934 resultados para Curso de administração
As grandes Revoluções que a história oficial relata apresentam um aspecto comum: a evolução do processo de comunicação aliada à evolução tecnológica. A partir do Século XX, as informações passaram a circular em número e em velocidade escalares. A interdependência e a interligação dos países, nações e pessoas estreitaram-se, pois a mobilidade no espaço virtual, progressivamente, relativiza as distâncias e os espaços geofísicos. Todavia, a avalanche de conhecimento, de aprimoramento científico e de desenvolvimento econômico parece não ser suficiente para responder, concretamente, as questões que ainda assolam a humanidade. Neste cenário, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo aproximar a concepção de ser humano para discentes do curso de administração com as categorias existenciais presentes no pensamento de Edith Stein, por meio dos objetivos específicos: Compreender o que é ser humano para o discente do curso de administração em uma IES Confessional do ABC Paulista; descrever o que é ser humano a partir do pensamento fenomenológico de Edith Stein; buscar convergências, divergências e/ou idiossincrasias entre os relatos de discentes do curso de administração em uma IES Confessional do ABC Paulista e o pensamento de Edith Stein. Para tal, foram colhidos cinco relatos de discentes de administração, por meio dos quais foram feitas aproximações, convergências-divergências com as categorias analíticas da concepção de ser humano no pensamento de Edith Stein para cada sujeito, tendo como questão norteadora: o que é ser humano para você ? Após a coleta, as entrevistas foram analisadas tendo como referência os trabalhos de Edith Stein (fenomenologia eidética), Castro (2003), Flauzino (2012) e Estanislau (2010), cumprindo as seguintes etapas: literalização dos relatos ingênuos, levantamento das unidades de sentido, levantamento e análise fenomenológica das categorias, as quais possibilitaram o diálogo intersubjetivo e objetivo com os pressupostos teóricos sobre o tema em pauta. Categorias estas denominadas de: 1. Corpo Físico e Corpo Vivente; 2. Espírito; Sujeito Psicofísico; 3. Comunidade. A partir da análise das categorias, observou-se que a concepção de ser humano conflui para a unidade do ser, ser este que é composto por corpo vivente, psique e espírito, de forma a possibilitar relações com o outro e com o ambiente. Não é possível ser humano sem um encontro com o outro, sem o respeito mútuo, sem a liberdade de ser o que se é. Emerge a dos relatos a dimensão comunitária, somente na qual se é possível realizar a humanidade, por meio de atos de liberdade, respeito e de compaixão. Desvelou-se também dentro destes relatos, que quando se é humano, a vida em seu todo é realizada de forma harmoniosa. Poder-se-á, então, por meio do revelar-se do fenômeno, obter uma nova forma de olhar, de pensar e questionar as práticas vivenciadas na Administração, contribuindo com a formação de uma massa crítica para as ciências sociais aplicadas da administração, ao refletir sobre o que há de mais estruturante e nuclear no discente de administração.
O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar a contribuição do curso de Administração na formação de uma visão sistêmica das relações sociais, econômicas e ambientais dos seus egressos na visão dos mesmos. A tomada de decisões no ambiente corporativo requer que se considerem os interesses sociais e ambientais, além do econômico; devido, em particular, à atual crise civilizatória em que vivemos. A metodologia utilizada é a qualitativa, por meio da pesquisa exploratória, bibliográfica e de campo. O trabalho buscou aliar o suporte teórico, por meio das contribuições de Elkington (1994), Sachs (2006), Porrit (2007), Aligleri (2009), Barbierri (2010), Fazenda (2001,2008) Freire (1981,1987,1996), Leff (2009), Leonard (1997), Kleiton (2012), Tilbury e Wortman (2004), Freeman (1984), Savage (1991), Mitchell (1997), Katz (1990), Martinelli (1997), ao campo empírico, tendo sido aplicadas entrevistas em profundidade com egressos do curso bacharelado em Administração que cursaram a disciplina de sustentabilidade. De acordo com a pesquisa realizada, identificou-se que os egressos não consideram que a disciplina de sustentabilidade tenha contribuído para o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais significativas para um administrador com uma visão sistêmica, entretanto quando o tema foi abordado de forma interdisciplinar houve maior aproveitamento por parte dos egressos.
Este estudo apresenta uma análise sobre o ensino do empreendedorismo na formação do discente no curso de Bacharelado em Administração. A pesquisa foi realizada em três instituições privadas de ensino superior, localizadas no estado de São Paulo, com aplicação de questionário para alunos de primeiro e último períodos do curso, com levantamento quantitativo de dados. Também utilizou informações fornecidas pelos coordenadores do curso, por meio de pesquisa qualitativa. Em relação à pesquisa bibliográfica foram mencionados estudos sobre o desenvolvimento do ensino do empreendedorismo, os diversos conceitos apresentados pelos estudiosos do assunto, o histórico da universidade brasileira e os caminhos percorridos pelo ensino do empreendedorismo. O referencial teórico foi finalizado com uma abordagem sobre a cultura organizacional, que englobou as diferenças entre culturas organizacionais tradicionais e empreendedoras. O estudo foi desenvolvido enfatizando-se a importância do estímulo na criação de empreendimentos próprios e no desenvolvimento e prática de atitudes empreendedoras, como modelo de projeção profissional e encarreiramento nas organizações. Quanto aos resultados, essa dissertação apresentou as variáveis que apontam a relação entre o ensino do empreendedorismo e as características empreendedoras do discente do curso de Administração, como fatores determinantes para o desenvolvimento empreendedor.
As Inteligências Emocionais (IEs) têm sido objeto de estudo e discussão nos últimos quinze anos. Todavia, escassos são os estudos científicos, sobremaneira no campo da educação, voltados para o entendimento dos desafios e possibilidades das IEs no cenário do ensino superior. O modelo newtoniano-cartesiano, assumido por setores dominantes de nossa cultura de forma racionalista e reducionista, vem se estabelecendo desde tempos remotos, mais especificamente a partir do século XVI, avançando até os tempos atuais e trazendo muitas marcas para os diferentes campos da cultura ocidental, inclusive para a educação. Como características deste modelo, passíveis de crítica, estão a fragmentação do conhecimento, o foco na especialização e, a instituição de uma relação pedagógica dominadora e não dialogal que negligencia as múltiplas inteligências desenvolvidas e presentes nos indivíduos. Essas características contribuíram para o estabelecimento de uma sociedade de conhecimentos parcelares, para a disjunção entre sujeito e objeto, o descuido nas relações do homem para consigo mesmo, dele para com os demais homens e, dele para com os demais seres vivos que cohabitam o planeta, culminando numa intensa crise planetária. Urge discutir e rever o paradigma newtoniano-cartesiano, dado ao fato de que os resultados colhidos nestes últimos quinhentos anos, se por um lado nos beneficiaram do ponto de vista científico e tecnológico, não mais respondem aos problemas e necessidades com os quais nos deparamos, de modo especial na educação. Delimito esta pesquisa no âmbito do Ensino Superior e, no interior deste, no campo dos estudos de graduação em Administração. As perguntas que motivam o meu trabalho são: 1. Os professores do Curso de Administração consideram as dimensões emocionais em seu trabalho docente? 2. Eles sabem o que são IEs? 3. Que dificuldades eles vêem para desenvolver um trabalho com as dimensões emocionais? 4. Eles vêem possibilidades positivas no trabalho com as IEs? 5. Que pistas as respostas às perguntas acima sugerem à formação continuada de professores no campo da Administração? 6. Ao planejar e organizar suas aulas o professor tem vista o trabalho com a dimensão afetiva? Para fazer a crítica da educação construída na perspectiva newtoniano-cartesiana assumi como referências principais Morin (1995, 2000), Santos (1988) e Moraes (1997). Para estudar a construção do conhecimento considerando as IEs tomei como referências para esta pesquisa Gardner (1995), Izquierdo (2002) e Valle (2003). Foi realizada uma pesquisa de campo com seis (6) professores de um Curso de Administração, mediante um questionário estruturado. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar as principais dificuldades dos docentes quando se pensa num trabalho pedagógico sensível às inteligências emocionais e, estudando estas dificuldades à luz dos teóricos por mim trazidos, construírem possíveis pistas para uma ação formativa, na perspectiva da formação continuada, que considere também o determinante das inteligências emocionais.(AU)
This work aims to describe how is occurring through the process of institutionalizing the Administration distance course of UFRN. To this end, structured into two parts: through research and analysis of content, sought to impound as if gave historic process of creation, as well as identify variables isomórficas, proposed by Powell and DiMaggio (1991), on the actions undertaken, and still present, institutional actors-having been found three typologies; then investigated the process itself, analyzing the factors of institutionalization suggested Esman (1966-1972), internal structure doctrine, leadership programme, resources, links and exchanges, from the political plan educational course. As the research methodology was defined as qualitative, even though I used survey to collect, reviewed the second ANOVA. The results found in this step pointed out that only the doctrine and internal structure variables are consistent with the assumptions of model; we found for other, discharged indicated a gap between the political acts contemplated in teaching and the actions taken so far, unfavourable element to its legitimacy. However, although the implications found in the analysis of these factors suggest that this course can derive one more discontinuous Government proposal of distance course, this study believes that are still reasonable assistance to facilitate and promote the process aimed at strengthening the progress achieved so far in the success of its institutionalization
This work aims to describe how is occurring through the process of institutionalizing the Administration distance course of UFRN. To this end, structured into two parts: through research and analysis of content, sought to impound as if gave historic process of creation, as well as identify variables isomórficas, proposed by Powell and DiMaggio (1991), on the actions undertaken, and still present, institutional actors-having been found three typologies; then investigated the process itself, analyzing the factors of institutionalization suggested Esman (1966-1972), internal structure doctrine, leadership programme, resources, links and exchanges, from the political plan educational course. As the research methodology was defined as qualitative, even though I used survey to collect, reviewed the second ANOVA. The results found in this step pointed out that only the doctrine and internal structure variables are consistent with the assumptions of model; we found for other, discharged indicated a gap between the political acts contemplated in teaching and the actions taken so far, unfavourable element to its legitimacy. However, although the implications found in the analysis of these factors suggest that this course can derive one more discontinuous Government proposal of distance course, this study believes that are still reasonable assistance to facilitate and promote the process aimed at strengthening the progress achieved so far in the success of its institutionalization
The current study presents the characteristics of self-efficacy of students of Administration course, who work and do not work. The study was conducted through a field research, descriptive, addressed quantitatively using statistical procedures. Was studied a population composed of 394 students distributed in three Higher Education Institutions, in the metropolitan region of Belém, in the State of Pará. The sampling was not probabilistic by accessibility, with a sample of 254 subjects. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire composed of a set of questions divided into three sections: the first related to sociodemographic data, the second section was built to identify the work situation of the respondent and the third section was built with issues related to General Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale proposed by Schwarzer and Jerusalem (1999). Sociodemographic data were processed using methods of descriptive statistics. This procedure allowed characterizing the subjects of the sample. To identify the work situation, the analysis of frequency and percentage was used, which allowed to classify in percentage, the respondents who worked and those that did not work, and the data related to the scale of self-efficacy were processed quantitatively by the method of multivariate statistics using the software of program Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows - SPSS, version 17 from the process of Exploratory Factor Analysis. This procedure allowed characterizing the students who worked and the students who did not worked. The results were discussed based on Social Cognitive Theory from the construct of self-efficacy of Albert Bandura (1977). The study results showed a young sample, composed the majority of single women with work experience, and indicated that the characteristics of self-efficacy of students who work and students who do not work are different. The self-efficacy beliefs of students who do not work are based on psychological expectations, whereas the students who work demonstrated that their efficacy beliefs are sustained by previous experiences. A student who does not work proved to be reliant in their abilities to achieve a successful performance in their activities, believing it to be easy to achieve your goals and to face difficult situations at work, simply by invest a necessary effort and trust in their abilities. One who has experience working proved to be reliant in their abilities to conduct courses of action, although know that it is not easy to achieve your goals, and in unexpected situations showed its ability to solve difficult problems
This work addresses the study of interdisciplinarity in higher administration education, a topic of great relevance in the present context, due to guidelines issued by Ministry of Education through the National Curriculum Guidelines -NCGs for undergraduate courses in Management. The attention on the subject emerges from the gained experience of a researcher and teacher working as manager of an undergraduate course in Business Administration who set up interdisciplinarity through interdisciplinary projects in a management course pedagogical project at a private university in State of Pará/Brazil. The work rebuilds and reports experiences, and studies the practice of lecturers involved in those interdisciplinary actions. The study aimed to identify changes in pedagogical practices of teachers involved in the searched interdisciplinary experience. To address the questions that directed the work and achieve proposed objectives, from a qualitative approach, a significant bibliographical and documentary work was conducted on the topic. In the survey carried out on secondary sources such as publications of major authors and scientific papers reporting interdisciplinary experiences in higher administration education, it was found that interdisciplinarity for its ambiguous character is still poorly understood by teachers, and reports on its application in administration teaching are incipient. This study also used data collected from primary sources, from dialogues through interviews with educational fellows - teachers and officers of the institution that served as locus of the research, who had the opportunity to experience the studied interdisciplinary experience. Data were processed and analyzed using content analysis technique. Research results showed that teachers of the institution of research have a good understanding of meaning of interdisciplinarity as a link between disciplines; it was also found substantial evidence of changes in teaching practices and actions of such teachers based on their participation in interdisciplinary projects. Although the experience studied can be considered innovative and challenging, much needs to be done in the course management for achievement of interdisciplinary actions in the course, particularly regarding to the removal of institutional, methodological, psychosocial, epistemological obstacles in operationalizing interdisciplinary practices, with emphasis on the need of a process of continuous and specific training aiming at developing skills for interdisciplinary acting, to the extent that these education professionals do not perceive themselves able to act as interdisciplinary lecturers
The current study presents the characteristics of self-efficacy of students of Administration course, who work and do not work. The study was conducted through a field research, descriptive, addressed quantitatively using statistical procedures. Was studied a population composed of 394 students distributed in three Higher Education Institutions, in the metropolitan region of Belém, in the State of Pará. The sampling was not probabilistic by accessibility, with a sample of 254 subjects. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire composed of a set of questions divided into three sections: the first related to sociodemographic data, the second section was built to identify the work situation of the respondent and the third section was built with issues related to General Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale proposed by Schwarzer and Jerusalem (1999). Sociodemographic data were processed using methods of descriptive statistics. This procedure allowed characterizing the subjects of the sample. To identify the work situation, the analysis of frequency and percentage was used, which allowed to classify in percentage, the respondents who worked and those that did not work, and the data related to the scale of self-efficacy were processed quantitatively by the method of multivariate statistics using the software of program Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows - SPSS, version 17 from the process of Exploratory Factor Analysis. This procedure allowed characterizing the students who worked and the students who did not worked. The results were discussed based on Social Cognitive Theory from the construct of self-efficacy of Albert Bandura (1977). The study results showed a young sample, composed the majority of single women with work experience, and indicated that the characteristics of self-efficacy of students who work and students who do not work are different. The self-efficacy beliefs of students who do not work are based on psychological expectations, whereas the students who work demonstrated that their efficacy beliefs are sustained by previous experiences. A student who does not work proved to be reliant in their abilities to achieve a successful performance in their activities, believing it to be easy to achieve your goals and to face difficult situations at work, simply by invest a necessary effort and trust in their abilities. One who has experience working proved to be reliant in their abilities to conduct courses of action, although know that it is not easy to achieve your goals, and in unexpected situations showed its ability to solve difficult problems
This work addresses the study of interdisciplinarity in higher administration education, a topic of great relevance in the present context, due to guidelines issued by Ministry of Education through the National Curriculum Guidelines -NCGs for undergraduate courses in Management. The attention on the subject emerges from the gained experience of a researcher and teacher working as manager of an undergraduate course in Business Administration who set up interdisciplinarity through interdisciplinary projects in a management course pedagogical project at a private university in State of Pará/Brazil. The work rebuilds and reports experiences, and studies the practice of lecturers involved in those interdisciplinary actions. The study aimed to identify changes in pedagogical practices of teachers involved in the searched interdisciplinary experience. To address the questions that directed the work and achieve proposed objectives, from a qualitative approach, a significant bibliographical and documentary work was conducted on the topic. In the survey carried out on secondary sources such as publications of major authors and scientific papers reporting interdisciplinary experiences in higher administration education, it was found that interdisciplinarity for its ambiguous character is still poorly understood by teachers, and reports on its application in administration teaching are incipient. This study also used data collected from primary sources, from dialogues through interviews with educational fellows - teachers and officers of the institution that served as locus of the research, who had the opportunity to experience the studied interdisciplinary experience. Data were processed and analyzed using content analysis technique. Research results showed that teachers of the institution of research have a good understanding of meaning of interdisciplinarity as a link between disciplines; it was also found substantial evidence of changes in teaching practices and actions of such teachers based on their participation in interdisciplinary projects. Although the experience studied can be considered innovative and challenging, much needs to be done in the course management for achievement of interdisciplinary actions in the course, particularly regarding to the removal of institutional, methodological, psychosocial, epistemological obstacles in operationalizing interdisciplinary practices, with emphasis on the need of a process of continuous and specific training aiming at developing skills for interdisciplinary acting, to the extent that these education professionals do not perceive themselves able to act as interdisciplinary lecturers
The current study presents the characteristics of self-efficacy of students of Administration course, who work and do not work. The study was conducted through a field research, descriptive, addressed quantitatively using statistical procedures. Was studied a population composed of 394 students distributed in three Higher Education Institutions, in the metropolitan region of Belém, in the State of Pará. The sampling was not probabilistic by accessibility, with a sample of 254 subjects. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire composed of a set of questions divided into three sections: the first related to sociodemographic data, the second section was built to identify the work situation of the respondent and the third section was built with issues related to General Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale proposed by Schwarzer and Jerusalem (1999). Sociodemographic data were processed using methods of descriptive statistics. This procedure allowed characterizing the subjects of the sample. To identify the work situation, the analysis of frequency and percentage was used, which allowed to classify in percentage, the respondents who worked and those that did not work, and the data related to the scale of self-efficacy were processed quantitatively by the method of multivariate statistics using the software of program Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows - SPSS, version 17 from the process of Exploratory Factor Analysis. This procedure allowed characterizing the students who worked and the students who did not worked. The results were discussed based on Social Cognitive Theory from the construct of self-efficacy of Albert Bandura (1977). The study results showed a young sample, composed the majority of single women with work experience, and indicated that the characteristics of self-efficacy of students who work and students who do not work are different. The self-efficacy beliefs of students who do not work are based on psychological expectations, whereas the students who work demonstrated that their efficacy beliefs are sustained by previous experiences. A student who does not work proved to be reliant in their abilities to achieve a successful performance in their activities, believing it to be easy to achieve your goals and to face difficult situations at work, simply by invest a necessary effort and trust in their abilities. One who has experience working proved to be reliant in their abilities to conduct courses of action, although know that it is not easy to achieve your goals, and in unexpected situations showed its ability to solve difficult problems
This work addresses the study of interdisciplinarity in higher administration education, a topic of great relevance in the present context, due to guidelines issued by Ministry of Education through the National Curriculum Guidelines -NCGs for undergraduate courses in Management. The attention on the subject emerges from the gained experience of a researcher and teacher working as manager of an undergraduate course in Business Administration who set up interdisciplinarity through interdisciplinary projects in a management course pedagogical project at a private university in State of Pará/Brazil. The work rebuilds and reports experiences, and studies the practice of lecturers involved in those interdisciplinary actions. The study aimed to identify changes in pedagogical practices of teachers involved in the searched interdisciplinary experience. To address the questions that directed the work and achieve proposed objectives, from a qualitative approach, a significant bibliographical and documentary work was conducted on the topic. In the survey carried out on secondary sources such as publications of major authors and scientific papers reporting interdisciplinary experiences in higher administration education, it was found that interdisciplinarity for its ambiguous character is still poorly understood by teachers, and reports on its application in administration teaching are incipient. This study also used data collected from primary sources, from dialogues through interviews with educational fellows - teachers and officers of the institution that served as locus of the research, who had the opportunity to experience the studied interdisciplinary experience. Data were processed and analyzed using content analysis technique. Research results showed that teachers of the institution of research have a good understanding of meaning of interdisciplinarity as a link between disciplines; it was also found substantial evidence of changes in teaching practices and actions of such teachers based on their participation in interdisciplinary projects. Although the experience studied can be considered innovative and challenging, much needs to be done in the course management for achievement of interdisciplinary actions in the course, particularly regarding to the removal of institutional, methodological, psychosocial, epistemological obstacles in operationalizing interdisciplinary practices, with emphasis on the need of a process of continuous and specific training aiming at developing skills for interdisciplinary acting, to the extent that these education professionals do not perceive themselves able to act as interdisciplinary lecturers
O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar e analisar o nível de satisfação, de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho, segundo o modelo teórico de Walton (1973), de professores universitários do curso de Administração de Empresas, em uma universidade pública e em uma privada, ambas localizadas no Rio Grande do Sul. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva e comparativa, cujo enfoque foi quantitativo, através de um survey. Os resultados apontam os professores da universidade privada com nível de satisfação superior aos professores da universidade pública, em relação aos indicadores de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho. Observa-se, porém, que existem pontos críticos de insatisfação na universidade privada e pública.
Esta tese trata de um tema fundamental na sociedade moderna: gestão escolar. O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir com o gestor, ou a gestora, de Instituições de Ensino Superior de tal forma que ele, ou ela, tenha uma orientação calcada em resultados científicos sobre que ações e medidas devem ser tomadas para melhorar o desempenho de seus formandos em exames padronizados como o Exame Nacional de Cursos (ENC), também conhecido como Provão. Com base em uma extensa pesquisa de modelos de desempenho escolar, foi desenvolvido um modelo conceitual estimável pela técnica dos Modelos Lineares Hierárquicos. A seguir, o modelo estatístico foi ajustado utilizando-se os dados de desempenho escolar dos formandos do curso de Administração de Empresas que realizaram o de 2003. Com base nos resultados obtidos, procurou-se sugerir aos gestores escolares ações. Dessa forma, procurou-se preencher dois objetivos no início deste trabalho: (1) identificar variáveis que ajudem a explicar o desempenho de formandos nos cursos de graduação em Administração de Empresas em exames nacionais como o Provão e o ENADE e (2) oferecer insumos aos gestores de IES de Administração de Empresas sobre como seria possível gerenciar aquelas variáveis que estejam dentro do controle da instituição. Três variáveis, em especial, tiveram um efeito acentuado sobre o desempenho escolar no Provão: fluência na língua inglesa, freqüência de uso de computadores e avaliação que os respondentes fazem das competências a que foram expostos durante o curso superior. Porém, duas dificuldades de medição associadas a esses resultados devem ser consideradas. Em primeiro lugar, a fluência em inglês e o uso de computadores incorporam, em seu efeito, o efeito de variáveis latentes não incorporadas neste estudo. Dessa forma, a origem do efeito dessas duas variáveis não pode ser totalmente esclarecida e o gestor deve tomar diversas ações a fim de cobrir diversas possibilidades distintas. Em segundo lugar, está o fato de que a avaliação que se faz das competências é baseada na percepção de cada aluno e não em medidas intrínsecas de competências desenvolvidas ao longo do curso. Portanto, parte-se da premissa de que os alunos, em média, avaliam, corretamente, as competências que seus cursos os ajudaram a desenvolver. Nas limitações a este estudo, destacaram-se a unidimensionalidade do construto de eficácia escolar e o fato de que a variável utilizada considera o desempenho bruto dos alunos, não sendo uma medida de valor agregado. Além disso, mencionou-se, como limitação, a impossibilidade de se precisar a origem dos efeitos da fluência em inglês e do uso de computadores. Finalmente, as oportunidades de pesquisas futuras tratam de quatro áreas de pesquisas possíveis: (1) estudos comparativos com os resultados de cursos superiores em outras áreas; (2) estudos longitudinais; (3) ampliação do construto eficácia escolar e (4) construção de escalas e indicadores. Cada uma dessas áreas de pesquisa auxiliariam na superação das limitações encontradas no desenvolvimento deste trabalho.
O presente estudo descreve a execução do Estágio Curricular Obrigatório dos Cursos de Administração no Maranhão relacionado ao que estabelece a Lei nº 11.788/08. Aponta-se o modelo gerencial e a percepção do aluno sobre a prática do estágio que vem sendo aplicado. Evidencia-se a organização curricular dos cursos de administração no Maranhão e sua carga horária conforme o contexto local, considerando as Diretrizes, Resoluções e Leis que regem o Curso de Administração bacharelado, estabelecendo uma análise de resultados voltada para percepção do aluno sobre a execução do Estágio. A partir da descrição da atual situação, poderemos chamar a atenção para uma visão mais ampla no processo de execução do Estágio, pois o curso como um todo precisa estar coerente com as Diretrizes e com as leis que regem o ensino superior, fato considerado como ponto crucial para aprovação e reconhecimento do Projeto de cada curso ofertado no país.