892 resultados para Cutting forces
In this study, different methods of cutting fluid application are used in turning of a difficult-to-machine steel (SAE EV-8). Initially, a semisynthetic cutting fluid was applied using a conventional method (i.e. overhead flood cooling), minimum quantity of cutting fluid, and pulverization. A lubricant of vegetable oil (minimum quantity of lubricant) was also applied using the minimum quantity method. Thereafter, a cutting fluid jet under high pressure (3.0 MPa) was singly applied in the following regions: chip-tool interface, top surface of the chip (between workpiece and chip) and tool-workpiece contact. Moreover, two other methods were used: an interflow between conventional application and chip-tool interface jet (combined method) and, finally, three jets simultaneously applied. In order to carry out these tests, it was necessary to set up a high-pressure system using a piston pump for generating a cutting fluid jet, a venturi for fluid application (minimum quantity of cutting fluid and minimum quantity of lubricant) and a nozzle for cutting fluid pulverization. The output variables analyzed included tool life, surface roughness, cutting tool temperature, cutting force, chip form, chip compression rate and machined specimen microstructure. Among the results, it can be observed that the tool life increases and the cutting force decreases with the application of cutting fluid jet, mainly when it is directed to the chip-tool interface. Excluding the methods involving jet fluid, the conventional method seems to be more efficient than other methods of low pressure, such as minimum quantity of volume and pulverization, when considering just the cutting tool wear. © 2013 IMechE.
Different methods of cutting fluid application are used on turning of a difficult-tomachine steel (SAE EV-8). A semi-synthetic cutting fluid was applied using a conventional method, minimum quantity of cutting fluid (MQCF), and pulverization. By the minimum quantity method was also applied a lubricant of vegetable oil (MQL). Thereafter, a cutting fluid jet under high pressure (3.0 MPa) was singly applied in the following regions: chip-tool interface; top surface of the chip; and tool-workpiece contact. Two other methods were used: an interflow between conventional application and chip-tool interface jet and, finally, three jets simultaneously applied. In order to carry out these tests, it was necessary to set up a high pressure system using a piston pump for generating a cutting fluid jet, a Venturi for fluid application (MQCF and MQL), and a nozzle for cutting fluid pulverization. The output variables analyzed included tool life, surface roughness, cutting tool temperature, cutting force, chip form, chip compression rate and machined specimen microstructure. It can be observed that the tool life increases and the cutting force decreases with the application of cutting fluid jet, mainly when it is directed to the chip-tool interface. Excluding the methods involving jet fluid, the conventional method seems to be more efficient than other methods of low pressure. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
This work is undertaken in the attempt to understand the processes at work at the cutting edge of the twist drill. Extensive drill life testing performed by the University has reinforced a survey of previously published information. This work demonstrated that there are two specific aspects of drilling which have not previously been explained comprehensively. The first concerns the interrelating of process data between differing drilling situations, There is no method currently available which allows the cutting geometry of drilling to be defined numerically so that such comparisons, where made, are purely subjective. Section one examines this problem by taking as an example a 4.5mm drill suitable for use with aluminium. This drill is examined using a prototype solid modelling program to explore how the required numerical information may be generated. The second aspect is the analysis of drill stiffness. What aspects of drill stiffness provide the very great difference in performance between short flute length, medium flute length and long flute length drills? These differences exist between drills of identical point geometry and the practical superiority of short drills has been known to shop floor drilling operatives since drilling was first introduced. This problem has been dismissed repeatedly as over complicated but section two provides a first approximation and shows that at least for smaller drills of 4. 5mm the effects are highly significant. Once the cutting action of the twist drill is defined geometrically there is a huge body of machinability data that becomes applicable to the drilling process. Work remains to interpret the very high inclination angles of the drill cutting process in terms of cutting forces and tool wear but aspects of drill design may already be looked at in new ways with the prospect of a more analytical approach rather than the present mix of experience and trial and error. Other problems are specific to the twist drill, such as the behaviour of the chips in the flute. It is now possible to predict the initial direction of chip flow leaving the drill cutting edge. For the future the parameters of further chip behaviour may also be explored within this geometric model.
The thesis deals with a research programme in which the cutting performance of a new generation of ceramic cutting tool material is evaluated using the turning process. In part one, the performance of commercial Kyon 2000 sialon ceramic inserts is studied when machining a hardened alloy steel under a wide range of cutting conditions. The aim is to formulate a pattern of machining behaviour in which tool wear is related to a theoretical interpretation of the temperatures and stresses generated by the chip-tool interaction. The work involves a correlation of wear measurement and metallographic examination of the wear area with the measurable cutting data. Four main tool failure modes are recognised: (a) flank and crater wear (b) grooving wear (c) deformation wear and (d) brittle failure Results indicate catastrophic edge breakdown under certain conditions. Accordingly in part two, the edge geometry is modified to give a double rake tool; a negative/positive combination. The results are reported for a range of workpiece materials under orthogonal cutting conditions. Significant improvements in the cutting performance are achieved. The improvements are explained by a study of process parameters; cutting forces, chip thickness ratio, chip contact length, temperature distribution, stress distribution and chip formation. In part three, improvements in tool performance are shown to arise when the edge chamfer on a single rake tool is modified. Under optimum edge chamfer conditions a substantial increase in tool life is obtained compared with the commercial cutting geometry.
The random direction short Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics (GFRP) have been prepared by two compression moulding processes, namely the Preform and Sheet Moulding Compound (SMC) processes. Cutting force analysis and surface characterization are conducted on the random direction short GFRPs with varying fiber contents (25 similar to 40%). Edge trimming experiments are preformed using carbide inserts with varing the depth of cut and cutting speed. Machining characteristics of the Preform and SMC processed random direction short GFRPs are evaluated in terms of cutting forces, surface quality, and tool wear. It is found that composite primary processing and fiber contents are major contributing factors influencing the cutting force magnitudes and surface textures. The SMC composites show better surface finish over the Preform composites due to less delamination and fiber pullouts. Moreover, matrix damage and fiber protrusions at the machined edge are reduced by increasing fiber content in the random direction short GFRP composites.
针对高精度、微进给永磁直线交流同步电机 (PMLSM )驱动系统 ,采用基于模型的扰动抑制 (MBDA)方法 ,对诸如摩擦力、切削力、负载变动之类的扰动进行抑制。MBDA是利用一个与系统并行的标称模型 ,通过输出反馈 ,将系统输出与标称模型输出进行比较 ,得出误差信号 ,并通过设计一个补偿器将误差信号反馈给被控对象的输入端 ,从而实现扰动抑制。同时 ,针对速度环设计了积分 -比例 (IP)控制器 ,以满足系统快速跟踪指令的要求 ,并且其具有较强的抗扰动能力。仿真结果表明 ,该控制方法响应速度快 ,抗干扰能力强
Silicon carbide (SiC) is a material of great technological interest for engineering applications concerning hostile environments where silicon-based components cannot work (beyond 623 K). Single point diamond turning (SPDT) has remained a superior and viable method to harness process efficiency and freeform shapes on this harder material. However, it is extremely difficult to machine this ceramic consistently in the ductile regime due to sudden and rapid tool wear. It thus becomes non trivial to develop an accurate understanding of tool wear mechanism during SPDT of SiC in order to identify measures to suppress wear to minimize operational cost.
In this paper, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation has been deployed with a realistic analytical bond order potential (ABOP) formalism based potential energy function to understand tool wear mechanism during single point diamond turning of SiC. The most significant result was obtained using the radial distribution function which suggests graphitization of diamond tool during the machining process. This phenomenon occurs due to the abrasive processes between these two ultra hard materials. The abrasive action results in locally high temperature which compounds with the massive cutting forces leading to sp3–sp2 order–disorder transition of diamond tool. This represents the root cause of tool wear during SPDT operation of cubic SiC. Further testing led to the development of a novel method for quantitative assessment of the progression of diamond tool wear from MD simulations.
Hard turning (HT) is a material removal process employing a combination of a single point cutting tool and high speeds to machine hard ferrous alloys which exhibit hardness values over 45 HRC. In this paper, a surface defect machining (SDM) method for HT is proposed which harnesses the combined advantages of porosity machining and pulsed laser pre-treatment processing. From previous experimental work, this was shown to provide better controllability of the process and improved quality of the machined surface. While the experiments showed promising results, a comprehensive understanding of this new technique could only be achieved through a rigorous, in depth theoretical analysis. Therefore, an assessment of the SDM technique was carried out using both finite element method (FEM) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.
FEM modelling was used to compare the conventional HT of AISI 4340 steel (52 HRC) using an Al2O3 insert with the proposed SDM method. The simulations showed very good agreement with the previously published experimental results. Compared to conventional HT, SDM provided favourable machining outcomes, such as reduced shear plane angle, reduced average cutting forces, improved surface roughness, lower residual stresses on the machined surface, reduced tool–chip interface contact length and increased chip flow velocity. Furthermore, a scientific explanation of the improved surface finish was revealed using a state-of-the-art MD simulation model which suggested that during SDM, a combination of both the cutting action and rough polishing action help improve the machined surface finish.
In this paper, a newly proposed machining method named “surface defect machining” (SDM) [Wear, 302, 2013 (1124-1135)] was explored for machining of nanocrystalline beta silicon carbide (3C-SiC) at 300K using MD simulation. The results were compared with isothermal high temperature machining at 1200K under the same machining parameters, emulating ductile mode micro laser assisted machining (µ-LAM) and with conventional cutting at 300 K. In the MD simulation, surface defects were generated on the top of the (010) surface of the 3C-SiC work piece prior to cutting, and the workpiece was then cut along the <100> direction using a single point diamond tool at a cutting speed of 10 m/sec. Cutting forces, sub-surface deformation layer depth, temperature in the shear zone, shear plane angle and friction coefficient were used to characterize the response of the workpiece. Simulation results showed that SDM provides a unique advantage of decreased shear plane angle which eases the shearing action. This in turn causes an increased value of average coefficient of friction in contrast to the isothermal cutting (carried at 1200 K) and normal cutting (carried at 300K). The increase of friction coefficient however was found to aid the cutting action of the tool due to an intermittent dropping in the cutting forces, lowering stresses on the cutting tool and reducing operational temperature. Analysis shows that the introduction of surface defects prior to conventional machining can be a viable choice for machining a wide range of ceramics, hard steels and composites compared to hot machining.
Os estudos de maquinabilidade de biomateriais e outros materiais aplicados na área médica são extensos. Todavia, muitos destes estudos recorrem a modelos de geometria regular e operações elementares de maquinagem. Relativamente a estas, os estudos académicos atualmente disponíveis mostram que a tecnologia preferencial é o torneamento, opção que se fundamenta na simplicidade de análise (corte ortogonal). Saliente-se ainda que, neste contexto, a liga de titânio Ti-6Al-4V constitui o biomaterial mais utilizado. Numa perspetiva complementar, refira-se que as publicações científicas evidenciam que a informação disponível sobre a fresagem Ti-6Al-4V não é muito extensa e a do Co-28Cr-6Mo é quase inexistente. A presente dissertação enquadra-se neste domínio e representa mais uma contribuição para o estudo da maquinabilidade das ligas de Titânio e de crómio-cobalto. A aplicação de operações de maquinagem complexas, através do recurso a programas informáticos de fabrico assistido por computador (CAM), em geometrias complexas, como é o caso das próteses femorais anatómicas, e o estudo comparativo da maquinabilidade das ligas Co-28Cr-6Mo e Ti-6Al-4V, constituem os objetivos fundamentais deste trabalho de doutoramento. Neste trabalho aborda-se a problemática da maquinabilidade das ligas metálicas usadas nos implantes ortopédicos, nomeadamente as ligas de titânio, de crómiocobalto e os aços Inoxidáveis. Efetua-se ainda um estudo da maquinagem de uma prótese femoral com uma forma geométrica complexa, onde as operações de corte foram geradas recorrendo às tecnologias de fabrico assistido por computador (CAD/CAM). Posteriormente, procedeu-se ao estudo da maquinabilidade das duas ligas usadas neste trabalho, dando uma atenção particular à determinação das forças de corte para diferentes velocidades de corte. Para além da monitorização da evolução da força de corte, o desgaste das ferramentas, a dureza e a rugosidade foram avaliadas, em função da velocidade de corte imposta. Por fim, com base nas estratégias de maquinagem adotadas, analisa-se a maquinabilidade e selecionam-se os parâmetros de corte mais favoráveis para as ligas de Titânio e Crómio-cobalto. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a liga de crómio-cobalto induz maior valor de força de corte do que a liga de titânio. Observa-se um aumento progressivo das forças de corte quando a velocidade de corte aumenta, até atingir o valor máximo para a velocidade de corte de 80m/min, após a qual, a força de corte tende a diminuir. Apesar do fabricante das ferramentas recomendar a velocidade de corte de 50 m/min para ambos os materiais, conclui-se que a velocidade de corte de 65 m/min induz o mesmo desgaste na ferramenta de corte no caso da liga de titânio, e menor desgaste no caso da liga de crómio-cobalto.
Thin slices of soft flexible solids have negligible bending resistance and hence store negligible elastic strain energy; furthermore such offcuts are rarely permanently deformed after slicing. Cutting forces thus depend only on work of separation (toughness work) and friction. These simplifying assumptions are not as restrictive as it might seem, and the mechanics are found to apply to a wide variety of foodstuffs and biological materials. The fracture toughness of such materials may be determined from cutting experiments: the use of scissors instrumented for load and displacement is a popular method where toughness is obtained from the work areas beneath load–displacement plots. Surprisingly, there is no analysis for the variation of forces with scissor blade opening and this paper provides the theory. Comparison is made with experimental results in cutting with scissors. The analysis is generalised to cutting with blades of variable curvature and applied to a commercial food cutting device having a rotating spiral plan form blade. The strong influence of the ‘slice/push ratio’ (blade tangential speed to blade edge normal speed) on the cutting forces is revealed. Small cutting forces are important in food cutting machinery as damage to slices is minimised. How high slice/push ratios may be achieved by choice of blade profile is discussed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper is presented an experimental research in which the grinding of seating surfaces of inlet engine valves was improved by the adoption of the most effective cutting fluid type, matching the new requirements of cutting fluid application. Four different types of cutting fluids (straight oil and three different types of soluble oils) were analyzed. As qualitative and quantitative evaluation parameters of the performance of the cutting fluids, the roughness, the grinding wheel wear, the cutting force and the workpiece residual stress were determined. As a conclusion, the straight oil was the cutting fluid that presented the best results in all of the parameters analyzed. Copyright © 2000 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
Grinding is a precision machining process which is widely used in the manufacture of components requiring fine tolerances and smooth surfaces. There are several imput parameters (cutting conditions, cutting fluid and grinding wheel type used, dressing conditions etc.) which can affect the process variables (tangential and normal cutting forces, roughness, grinding temperatures, G ratio, etc.) leading to differences in the roughness, in the surface integrity and in the mechanical strength of the ground component. Consequently, the imput parameters must be controlled in order to insure the workpiece final quality. This paper presents a comparative evaluation of the performance of two types of grinding wheels [a conventional (Al2O3) and a superabrasive (CBN)] when grinding a VC131 steel, by the analysis of specific process variables when varying the cutting conditions. Highest values of G ratio and lowest workpiece roughness was observed when using CBN grinding wheels. This confirms the global trend of replacement of alumina grinding wheels by CBN, when grinding DTG (difficult to grind) materials.
An alternative for grinding of sintered ceramic is the machining on the green state of the ceramic, which presents easy cutting without the introduction of harmful defects to its mechanical resistance. However, after sintering there are invariably distortions caused by the heterogeneous distribution of density gradients, which are located in the most outlying portions of the compacted workpiece. In order to minimize these density gradients, this study examined the influence of different allowance values and their corresponding influence in distortion after sintering alumina specimens with 99.8 % purity by turning operation using cemented carbide tool. Besides distortion, other output variables were analyzed, such as tool wear, cutting force and surface roughness of green and sintered ceramics. Results showed a distortion reduction up to 81.4%. Green machining is beneficial for reducing surface roughness in both green and sintered states. Cutting tool wear has a direct influence on surface roughness and cutting force.