth; Acacia mangium Willd e Sclerolobium paniculatum Vogel. Através de consulta à literatura e aos especialistas sobre cada uma das espécies, foi elaborado um estudo técnico sobre a viabilidade de inserção dessas espécies florestais no mercado de carbono considerando-se os parâmetros técnicos necessários à elaboração de projetos florestais para o mercado de carbono. Como referência serão considerados os parâmetros requeridos pelas metodologias mais recentemente aprovadas pelo Conselho Executivo do MDL, relativas a projetos florestais. O objetivo primordial desse estudo é apontar as necessidades estratégicas de pesquisa e desenvolvimento visando a plena utilização dessas espécies como fontes de carvão vegetal com sustentabilidade econômica, social e ambiental.


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The program PROBIODIESEL from the Ministry of Science and Technology has substantially increased glycerine, obtained as a sub-product of biodiesel production process, making it necessary to seek alternatives for the use of this co-product. On the other hand, herbicides although play a role of fundamental importance in the agricultural production system in force, have been under growing concern among the various segments of society because of their potential environmental risk. In this work, we used glycerin in microemulsion systems for application of herbicides, to improve efficiency and lower environmental pollution caused by the loss of those products to the environment. To obtain the systems of microemulsinados were used Unitol L90 NP and Renex 40 as surfactants, butanol as co-surfactant, coconut oil as oil phase and aqueous phase as we used solutions of glycerin + water. Through the determination of phase diagrams, the microemulsion region was found in the system E (L90 Unitol, coconut oil and glycerin + water 1:1). Three points were chosen to the aqueous phase rich in characterization and application in the solubilization of glyphosate and atrazine. Three experiments were performed in Horta, Department of Plant Sciences, Plant Science Sector, UFERSA, Mossoró-RN. The first experiment was conducted in randomized complete blocks with 20 treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of five doses of the herbicide glyphosate (0.0, 0.45, 0.9, 1.35 and 1.8 L ha-1) diluted with four sauces: C1, C2, C3 (microemulsions) and C4 (water). The phytotoxicity of Brachiaria brizantha was measured at 7, 14, 28 and 60 DAA (days after application). At 60 DAA, we evaluated the biomass of plants. The second experiment was developed in randomized complete blocks with 20 treatments and four repetitions. The treatments consisted of five doses of the herbicide atrazine (0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 and 2.4 L ha-1) diluted with four sauces: C1, C2, C3 (microemulsions) and C4 (water). The phytotoxicity on Zea mays and Talinum paniculatum was evaluated at 2, 7, 20 DAA. The experiment III was developed in randomized complete blocks with 16 treatments and three repetitions. The treatments consisted of 16 combinations among the constituents of the microemulsion: Unitol L90 surfactant (0.0, 1.66, 5.0, 15 %) and glycerin (0.0, 4.44, 13.33 and 40.0 %). The phytotoxicity on Zea mays was evaluated at 1, 7 and 14 DAA. At 14 DAA, we evaluated the biomass of plants. The control plants using the microemulsions was lower than in the water due to the poisoning caused by the initial microemulsions in the leaves of the plants, a fact that hinders the absorption and translocation of the herbicide. There was no toxicity in Zea mays plants caused by the herbicide, however, were highly intoxicated by microemulsions. T. paniculatum was better controlled in spraying with the microemulsions, regardless of the dose of the herbicide. The glycerine did not cause plant damage. Higher poisoning the plants are caused by tensoactive Unitol L90 and higher rates occur with the use of higher concentrations of surfactant and glycerin, or microemulsion. The microemulsions used hampered the action of glyphosate in controlling B. brizantha and caused severe poisoning in corn, and these poisonings attributed mainly to the action of surfactant


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento de S. paniculatum, sob diferentes espaçamentos e doses de adubação fosfatada para a produção energética no Município de Itacoatiara, AM.


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A vegetação de pousio é um dos principais componentes dos sistemas agroflorestais sequenciais de derrubada e queima, praticados tradicionalmente pela agricultura familiar na Amazônia. A remoção progressiva de nutrientes do solo por essa prática implica em reduções contínuas nos estoques de carbono e nutrientes, causando declínio da produtividade do solo, perda da capacidade regeneração e diminuição da diversidade de espécies da vegetação. O melhoramento de pousio com espécies leguminosas fixadoras do nitrogênio atmosférico pode contribuir para uma maior produção de biomassa e acúmulo de nutrientes em comparação com a vegetação espontânea, atendendo à demanda nutricional das culturas subsequentes, podendo ser considerada como uma tecnologia de produção sustentável. Esse trabalho avaliou o efeito da adubação fosfatada de baixa solubilidade no acúmulo de biomassa e nutrientes da parte aérea de leguminosas arbóreas utilizadas em enriquecimento de vegetação de pousio. O experimento foi conduzido por 23 meses, em um sistema agroflorestal de ?corte e trituração? em Marapanim, Pará. Foram utilizadas as espécies tachi-branco - Sclerolobium paniculatum Vogel e ingá - Inga edulis Mart e foram estimados biomassa, teor e estoque de nutrientes dos compartimentos folha, galho e tronco. Houve acúmulo de biomassa, estoques de P, Ca e Mg nas folhas, estoque de P nos galhos e o teor de cálcio nas folhas das leguminosas é limitado por fósforo, segundo os resultados encontrados. A espécie Inga edulis apresentou maiores teores de potássio, cálcio e magnésio nos compartimentos folha, galho e tronco, enquanto que a espécie Sclerolobium paniculatum apresentou maiores acúmulos de biomassa e estoques de nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, cálcio e magnésio nos compartimentos folha, galho e tronco.